HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-02, Page 40AC1reacketraeaseernbialbsectstoseso.sec1 :
We send samples o..nis
ilaarnish to Florida to be
;'Bested. in the blazing
"'sun .and brine -laden
Boats painted with
Scarfe's Varnish are ex-
amined regularly to see
how it stands moisture,
salt water and wear.
Exposed to the weather
for months and years.
Tested regularly underthe
microscope. It has to be
good to stand these tests.
is made accordingto a special formula to withstand
hot or cold water. It is tested in every conceivable
way before it is offered to you. Just the thing for
front doors, window sins and all surfaces exposed
to the weather—also on boats and in marine archi-
tecture. Gives marvellous wear. Price $1.10 a quart.
y 2nd; 1935
-.,j +larJffi
............ ...r
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.,
Amos Gingerich were: Mr. and Mrs;
Chris Swartzentruber° and fatally,
Mrs. Barbara Gerber,. 1Vr, and Mrs.
Ed. Erb and family.'
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Swarzentruber
and son Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Sol.
Bechler and family were Sunday
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Josiah
Mr. Gus Clarke and sister Gwen•
areturned home to ..Goderich after
spending a week with their mother,
Mrs. E. E. Clarke.
1MZr, Lorne Denolnme and Mr. Leon
ard Jeffrey called on Mr. and Mrs.
Ed.. Gesell one evening recently. cal-
Chris. Bechler and baby
led on friends in the village one af-
ternoon recently.
M. Peter Gingerich and two sons
visited with Mrs. Gingerich's mother
in Ehinira.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and
Miss Evelyn of Exeter were visitors
with Mr. and iVlrs. as. A. Carne,..
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barber and two
children of St. Marys visited friends
at Blake and. the Bronson line.
Mrs. Frank Robson and Mrs. Geo.
Hammond of St. Thomas visited fri-
ends on the Bronson and the Sauble
the past week.
Mr. ,and Mrs. 'Harold Penhale and
family spent Sunday last at Landon
Mrs. T. M. Snowden spent a few
days with relatives at St. Thomas.
E'ory Wipe. rbpNov
Turti -Cake 'Bei* fe'.
terms by P' Pe.pipgt•
houaewifc:. 8 net. 5.3
costa far yourcepy ro
Department 7D1, 287
MacPherson Ave„
Better fruit cake is a real .achievement when you know
the secret! flow your men -fold` --all the %airs--wwelcome
a tasty, .moist, light fruit cake, and you'll aleserve• their
compliments ! The secret is using PURITYFLOUR-3 it has
the streantti1 of the worlds best wheat sealed in Bt—flour so
good, so strong you can use less and yet the unit will be.
evenly distributed throughout your cake! Won't you try it 1
Kathleen Meaner, Reta Fassold, Nor-.
mail Whlper and Albert Miller, which
was enjoyed by all. After lunch with
the ;oinmittee in. charge, Martha
Rader Amelia Willert, Alvin Rader
and Victor Kraft, the, happy event,
carte to a' close by sin -ging the Nat,
iona.l Anthem.
Mr. D. F. Anderson received word
recently of the death of his brother,
Wm. Anderson of California. •
Mr. W. J. Jarrott is holding an
auction sale on Tuesday 11Iay 7th,
1935 of Implements and some house-
hold effects at his home. Owing t o
ill -health he is disposing of same.
Master Donald Tullytl>, dhiduncle
the Easter holiday.
near Brucefield.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Jarrott of Kippen
and daughter Miss Ella of Toronto,
called on friends during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson visited,
friends in Monkton recently. -
Miss Lettie Love of Hensall visited
in the vicinity during the Easter
holidays. -
Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxtable of Cen-
tralia visited the lati.ers mother.
Mr: and Mrs. McGregor visited Mr
and Mrs. Tully and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Ward H. Forrest,
bridal couple are getting nicely set-
tled on their farm in Stanley Town.-
slu.. 1_
,, s "• 0 1te he he
Forest ale o ry
fering with blood poison. We hope
he soon will be recovered from his
A number of the ladies of the W.
M. S. attended the Presbyterial in
Main St., United Church, Exeter, on
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson' Were
visited with friends from Hibbert,
stram,ArtimurAiLymm_ABming„0,x1p.atx ,.
31505-32:00 "" 2.Ao $1.10 .60 .35 $6.00 $3.10 $1.65 x;1,00 .60
so Gal. 3 Gal. Qt. Pr. M Pc.
$4.00 $2.10 $1.10 .70 .40
For Sale By:
JOHNSTON and KAL FLEI SCH, Zurich - w.
Yours Truly,
Opening Day: Monday, April 22nd, 1935.
-Po •'•e••••fFat•••tilcQ+lG13e51Pl,osecowasKt•vibC61•erge••••••e•••
•eeesr ee ees.0 <<044840nionOtoceoeas oseen•ea••••a **000
We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B.
Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant.
Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed
Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same
Now that the Spring is just around the corner' it is
a good time to check over your seeding Implements
Telephone and
Order repairs early and avoid Tele p
Express charges.
C=ultivator Points and plow shares for all makes of
different firms.
Arrange for a Cream Separator Demonstration
-viper Lastic Distributors: s
25,000 mile tires for ................... . 5:45 s
30,000 mile tires for ...............................7.05 1
If you like to save money let us re -tire your car.
We have a few used Tires cheap.
Tel. Shop 149
* -.at,.. rna
ALICt!on:ae ring?
Res. 67
o , r•Y • , v t -t Y• :t""Y
Mrs. Thos. Parimer is visiting with'.
relatives and friends in London.
Emly Morrison is spending a week
with Chatham friends.
Mr. ;+nd Mrs. W..0. Goodwin and
dalughte•:r, and Mrs. Maulkinson vis-
ited at Lakeside.
Dr. and Mrs. B. Campbell and
family of Toronto visited her sister,
Miss Ethel Murdoch over the holi-
Thos. Dickson quietly celebrated.
his SSrd birthday on April 21st with
meinhers of his family at his home
here. He is still enjoying good heal-
th' -and almost all his faculties are un-
inipared and he may be seen almost
daily enjoying walks hi the village
and calling on relatives and friends.
'kis many relatives and friends hope
he may be spared to enjoy many
more happy birthdays.
'Archie Dick of London visited with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
I)ea;h of Mrs. D. Robinson
There passed away at her home
on April 23rd, Sarah Lannon, wife
of%- David P.obinson, in her 63rd year. 1
Sl .had been in poor health for the l
iist siz months and for several we-
es;liad been a sufferer in spite of
e •best medical attention and 'kind
sing frommembers of her family
passed away Tuesday morn-
. t er husband, ,a fainarerr,- 'clad ,
one soli, Mrs. Carneth of ' Mill -
b .00k, ,Mrs. Sims of Calgary;; Mrs.
Jas. Sangster, Hensall; Miss. Ethel at
home, ,and Robt. of Huntsville. The
funeral was held on Thursday, inter-
ment at Hensall Union Cemetery.
She will be Much missed by a large
circle of 1 ids..
Mr. and Mrs:' Lloyd Hudson have
moved to Hensall • from Ghiselhurst
where they have lived. the past two
years and are occupying the Reichert
hong South Richmond st. •
Mr. rand Mrs. Williain . Gram a red
babe of Lansing, Mich., spent Easter
with Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Gram.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton of
Port Dover were Easter visitors with
relatives in town.`
Mr. and Mrs. Mendoza and Miss
Kay Dobbs who have spent a few
weeks with relatives and friends in
Toronto,, have returned to their home
The. Minstrel Show sponsored by
the Chambers of Commerce is being
put on at Staffa on May 1st.
• The band committee have rented
a room in the hotel and will practices
A quiet wedding took place at the
Presbyterian manse on Saturday af-
ternoon when Lily Grace Dalrymple•
of ,Tuckersmith was united in mar-
riage .to Henry Ward Forrest of Hay
Township. Rev: W. A.. Young Per-
er-fortned the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Forrest left on a trip to London and
other.;points.. Qn their, return they
will reside on the groom's tine farm
near Hillsgreen.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Moffat and fam-
ily of Seaforth spent a few days;with
friends in this vicinity.
Miss Margaret Willert of London,
underwent an operation for tonsils
in Dr. Taylor's Hospital last week.
Elgin Merner who underwent an
operation in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, returned home last week,
and we are pleased to say is improv
ing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan and Anna
spent the week -end in Detroit.
Miss Ruth Tiernan returned to
Windsor after spending Easter holi-
days with her parents.
A. change in business took place in
town on Tuesday when Mr. and Mrs..
Addison Tiernan took possession of
the Commercial Hotel and Mr. and
Mrs, Ezra Tieman moved into the
house next to the butcher shop.
Mrs. P. Mclsaac and Mrs; Wm.
ICleinstiver and Ruth who spent the
past week in Detroit and Windsor,
returned home on Sunday.
The. Religious Drama "In the claws
'of the Russian 'hear" which was pre-
sented 'last Sunday evening was well
portrayed by the rotors and was en-
joyed by a large audience. The Chris-
tian Endeavour Band of 35 members
assisted in the singing under• the
leadership of Rev. W. S. Hendrich.
On Tuesday evening April 23rd,
':he Dashwood Walther League held
'ts annual Banquet in honor of the
newly confirmed and with 66 young
people present everything proved it-
ielf a decided success. The event be -
'ng opened with the Walther League
long followed by an appropriate ad-
dress by the President, Alvin Walper
lifter, which a short program took
place which - consisted: of several nuuii-
''ers by the Walper :Quartette, Glen,
!Telton, Norman and .Alvin. An in.
`eresting address by R,ov, Luft, ,a
'Wing by Edward Gackstetter and
nstrumental selections by Alvin Rad
1r inouthorgan, Melton Walper ban -
'o and Glen Wolper piano., The Brea -i
'.er part of the evening was then;
pent in playing progressive flea
-diieh was enjoyed by all, Prizes we-
e won by EcCher Allemang and
:ornc Guenther who won high priz-
•I, with Lloyd and Ervin Rader rr-
'iving consolation. During the 'sf,rv-
^; of lur.:h a piano cliuett• was ren
'red by Helen Nadk e' anA
•••:. reading by Edward Gag-
,�cr and a mixed Quartette by
Farmers in. the Crediton neighbor-
hoodbelieve a wolf is .ranging that
district:' A deligent hunt has been
made for the animal, but it has not
been captured.,
Failed in • Well .Drilling
Exeter has made several' attempts
to secure" a supply of pure drinking'
.later for domestic purposes by the
sinking of wells, but withaut success
e , public utilities : -commission :inn
a,dandoning the.; latest effort, which'
,`,vas the sinking of a
well 400 feet
'Teel) with no water, has not come to
;any decision with regard to forther
.Return From Florida _
Mrs. E. W. Carrie, ar-
rived home after spending• the winter
Months • in Florida. Other Goderich
folks who were- wintering in Florida
alsoare home: Mr. and ,.izrs. W. J.,
Powell, Mr. and Mrs. 3. 13. Swaffield
and Mr, and Mits. Wirt, Strachant
Brewery Robbed
Several easos of beer were stolen
'ro,:i Formosa Brewery recently. The Goderich fe lucky to be a ,live. today Sask., were present. The bridal party
fie 'ails opened but no cash . was On P7+eA44,.,, toast he fell 3a feet freg}.r tr• ,Iufaicli at the Champlain Hotel-
!;;vttiia" etue: Cm as tree` erpet- the Sanford bridge into one foot. srf tSir_:a7a,l 1Vtrs. Watson are residing at :
.tors has yet been: faunal.--- k x. . x Maalox Wirer water and: sus.'t fried "ailrrig ''asic'.
Clouds add zn.ueh to the beauty of lite sky. Include them in every picture
It's easy to do.
IT seems that too often we forget chromatic film will respond to both
all about the fleecy white clouds, green and red light. All these films
which add so much to the attrac-
Will therefore, show 'tip the clouds
and beauty of a snapshot against the slay if used with a y
The average amateur: will put forth 1i,,k-w: feed
great effort to secure sharpness, Prom time to time you have per -
contrast and good composition in •Baps heard of "filter factors". Here's
his ground subject and then con- what it means. Since the filter cuts:
pletely' overlook the possibilities of out: some of the light which would!
)beautiful cloud effects. . otherwise affect thefilm, a longer`
• One ting that really adds to the .exposure must he given. The amount
interest in::a landscape,picture as by which the exposure must bein-
onds. Suppose we are taping such ,ereasel tS k own ae -'tho '!tactor of ... •..
" as picture and use a cim which re- the Alter_ It is noted by the number
sponds only to ultra -violet, violet, of 'tunes the exposure must be in -
and blue light. We should not be creased when using a color filter,
able to distinguish between theas compared -with the exposure with:,
clouds and sky if we give enough out one:. « -
exposure to show detail in the land- The deeper the yellow color fah
scape. This is because the light from the titer the more violet and blue+
the blue sky and the white clouds is it removes, or "holds back". The:
very rich in light rays to which the ; greater the "factor" the more tine
fip,,t responds.exposure must be increased.
Although cloud's and blue sky are As YOU >>,?ili no doubt surmise,
both rich in ultra -violet, violet and there are various types of filters
blue, there is a Marked difference and each type has its limitations.
between the two. The lights from In choosing a falter you must make
the• clouds, being tvhitex actually } your own decision based on your
cont.? In, however', a lot of green and general requirements.
red Tight, while that from the blue If you do not want to seriously
sky does not consider filter '`factors" there is a
This then, suggests a way to efFec ter known as a Sky Filter used
tively show Clouds and sky in a extensively by amateurs to photo --
snapshot We roust use a film which ; graph clouds in a landscape with. non
will respond to green, or to green; increase in exposure time. *IIaT1' of
and red light, and put over tae ienz 174TiN Etter is yellow and the oUier-
a filter which does not let timough banla clear. This filter can be used:
the ultraviolet, violet and blue: i1ae;` ivithont increasing the exposure be--
green or green aucl red Tiglmir fig cause three sky is photographed
the clouds will thus affect the film, through the yellow part while the,
while practically no light from the landscape, or general subject is •.
sky will get through to it, and in photographed through the Tower -
the finished print, the clouds will half, which is not colored. Yes, you .
appear whiter than the sky: can even get clouds with a silver •
Some film is sensitive to green lining.
light only but super -sensitive pan-
Goderich Man Is Director -
H. T. Edwards; Goderich, Childrens
Aid Society inspector for Huron Co-
unty,was elected: a. .member of. the
board ofdirectors of the Ontario
Society for Crippled Children, at a View Lighting System
meeting of that body in Toronto re- Exeter is to have a new system of
centIy. His term will be for one year. met BghIing through the business •
ae fn. It was decided at the councils'
Barn Burned' meeting, and will be a system of up-
right :standards on both sides of
A large: frame. barn on. the pasture Main st. The lights will be placed a-
1arm of the late W. T. Murney was bout.1.50 feet apart and staggard, tie-
ing.by fire last isPednesdmorn- lighting capacity will be double sa•
ing. The fain two• and a hall
miles south of Goderich on the Bay- n as to give each side of the street the
same amount of light, -Tale local Hy-
dro Commission have a surplus of"'
something like $16,000 on hand and
pant itnfthis will be used.
Me more injury than had he fallen°•
from the trent steps at home to the •
i awra. The tally mark resulting from. •
his breathtaking experience is' at
lbun'i on the hack of 'hid head.
field road..The barn had' been empt-
ied of .implements at a recent auct-
ion 'sale; and damage'. was; confined to
the' Targe lliu1ding:. '..
T6,41old''4 eno in
i'Taw.n' Counts at: a re -
The Clixcteraci
cont meeting decided to arrange for
a Community Concertwhich will be
held in the Town Hall on theeven-
ing of Monday; May 6th. This con-
cert promises to be vent entertain-
ing the Rev- Farley officiating.. The
and of a high standard as the bride wore a navy taffeta suit trim
choirs of the different churches med with white taffeta, navy acces-
town, alpng with the erne Ise sci obl, soles and a corsage of Talisman
the numbers:
anal band; ere .- pplys r; r�xaosnrs and `sweat peas. She also wore•
etre numbers: 'the •groones.gift, a diamond dinner•
ring. IVIIr. and Mrs. D. Gardiner of"
Eleven year old Sammy •Mabon of Regina and Mrs. Beatty of Girvin,.
• Watton—Edwards
The anarriage of Miss nay Ed-•
wards of Bayfield, to J L. Watson:
of Fairlight, Sask., formerly of Stan-
ley'Townsbip, son of the late Mr. ancit'.
Mas. Jrolan Watson, .was solemnized ha
the First Presbyterian Church, on
l :11s Frani Bridge