HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-05-02, Page 1Vol. XXXV I o..38
MAY z, 1935.
Patronize the horns
1('oliticians at Ottawa now predict
-the date of the: Domino`¢ Bteetioxu. as
.September 16th. This however- will.
be definitely announcedi Tater-
Are the yellow races to eiversede.
the white? The president of the
:French Aeedemy a SSdem a says that
they are increasing five to six Eines
as fast as the whites, and to the pos-
.sible increase of 155,000;001 in the
next ten years the yellow rages will
contribute 140,000000 What will
this mean?
No Cut in Whiskey Price
There will .be no cut in the price
-of whiskey in Orutarfo for the presents
Liquor Control Cconnassioner Odette
said recently. Earec etc when the Ot-
tawa Budget reduced liquor imposts
.and ordered the recluctifen passed on
to the consumer, the cut, the Com-
missioner indicated! at that Lome, •wo-
uld have to be' postponed) ung the
.current store supplies; were subatant-
elalld depleted_
Do You Need Glasses?
Huron People Prefer Girls •
Goderieh—Huron County folks de-
siring to adopt. children do not dis-
criminate between blondesand bru-
rtettes, but they insist ' on girls. • Of
atotal of five applications received
by the children's Aid Society, all
five asked for girls. There are 1.6 in
the shelter.
Wells, Creeks Becoming Dry
The Maitland River at Goderieh,
has never been so low at this time
of the year in a quarter of a century
and all the creeks and many of the
wells in townships bordering on the
shore of Lake Huron, north and
south of Goderichc, are dried up, an
almost unprecedented • situation for
April. In the Lucknow district farm-
ers are reported to be drawing water
considerable distances_ and crops are
about to suffer. During Aprel there
has only been two light snow flurries
and a sprinkle of rain. A contract
Ihas been awarded by the;Dominion
Government . to W. L. Forrest, of
Goderichc, for repairs at the Goder-
ich harbor to the amount of $5,683.
The -work includes the rebuilding of
a portion of concrete wharf west of
the Goderich elevator.
Ont. Premier Raising Onions
St. Thomas --Premier M itchell F.
"Hepburn has turned his thoughts
y from legislation
temporarily to onions
session of legisla
The first tore com-
pleted, the premier viewedstruction of his the start-
ing of con new 2,000
n warehouse an
crate onion d drystor-
Stop and Think how important it is
"that you wear correct glasses ----cor-
rectly prescribed for your vision.
Correctly styled to your face. Your
health may largely depend on keen
See C. E. ZURRIUGGe R. 0 -
Every Tuesday at ZURICH
At Dashwood, : Satrrrd'say,. t Phle',
•age plant on his S. Yarmouth farm.
This year he plans a record planting
of onions. 35 acres willbe devoted
to the.vegetable, 20 acres being sown
in Spanish onions_ Work on the farm
this year also proves for -the clearing
of an additional 15 acres of black
mucic soil and extensive draining.
Shoe Repo,
Chester L. Smith, Pt . U sl ?
$L25 a year, U.S. $1,50 in Advil
and read the local Paper
1 wish to advise the P;k_
am in a position to do all.:;l
shoe repairing, and solicit
ronage. Give us a triad
workmanship. lr'.
Victoria Street, Zur
For Sale
Consisting of one lot, i tt
2 storey frame house in go
and wired for Hydro; Fray,.,
all in good condition. Gs
water well. Por further partied
apply to executors.,
Wm. Hey, Zurich.
Philip Fassold, Dashwood
The total number of "Iensa
consumers is now 243,' vhieh Ed i
ares with 150 in 1918, the yew
the commencement of hydro
sail. Horsepower used in 193
aged 138 as against only 44 h ,9i
Hensall's last years domestic; a
mereial rates of 2.9 and 3's
per k. w. gave lighting conal
average rate of 3.06 cents'"
This compares with an orig
dro rate of 11.02 cents k.h. it
u y iii
A spring season of wide and ?viz
activity has been planned and i ,
ing carried out by the Luther Le
of Canada, the young people's rt
ization of the. Evangelical Luther
Synod of Canada. .Alveady a .n
aign for;increased subscription'
the offiraal.;,pap vr, :The
Miss Gertrude Weber was at Lon -
On on Wednesday.
Mrs. - L.Kraft "> has returned from
(a, pleasant visit with friends in De-
Mr. George H. Plile of Dashwood,
5, spending the week with friends in.
own and vicinity.
e Mrs, William. Reith and daughter
40oldie have returned from Watford
after spending a few days with the
•ormer's sister, Mrs. Richardson.
• 'Mr. Leonard Rau, after spending
the past three' months at Detroit,
has returned to his home here for
the summer.
Dr. A. J. and Mrs. MacKinnon
and sons, Hugh and Archie spent a
.;few days in Detroit over the week-
end, visiting friends.
Mrs.' J. J. Swartz of Detroit was
a,. week -end visitor at the home of
;:Mrs. J. Fuss. His wife, Mrs. Swartz
;and Unice returning with hint to the
Mrs. Alex. Foster and little dau-
ghter Elaine have returned home
after spending a couple .of weeks
:with• her daughter, Mrs. 3. Dickerson
in Detroit.
St. Peter's Luther League had a
dwell. attended - • meeting last Friday
evening. On Friday evening of this
•week will be the monthly business
eeting, to which all members are
ir' ted.
Becomes Valuable Prec-
ious Metal when sold to
us for Old Gold. You get
the highest prices at
Hess, The leveller
Phone 74 Zurich
Egg, Stove, Nut and Pear
Genuine Semet Solvay Co'
Rosedale Alberta.
Pocahontas Briquets
A new Domestic Fuel for every psa•
pose. Intense Heat, very Sfift�Ee sir
or Ash.
CASH paid for Eggs on a Qadeit
Phone 10
y mR ��s viFi�4DcF9�s�OOY���O �3�1��0���0 �� 6®lia9ax�dr�8r �,
"A Changeless Chant For a 'Chan
ing We,rlst?
Friday, 8he, Luther League-
Saturday—Choir Practi
10 a. m.—Germain Service..
11.15 a.m.—Sunday Selu0oL
7.80 p.m.—English service.
Everybody Welcome $o att Services..
e t
With "$T,705 ' liquid hydro assets
and $7,543 total hydro Iiadi.lities,
HensaI& 'is among the hydro mune!
-polities, now nearing the hundred
mark, .which are regarded as "out of
lidebt" in respect to local hydro. Hen-
sail's total of hydro reserves and sur-
plus now $31,614, itemized in "the
new municipal hydro report as fol-
ows: Reserve for equity in hydro sy-
stem $9,656; reserve for depreciation
on local plant $6,473; debentures rel
:$5,335•; ropperting Zarpius '$10,148..
Specials for Thursday,. Friday and Saturday
Sunlight Soap,„ 5 cakes for 25c
Corn Syrup, 5 lb, pail for . 33c
LUX Flakes„ large size (with 1 pk .g small
and. Picture, of King and Queerr free) _...- 23c
Blue Ribbon Cocoa 2 lb. Tin . .... _35c
Salmon; fancy Bilk,. 2 tins .25c
Children's Conon Hose, all sizes per pair ---15c
Men's Heavy 9-0z red back overalls ,extra special
$1119 Pair.
ine are .hoped for by the tin;'' y
canipaig t 'terminates on M i ` 1
Preliminaries for.the Third Annual
Oratorial Cohtest re also under:vo y,
Local. arganiza.t 8ns will • each declare'
a contest for districct competitions•
which will beheldduring the week.
of April 28th. Two winirers from ,Leish and'Mrs. H. Stovers of Detroit o
each dist ict will be qualified to 'en -'William, Herbert, Harold, Earl, An- 9
ter the final contest This will . take .old and: Henry Schilbe, all of Detroit, •
place in St. Jacobs on; ay 12th. also two brL
Gold and silver medals are awarded o�;lrers, Louis iialbfleisch o
to the two best speakers. In addition of flay Township, and William Kalb- a
a shield for annual competition goes` rept! , of Ottawa and many other a
to the League which the -winner ie- reiatiyes and friends. Her husband
Presents. On July 5th -11th the In- predeceased her two and a half ye- a
ternutional Convention of the .Luth ars ago. They .were residents of the •
er League of America will be held
14th concession, Hay Township, until a
in Charleston, • S. C. A number of
1910 when the family moved to De- it
troit. The funeral service was held at •
Canadian delegates are planning to lathe home of her daughter on Wed a
make the tarp by motor. Tn additian,nesday' afternoon with interment in e
to delegates from .all parts of Can- , .
acla and the United States there. will Schni gen Cemetery. Rev. .Paul 4
be representatives from the ;organ!- Schmidt her pastor, officiated. o
z tion's new field. in Puerto Rico, 3.
.\,!;iorica and India. T.ha comm `tion
theme is. "The Youth of the r';Mreh
Facing the World of Today." '
Daylight Saving In Many
ohn. Sebilbe `iagsed away at
e home of her daugh£"er,,y14.Irs. Earl
McLeish; Robson Avenue, Detroit, on
Easter Sunda, April 21st, in her 71st
year; She leaves ta mourn her loss
fiver daughters and six sons: Mrs. E.
Yoken of. Chicago, Ill.;' Mrs. H. Stein-
bach, Mrs: 0. Kauer, Mrs. E. Mc-
Dominion metropolitan centre4 with
,the exception of those Wq,,;tern
Canada went on daylight savinp: time
frpin April 28 to Sept. 28. The Wes-
tern Provinces—„Manitoba,
scattered through. Eestern provtIcesi
have moved their elooks forward: an
hour for sununer months, but the
periods of duration vary. TorOnto,
Ottawa. and Montreal will be on
"summer Time" over the fall:
months period, similar' to New,:York
and other large U. S. croes.
ether Ontario cities start the system,
.at difiereet dates during May, 'June
and Jnly. Sudbury is the only NOrth-
ern Ontario point to adopt fast. time,
but at the Kirkland Lake some mines
will work on a daylight time schedule
although the town will remain on
Standard time. The folowing; cities
are on daylight saving time:
28 to Sept. 28: Toronto rvimitreal,
Ottawa, 'New -York, St. 'Catharines,
Iring,ston, Niagara Palls. May '.'4 ,td
Sept. 15-11amilton; May 18 to; Sep.
13—Guelph; May 25 to Sept.' 28—
St. John; :rune 3 to Sep. 3—SuPhur,
June 16 to Aug. july
14 to Sept. 14---13rantford.
Tight saving time—North Bap-, ,Galt,
&salt Ste. Marie, Windsor, Loildoii,
Mrs. John liby, Sr. -Passes
, Mrs. 'Vary Duller, relict of the late
John tley, Sr., of Zurich was called
to the better world on Thursday,
April 25th, at the age of 78 years,
0 monns and 13 days. Mrs. :Ii.ey
had not been enjoying her usual
good health oz some months, but
was well taken oft: by her daughter,
Ars. J. Wickens of Ingersoll, who
khaS' been with her parents for over a
iyer. Deceased's husband -bad passed
ittway on February 241 last, and at
hat tiMe she was quite ill and little
y. lleing beim and spent all her
life in the immediate community,
Mrs, Hey had many WM= friends
",vho greatly regret' of her departure.
For many- years they farmed on the
babylon line, where they experienc-
W all ?bout pioneer life, later mov-
ng -to Zurich, and were loved by
, Itch neighbors, and their children
egret nf being called upon to give
tip both parents in so showt a time.
Suevivings are three daughters; Mrs.
t. Passel& of Dashwood; Mrs. Ed.
:,Stelck, of the 14th concession, Hay
4Tp., and Mrs. Wickens of Ingersoll;
;ihree sonsoijohn of Zurich; William
Of the Babylon line, and Samuel of
Alake; One brother, Mr. John Decher
Of Znrich also survivez. The funeral
1:1Poll :ii0in her home to St. Peter's
.tiit:lieran. church, and to the Luth-
an conetery for interment, and
mal,'IargelY attended. The pallboax-
erd being' the same as of hor late hus-
band; tionry Steinbach David Ging-
4ich, Harry Yungblut, Charles Hag -
St;,.. ail, John Brenner and Edward Dat -
'`Thomas, Owen Sotmd,
Kitchener, Woodstock, Chatham,
W P vin es
There new Fabrics picture clearly eE
harmony of perfect dress
The new patterns made from British
,woolens and tailored with the Eike- :
done of style, give you the easy €eel-
ing of always being well-dressed, ::
;See our splendid range prices 4k.
at $20.00 and $21.00
All Suits
gcsirre EL to am.
Your Sprit
We are well supplied with a General Stock a
Staple Goods, consisting of Prints, Broadcloths,
Curtains, Curtain Materials, Boys and Girls'
Summer Sweaters, Boys' Tweed Pants, Bloomers,
and Shirts, Men's Shirts and Pants.
Groceries, Hardware, Paints. Varnishes and
Oils, Shoes, Rubber Boots„ Harness Repairs,:
Etc, Etc.
1 935 Garden Vegetables and Flower Seeds.
Also root Seed and SOlgUln.
PHONE 11 imm 97 K