HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-09, Page 8It AGE 1YQHT IIIx.w..�WN.�.pMP•MwMN�M.awWMY+*.! THE STORE WITH THE STOCK ;Annual Congoleum Rug Guessing Contest NOW ON Ending Saturday May lith, . 10..30., p. in. The Guess nearest to number hidden under Gold Seal on Congoleum Rug in Window, Wins a 6x9 Rug absoliutely Frees Qf,ehae� , ASK FOR ENTRY ' BRANK REMEMBER, FOR THIS WEEK ONLY DINNER SETTS 1 only 97 piece sett, Reg. 18.00 for 10.00 1 only 97 piece sett, New Special for 16.50 1 only 97 piece sett, New Special for 11.50 Everything in Men's Work Shirts, Overalls, Under- wear, sox for summer wear. 'See our Men's Straw Hats at each 10e Everything in Garden Seeds now on Display CAUSTIC SODA, New Supply now in 5 lbs 55c. J.GASC O & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 1111111111 111 tIIHli(100 AUTO 1 INSURANCE Protect Yourself Against Financial Loss through Accident, Fire, Theft, Ect. THE COST IS: REASONABLE THE PROTECTION IS NECESSARY An Automobile Accident Policy Costs little and provides Funds in case you receive injuries -It is better to have insurance always and not need it than need it once and not ,have it." Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR W1 LL? 11 IvARDWARE Iyear, be sure and consult Us... And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! SEEDS and FURNITURE r Fent- ing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this F ST FENCE .. . for long We. Come in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've eve, had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. 4 v• ac VIM 4}=jy,e��dit t 3 i.aet i:�P bilaa1111411111,4r h1141111 moos TIGHT t LOCK ZINC BONDED .. e,du,ire FROST f.dk., Hi.( SAVES YOU MONEY' sj PAINTS! PAINTS! • 1 • • • • a • • • • • • • • a • 1' a of theWell no • We carry a full m Known and Tried • and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints,.'Oils, Varnishes, f Also Quick Drying Enamels ared Varnishes; ,:Floor wax vGoodyear Balloon and Cord Tires ,, and - -Tubed 11 7URICH ,1ERA.I �I w.�M+mar�..•.P... -. L•4f •w•reM.•ne..�NwMw!r± ..wMM+u'xr 111111111 1111111111111f 1 11 444.1!,: NE Grocery Store ill '1111111 1i111llI 11111 '11 11 Golden. Wax Beaus, aper eat ' IOc Jelly Powder in glasses, ea • ,,.I ;. 10c Catsup, Cross and Blackw. eUl,'rr ?er bottle 15�c ;Ora ge Marmalade, large a#t' .25c Salmon,, , Keto, . 2 for 1 S ' __._.,.+...,251: Choice, Maple, Buds, per lbl- . 20c-. Prunes, large meaty, 2 lbs + 'I. 25c Walkerside Quality Ice m in all Flavors. Special flavor for this mon 's Burnt Almond Merino Oesch EGGS WANTED. is Zurich Phone 165 11111111 IIIl1I1111111 IIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111I11111111IIIIIIIIIIVUII11111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111IIIIIII111111111111111111lllllllllliui ITEMS OF LOCAL INURES` URES1` Mr. W. H. Golding, M.P., of Sea- forth, was a visitor in town one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. Chambers of Ex- eter called on Mrs. A. C. Meidinger in Hanover on Sunday. Miss Myrtle Wildfong of Elmira, was a week -en -d visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wuerth. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon and son Hugh motored to London op, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stoskopf of Kit- chener visited at the home of Mrs. Thomas Johnsen over Sunday. Mr. Gordon Draper of Toronto, spent the week -end with his friend Mr. Erwin Schilbe. 1V11r. and Mrs. R. F. Stade, and son Harold, and Mrs. L. Kraft enjoyed the week -end with friends in De- troit. Mr. E. E. Wuerth and nephew, Grant Bergy of Kitchener spent the holiday at the former's home here in town. 1 Furniture, in all sizes Springs . and Beds. Felt and Marshal Mattresses • • Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- * ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- • • ware a ways in stock. a. At a recent meeting of ,the Board of Police Trustees for the -village of Zurich, Mr. Geo. Thiel was appointed to -look after the streets in the vil- lage "during il lage`"during 10355. :. Mfr. Alvin Gascho, son of Mi. and. Mrs. Daniel Gascho, who has been the past few years employed in a bake shop at Kitchener, visited at his home recently and has taken a position as baker at Erno, New Ont- ario. DISCONTINUING RELIEF During the past winter 58 heads of families and 260 dependents were on relief in Goderich. At the `'present time about 12 families are :being given aid, but .this will be cu,t. ,gff this week when the welfare board disbands for the year. The nal fimeet ing or the board will be held on May 7th. Golden Wedding at Clinton An interesting event was celebrated on April 20 when Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Pickard marked the 50th anniversary of their marriage, with a gathering of relatives at their home in Clinton. Over 40 were present for the event, including the son, Ezra Pickard and Elizabeth Huller were married at the Hohnesville on April 20th, 1885, the officiating pastor being Rev. Wm Birks. taction, we are going to put the burden of taxation on. the shoulders The weeks of thy weather has now of rthose able to bear it." been broken, and the past week was very cool and plenty of rain, in fact - Seach Ends just a little more than would be needed at present, as there has beenr'r,oderich.--After a search of two considerable water standing around da',is'Dona.ld Dale, wanted on three in the low places in the fields. This .trade counts, was found allegedly moisture if followed by warm wrath sleeping on the floor under a bench er will greatly stimulate the early inia. Seaforth establishment by Con- growth. Fall wheat looks excellent, sables Callander and Snell. On Sat the spring crops are coming up nicely uilay morning Dale appeared before and some fields of grass that were a Fid G. Weir, 3. P., in Goderich and poor catch last year have been work- w. " admitted to $1,000 bail, to ap- ed up and sowed to summer crops. p e next Thursday. A . few days a- The hay and grass crop this year will Dale allegedly drove his truck for likely not be so heavy this year ow- rly 1,000 feet in the ditch of No ing to the unfavorable weather last ighway leaving a trail of wreck - summer when mer w en th e foundation is be- ' • in his wake., ing laid 'for good catches of grass. „• 1 eit �TADE I & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY -- PRICE- SERVICE ' I tl ates686•il0iil 9i+ it Hardware • afl•d Furnitu • . rpt hursday, May .hh, 193U U �}a"rn""^.*w.+.�...�.✓r^m.+M�rNvmx+.nn+uu}Yw..+rrr.Nwno. +:."w 404..1 +1f++> *•F.:••,, f44+4..t yi .;o e.v.�.' YOUR I, STORE. THis SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES '+ • ON TME'' FARM. LET US SUl'1<bur I • you WITH '�'I-IE BEST OF: WGIVEN. VV �` ALSO ` 'HAVE' ; B:ARB. VVIRE. SEE US ABOUT 4. NEW, 4°Q' 'INTG,,RoPI OUGHINGUMBING, AND EVE„ + lit it SPECIALS! SPECIALS Special Gasoline for Stoves, at • 4.per gallate 28c Special Stove Oil, at per gallon 1 3c V• ire also have some very Attractive Prices in Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and .r. Mattresses. I:OCAL MARKETS (tiirrected every -Wednesday) . _ .. 15 .13 10 30 25 90 .... 70 42 Eggs ' Butter• " Zb. creamery Butte : lb.dairy Wheat bash Barley, bush Buckwheat, bush Shorts, ton + ............ 26.00 Bran, on .: 26.00 Flour, cwt. ............... 2.25 3.00 Live Hogs, cwt. .,8.25 Potatoes per bag 50 TOURISTS MAY TAKE LIQUOR Americans have often declared a preference for Canadian liquor but United States custom: officers have told.- all of their countrymen return- ing from : Canada that one bottle Of liquor, is admitted free or duty. Now it; is revealed that an American re- tnrning from Canada is allowed to takce.home 100 worth of liquor If he :so chooses. ,Snake Venom Used Woodstock =While it was announc- ed in Windsor a physician there plan lied to lyse mocasin snake venom in the'.case; hof a young woman suffering fromJ.a blood . disorder,. it became kra Dr.,R.. A. Williams, Is .erscsll phy i Jain has been :successfi.IIy"as-'` ing .�mocasin snake venom in • the treatment; of a: 14 year old country boy, tafiiicted -with Haemophilia. ' :; Nusiance Tax Bill Is Introduced Toronto -Minister of Highways T.. B :,IVfcQuesten introduced a bill in then Ontario' Legislature to amend the` Highways Improvement Act. Itpiopidea for. the ,government assum- 4ing 1*. co al .;cost, ,of • provincial high= ways.. He` alse 'introduced another bile, designed to amend the Highway Tra- ffic Act. It aimed to remove from motor car owners liability for injur- ies to passengers. all Session At Toronto 1efinite announcement was made by Premier M. F. Hepburn there wo- uld;.. be a special fall session of the Ontario legislature to discuss means .of + balancing the province's budget. "Whatever else happens, Ontario is going to balance its budget," said Mr Hepburn who predicted this would be done before the end of the next fisetii year. "If we have to Levy new .rges Youth to Aid Reforin Good Horses For Exeter Race oil. H. H. Stevens; crusading Par- Exeter -The race committee of the entarian from the, WestCoast Exeter OlclBays' Associ :.:on is ofd d former Minister of Trade and to a good, start. Their five stsake Tac- «+nunerce, threw out a ringing •chal- es of $450 each are all closed with +p;'ge to the natidn'S youth tki •lor d a satisfactory number of horses en- eir weight to• reforming the pres- tered in each race. Over 40 cash en-;� t economic system. "Now is the tries came in on the last day's mail, z e to correct the blundersof the and these were well distributed from ipast, but we must enlist the aid o' the good racing stables of Ontario youth, with their clever vision, their and some from Michigan. "'The Old frankness -,and honesty." he said, ov. Boys wilt see nearly t dozen' of the a nationwide radio hoolcu-p Spon best bred three year old pacers that cored by the Canadian Federation of 44 Ontario can produce, start for the `itonth. "We must wait no conger for first time in this district;. In the 2.1 6 ;:that long-delayed upturn in events _pace several of the fastest and most which one reads about so frequentl a successful 1)34 pacers will be racing t the pages of our daily newspap. • 'a it out, on Wednesday, July 31. 4 is," M .SteVoa stated. . frVit USED FURNITURE Two Goad Used C.. hesterfeld Suite's on Hand;. ti Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; ti Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. BE SURE AND SEE THEM !Ik• bhp Sto & Kalbflejsch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 4.44+444.44++++++++++444.44.14+++++++++++++++,44, .44+I+d44.44d++ ++i++l ++++ 444.4 4.1,3 +++++++++++rF.i ++ ' 44 Y4U1ti4I516Ei�'fE94I)U>411U14lIIUIUUfUUUUNflIIIIIUfUIIIINIIItilllll(1114111(UIIIIIU4IUIII111114UIIUIIIIIIIIIUIIIUUIIIIIUUIUIIIUi4111U4U1}UUIULilU41111111111411111111411UlUIIIIIInIIUIlU4UfHl� THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft ............ ....... Cross Bar Buggy Reach .......... Buggy Spokes each 6.00 and 10.00 16.00 and 18.00 12o00 3.00 HBSSJ 41111111011111RIUIUIUU'li1UUlUUt 'IU IIII1E11UU1U11161I1NUU1%411411101IiUUUIRU ill1141GNIUi1111UII1i 1451UUIUhhf33UUU4U111111l111 H 1.00 1.25 25c'. _ i.44.44444+444++++++++++++444+4,44.444+4444++++++++444. .44+4r+&++Io44+Y°4+' +F9t++i+++i+%++++++++444+4,43.^fr+i 4+f+ + 44+ ++F+'11++ ++kf+> 4. *.tint..1.**9094Pitlee•441*.rt ✓ _-.ICii ' GAILAIGE • TUNE TTP YOUR • •CART Don't be discouraged and throw agaw your Car ifit is not functioning as you think it should. Just run it in our Garage and have our Mechanics go over it and You will be surprised of the results. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in Iarge and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or • Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul +=r Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. 4 • 9h 9r • H. Mousseau Zurich • 1 ib#4+i+4++k+t++E+3++t++P+I+3+:i+3++I+R++I+k+lF *444+W+'d+4444+t++i++i+4+d+44 ++I+++++1+. 444444 44444444440444494e4444, 4•+F+ 444, i( :.44,4 ,404,4 11ii 4' • 48 4, Mr... MERCHANT! ERALD OFFICE Do You. Know? - You kghly well that you have power in yoni-,stprat,, to fluence, the decision of your cus- { 1:,; tourers; regard to whalt" they buy from you. Your custoriners rely on-youu to give them products which in; use Nair consumption will -give them complete;' satisfaction. 4' If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly-circulated magazines their, by the same token, it is right to use local weekly newspapers! I area the Master Salesman of this Community,: and my name isi ADVERTISE 4. ***+4+*+* ++ T*^4*44+4440+414.4+4,114444.#00... .11 •