HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-09, Page 5•TinfrS;day,. Way OM; loss BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL ZURICH HERALD 4401 W1.111111111101.11111Millillillall111111111.1111.11.1•1.1swimmem****.e...,-----. Put Your Want, For Sale i.ost., Fount", Etc. Ms, in this umn: Y E. ItoLgus Col 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, 'NOT- ARY PPLIBLIC, ETC. :OFFICE--I-lamiIton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario, 'Special Attention to Councel and Cont Work,: Mr. Holmes may be consulted at tGoderich by ..Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. II. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S, DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK DASHWOOD Eitkry Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. aloommommumommumumsam.w... VETERINARIA.N A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. 'Graduate of Ontario Veterinary 'College, University of Toronto. All ,diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness ennels. Office on Main Street, pposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS ZurichsPopular :MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the FOR SALE Fresh andcur... HA limited quantity of No. 1 Clover very Choice of ey,whilreault lasts at 85 cents a ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, ten pound Ect., always on hand. Kept J. Haberer & Sons, Zurich. fresh in Electric Refrigeration NOTICE Dr. W. B. COXEN Graduate' Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto, will be at the Office of the late Dr. J. Routledge on and after May lath. Phone 96 • Zurich ..,NOTICE heieby Wish.to, notify the people 'of 'Zurich and 'Hay Township, that after 'May 15th I will make by an- nual' rounds in the'eapacity of Health InsPector, and ask every citizen of the community to have IJ their yards outhouses, stables, etc., cleaned and in a good condition to pass the sani- tary laws, and also that people are to have all ashes removed, and refrain from throwing broken glass of any kind on the roads.By rder. Jul. Block, Inspector. PROPERTY For Sale Consisting of one lot, in Zurich, 2 storey frame house in good repair and wired for Hydro; Frame barn, all in good condition. Good hard water well. For further particulars apply to executors. Win. Hey, Zurich. Philip Passold, Dashwood. FOR SALE A Black Percheron colt rising two years old. McCormick -Deering cream separator, brand new, will sell at big reduction. Jos. Draar, Zurich. Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins YUDgbillt 4L Son .'-G A.R A•GE NEW LOW 'PRICES _WILLARD HART BATTERIES — ,••••••••Mi..0•••.•IMIl,1.741•40t1./....•••••••••.• BATTERIES Hay, and Seed Grain For Sale A choice lot of 1934 crop timothy and alfalfa mixed hay, loose, on Lot 25, Con. 1, Hay Township. Also the following- aeed Grain: Spring wheat Earl'y f`Alaslia" oats, rip- "YOly,v..JaH19y kv.vxne<rbarleyd Veraw this variety as preferable for feeding to livestock. Prices on application. Apply te=:" Owen Geiger & Son, Phone 59. • Hensall, Ont. t40 Full One Year Guarantee $4.90 Gasoline with Premium Oils, 15c per Qt. to 40c. GOODYEAR TIRES, Etc. II. B. Wein Phone 60 — DASHWOOD INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Wexler Insurance Co. OV WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN IVIUT- 'UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at RI* on De 81st, 1932; $17,880,729. Used Cars For Sale • We are offering the following used Cars for sale: 1-1932 V8 Ford Sedan 1-1930 Chev. Coach 1-1931 Ford Coach 1-1930 Ford Coupe 1-1928 Ford Coach All these Cars are in Number One Condition L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich NOTICE r am authorized agent and dealer for the Renfrew Products of Cream Separators, Stoves and Washing Machines. Also ..have some used Separators always on hand. If in need of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see me. HUGH THIEL, R.R. 2, Zurich. Phone 93 r 4. pt45 Total poor in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. 'Bates -34.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. Klopp—Zurich Meat, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods -and all kinds LI Fire Insurance PRODUCE PRODUCE WANTED ; LOCAL Mrs. 'William tinero toNo. 'Oent the week -end with her children;•in Goderich. Judge T. M. Costello of 00xlerielh presided at the sitting of the Tenth Division Court here on Thursday Mr. Carl Burn, traveller out of Toronto, spent the week -end Witli his parents at the -Evangelical parsonage. Mrs. Clarence Hoffman MA little babe of Galt are spending the', reek with her parentss 111r, ari *Ts. W. L. Siebert. LWEKR LIQUOR PRICES Toronto—Oonfirming with the re- duction in customs and excise clutieS the liquor Control Boad of OntariO, concurrence •with the Quebec 1.4- quor Commission, will put into effect Tuesday, May 7, a new scale of pris- es on domestic and imported spirits. The board ins dispensing with the 30 under -proof 'Whiskey that was put on the market about a year ago. Here- after all will now be standard 25 un der -proof. On ,some brands as mueli as 50 cents reduction on an ordinary bottle is made. .PPring surely must be hererd! 'nc'se LIBERAL CLURIMEETS, ttenutifut large martins hairgnmade their appearance with their Inrelod, . Seaforth—The regulkr meeting, of ions song, which is so conapicions the Thomas McMillan;Young Liberal • • , Club was held in the' club' rooms on •in 'the early morning,• Friday evening;. W. H. Golding who was the guest speaker, reviewed the work of the Dominion Government and spoke of the terms of the pro- posed Bennett social legislation deal- ing particularly with unemployment and the eight hour day, Dr. R. R. Ross paid tribute to the memory of Thomas 1VreMillan and called the at- tention of the meeting to the picture of Mr. McMillan which had lately be- en placed in the hall: In County Court A very ,fitting birthday party was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. W. Horner on Tuesday, even- ing, the occasion being in honor of Mrs. Hornes, and Miss Jessie, Mac- Donald, whose annual event liappen on the same day, and a good time was experienced by these present. A play entitled "Cranberry Corn- ers" in three acts under the auspices of St. Peter's Luther League will be given in the Town Hall, Zurich d` on Monday May 13th, at 8.15 'Clock p.m. This play is being preSented by the Parkhill Girls' Band an com- es highly recommended. The public are cordially invited to attend, this splendid class a entertadiiment.: Ad- mission 25c and 15c. A meeting of the Zurich Athletic 'Club was held in the Council Chann; bers on Friday evening, which prov- ed a very interesting meeting, as the purpose was to estublisin a ball team for this summer, and 'it was decided to enter a teim.in the O. B. A. this year ant the League in -which Zurich will participate Will likely be HenseT1, Zurich. Seaforth, and Clinton. More definite particu_ I alleged damages from the defendant Stephenson, for alleged failure of lars will be given at a league meeting on Thursday evening hen ehed- the latter to repair the premises oc- Wa. 4.. supied by Jones as tenant and for al -ale will be daawn up. leged wrongful attempt at evicition. St. Peter's Luther League:are in - eluding in the Life Service Day pro - In Police Court gram, two short pageants entitled: "The Spirit of the •Luther leaguev and "Life's Highway". ',The' PUblic, especially the young people are in- vited to this service which will be held in the church on' the:eyiening of Friday May 17th. On Friday ev- ening of this week areae aga4in .ex- necting a large attendance when the topic will be "My Present E.,orne." 'We are in a position to takeUreara and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. H. MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. LICENSED. AUCTIONEER Live •Poult.ty. " Fat: i-turon ,and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON- WANTE • ,dutt anir Auctionl Sale, regardless ••as to size or article to sell. I solicit The rehersal of the case of the Allen brothers, commenced by Judge Costello in County Court on Tuesday of last weck, was adjourned until May 20 e c His Honor had listened. to preliminary arguments by counsel Frank Allen is suing his brother Ben- jamin for $8100 in settlement of cer tain horse deals, the of lend; years of trading in horses by the brothers. The case was heard last year and resulted in 'judgment for Frank Allen. This was appealed. An- other case heard was that of W. Roy Jones against John Stephenson, both of Wingham. Jones is seeking $500 , At the May sitting of the, Tenth Divisinn Court in the local town hall last Thursday Morning, twot '', cases were heard by the NOV-. e-fList was Workman vs.Fecks ;ice-Setw„of.-.5;:No4"tv?,,V tiff and defendant disalrf1e,drfen the, price 'of the service,see44,1x4. the plaintiff asked for $19 forhis. Claim but the judge gave his decision as $14. The other case was Steinbach BUSY DAY AT COURT vs Foster, in which the former. claim- ed $90 damage to injured horse thtaot. -jury ceis sJu.Ce s. entTerbeedrefoarretrieer btefonroen had to he destroyed add damage buggy the result of an accidpi.t • inlIVIakins, in the Supreme Court on Zurich one Sunday evening recently TuesclaY, May 7th. Two are divorce The defendant claimed the horse and eases,neitheerthoefr caseswhich C.icGcontmi eicle stded... buggy were valued too high, .but Among the the judge gave judgment foraienrtiffsheirniffenofeeHtiuorniniinewouhnietyh $90 and ithsnaefoPlin costs. 'After this the public meeting, d. was closed for private work. he seeks $1,600 damae'es from L. E. ). ALL BREEDING ,$TOCK GOVT. APPROVED AND IlLOOD. TESTED. OVER 175 R. O. P. MALES HEAD OUR FLOCKS PAGE FIVE V 410',10010110. McKinley's Baby Chicks, 1935 SPECIAL NOTICE! •After April 1st, one high grade of Chicks only will be sold. All eggs set weigh over 24 -oz. to the dozeri and average about 26 ounzes. • Barred or White Rocks. $13.50 After April 1 $12.50 After April 10 $11.,50 After April 22 $10.50 After May 10 $10.00 After May 24 S. C. White Leghorn& $12.00 $11.00 $10:00 $9.00 $9.00 • TERMS—Cash on Delivery Two Dollars per 100 chicks must accompany mail orders. Chicks delivered when reasonably possible or expressed, Express prepaid. 100% live arrivals guaranteed Phone:. 97 r 11, Hensall J. ELGIN McKINLEY -- ZURICH, ONTARIO ^+++++++.r .i•-:•••:-++++++++++.-: • • • • • * • • t 0 0 -Cut Your Fuel Bill in HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU Ce PHONE ,14 IIERIMMININIIN111111 4444.44+++++++++++++++++++-:+++++++++++++++++++++++++4! 60' WAIT. 111d, (10 ' FLEISC ZURICH elH1100011110,0•001110114aSeaaaellat ellbaaae9000006000.00000011010 • • • ;Only three cases faced Magistrate 0 J. A. Makins last Thursday at Goder- ich when he opened court. It took on- 41 ly 30 minutes to dispose of them all. Harold Elder of Hensall fell into the g toils when - his tail light -failed to a Work.' Traffic (Meer Robinso,i sop- f :44 ped -hilt to tell him about it and found, incidentally, that he did not possess any clrivor's Dermit. The ov- ersight cost him $5 ilus. Marvin Mc- Allister of Goderich Tp., also drove without a permit. This case was let off on suspended e.ientence. Allen Vvery, the yetith who was mixed up ,-hi.,the-vagrancy case with a couple of rd".6ilne gridri—n "CriiittiK-gOrair -ex we.ek's sojourn in jail while his people are'looked up. OBITUARY 1 • Cariff and Ross Cardiff, Morris town- ship, as a result of an accident west of Seaforth on November 9 last. A Mrs. Noah Stebbins countrerclaim for $300 has been en - Mrs. Noah Stebbins, formerly Miss tered by the defendant. Margaret Desjardine, died at her home in Grand Bend after aiillness BOYS' CONFERENCE of about three weeks. She was in 59th year and was widely known On Thursday April 25, the first Boy's Conference in Huron County having kept a boarding house for summer visitors there. She .dm.‘,„; was held in Ontario Street United ived by her husband, a son, Ira, Church, Clinton, with a large at - ' a tendance. The morning devotions Grand Bend, a •brother, Zahliariah Desjardine, of Zurich and two *rand- were conducted by Wingham Trail children. The funeral was held Thurs Rangers with the musical accompan- day last from the residence with Rev iment taken by Rev. R. M. Gale of Bayfield at piano and Mr. M. Christ - T. Wilkie of the Gospel Halt, officiat- ie, Wingham with violin.. Rev. J. F. Wing. Interment was made hi Grand • Anderson, Wingham, Mayor Hohnes Bend cemetery. and Rev. F. G. Farrell both of Olin - Late John Hildebrandt ton, welcomed the groups to confer: The death occurred at the home of ence, town and church respectively. his son, Louis Hildebrand, in Sea- The boys were divided ' into groups forth, on Tuesday, April 30th„ of a and led in discussions by: Rev. Chas. well known resident, in the person lVIalcolm, Eganondville, Rev. 'C. W. D of Mr. John Hildebrand. He had be- Cosens Clinton,Rev. G. W. Butt,. en in poor health since the New Gorrie; Rev. J. F. Anderson Wing' Year, gradually growing weaker un- ham; Mr. Gordon Armour Goderich til the end came. The deceaSed was Mr. Wilmer Harrison Bayfield; Mr. a son of ;the late John Hildebrand Russell Bloomfield Goderich; Rev. and was born on the 14th concession Cosens led in .a sing song and later of Hay Township 74 years ago, the led in the open forum. At this time greater part of his life having been reports from all the discussion gro- spent in that district. 51 years ago ups were given. In the afternoon he was united in marriage to Miss both the boys and girls met at the Chrisinda Meidinger, also of Hay, recreational grounds where •a series and following their marriage had of relays and races were enjoyed. Made his home in Zurich until sixteen The sports were under the capable years ago when they moved to Eg- leadership of Misses Forrest, Miss monclville, where they resided until and Mrs. Trewartha, Mrs.tPockett, the death of Mrs. Hildebrand four Rev. C. W. D. Cesens, Rev G. W. 'years ago; since which time he had Butt, and Wilmer Harrison. An Maxie his home with his son in Sea- address "In quest of the Best" was s given by Rev. J. B.,, Moore, Grand and four daughters, Mrs. A. voster, Bend, during the morning session. Hensall; Mrs. J. Moss and Mrs. L. The girls who had met in Wesley Wood, London; Mrs. J. Vincent, Pres Willis church had dinner in Ontario ton; Messrs. Louis and Barney Hilde Sttreet Church with the boys. Sup - brand, Seaforth, and Mr. - Arnold per was served to all in Wesley -Wil- . irk He lis Church. Rev. J. F. Anderson con - d ducted the Vespers and closing cere- d monies. The boys' officers elected for d the emnieg year are as :follows: J. Grand. Chief, Charles Wellwood, Win s gliarn; Grand Sub. Chief, Jack Snell, n Goderieh; Grand Tally, Benson Sut- L ter, Clinton; Grand Cache, Terry t. Cooper, Goderich.—R. Benson Sulter Tally. • yourhasmess, and ifuot satisfied will forth. He is survived by three son 1.6 • make ne charges for Services Ren- lf,aken every Day till 3 &Clock p.m. dered. net feed Fowl same' morning ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood When brought in .Plume 13-57. • • Hildebrand, Geneva, Wyom g BORN is also survived by three sisters an • HIGHEST CASH PRICES –FOR– CREAM AND EGGS Wm. O'Brien atface mix. tem, 1it, Zurkgto one brother, Mr. William Iiildebran Schilbe--At 14th eon., Hay Town- nensall; MI'S. Thomas Gibson an ship, on April 29th, to 1VIr. and Mrs. T. Zettel, London, and Mrs. Mrs. Henry Schilbe, a son. ;Nott, Owen Sou.nd.. The funeral wa -Sopha—At Bine Water Highway, held' from. the residence of so 'I. Hay .Tawnship, mx May 4t1n to Seaforth, Pridanr May lrd, to o la. and Mrs. Adolph. Somae, a. ciao- anik,'S' Church, Interment S awe' cemetery. Ghtet "0. • .1? ' 1., 0 ; a 1 a SEEDS SEEDS tomF-s- See Us about Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy and Sweet Clover Seeds Save Money by Buying Your Garden Seeds from Us! Garden Seeds in Bulk or Package LET US SUPPL YOU WITH SEED GRAINS! FORMALDEHYDE Bring in your Bottles to be filled. We have a supply. Master and Pioneer Chick Starters. Implement Repairs Cultivator Points to • fit all makes of Cultivators. McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. • L.'Schilbe & Son reiThailiciiiiVANAMMWAM IMAM,/ Zurich Drug Store School Supplies We have a full Line of all the requirements of 1 School Supplies 1 PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. WHObelleleeeeliteeeee000010000 See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. emeeeseseeseseseseseemse FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr, A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich TkokikommkkolowekMMMNIVMMMWRArlio, vd„:4. """