HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-09, Page 1MOW No ZURICH. THURSDAY MOH. Patronize the home NEW NURSES FOR. QUINTS Different nursing Bands atilt care for the Dionne quintuplets when the five baby girls awake one Mane 1st In the Dafoe Hospital at Callander, Members of the Order of the Grey Nuns of Pembroke Diocese, wil/ then take charge of the babies. 4 C. ROBERTSON'S MI. The "thumliers=" on the highway and the free seekexa :mast now ride at their own risk. Toe rnamy who have given pedestrains and even fri- ends riends free liftshave been ixiade the "goat" through the courts_ It could mot continue and Hon., T. R. McQues- 7too, Minister of Highways, took up the matter withthe xesellt that a bi"lll. introduced by hint is now Taw. By it the liability is placed on the right shouders, namely those who seek and aaacept free motor = e= !HENRI ARABI I&r.Acres, member for Carlton in the Ontario Legielairipe, repeated a suggestion which has never been giv- en the consideration. it deserves -the question of a. fiat rate for Hydro. He ,elain1s it would stimulate industry.. .M any rate, it would give the " smal- ler community a chance, whereas in the past the rates have greatly favor ed the large centres. Why sell power to some . communities at, less than cost and "soak" the rest somake up the difference_ - erch A REAL HOLIDAY The Goderich Salt Co. Trade a not- able contribution to the celebration to the King's jubilee by giving its 120 employees a holiday on Monday at full• pay. Mr. Wurtle, president of :the Company, is old enough to rem- ember the enthusiasm with which Queen Victoria's birthday, the 24th May, was celebrated while that great ? sovereign was living, and he thinks sho- o YOU Ne Glasses? uldtbe thaoiaserved Georg�vaith someuee oflthe old time fervor.. f-� WINGHAM RADIO STATION Many radio listeners in the county have listened with much interest to the progams coining from Wingham over station 10BP, from which Mr. Geo. Spotton, M.P., has broadcast messages for more than a month past. By permission of the Canadian Radio Commission the owner of this. station, W. T. Cruickshank, has now been permitted to enlarge his station to one of 50 watt • power and to change the call letters to CKNX. Stop and Think how important it is -"that you wear correct glasses-cor- -rectly prescribed for your vision. • Correctly styled to your• face. Your - ealth play Iargely depend on keen. vision. See C. E. ZIII RR!GG,, is €}: At HESS JEWELERY STORE Every Tuesday at. ZesittCH At Dashwood, Sesta lay, at I'file's Store.. coy'''• naakeeseaseaeo.era. v"an gehca -L n airart ZUR:ICI4 - ONT. "A Changeless. Christ. Sae a Chang- ing World • Friday, 8h -Luther League, - . Saturday -Choir Practice... 'SUNDAY SERVICE': 10 a. m. --German Sear 11.15 -a.m.--Sunday SeheoL 7.30 pan. -English : service. Everybody. Welcome eo. all Services. E. TUERICHEllite Pastor.. THE WOMAN PAYS itethe woman who pays. At the ase:` 3 _ Shoe Repairi I wish to advise the ,Public tf am in a position to do all kinds shoe repairing, and solicit your: ronage. Give us a trial for, workmanship. ' GARFIELD BROWN MAY ,9,r •1935. Chester L. Smiths PargrAisr6 $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in. Advaranus *1.50 1FTAI AR8, *2 MAT BB OMA *` 40? and read the local Paper Victoria Street. Zurich, • ' PAYS TRIBUTE TO LA C. R. HAYS. Goderich-Atttended by rot of the -bench, . the., bar, cad e:. officials and by citizens of walks of life, the funeral of U ? kc Hayes, .Sr., pioneer lawyer axil' dan; df the Huron County bar, was held; on Saturday afternoon. A pri.Trate•sea vice was held at ,the•family rs'idenee and later a public service was can-• ducted at St. George's J e•lican� Church, of which deceased was a• life-long member, Rev. A. ' . Calder; the rector, was in charge. nterea was made in Maitland Cern terry, HAY COUNCIL vP er� The regular monthly the Council of the Town.', was held in the Town lo on Saturday, May 4th, AO all members present. Thi' the meeting held on AOk April. 15th were adopt The treasurer's re. month of April showed:ill e receipts: Arrears of ts,_ alties $1128.71; telepl o"ho $52.13; Bank loan .4500.00., Treas., grant on relief;' $S62 421; est on bond $17.50; snasehold,:, re Russell $22.25; , r -193.W. $65.00, Total $384.x. eaVie,-�; Mrs. William Brown is spending the week at London. Messrs. Clayton and Clarence Hoffman of Galt, were week -end vis- itors with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gascho and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rlopp spent the week -end with friends at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scotcmner of Bayfield were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deters, Sr., spent the week -end with friends at Kitchener. Miss Merle Preeter of Kitchener, was a holiday visitor with friends in town. Inspector E. C. Beacom of God- erich gave the Zurich school an offi- cial visit on Wednesday or this week Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birk of Guelph were week -end visitors with her mother, Airs. Jos. Routledge. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick and family of Brinsley, spent the week- end at the home of her mother, Mrs. W. G. Hess. Solicitor J. G. Stanbury of Exeter 'attended the sitting of the Tenth :e Division Court in the town hall here b , last Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein and daughter Miss Olive, were Sunday visitors with relatives at Crosswell. •Mich. Rev: E. Burn left on Monday for New -Hamburg where he will at- e eangelic lacliurch this' '''se'lli . i Yi� clbp4�x: vas iiteenl' Fant out of a. window and caused its were pased. . " local lay delegate, Mr, Josiah Geiger, death was .adjudged temporarily in- f That the Tax Collector be given to will also attend lated on in the week sane andheld in custody at the pleas- June 1st, 1935, to return tbe 134 -ure of the authoiijies. She faced the Collectors Roll. • g; i Monday was a very important day ordeal alone -the shame of carrying That the Township of Flay .discon throughout the British Empire when her burden, the giving birth to a tinue relief to indigents dating from "all hearts were happy on the silver child with no medical attendance, the May 4th, 1935. •' • celebration of King George being on mad moment when she decided . to That accounts covering payments the thronee for twenty-five years, and throw it out of the window, and then for Township Roads, Telephone, we are to,d that this has been the an appearance in court, a charge of Charity and Relief and general acs greatest celebration since the closing murder, and now life-long shame' counts be passed as per voucher. of the Great War in 1918. A goodly wherever'she is known. Where was Township Roads -Can. Culvert Co. number of our villagers got the spirit the man in the case? It seems a pipe road 17 35.50 ditto rd 13, early in the forenoon and one could parody of justice that while the girl 77.88; P. Schade rd 13 3.00; F: J. hear the heavy explosions as of a carries all the ,disgrace,the man es- Haberer rd 7, 6.20; M. M. Russell: cannon, but it was only two black - capes scot:-free.Hanover Pest, rd 1 6.65; T. Steinbach rd 8 6.80; 'sm'ith anvils one on top of .the other H. Steinbach, rd. Supt.. 12.95; U. A. and some gun powder between which Pfile rd 14 4.00; F. E. Denomme rd was ignited and caused the rather Ziler rd 10 4.00 ;fln2iJUaCut . aiS,tde heavy sounds. About ten o'clock the 14, 4.00; F. E. Denomme rd 10 1.50; children started marching with flags, J. M. Ziler rd 10 4.00; M. Corriveau the town being decorated, than short - rd 17 1.50; Sawyer, Massey, repairs ly afterwards the band became or - 3.40; Exeter Times -advocate adv.. ganized and this was headed by Mr. 4,65• J. Oesch, rd 8 1.75; W. Far- Edward Weltin, who was in full 1:e WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials, for Thursday, l' iday and :Satua ty Peass, Na. 4 Sieve„ .2 tins .,.._» _,......"..,,..:. .... ! 9c Tomatoes, large. tans, 2'tins for ....... ...........19c Catsup, 15 -oz.. bottle _. __. 10cc Pork and Beans,. 3 tinsfor ..-�. 1 9c Corn, white sweet 2.fiins ...,.._......w:__.... -. _19c Corn, Golden Bantam, 2 tins....23c Royal York coffee„ t lb. tin .. 39c • Chipso, large package each ._ 21 c -.P and G Naptlia soap, 5 cakes ..............�.... 19e Fanck Pink ode Salmon, :.2 tins ....., ..... a,4...� 1 c McCarnaicks lag J3ar'Biscuits, 2 lbs. 7 Swansdown 'Calm Flour (with:measuring ' ry spoo=n free) J1 ''P _ ;.'..a a»..... , f....� .... i� 1 C 4}y Ladies 'andi Childrens Cotton Sand. Hose;; .pr. -..1.5c Ladies Efouse Dresses at 95e to 225 Chikkens Dresses 5c; ' Little Boys Suits at :..95c Highelit Pikes ice Eggs. Efta Phone .140 Tell rd 18 7.40; J. M. Richardson rd 5 '5.20; S. Bopp rd 24.40 ; R. Adams rel 10 5.20; W Coleman, rd 3 3.`30; 8 6.50; T. Dinsmore rd 18, 8.00. Telephone Accounts -Bell C;o.tolis Feb. to March 76.90;' Nor. Elec Co.' material 149.22; 3. A. McAllister", telo. poles 53.50; Econ. Fire Inc, Cao. 'insurance 7.20; Stromberg-Carlson:, Co. suplies 27.91; C. L. Smith, print- ing cards 15.00; A. Pfaff, poles 16.50 E. R. Guenther cartage 1.35; Zurich Central switching 5 wks 85.00; Zur- ir•h Hydro lights 2 mons. 4.14; Can-. Telo. & Spls, material 8.95; Nat. Rev .nue of. Canada tax tolls 16.50; H. G. Hess. labor etc. 79.80; D. Oseattl poles 19.50; Charity and Relief -J. W. Monier 'ind'igent '7.39; C. F. Pfile, ditto 3.50,; Ont. Hospital 39.00; Mrs, T. M. Me - ers 26.25; Clinton Hospital 5.00; Je A. Williams & Co. 2.75; E. Heist 6,85; M. esch 3,19; E. Gaiter 8.Q.8';', Dr. A. 3.. MacKinnon 36.75; Beeth roil & Drysdale act. 1.28; L. M. Hart. leib 18.4.8; J.C. Reid & Co. 16.61;: la •Schll•.be. and Son. 1.30; J. Albrecht: 1,50; Ge• Brown 1:00; J. Gascho acid Son •5.89.;:.G.. J. Thiel 4.80; E. Tie - :amu and;Son 4;58. • etre General Accounts -Zurich Hy lights tdwn hall 4 6>1; W. H. -Ugh oiler salary and postage' 104.00 T'• Me.AAdams cedar wood for hall '-.00: Prov. Treas. hall license 3.00; F• Ducharme, fees,. 0. A. Officer 3.00; Tuckersmith Tele. 1938-34 rates 115.16. The Council adjourned' to mf.ot again on Saturday, June 1st at 1.• 3. o'cock in the afternoon for the regu- lar la,:• -monthly meeting and as a Corrt of R,evisioii of the 1085, Assessment Bell, ; A. 1?. Hess. Clerk, dress, wearing a high silk fiat, and the parade was begun in a real way, men and chuldren headed by the G. Jeffrey d 15 3.0; A. Smith, rd` ;'hand who poured forth its music of patriotis numbers and finally came to a stop on the square opposite the 'Bank of Montreal. Mr. Albert Kalb- 'fiei.sch then acted as chairman and made a .suitable opening address, and the citizens who followed with ad- dresses were Rev. E. Turkheim, A. F. Hess and C. L. Smith. Following this the day passed off nice and ord- erly in the village. HYMENIAL Erb-Gingerich A very happy matrimonal event was celebrated at Breslau, Ont., on April 15th, when Rev. Oscar Burk- holder of the Mennonite church of that place united in weddlock, Miss Anna Gingerich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Gingerich, of the Bron son Line, Stanley, to Mr. Emmerson Erb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Erb of the Bronson line, Hay Township. The happy bridal couple have arrived back home and will reside in this vicinity. The Herald joins the many friends in extending ccingratulatious. UNUSED OLD JEWELRY Becomes Valuable Prec- ious Metal when sold to us for Old Gold. You get the highest prices at Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea Genuine Servet Solvay Com. ITERS CREEK and Rosedale Alberta, Pocahontas Briquets A new Domestic Fuel for every aura pose. Intense Heat, very little sum or Ash. W. R. DAVIDSON GASH paid for Eggs on a, G1radeM Basis. Phone 10 NSfid. Pauli. -Schoch, • A very happy matrainonial event was celebrated, in Zurich on Satur- day evening when at the Evangelical parsonage Rev. E: Burn united in weddlock Bernice Schoch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Schoch, of Zurich, and Mr. Frank Pauli of New Hamburg. The happy couple have left'for their home R. P. No. 4 New 'Hamburg, where the: groom has a farm. We join their many friends, in extending congratulations. s t E • a t v • e A • c 4 • • 4 • ,,..44.4440•,4444444,444444►444,4 J,e4'.'4eeeta?eleaeeeta4'4Zeafsnooiioaeeeces04•04.4►,1d} wi With MEN'S CLOTHES Vinkaaananae 4 414. Os • There new Fabrics picture cTe"airy the harmony of perfect dress The new patterns made from British .woolens and tailored with the €ree- dam of style, give you the easy feel- oft int of always being aveI1-dressecF. _'• See our splendid range priced` at at $20.00 and $21.00 REMEMBER . All Suits . MADE TO MEASURE EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS •e.4.44a:seaoass eeaseae.eseae e4.0400ee+raes.aVe.cez ae, We are well supplied with a Staple Goods, consisting of Punts, Broa.ddoths' Curtains, Curtain Materials, Boys and Gisrlsr Summer Sweaters, Boys' Tweed Pants, Bloomers,. and Shirts, Men's Shirts and Pants.. General StaiLi x o4 Groceries, Hardware,, Paint Varnishes % Oils,. , Shoes, Rubber Boots, Harness Etc., Etc. and Repairs,, 1935. Garden Vegetables and Flower Seeds. Also root Seed and. Sorgum. R. N. DO L rap GENERAL- t lF.d .' 'fAki T PHONE' 11 97 .BL