HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-02, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL • UOLEN E.HOLMES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. LOFFICE 13ami1ton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICII, Ontario. Special Attention to Couneel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at ,Goderich by Phone, and 'Phone charges reversed. DENTAL fir. H H. C OW E N L., D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL. SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH :Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At IIARTLEIB'S_ BLOCK DASIIW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIA.N A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. 'Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All ,diseases of domestic animals treated e y the most modern pr - ,'Charges reasonable. Day or nighBret calls promptly Wider of Scottish terriers. Inverness 'Benne's. Office on Main Street. ropposite• Town Hall. Phone 116. IIENSALL. BUTCHERS ,url.ehs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, lolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and 4:0,1?;Skiii S Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc Ads. in this Column. FOR SALE A Black Percheron. colt rising two years old. McCormick -Deering cream separator, brand naw, will sell. at. big reduction. . ' J'io Dinar, Zurich. FOR SALE A limited giientity•pf No. 1 Clover Honey, while it'lasts at .,85 cents a ten pound pail. J. Haberer & Solis, ,Zurich. AUCTION' SALE Of Farm Implements and House- hold -Effects at'Hilisereen, on TUESDAY MAY 7th; 1935 Consisting of the following: 18-35 h.p. Rock. Island Tractor in A -I conditioncondition;3 furrow Oliver tract= or plow; Tractor• stiff tooth cultivat- ocultivat- orwith two set of .teeth in A-1. con- dition; White Threshing Machine 36- 54, run fuor seasons;• Graham Page coupe 1930 in A-1 condition; light wagon, top buggy, set light sleighs good as new; circular saw with 31 -in. and 26 -in. saws; 40 -ft. ene.ress 5 -•in.' belt good as new; 5 heavy logging chains; moving rope; 114 new steel snatch block; 20 -ft. ladder; Iadder pole; wheelbarrow; set single harness barn jack, 18 -in. hydrolic jack; forks shovels and numerous other articles, also a quantity of household effects, consisting of stoves, tables, etc. Everything will be sold 'as the prop- rietor is in poor health. Terms—Cash. W. J. Jarrot-t, Proprietor. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Soul Yungblut & S. • NOW! NEW LOW PRICES ..'-lel ILLARD BATTERIES HART BATTERIEST Full One Year Guarantee $4.90 Gasoline with Preinium Oils, 15c per Qt. to 40c. 'GOODYEAR TIRES, Etc, Hay, and Seed Grail' For Sale A choice Iot of 1934 crop timothy and alfalfa mixed hay, loose, on Lot 25, Con. 1, Hay Township. Also the following Seed Grain: Spring wheat "Reward", Early "Alaska" oats, rip- ens with barley; and "Velvet" barley smooth awned barley, the straw of S. 77sein Phone 60 — DASHWOOD INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Illeat Viler - Insurance Co. r3:i£ variciy is preferable for ±`cuing r.o livestock. Prices on application. - 'May..Ai-h 1'lolida: LOC Messrs. Edward and 111i1+hlas' ert of Detroit, :Spent a few day, relatives here. Mr. Arthur T�ruemnex of T' olito motored up over the week end ,. HXS Sons, Who spent the week with latr ves here, returning Prof. and • Mrs. Alvin : su2er}�e .: of Toronto were week -end visitors', at the. home of the foo n3.er's; r ' ePthe r 4:0,1?;the 'Bronson line.. eieh nth M, and Mrs, Walter Hulse of De- '• troit spent the week -end at the home 4 o� ilex• parents, iV1r, and Mrs. J. P. • • nd Mrs. J, 'VSA; Merner motor- 4 ed to Elmira on Sunday, Their elder daughter Miss Catherine remaining at Elmira where she',,ls on the teach- ing staff. 'Word has been received here from. Mrs. C. Eilberr; who has been spend ing the winter with her cousin Mrs; Gibson of •,Stratford: in St. Peters- burg, Florid ti,' that they intended to leave op Sunday for their respective Erwin Miller of the•14t1i eon: homes iy,aSsisting lit the;mecl}a cat,dep The annual half holiday season if melt at L. Prang '& $pi's agape about here again in rviy "to-vn; 1„ Mr. Hugh MacKinnon, •who been attending Queen's UnivoTstkY at ' Kingston.,' has returned t4;i`'114 home here' for the vacation, e r the University ,term is complefied Thin is, the first of four terms that Hugh will be taking in -Chemical Eng#1eex" Mr. and: Mrs. John Gaseno :inn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaschs m urea to Harrison . on Wednesday where they will : visit with 1VIz Sa0,461, Gascho. Sorry to report that',., r,s• Samuel Gascho was obliged:tosfn dergo an operation :.in the ston Hospital last week for stp; trouble, Monday, May.6th, will be obse1ved. pcJ in Canada from coast to coast:' -as a public holiday, in honor of the lU:ng's Silver Jubilee, having been on the, throne for twenty-five years i'lrein ier R. B. Bennett of Ottawa it attend ing the big celebration, and it would be indeed appropriate if the Provin- cial premiers would also have agreed and attended. We .presume that Zurich' will fall in line again, during the summer months and ;observe this mid -week half day •of relaxation. :•We notice some towns have• commenced the first week in April, But these cold days does not entice anyone to go for an outing very much. • Building operations are progressing favorably in the village. The remod- eling of Mr, Ed Datars' Jr. house .is about completed. Mr. Ed. Beaver has moved back his house from near the sidewalk and is• making some changes, -and will have workmen en- geged for a While. The foundation of 'Mr. Ward. Fritz's new home is •e7.,caveto1 acid about ready for the 'cement ' work.:' an ; rr'•:t Via Radio History d geography are goinn. to be hip rted on Ontario schoo' children by way of the air waver Official announcement of the Depart - merit of Education'; nerimen+ in radio legions were gig ea out at c en's Park. A junior class will be tau- ght a Lesson -in music on April 30, Mr. Milton Deitz has purcliaSed and lessons in history, literature and the building in which he has'been: geography will follow in subsequent operating a garage for - some "time half-hour broadcasts. from Mr. Arthur Edighoffer. Mr. Deitz we understand will take down Holsteins Fetch High Prices the building which is known as, .tlie old Commercial hotel barns, and in place will erect a new concrete.gar- age. This indeed will irnprovdl the generaal appearance of that part ' of town, ' Mrs. Lydia Pfde and daughter Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. Roland- Geiger and family, Mr. and • Mrs. 'Germ, Jacobe and son Laird, Mx and Mrs Urban Pfile, and Mr. and Mrs C L. Smith and Mae, spent a . ei.•i^ ant Sunday evening at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender of D h wood where they were, royally en- Kertained, . -Apply to: Owen Geiger & Son, Phone 59 _Hensall, Ont t40 - The post office depaa mm .rs .°4 **^ Ltt£ttltv,n5 c i, • ,-. holiday, e.,. a public ho Y, will also b At the Brubacher Holstein sale held in Guelph on Anril 9th, 61 head of pure Holstein sold for ;6500.00. an average of $107.00 per head, which is the' highest average realized at any Canadian Holstein auction for some time. Two cows brought the top price of $150.00 and two bulls also sold for the sarin f g•t:re. Th offering was eagerly taken up by 39 different buyers r e';, esentini ten , Coi'tties and the Un'ted Ste'.'. '' 9 cows and heifers averaging $110.N; 12 bulls averaged $1)4.00 a:rd two heifer calves sold for $57.50 each. , op I_ions to ,Stngr. Draw For 9 _ Prizes - 4, 4, 4 9 PAGE FIVE. McKinley's Baby Chicks, 1935 SPECIAL NOTICES i After. April 1st, one high grade of Chicks only will • be sold: All eggs set weigh over 24 -oz. to the . dozen and average about 26 ounze's e Barred or White Rocks. 5, C. White Leghorns y $1$.50 After April 1 $12.00 w • $11.00 t $10.00 • $9;00 0' $9:00 44 O • 3 $12,50 6 $11."5,0 • $10.50 '$10:00 After April 10 Atte* April 22,, After May 10 After. May 24 • 1 LL BREEDING STOCK 'GOVT. APPROVED AND',BLQOD- 'r _ TESTED:.. OVER 175 R: bp. P. MALES HEAD OUR FI OCICS fi • • • TERMS—Cash on Delivery Two Dollars per 100 chicks must accompany mail orders. Chicks 1 delivered when reasonably possible or expressed, Express prepaid. 100% live arrivals guaranteed • Phone:. 97 r 11, Hensall e J. ELGIN McKINLEY -- ZURICH, ONTARIO . It, ****41.0•••••••••••••44.4.4....•••••••••••••••••••44.400 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ +•+,6..1,• 4•i•.1.or•l.•i,.F.s,^.;..s..:-4-•'•-4 •i 4-4 -;.++ri. t 4 • Cut Your Fuel Bill HALF! Buy Storm Windows and 'Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. 0. PHONE 69 INGOEMMI ZURICH +'+++*++++,1y„1,.1.+°i'+,.;--1.4 `t.K,'•:-ie..1.4.4•,+.++ +++++.r++.;• _..;..x.4..,.s+++4, oesoekeeseeeoesmoomeaceece 00 e s e AT "TWINMAPLES" "Where the Big White Le horns Grow". Eggs for Hatching, Etc., Etc The same, prices as. -last Season We are pleased. at any time to sh you, our stock_Bruce J. Klopp ZURICH, Ont. tf 0'- • ow 35 Used Cars For Sale We are offering the following used Cars for sale: day for .all postmasters, an. ma r-eri and the public are `asked to 1 ake this into consideration so as Ford V8 coach as the principal prize nbt, ar to i many other splendid articles ne such as a radio, china dinner set and cause themselves later inconvenie 4a0iWte 00 *OZ 0 0S08 MOO S Q SEEDS SEED 1 See Us about Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy and I Sweet Clover Seeds Save Money by Buying Your Garden Seeds from Us! a Garden Seeds in Bulk or Package ` LET US SUPPL YOU WITH SEED GRAINS! e "14a= t ...--•.-..�:,.,,, .......�,., , , , .. . . ins^' o talf°of o to be filled.' We have a 'Supply. th ' poled children of the district 6 Bring in your Bottles p ply. M een. 4 will take the form of a draw, with a ai 11-1932 V8 Sedan,- a, bargain. 1-1930 Chev. Coach,. f1-1931 Ford Coach. ,1-1930 Ford Coach.. , :All these are in First Class Condition 1, rebuilt M. -H. Cultivator See our rebuilt Lawn • Mower, like new. 2 DeLaval rebuilt cream separators. L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich. OF WOODSTOCK SHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 7AL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 81st, 1932, 417,880,729., ;80,'129.,. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. :tes—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. Klopp_Zurich Mend, Also Dealer.in Liaising Bods and all kinds oI Fire Insurance PRODUCE Live Poultry 'ANTED Taken every .1)ay till 3 o'clock p.m SW not feed Fowl same 'morning when brought in HIGHEST CASH PRICES CREAM AND EGO' W , O'Brien r, ` ;k* half b let. ', ZacuTu • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reith: of town added attractions. • The final draw last week attended the funeral r ,of will take place at a monster carnival their little nephew, the infant child and dance. at' the Pavilion on Aug - of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Richardson of ,u,st '16th next when it is expected Watford who was scalded by hot "t most of the town and many quni from .the. surrounding district will water on Saturday last and suc gather for bed to the burns the same afternoon, . a gala night. Last year 1'he funeral was held 011.Monday of the Lions Club spent $1600 in con ternoon with interment in St. James' nection with its work among the chiI- is a s a dren •and many were given a chance • T Mrs. to Mrs. Reith and the infant got been denied them. The real service -a hold of a bath pan with hot water which this branch of the Club's act- in it and pulled it on top of itself ivities performs for underprivileged with the sad and serious erect men youngsters is hard to estimate unless boned., one- is intimately associated with the A number of villagers and vicinity work. Money is the prime request of attended the musical festival and,, the work and the members feel sure drama held in the Evangelical church• of the wholehearted support of the Dashwood on Sunday evening. The people of Goderich and distriot in religious drama entitled "In the their annual campaign. Claws of the Russia�oB Bear," was In Magistrate's Court well given and very g• number of young people of that con- 'Exeter—Five offenders against the gregation assisted by the ntire Highway Traffic Act appeared in r Christian Endeavor Band of 35 e- court her Saturday before Mag. C.W. by mbers, also a cornet solo was given Hawkshaw of London and were as by eight year old Elwood Txuemner. sessed fines and costs which set them The numbers were all well rendered, back from eight to twenty-five dol - and highly appreciated by a church lags apiece. Among the offences char well filled with people. On Tuesday ed were ,overloading, driving with evening of this week the proram out permit, drunkenness, speeding h ch• a NOTICE I am authorized agent and dealer for the Renfrew. Products of Cream Separators, Stoves and..Washing Machines. Also' • have some used Separators always on hand. If in need of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see me. HUGH THIEL, R.R. 2, Zurich. Phone 93 r 4. pt45 PRODUCE WANTED Master and Pioneer Chick Starters. Implement Repairs a Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. C9 • McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. • L.,�chil& Son apeser0atsaae esaassasssossase psseseeoeesaraee�r' eeeaaa®/l We areiii a position to take Cream land Eggs at my home at Zurich, for whirl/ we will ` pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive thein; .and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial! 'First house south of Dominion Hetet TUG H. M PERS, Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. was given 'in the Evangelial c1xrcand the use of • busive language. at Zurich 'to a very .large gathering, Goderich—No less than. 14 charges, and every one taking part m idle mainly in cocnnection with traffic. program gave a good account of regulations, adorned the docket of themselves,'" and the audience was Mag. J. A. Makin's court last Thurs- highly pleased with this splendid pro, day. Some were dismissed and some gram. laid over, but the , balance made a heavy afternoon's work for the cadi, SCHOOL REPO being the heaviest list in months. W. S S. No 8, Hay, Easter tests. Hudson and L. Ferguson, of Auburn Those marked with * were absent for each 'assessed $5 with costs of $5.80 one or more of the tests. when found guilty of driving their Sr. IV—Eunice Oectreicher 75.,,5% respective - autos while not o rope i3Y Kenneth Weber '71.1; + , registered.. Three cha;:g against Jr. IV Orlen Swartez'ntrubex .63:9 R. Johnstone, of Lucknow, were ad - Elmore Rader 63.5; Carl Oestretcher jcnirned while He is c chgerecklessd with 60S . Sr, III—Sack "{Heber 76.1; Martha' driving ,and leaving the scene of , an lifer '74.2; Hilda Rader 67:4; SSth- accident, in connection with a slight M Hilda Becker 58.8w ' accident •with a carr drivenby er Price" 61.3 ; Ernest Martin of Goderich north of Saltford Jr; u� Eileen• Miller 66.4; Masse 63.5; Louise Finkbeiner 60. on April 2. Two 18 year old girls, Sr. II—Lorna Miller 83; Rosaleen found guilty of vagrancy, were sen - Miller '75; Louise . Masse 54. 11eren eenCed to an exceed two yeaindefinite ef nitthCeBelmont I, not n Jr. II -Dorothy Price 674';' pair Miler 61; Lyla Swartzentru er 54 Jean at Reyugeffr females. . Thelpair Sr. I Merla Miller 71; borne Goderichp., d M zie Finkbeiner 69; Jhno Masse 65. ' Robertson, of Col Pr, Jr. I Howard Deters 86; rested after an escpade in Clinton on Hubert Miller 84; Dorothy Weber April 9, when g thy nthnight y in 83; Cecilia: Hartman 82; Violet Ra- an- empty. frienghtear with a ed der 80; Lloyd Smith 72; Russel ungmen. One youth, T. Perry, Smith 72; Eldon Datars 61. 21, of Blairmore, Alta., was sentcn- Primer•---Milton Price, 1 eginners cea to 80 daysf in jail }lis friend, . Euloeen Kuntz, Geraldine Masser Avey, , i was tnanded a week to give authorities an opportunity to communicate with :his parents. 1 Zurich Drug Store School Suiplies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies '.LICENSED AUCTIONEER :For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- Iuct any Auction Sale, regardless }as to size or' article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will rake no charges for Services Ren- ,deredl. Victor Hartman, Ralph Sm th ART Int WERER--Deslkwo ds Total enrelmcut 36. Phtniel3rSi,. I A. Robertson, Teacher", 1 ,PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. Naaslrsseaaee,eeseseesaeeaa See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfr'niters, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. ofoosees eemoassomosaaaaaa FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Zurioh! DrLA. J. MacKinnon,