HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-02, Page 8p• e • r• ` PAGPP°- Ill'GR'r' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK use Furnishings See, Us about those New Curtains ,.for Your Windows. A Complete Range of Scrims, Tuscan Betts, Frilled Muslim, Priced from 15c to 75c a Yard. Also new Cretons, Chintzes, 'Shadowclotl Draperies. Wall Papers Reg. A. Boxers Wall Papers again in Stock, 50 patterns to choose from, prices from. 15 cents• to 90 cents a double roll. Sunworthy papers from 25 cents a double roll up. GROCERIES! GROCERIES Vanilla, 2 for 1 1 c Macaroni, 4 lbs. for i 9c Peas No. 3, 2 for 25c Nu Hit Coffee, lb. 33c Old Cheese, per ib. ....20c Cookies, 2 lbs. for 29c Lemons, per dozen 23c Bananas, per dozen 25c Everything in Garden Seeds now on Display • CAUSTIC SODA, New Supply now in 5 lbs 55c. J. SCHO PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 40111110011111011, b AUTO NSUR ANCE Pi hest Yourself Against Financial Loss through Accident, Fire, Theft, Ect. THE COST IS REASONABLE THE PROTECTION IS NECESSARY 0• Plc Policy Pol tcF Co its little and .�.f provides Fun's in case you receive us,urites " "It is better to have insurance always and not need it than need it once and not have it." Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR W1,1L? ii 6***00000* C+a*60t 90040 960404942,616 ttl•WIMMZezli***04*04•00006 HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE RR' F 311 ing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us... And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! FROST FENCE .. . . for long life. Come in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've eves had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. Ineh TIGHT42. LOCK ZINC BONDED an atdusiva FROST ham that SAVES YOU MONEY, ll ulll(11{(iGlfif 1iCliCf�iillfili fi fl i 811Ii11 iP • 1 11Eii11ig witorox NEW grocery ►tore Olympic Health Soap, per. calM....,. Sic Club Special Coffee in Bans, per IN. . ... 29c Minute Tapioca and Pyrex Glass Free, 2 boxes -25c Spanish Pimentos, per tin .,.,': ..,. 15c Catsup, Cross and Blackwell;per bottle .......... 15c Galatin, ' per box 1Oc Olives, 1 8 -oz. jar 25c Green ,Tea per lb. ,39c Menno Oesch Zurich EGGS WANTED. :-d01l lil_ II Ilf111111111111Ii11113 I P 111111 MO11111111 11)IBIPI P Phone 165 ilEMS Of LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Philip Fassold of Dashwood was in town on business on Monday. Hay Council will meet on Saturday May 4th, for the monthly meeting. Miss Meda Surerus, of the Toronto teaching staff spent the holidays at her home on the Bronson line. Messrs. Leo Mittleholtz and Robert Eisenbach of Kitchener, were visitors with relatives here. Mir. and Mrs. J. P. Rau, who spent a few weeks at Detroit, have return- ed to their home here. Mir. Harry G. Hess is attending a Hydro meeting at Lucan this Wed- nesday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Datars of Dunville were week -end visitors with relatives here` Rev. E. Burn preached at Blake United Church last Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Merner. Eilber and family of Detroit, were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mrs. J. Rout- ledge. Miss Grace Meyers has returned home, after spending a very enjoy- able Easter week with her cousin, Miss Mary Turner and other friends of Clinton. An meeting offthe Zurich Athletic Club will be held in the Council Chambers on Friday evening, 'May 2ee 4 .i.... 4iNM.+ , ttlr'rx.lorceCter.att enlizSted.1.%? be present. Al MARKETS (Oar eeted every Wednesday) Eggs, d'een ..............14,, 12, 10 Butter Ar, creamery ...... 30 Butter Iia. dairy ., , .. 25 Wheat bush ... .. _ . _ .:90 Barley; 'hush . V0 I3uekw%leat, bush' 42 Shorts, '1 On 2000 Bran, on 26.:00' Flour, owt 2.25 3.00: Live Hogs, cwt. 8..25 Potatoes; per bag .. - , 50 • Puce Of Fish Drops Goderich—With the Lenten: season over, there has, been a chasm geese ion in the price of fish at this point. On' Saturday;, the commercial fisher-- men ishermen received 17 cents for white fish and nine for trout. The pre -Lenten price was 50 and 25 cents respective- ly. Catches• this season. are about the same as last, averaging about 200 pounds Per lift. Ten years ago the average was 800 to '1,000 pun`s, this demote the fact that Lake Huron is resto,ked annually. "Either the waters are fished put or the fish are •swi lith high" said a veteran. Pr vince Takes Over •Water Highway TWO � 'LT roads are taken into system 3TC " • , r' order m council pass ed at• 1• ' 'Wednesday's meeting of cabinet; nnounced by the Premier Mr. Louis Kalffleisch, Miss Marg - Wolfe'we : lc, The road running across Wolfe 1; land,.' near Kingston, and the road from aoderieh to Owen Sound will be'n,cluded in the system. The. Goderich:OwenSound road is part of the Blue Water Highway which starts at Sarni, aret Haberer and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brokenshire attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Schilbe in. De- troit last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Smith and sons and Mr. Albert Hendrick all of .the; Blue Water Highway, motored to Sarnia Iast Thursday, where the for- mer purchased a threshing machine. We have a little correction from; last week's issue, when we stated that Mr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer are moving in part • of the house of Mr. Joseph Gascho. This should have O been Mr. John Gaecho. Miss Jessie MacDonald who spent a number of weeks at her home near Kincardine, where she was conval- • escent from an operation at London S hospital, has returned to Zurich and taken up her profession 01 teachcinl;, • .0 0 s 0 0 0 Si ae 0 0 a 0 0 e a a 00 PAINTS! PAINTS!tel We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried t and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax 1 Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes Springs and Beds. Felt arid Mattresses • Marshall • • Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line _If heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock, , a STADE WEIDO ZURICH QUALITY -- PRICE — SERVICE #ai0@Ar�i�dp���llf�dp�AhQAI1i4+I1M The annual session of the c'enadx Conference of the Evangelical church will comnence next week at New Hamburg, on Wednesday, May Sth. The cheirman for the occasion will be Bishop George Epp, of .Cleveland Ohio. About a hundred ministers and delegates usually" attend this an- nual session. School re -opened on Monday after the Easter holidays with the regular staff' in charge. as Miss MacDonald has recovered from her illness suffi- ciently to resume her position as teacher of Room ITT. It will now be a hard and steady pull . till the sum- mer holidays, when the pupils will 'iii d out what their year's work ment in the advancement of their education The fine showers of rain that gre- eted these parts over. the week -end ,were indeed welrcmnd by all. This is clainied to have ]'re•, the dryest `April in many years. and " •-•ea fent- 'ed ,by Soule That if moisture weed pair sooneconne that'.in case of a'high wind we would. experience a sand stoirm like in many other.places that 'we read off, But we hardly think that this would happen as the soil '`n these parts is too heavy to start drifting away, However, we are in- deed very thankful to Providence for the fine showers, which are help - '00110' t1 . early growth wonder- fully regardless of the rather cool weather. But the season is early as pmt for continuous waarrn and summer 001' 04' like weather, 'Out Car and'Casli Exeter Times -Advocate: Mr. 'Whit- ney Coates got a surprise last week when he learned that for: over a year he had been• driving a stolen car and the owner came to claim it. A year ago in March Coats made a real with, a young roan who used to board with him and drive a truck at. the time the new cement highway was laid. The th Coates young 0 tnsg > ran came w'hhi e theo visit re he trad- ed eci a coach for Coates' coupe, Coates giving small amount of cash in the bargain.. In, the meantime, the young man bee been in trouble and is at present" serving a term at Burwash penitentiary- A short time ago a pol- iceman from London was in this ter- ritory securing some information in connection with the same man and accidently came upon the stolen car, which • he police had :bee�i looking for forz'over a year. The owner, ' a Mz ctfpi'tis, from near, Clappison'•s Corner:,gw game up Iast week and took the caiT°li�aek with him. Mr. Coates is now o. Elis coupe and cash. call Council Minutes S, 6eial: Meeting of the Village Council held on April 29th at 7.30 in the Council Chamber to consider road cit. and street conditions. All members being present, also two me- mbers if the Zurich Police Village TrustielSnamely; IL F. Stade and Harry iickineier. Motion, that the citizens ee asked to observe May Gth as a public holi- day oltday air govern themselves accord- ingly. cco 'dingly. ;Motion, that this .Council wish to express a deep note of .sympathy ' o Mr :•David' Itebinson, a fellow Co- uncillor•, iii his recent sad;: bexearie- ment, i Mr. ii. Irvin Of. the 'Dominion Tar 1 and Chemical Co., Toronto, addres- sed the .Council re, their Road Oil or primer;' 'W. E. Atkinson of the Ira - Peri al. 031 Co. of Hamilton acidressetl Citmidl re their Road Oil or prirnct Motion, that we purchase a tank car* of primer from the Imper- ial OiCo, Motion, that we now act jo urti .74 Jos, A. Paterson, Mork. 'T1I11 r 41st}r, ?,S,j1 rlSl,' y1k3ii »wr+.V.+2!Cl:rt:n++w.NMNenrwq,nrc4:wltl,�.r.^w.wm,•'.0 TYM . 4 A M" Y' r i! ilii �ro'•NAu)n t�'� T ,,� YOUR -1 Hardware'. an.u niture STOREII THIS s EASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW e FENCES ON THE F YOU � `�� LET ..U5 SUPPLY WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN .O HAVE BARB WIRE. WIRE, ,' • NEW SEE Cls ABOUTti t ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE- • TROUGHING + • SPECIALS! SPECiA ! el' • Special Gasoline for Stoves, at :' Special Stove Oil, at per lop per gallon ....... .....,....28c 1��, t3c We also have some very Attractive Primo in it s.} a� Ferre. See. Our New . �Beds, Springs and USED FURNITURE r + Two Goad U Ch•�• esterfield Suites on Hand; i-1 4. Goode Used Dressers from $4.50 up; 4. Kitchen Cheers, Etc. All BigBDining Tables;' ar gains for quick Sale. BE SURE AND SEE THEM Johnston & Kalbfiejsch it T. Hardware Furniture. Phone4. +4'�rIS«t��E+�Ft�F�k�F+ 4+1�+�.�&It°•4. ��trtir�d+t�F�F: 63 igniMIIIII t I 1111 ilE NIWIIIIrINIIfits}!1EOMll(itInIIIIl11P IIIIIIIIIIII}IIUIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIII➢Nlllf:4illl 1111115 PI111111111111111111111111411»11111005011UlUli>` • TFIESE PRICES subject to change'without Notice E. $7.00 and 10.00 _= .- 6,00 and 10.00 16.00 and 1800 Buggy Sly t 12o00 Cross Bar 3.00 Buggy Reach 1.00 im Buggy Spokes each 1.2.5 25c IIESS, the Repair Man uPllUllllfl pg mem Painting Wagon Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerimming Buggy Wheels Se 14110111q' ]�t #11�iHHitlltll��lltl�iijllli��ilfliil18111� 6+++.441.4.++++++++++++44+++440+•••••••++4444+++++++++* +++ t f+++ +++++++++44+ k+4•••••••++4444++++telt++* dh • + + 4 4. 1444•141400++++++++++++•++44.0,M.4.4.94444+++++++.1.440+++ ,.. IO MA AGE TUNE UP YOUR GAR! Don't be discouraged and throw agaw your Car if it is not functioning as you think it should. Just run it in our Garage and have aur Mechanics go over it and You will be surprised of the results. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in is lge and arnall quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. i Expert: WorkmanshipRepair on e pap`° Wxsrls, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. Mouseau Zurich +.14+44,++++414,444.+41,44.+44+4u101, ►►` 4.4.4eSee'ieefi rereN4+ia. 40.2.9 6.44.004edee6 +.8.4 sty Illieeletereepe�e„+'8ttr:p• . 4 4.4,04 + 4. 4. •4. 4 + + 44 HERALDOFFICE Do You Know?ta- 4L. Mx... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have power 144 in your store, to influence the decision of your cus-° Comers in regard to what they buy from you. Your • customers rely Mt you to give' them products which: in use .or consumption, will . 'give them 'complete, satisfaction." �. •,f If it is right to tise 'big city dailies and nationaly-' circulated magazines then' by the same token, it is right to use local weekly newspapers! .r. I am the Master'Sallesman of this Community, and my name is ;!►.D'VER.TI,S....E44