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Ur- tat? Mrs, Itehs Dick and on.
: to igTas of Torbao, spent the week
Amid with Atte, ,J', Cochrane and fame l
Mr:, ,and ars. Robinson. of Mitchell
nrx�stilted with Mr. and Mrs, R. Steph-
•' n'
Mrs. T. Chuter and son
IS:eu,' ;rth visited with Mr, . and
?liar, Wad Mrs. Chas. Robinson cele -
Iterated their fiftieth wedding •anniver-
sa ry eucently and were visited during
:the day with Mrs. Robinson's parents
nil Um sisters from Mitchell and
'udon. Also Mr. Robinson's broth -
env from Mitchell.
The Ladies 'of lflllsgreen Cengre-
nigation quilted their quilts an Wed
a9' in the church.
1 A aanns of 'Mrs,Victoria Meyers who -Was stay
Mr. ;and Mrs, Seth . , ,
Zurich spent " .,cla1 with Mr, and ing with her son Mr. and .M
Mrs. R. Oesch. Meyers at Zurieh for a few months,
returned home 'on 'Monday,
Wm Donald Turner of London, sp-
,unit :the Holiday at the home of Mr.
•orad Mrs. R. N. Douglas.
Mr. and Mrs, Jake Kipfer and
family of the Babylon Uwe were
Sunday visitors width Mr. ar:d Mrs..
Jake Swartzentruber.. ,.
Mrs. R. N, Douglas and daughter
Miss l.VIargaret spent a, few days with
her sister at Tavistgrsk last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Leis accompanied
by Mr. and 1Virs. Noah Erb were
week -end visitors with friends -on
the Broiisdli'Line.'" .'',..Se
Mrs, Edighoffer aha; rad been vis-
iting with her son George at Mitchell
for a week returned home cell Sun-
'1Vir. and M•s: i Dick • ,Brown of. Zur-
•;ich spent Sunday' afternoon with Mr
and Mrs. Sam Hey.
Mr. Gus Clarke and Grant Turn-
er of Goderich, spent the week -end
with Mrs, A. E. Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck of the 14th
concession and Mrs. Wickens of In-
gersoll called on Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Hey Sunday evening.
4 We Pay a Frennium of Two Cents per Pound B.
Fat for Churning Cream delivered at out plant.
Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed
Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same
Day. �.
Yours Truly,
''''dmee•eomet ogoe&".®sem^.esoop ?t1gott0'SAnV ZlIte ➢egel oggeo P•••
+d-,1144.+4.4+4.4-4-4-4,444-41,+4-44+ q..44+12%++3.•z^•E•+•+•i•or++.0,.l.ao't,.,l+•+
Now that the Spring is just around the corner, it is
q a good time to check over your seeding Implements
4. Order repairs early and avoid Telephone and
Express charges.
'1"*.P�...��...� . ''.�a.�w�iau oa..�s+?Nn4w*a. ".ni«,.,r.I.�..::x.:;�•l�.ox r=a.�.�ao�,li.:il. s;.,,•,a:,� ,o�w•�
different firms.
.Arrange for a Cream Separator Demonstration ,
Super Lastic Distributors:
25,000 mile tires for 5.45
30,000 mile tires for 7.05
If you like to save motley let us re -tire your car.
.2 'We have a few used Tires cheap.
Tel Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS
Auctioneering? = U. BET!
Res:. 67
l i.+++4••4^,Q,9,a,.a.+44-t-1•-+,.++++ 1*+++64+++++0r++++++++f1+”
Rev. John ',Oestreicher of the Ot-
tawa Valley spent a few days with
his parents, Mr. and' 'Mrs. G. Oes-
treicher, also attending the Evangel-
ical Confen;ence in Now Hamburg.
Mr°°."Ezra Ottenbein left last weelt
for ],'reston , where he will make his
home with his :sazr.
Mr, aadMrs. G. Wildfong and Mrs.
E. Tierra visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Ira Tiernan in Hamilton on Sunday.•
Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Evans of
Kitchener spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman!
Mr. and Mrs: Leonard Birk of
Guelph spent ,the week -end here.
Miss Verna Birk of Guelph i$ sp.-
ending a few weeks at her .home
Miss M',argaret Cunningham of Kit-
chener spent the week --end with her
sister, Mrs. L. Morenz.
Mr. Melvin Guenther and Margaret ` Fancy Dress Carnival
and Glen of Windsor, were holiday e; The annual fancy dress carnival
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas..under the auspices of the Bayfield
Guenther. Agricultural Society was held in
The League and C. E. Band of the .the town hall, on Wednesday, April
Evangelical church will present the 24th, and was a big success there
Drama "In the Claws of the Russian
Bear" in ;Crediton " on Wednesday
May 15th in the. Evangelical church.
Mrs. J. G. Chowen, Clinton, fell
while leaving )Vesley-Willis church
one evening recently and broke her
Award. Dock Contract
The King Paving Co:, have . reeeiv-
ed, the contract for building a dock at
1V.leaford from the Dominion Govern-
ment. The work will cost $40,000,
end will begin at once.
Visit Enjoyed
hTe visit of the Imanuel College
Evangelistic Band was much enjoyed
a large cone-legati.oi. at. the ,Iiru-
eefield United Church on;Sunday
Exeter 1•Iy dro Gut of. pe't
, , as-
s With $],7,857 in lipuid ;hy o
sets° entered upon provincial records,
azid 'only $8,071 total hydra liabilife
'ises Exeter has joined the iengtihen-
iig list of hydro ininicipalities which'
are now considered to be out .of debt
in respect, to their undertakings.
100 Years Old
Egmondville Church will,ceclebrate
'its centenary on the first three Sun-
days in June. Special arrangements
aye being completed for an anniv-
ersary worthy of the occasion.
41. 4440-64.4teeeenee
• w , . .•+ sesewt.•••••h•••♦•!•••
Olubbirig L
Toronto Daily Globe
T '
oronatDaily Mail•Eand Empire
Toronto Daily Star
Toronto Weekly Star .....•.
London Free Press
London Advertiser
London Farmer's Advocate
Farm and Dairy
Family Herald and Weekly Star
Family Herald for 3 years
Canadian Colntrylnari
Weekly Witness
ZURICH HERALD and the following Papier
for one Year:
.. $6.35
-�► OSeaforth, Huron Expositor , $3.15
Stratford Beacon. Herald ,
Border Cities Star, Windsor
Kitchener Daily Record $5..10 ---
Aad a great many more that we cannot enumerate here.
We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in
Ciwadw and the United States, and can save you monsyr
on the most et these.
Renew allPapers and
p Magazines at our
Office .and save Trouble and Money
• •
Mothers' Day will be observed in
thel ocal churches on May 12th.
Mrs. Robt. Higgins is confined to
her home suffering from a severe at-
tack of heart.
*fro. ']rhos. Cameras, Exeter
The funeral of the late Mrs. Thos.
Cameron was held from the reside
'once Of her nephew, T. Allen, She
in failing health. Her maiden name
was Georgina Bishop, daughter of
the late Archibald Bishop and Janet
Doig of Usborne. Three sisters ry-
ive, Mrs. S. Poplestone of Blyth;Mrs
J, Roarcliffe, lear Hensall, and Mrs:
Harry Anderson of.l.xeter..
'b'eing a large attendance and about
'30 in costume. The affair finished
•with a dance with music by A. Etue,
G Little, Mrs. John Parker, Mr. Pol-
lock. W. Hayter was floor manager.
Lunch was served. Proceets were ov-
er $70. In the waltz contest May
Murray and John McLeod were win-
Mrs. Carl Schaeffer of Palmerston.
and little daughter are visiting at the
home of her ,aunts, Mrs. Ballantyne
and Miss Katie Scott.
John Elligsen, proprietor of the
New Commercial Hotel, :intendsmak-
ing a number of improvements'toitlie:
hotel this summer. When finished it
will be one of the finest of the sinale
ler hotels of the province. tt
Rev. W. A. Young is attending a
meeting of the Hamilton and: Lor don
Synod of the Presbyterian Chii c'h
which is being held in St. Andrew's
Church Owen Sund.
Mrs. Hawthorne of Texas, is here,
visiting her relatives, Mr. and Mrs,
George Brock and Mr. and Mrs. S
Merner, ,coming. by motor, anc will
likely stay a few weeks.
-Mr. and Mrs.. Mark Drysdale• visa
The congregation of Cannel- Br e0
byterian Church are looking forward'
to anniversary services on 'Sunda
May 12th. Rev. Dr. Ketchen• of Ham''
ilton will be the special speaker:
The Hensall Minstrels put on their
show at Staffa on Wednesday even-
ing under the auspices of the':Staffa
United Church.. On Monday. evening
May 6th, same' show 'was put,'on 'at
Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne r visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr),' E. 1.
Dowds at Shelby, Ohio. `r
Mrs. (Dr.) ,Reid of Port Rowan
was here to visit her father, Ed. Shef
fer, who has been poorly for same'
time. Mrs. Reid taking her father a-
long Mrs. Sheffer is also visiting her
daughter Mrs. Reid.
Lois Moffatt of Brucefield spent
holidays with her grandmother, and
aunt, Mrcs. Peter Fisher and Miss
A dance was . put on Wednesday
evening last in the town hall under
the auspices of the Junior Fanners.
Music was by the Gelinas and Moss
orchestra of Zurich and . were ably
assisted by Mrs. Irwin of • Clinton.
The floor manager was Harold Gel=
Inas. Mrs. Roy McLaren won the
Buys Lucan Mill
The Lucan Flour Mill which for'
niany years was operated by the Lu -
can Milling Co., . and which dazed
down five years ago has been sold by
S. C. Chown to W. A. McGowan, of
Durham who intends to move to the
village of. Lucan and to have the mill
.open for business by July 1st.
Conservative Nomination
I Arrangements are c.omplete for the
momivatiug convention of the North
Huron Conservative. Association to
'be held in the town of Witighain on
'Thursday, May 16th. A prominent
speaker will be ,present and candid-
ates will be given: a chance;to address
the gathering.
was in her '17th year and had Leek
Owns Valuable Violin
resident of Clinton, ib the pos-
sessor :Qf; a violin of very ancient
make. It.%was purchased by Rim i 30
years ago from a Goderich dealer
riamed`.'•Thompsbns Recently` the Qwnm
er discovered'thateon thef:inside of
the instrument, ' "visible ,throagir the.
'Sound vents There is 'the -:.follewin'g in-
scription : "' ' Atitioz%ius; Stradivaous,
Cremonensis, Faciebat, .Anni, 1130.
Having been naizufactured over two
hundred years ago,' 'being in perfect
'condition and ' bearing the trade name
:of •Stradivarious; the owner may be
justly proud. :of his possession.
Fingers Taken Off
Rib Fractured
Shapton, Exeter, had the mis-
fortune to fracture a rib when he
was thro ,vr, ' from a wagon Monday
Iasi. He was delivering a young ani-'
mal intended for the beef ring and it
was, thouglit'that the' animal was se-
iu e ,:.beer.. a the wagon, when , in
e -meaner. eses sealot se canto a%.0
first': thing that Mr. 'Shapton knew
was that he and the beast were both
out of the wagon:
Chasen May Queen
Following the custom of past years
the students of the Normal School
elected two of their number to fill
the important honorary office, of
"May';,t2uen". Accordingsto the vote
of her fe114w`. students, Marguerite
P. Logan of"Brussel's, a member 'of
Form II,, ,is the most popular girl of
•ti school : and ,will be crowned
r:Qzueern of the M'ety,, on' the after-
ihoo•'ii of May 77the
Acquitted as Temporarily Insane
After five hours' deliberation, the
jury in the case. of Margaret Irwin,
19 year old Kincardine girl charged
with the murder of her newiyborn
child, ,brought in a finding Leat ac-
cused was temporarily insane when
'the act was committed. The trial was
at Walkerton before Justice Hope.
After the announcement of the de-
cision Judge Hope ordered that Miss
Irwin be held in custody of . the ple-
asure of the Lieutenant -Governor:
Concert at Bayfield.
The three act farce comedy, "The
Heart Exchange," was given on the
eve of the 12th, for the benefit of
Wm. Munn, who is employed with
Hiram Shapton, Exeter met with an
unfortunate accident, -while cutting
wood with a circular saw his band
came in contact with the saw. The
second finger of the left hand was
tawen off at the second joint; the
third finger at the first joint and the
tip was takers '.off the little finger: A
glove he was wearing was cut from
his hand.
C:N.R: Train Derailed
The C.N.R. Train from Goderich
was deriled at Dublin of four freight
cars. Theme were thrown right off
the track, the accident being due, it
is said, to a defective switch. The
track was somewhat badly torn up,
and the passenger train from the lake
town could not get through. A spec-
ial was accordingly sent up from
Stratford and the passengers were
transferred to this.
Receives Life -Saving Certificate
"For heroic action and presence sof
lucky lunch ticket. the Library and was -enjoyed by a
large audience. The parts were well
taken by Misses Marion Davison L.
:Higgins, Mrs. P. Clark, Mrs. F. Mc -
Win. Simpson, of Detroit, accomp-
anied by, his mother, Mrs. Lou Simp_-.
son, Were VfSitors with. relatives" itt
town i ' Ewan Marg. Ferguson, Marg. Groves
Mrs,. A. L. Case was in London Geo. Little, F. Weston; C. Weston,
taking treatments at St. Joseph's G. Atkinson, B. Higgins, Jack Ferg-
Aospvtal.. uson The play wIly as diieeted 1VIrs
Thos, Welsh has' been confiend ;t'd Metcalf who also had a guessing
his home for several days, ;suffering contest on the names of popular
from a severe sprain in his side He books `.before the play conimence L
received the injury while lifting .rin To Lay New Sidewalks
the saw mi l.
Along with the new lightin
g sYs
Mr. and Mars. Thos. Hemphill Sof. em for Exeter's Main Street new side
Wroxeter were recent visitors with walks with •curb and angle parking
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill and space will be built through ltixebus-.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook. iness section of the town. 'With these
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. D. Bellacid improvements completed' Exeter she -
daughter, Margaret were Crediton uld present e most attractive appear-
visitors. ` ance for the hoine-coming'-;,ot .p the
"Deaht of Ml's. Colvin Old Boys and Girls ,lir ,July. The
The` death' occurred on Saturday decision to lay the new ”. rsidewalks East ether home, Lobe Twp., of was madeat a joint meeting ;of; the
nab Corbett; wife' ofthe late Alex. property owners ,of. Main i. slid
Colvin in her 60th year: She had,be- t Pm y 'S' ' ' '
the municipal 'council in; the, ,town
en in''her usual health tip till Friday' hall, Wednesday evening' !lent,
night when she guttered a severe he- Recall Sleighing 70'Years ,,Ago
arttt 1 and f
passed away Sunday morning ,She discussinthe weather the other day
a ac i ailino g trally, she John Murray, of Egmonttvilie
was a daughter, of the late Mr. and said that several days ago a number
Mrs. John Corbett of Hay Township of snakes had been killed near Eg
and was born just'southeast of Heil mondville cemetery by some boys.
sail. About 35 years ago she married. He eeoalled that in the year 1867' or
l'Ir. Colvin aiid .. evdnt with him ; to '68, it was snov:i.ng at this three rof
Lobo to reside, 'Since the death ': of year and that the snow Iastecl three
her husband about e ve'n years 'ago weeks with good sleighing; A party
she had managed,,the 150 acre f ir:y o£ 'lreinig people went to Brucefield
with the helpof her. son, John. the to a` play in sleighs. In 1894 there
was highly respeetedby a large hie was good sleighing and the men drew
and loaves three game, f..e Tiro- leo from tho bush tir T1i'ii,rcfieTd
'/.301r64.14, Id'1ay `.9th, 193$
*ler' 1St effecting the rescue of .*haat
from ;ichor .rdine harbor last summer
Ernest Baker, Kijteardine, Was prea,,-
eldest with a parchment certificates
14iayor J. G. Edenton made the award
ori hehaf of the itoyal Canadiaur•..
puxque Society and commended hire.
Balser .on his brave deed. On July
24th last Cyril Reynolds, Toronto•,
belt; fell off the Borth pier at Kin-
sardine, Baker, the only person„ in.
the vid"inity, noticed hum and jumped
in; holding. the leoy up until further -
aid; arrived.
Dig• Store Sold
W. S. Fowey, aha for over thirty
yoare has 'conducted a drug ,store ire .
Exeter, has disposed of his business
to M. Walker of Toronto. Mr. Walk -
err, for the past six years, has been
with one of the Tamblyn, Drugstores.
Be has already. taken over the bus-.
iness which was closed for a few
days for stock taking and reopened
on Saturday.
A Tailless Calf
Robt. 'Dures of R.R. No. 6, near
Goderich; was presented with some-
thing unique in the way of calves. A.
new arrival was expected but on go- •
ing into the barn in the morning Mr..
Dares found it hard to recognize the
object lying en the stall floor beside
its mother_ Tit was only when . it stood.
up that it was seen to be a calf minus
a tail. Neighbors say that it is hard'.
to believe what a curious change it
makes in the appearance of the ani
mai until it is seen,
-Starved Pig Went 815 Lbs. -
Out in Cuirass Tp. they do things .
in a big way. A year ago a records
sized soft elm tree was felled, now`
they are turning their attention to
growing champion sized pigs. After •
slaughter, the monster still weighed!
815 lbs., which is perhaps a record:
for heft for swine in these parts..
There was 175 pounds of lard rend-
ered fr•.oni the interior of the beast,
and a string of sausage long enough
to rope off a softball diamond eman-
ated from the same meat plant.—Ex.
Respect Your Bax ''Cai'aaera
Don't think for one min-
ute that you cannot use
your box camera in the
.; winter. • The ,snow scene
was snapped with abox
camera, using the sec-
ond stop. 1n the fire -side
scene a time exposure
of one seconsi.was made,
using the largest stop,
with the aid• of three
photoflood lamps.
+'>f•*HOUSANDS of people:oi' all ages
are very much interested in the
fascinating hobby of picture taking,'
own, box cameras but, believe it or.
not, have permitted an inferiority.
complex tocreep upon them, as far
as. respect for the performance of•
their cameras is concerned. Now
thatreally sounds ridiculous. It is
true, nevertheless. Readers have
written to the Snapshot Guild with
a tale of. woo about waiting for.
spring to arrive to make a concerted
effort to improve their pictures. So
many owners of box cameras seem
to be of the opinionthat the sun
Must be• shining like blazes before
they should try. to take a picture.
What is to follow is directed right:
straight at you, and you and you . - .
with a boa camera. If it is hibereat-
r ing-in peaceful slumber on the'citiset
shelf awaiting the arrival of spring
and bright sunshine, go get it, dust
it off -and be sure you wipe off the
lens carefully, with a soft, dry cloth
yourself a roll o filen and start
—get y .lf , t
shooting. There are more interest
• ing winter pictures waiting to be
made with a box .camera than you
win' ever be able to take if you live
to be as ;old as Methuselah. Remain-
ber, too, that the old Iliblical pas -
le stiitlai ' obilr `Seelt and ye
,shall find"--eand it w111 nota . -take
l uubli
seeklitelfydulteyee are Open.
•bailers oydinary conditions you
canitalte. •instantaneors snapshots
outdoors in the winter, or, ,.if the
:,.day is, too dark.; aknd dreary. there
is .always the old reliable tirne ex-
xposure. If the day is clear and
bright you can take action pictures
providing you snap the picture st
the right angle and are not too close.
to the subject.
Pictures can be taken indoors at,
night with a box camera if you rise
one of the inexpensive photoflash
iambs. A little experimenting may
he necessary: Until you kno'iv what
you can and cannot expect from your
bolt camera, and if you are a real
amateur you will get a lot of pleas -
'The fellow with a lot of fine equip—
ment doesn't deserve half the
praise for an unusual picture as the: -
real amateur, who owns a box card --
era and who, through perseverance*
and thought, gets a "knockout".. pic-
ture ander adverse conditions. Loolc>
at the heading of this column this.
week. If you have belittled your"
camera by discarding it for the,
winter you owe it an apology for-
orforcingit into the army of unem -
The average. box camera on sale.,
today has two stops and a time ex-
posure adjustment. The stop open-
ings control the amount of light.
Passing through the lens. Number
one ; the larger stop, or opening, is.;
for snapshots of ordinary subjects, ;
in sunlight The second opening, or--
•smalie;r.°sttl i , s -for , p,napshots oir'
distant• vieves,t beach Scenes, snow •
without prominent dark objects int
the foreground, and clouds, only,.
in bright sunlight. During the
winter, on days with hazy sunlight
it is best to use the first, or large- •
stop and an dark:days use the sec-
ond stop and a very short time ex—
When making time exposures the •
camera must be placed on a tripod,..
table, fence or something solid soy
that the camera will not move when
the picture is taken,
You are overlooking a lot of pleas --
are of You are not making use of •'
your box camera, so; -.,,get it out. it
you are really 'intersted you can ..
stop in 'most spy store that sells.
cameras and photographic supplies,.
and getfree literature on taking;.
pictures at might indoors during:
these long winter evenings, and .you ,.
will •fazed it is one type of indoor -
sport the entire faintly will. enjoy.
And speaking of the family—that'd
a hunch for a mighty important pie-
Lure. You will have a lot of fun
taking a picture of the fancily group
and in later years the result will be
numbered among your prize posses- -
eihn:a.'Try it,
s e 1,0 5ah . CO • Au • cel Tay sari tiros- lumber hom egture,outof experiMentattg.. atit: r i i. VAN GInisDER.,•.
the _ , JOHN
T'o wnehip is •o a anal six sisters. sleighs. • -