HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-23, Page 1e.; ' TeSeeoie aeOec, •. • • • : • VoE'XXXV No. 4t ZURICH, THURSDAY MO Patronize the home Back to Britain Comment is being made upon the great interest shown by :the people Of .the United States in the IGng's ,jubilee celebration. It wasa Wend- elyeinterest, too. A prominent jourrt- al the line has even suggested 'that the time may come when the United States will rejoin the British Empire. If such a thing should come to pass, the King would nottrrally 'have to spend a portion, of his time on this continent, and we can imag- ine Washington and Ottawa in a otruggle for recognition as the eise eateantic seat of EinVilftHowever, era exectitive meeting was beld clueing the past week with a light attendance and it is expected that arrangements will not be completed until another executive meeting is held, tion or nominating a candidate. An THOSE CHAIN LETTERS The chain letter menace is again making its inroads in our mails and one knows not when one of these will make .their appearance in your mail box. The Postal employees are advised that if they happen to see any of these to send them to the dead Iettor office, as it is undesira- ble mail. These letters always call -that is for tile futuree—Er. for a dime to be enclosed or some- thing, and looke to In a regular fake we were in receipt of one the other day and no sooner had it reached our observation than. it wass cast in- to the waste per basket, where ie should have went before it was mail - 4. -41 To Determine Action No d .cision has been made By the X'rogresaives of Huron -Perth federal Tiding in regard ta holding a coargen- ed. If you receive one of these be sure and put it in the fire and stop the humbug. To You Need Glasses? $35,00 For Quintuplets -Stop and Think ho important it is - that you wear correct glasses—cor- -rectly prese4hed for your vision. Correctly sty1e4 to your face.. Your 'health niay largely depend on, keen ZURBlaqa, R.po• s cit_le. STORE spnevis baking - • a salt, tve; ZURICR eater four /*lily, at Pfde's 1/4.4'4,3g• 44414'4. 4.-1,444#44-414.fi A million pictures of the Dionne quintuplets will grace /935 calandare through an agreement announced by Joseph Sedgwick of the attorneygen- eral's department. Arrangements we- re completed by a large lithographing • Kli.kor,/,'10 fOri 44i MAY 23, (935. Shoe 'Repairi I wisli to advise the Public am in, 'a position to do all WA shoe repairing, and solicit yo renege. Give us a trial for workmanship. 4/1":4714.3Y/C. -'44- GARFIELD BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V VETERINARY SURGEON' Office in the Home of thee'c•.. , D. J. Routledge. eek' Phone -96. • , In Magistrate's Court# s1 Wqnrei Metzger of the Bank • -.1 Metr 1 staff, Woodstock, was • -ac,quaintances in town on Five cases before Mag. Mai - Goderieh on Thursday last we various infractions of the Hj44, 4.0 Goston of Plattsville, Traffic Act. Hugh Rine, of WAR' •r, Mrs. Mead of 1VIonkton, admitted he had no permit tcei,!owe_ visitors with Mr. and a car, but his horses were sick aiid(K, Siebert, had to get some medicine fine4.eme e e eeee he jumped into a car to get thOereee, - but the police got_him, but. thepage 44; istrate let him off. Alex. Ancle*eeele Lucknow, has ideas of his .owit cffitra rules, he was driving ' wlieken.t: a marker on his trailer phee he et ' company in the D. S., the copyright e holders of photographs of the babies the motor cycle behind him, h put on speed being close to, hone and Mr. Sedgwick acting with the l board of guardians for the little Dio- thought he could get there befo eeWe: -e-enegeeeenee eke -eta raworaramelamosma.i.....s....L.easoge.rmr•••• er Johns°. n of Goderich, day at the home of Mrs. nsore ;Bert K. Eilber of Crediton ' 'friendly call on .Geedriee- e' , - oia Stelek and.Alice Dech- eeforth spent .the week -end latter's parent, -Mrs. C. nnes. Royalties will be paid Into the clunintuplets' fund- The company's Canadian agents will hold rights in Canada. It is said that the estate of the quints is now about $175,000.00. -Were You There? bashful young man was' ievited e een,,. -,...thiee..A-Veraer-een: i. paeze , .e,eHe'eeeeclethat he had fbego en teeend" costs le 'failing' 'e.t comb his 'ItaiteeTheit he drceePect his stop sign, and John lier.-':V,f.' fork ou'V:re flat;sc and ashe stooped paid $10 and costs for driving evi e ,e• to,plek -i upset expect his ceffee. Mat- out a permit, he has not had ;'C PeiVil ters went f* bad. to worse, until mit for years. finally in despair the young man quit! eating and put his hands under the table. The loose ends of the table- STEPHEN COUNCI cloth was laying in his lap. When he .. touched it, he turned pare. He. The Council of the Townseip 0 .,''e The earious articles offered • thought it was his shirt and he had ' Stephen met in the TOwn Thal,, Ale electioneer, Mr. . Klopp were e forgotten to put the garment in his diton, on Monday, the 611 day eg:' 'eeeedily piked up, always to the. • trousers. Afterwards when the Earn- May 1935 at 1 p.m. All member -ell gAst bid.der. The dwelling pro- ily rose, there was a crash. The dish- were present. Minutes •of the pre- lei,,ety,,ee real estate was purchased es /ay in a broken mass on the floor. vious regular meeting of April lst. b, Mr. George Farwell, who is the The young- man pulled three feet of and special meeting of April Gth. Dtesaitt tenant. Mr. Falwell, we tablecloth out of -his pants and flew were read and adopted. Motion, that ailddrstand, in time intends to re - out of the house.. Well Bowl the 1935 Assessment Roll as filed by ocki,the 'house. the Assessor be accepted aid that h „ e • —, he be paid his eaiary and po.ttage and : .-, , PRESENT PLAY officer but he was nipped anyw gardless fo the fact that he we". his own farm when the ofilicerr, a chance to talk to him, the- flee; $2 and costs., Harvey Mille' Lucknow , wiitter car that struepe; ce Margaret Sullre; ceetly, wes fine •,, ,eneee Joe A •',? Luthern dch ZURICH — ONT. • 'A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing Warta,'" Friday, 813.—Luther League. Saturday--Choir Practice - SUNDAY SERVICESe /0 m.—German Service- ' 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School - 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to all Services., E. TUERICHERfle Pastor. Mrs. -erd. Haberer and fr.-and Mrs. Wm. Dech- ilikluy last visitors with re - editor'. Swartzentruber, accom- s Merle Langford, Mrs. ho and Mrs. Ludwig ed to London for the fternoon of this week o eeved as Field. Day by uricheI Continuation School, e out oor sports will be con - The; ublic are cordially in- ' 4e5. „ these sports. yice Program of St. topic or re, s meeting will be Sall 1 Spend 'My Time" will nSidc.red. auction sale of property and iitehold effects in town on Satur- eeefterneon was exceptionally well tehded as many people gathered to ,ve.tee thrill of being at an auction 'A* Chester L. Smith, PoicHeltWe- $1.25 a year, IT.S. $1.50 Advennot sk.ficilfile.11110.4.St.S.*2 *AY BIS C1114314,10* Paper h,•••••••••••=d,•••11M•14.1/ UNUSED OLD JEWELRY *comes Valuable Prec- ious Metal when sold to us for Old Gold. You get the highest prices at Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Peat Genuine Servet Solvay Cdko MILLERS CREEK and Rosedale Alberta Pocahontas Briquets A new Domestic Fuel for every pen - pose. Intense Heat, very little entekat. or Ash. W. R. DAvIDsoN CASH -paid for Eggs on a GraderS' - Basis. Phone 10 HENSellieee 47•<'204-.0-00.0*A'001!*04.01'el g*J0k#4110#00#43,0********-04 A er, *kb 4*- . „ 0 4, • • • • • • • • 0 a Court of Revision for the healing ' • 'e 4 ies' Aido .e Peter's .......e...,—.---........---.....................................-...........,..,......0 of complaints against the Assessmente4e ' * "e - 1;,Itiierati. Church, Zurich, presented Roll be held in the Town Hall, Cd - , on , on elenday. the 27th da0 y 1, ,:ea play entitled "First Aid" in the ite .k, School Loom of et Peter'o il May • at 1 o'clock pan. ' eetheran Church, trodeagen, and et: The following coleespondenee '''v"'; eeee,,,tvent was largely attended and • read 1. Letter from the Assistant en ev exy way a oig bliCeCtib. # 0 • — .4 •,:;.....o..;xx t..,,u;.;...Li.........,,,... '..........A .f.s.' • e clearf;:t-he: harmony orp"ei-TinerariCS-s The new patterns made from British woolens and tailored with die free. e:$401orn of style, give you the easy fee! - mg of always being well-dressed. — See our splendid range priced at $2000 and $21.00 REMEMBER All Suits MADE TO MEASURE WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIAL S FOR Tnuastmy AND SATURDAY 'MAY 23, 25 'Maxwell House* C'effee 1-1b. tin 37c Fancy Red Cation, SalMon Ielb. .... . ...... -19c Golden Bantam Corn, Eggo Baking Powder, itti-oz. tin 23e Tomatoes, choica Quality, large tin, g for 19c Peach Sailthirre.Y1 Cectleiese 2 lbs. for ..-...-..- ..„,: Fig Bar Cookies., 2 The.. Calay Soap, per cake . . . . . ... be ICremo Cefree,, Ph -g. . :et 25c Blue Ribbeee Tea„ black ZT. mi>..•ed, . Eads Red Heed letatchee, 3 for e 25c Blue Ribbon them, • 2 lbs., tin .. . - . e.35c Peanut Batter, 2-lhe. 'Sat. - Salmon:, Pinky X-Iftr., . Ready Cut 111,4P,auni4, ... E ARE WARlEeteeeNG, A SHOWINn OF 'LADIES' SellteS" A.ND COATS: SILK SUITS, AND DRESSES. ALL MOD - mem PRIK.I e&DP AND IRE NEWEST grnos, OP Tilt StASOM YOU MitM SEE lete4E AT 'OUR -MORE ON THURSHAer AND SATURDAY, `TWO RAYS Highest Psines ger Eggs. gleseeeeseeeseesteseeeer.. L 29.111•1".cies1 lereel.e4e steting thit 1;•,. --law No eel cl e.• leee eee. ,epee rive:tele : I a total expenditure of $16,100 peke" with the 'approval of the Deptee Miristee of Highways. Ferree 2. T. too ;Pont the Clerk of Forest with account for $26.31 attached ashie Peement foe the eelief furnished te • Z112iell lioeseshoe Club are orf .to a good. start for this a strong organ....ion, and greatly stimulate the en - and keep the Okays busy and ratteling. A ee-organizati- Kermit Burley and family, Th qe''ee"ing was held. in HoliMan's clerk was instructed to write tkp-!.!-..%;-‘ en Wednesday evening, May Clerk of Forest that we do not con- e:e,,e, when the following tetiicers sicler ourselves liable for the papnerq. .,:y:o elected- President, L. W. of this accuont betause this fareil',:, .,4...i4exfiltal; Y ie e -Pres ,, T. 1‘2, e Yea' s :; Te - we -re not residents of the Toweshie' ebetee‘:11. Steinbach; eirectore Wm. of Stephen on the lst of September ,Irelnlore Leibold, Clare Surerus, 1 e 7,1 e. Tee T.I.,?„8.14 re r yl,p ,,qq,11. : ;;4 ,T. Koehler; Caretaker, Albert that he had received a eheine froMeF4i.:N'), The membership fee will be the Provincial Treasurer amountiejeeeee uuilar, anu all emausinsts are - e -1,-,A „....., .... m PL, az ,iii:,,,,e.R z EA.,.-T.LE-a.„,. al KA, EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL. DIRECTORS ,,,,meeerneree„emeeeneeeeee .7027S ,40011.gratlyakeWPAMIRIMMika), 1.4,W,ILjT.OEM-i Efantk Am. to 44,169.'87 allowance made towarcle the 1934 expenditure of the Town- ship oe Stephen on its highways. Of this amount $20,02 has been credited to Centralia; $82.94 to Crediton; $127.56 •ee Dashwood and $189.06 to Grand Bend Pol. Villages, lowing $3,749.79 for the Township Trea.suiy eeeleested to register early. , .2, A Bad Gypsy Gang :., • The spring season has .again bro- ughtet the influx of gypsie gangs weth all their evil and' dishonest tracks to take money away from the people, and just 'how they do it no Motion, that the following orders on but themselves know. William -be passed. ' •Slack, a ' farmer of Stanley Township Prov. Treasurer, Hall Licen: se 3.00 missed $38 in bills from his purse Can. Bank of Commerce, cashing one day laSt Week after three eye - cheques 1.25;' W. LICleinetives salary si',.twe of whom were women, had as Assessor and postage 113..25! dito ,debarted. Slack told the police, in sheep valuator .90; F. Desjardine '5 seine mysterious manner, no said, teheep 'killed and 1 injured 86.00;...R. thit pueee had been taken from a Holt, rd 20 2.40; P. Eisenbach rri hife.Pocket, relieved of the money it 26 63.80; dit4° gravel 2.70; A. Reg- catehled and returned 'to the same ier rd 0 2,25; G. Eilber salary for poekee unbeknown to him. Provincial Apee 10.60; MI Swcitzer ed 15 4,00 pollee SCauted the coumryside fel P. Mallard rd 16 2.80; A. Latta id tbo,kypsii band, several cars of them 18 4.40; J. Stanlake rd 2 12,60; •! entewanOut results. A general alarm The Council adjourned ,to I -fret •a- ,IleSlheen sent in, all directions, for it gdin for regular business in the leelieved it is the same bead which 'Town Hall, Creditn, on Monday May lute:,relleeed several other Western Val at It p.m. Ontario tanners of their wallets. 'Herbert K. Eilber Clerk. , Y.ur Li We are well giupplie.d with a Gerizzal. Stnk Staple Goods, consisting of Prints, Broadcloths, Curtains, Curtain Materiels, Boys and Girle Summer Sweaters, Boys' Tweed Pant; Bloomers, and Shirts, Men's Shirts and Pants. Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Varnishes and Oils, Shoes, .Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs, Etc., Etc. 1935, Garden Vegetables and Flower Seeds., Also root Seed and Sorgurn. R. Ai% DOUGLAS GE:AIERAL fiaafeeeekbeeller PHONE 11 -97 sassossovisaiszamstusT. Ater BLAKE.