HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-04-25, Page 5Trartadae; Apeff 26th, 1935, • ,--..-...t. I3USINESS CAI LEGAL DUDLEY E. HouttEs 18ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT - Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this .ARY PPUBI.IC, ETC.. FOR. OFFICE—Ha-rnilton Street, .Tust off A Faulted quantity of No. 1 Clover the Square, GODE'RICH,. Ontario fHoney, while it lasts at $5 cents a •Special Attention to Comecel and ten pound pail. Court Work. 3. Ila.berer & Sons, Zueia. Mr. Holmes may •be eonstilted 11Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. H. H. COW E tir •L. p. S. D. D. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Mary Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIA.N A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. Al] .diseases of domestic animals treated ly the most modern principles, 'Charges reasonable. Day or night promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness -Heinle's. Office on Main Street. opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS Zuriehs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages? Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and. Skins 11. Yursgbiut & Son 1.GARAGE NOW!. NEW LOW PRICES "WILLARD BATTERIES 'HART BATTERIES Full One Year Guarantee $4.90 Gasoline with R-emium Oils, 15c per Qt. to 40c. GOODYEAR TIRES, Etc. 11. S. Virdn Phone 60 — DASHWOOD INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Wea her lomat= Co. OF WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- ;UAL COMPAN.Y DOING BUSINESS - OP THIS KIN1D, IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 5lst, 1932;. $17,880,729.. Total Cash in Bank and Banda $221,978.99. aaates—$4.50 per $/,000 for 3 -Years E F. Klopp —Zurich dent, Also Dealer in Lidhinind Rods and ill kinds of Fire insurance PRODUCE Live. Poultry WANTED Taken every Day tilt 3 o'clock p.m. 11:0 not feed Fowl same mosming when brought in HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM AND EGGS WIM . O'Brien • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate, of WILLIAM MIL - ;LER, late a the Village of Zurich,. he the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS hey - CAL RE ZUIt ICH HERALD Contracts Awarded; The property committee of the Huron County Council met in the Clerk's office to view tenders and let Contracts •for various works about the county buildings. Contracts were awarded as follows: Fred Seabrook for painting and deeorating county 'le M. and Mrs. Julios Thiel spent Easter Holidays at Kincardine. Mr. Gerald Bedard of Terento spending the week at his borne here. Miss Cathern Merner of the El- mira teaching staff is holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knetz of Windsor, spent the weekend with friends here. Mr. Newell Geiger who is attend- ing London Normal School le holidaY- ing at his home here. • PAGE FIVE yVv,,,letele,vvleep.4010411* • McKinley's Baby Chicks, 1935 • • • 8 • SPECIAL NOTICE! 1› 8 4. 4. 8 After April 1st, one high grade of Chicks only will : be sold. All eggs set weigh over 24 -oz. to the dozen and average..about 26 ounzes. • off, buildings, Harry Hart, Seaforth, for 4, putting in hardwood flooring in the I upper hall ,and lavatory of the court ; Ouse. Carl W. Worsell for installing di. new eves on the registrary ofilice Barred or White Rocks. 5. C. White Leghorns $13,50 April 10 $11.00 These contracts, also one for the er $12.50 After • $11.50 After April 22 $10.00 44r. ection of a fence around the registry • office, are to be carried out under$1050 After May 10 $9.00 • to $12.00 100 r $9.00 BORN—Bedard, at 14th .concers- the supervision of R $10 00 AfteMay 24 eeve Geo. H. • ion, on April 22nd, to M. and:Mrs. Elliott, chairman of the committee. ALL BREEDING STOCK GOVT. APPROVED AND BLOOD - Theo. Bedard a daughter. , . All documents in the registry office • Mr. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, Called on his brothers here on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeffreyof De - ling claims against the estate of the troit, was a week -end visitor at the said deceased are required to send home of his mother, Mrs. C. AYotte• 'full particulars of such claims, duly Mr. and Mrs. A, Moritz of Guelph verified, to the undersigned, solicit- were week end visitors at the tome ors for executor of the will of the of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. said deceased, on or before the. 6th lday of May, 11a5, after which date the executor will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the estate, having regard only to the eilainis of which notice shall have been received. DATED at London, this 4th day of April, A. D. 1935. MURPHY, LeBEI., & DURDIN, Barristers, etc., New Bank of Toronto Bldg., London, Ontario For Sale A. Kitchen Cabinet, almost like new. For quick Sale. Mrs. Ed.. Datars, Jr. WANTED Wanted—About 200 acres of good land to grow flax far season of 1935. A fair price will be paid for meltable land. Apply to: F. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich. Hay, and Seed Grain For Sale A choice lot of 1934 crop tiraothy and alfalfa mixed hay, loose, on Lot 25, Con. 1, ,Hay Township. Also the following 'Seed Grain: Spring .wheat "Reward", Early "Alaska" oats, rip- ens with barley; and "Velvet" barlee smooth avened bar/y, the straw of 'this variety is preferable for feeding to livestock. Prices on application. Apply to: Owen Geiger & Son, Phone 59.. Reuse% Ont. t40 Mr. Clayton Hoffman, principal of one of Galt's public schools, is spend- ing the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. liaoffman: dcBride 75; Elva Hey 74; '"Earl Miss Myrtle Weber of Toronto, war Oesch 63; Robert Baker 51; *Cur - a recent visitor with her paronts My tis Gingerich 34. and Mrs. A. A. Weber, of the Broria Sr. III—Edith Swaezentruaer 83; son Line. Ella Bohn 83, Anna Fostee ;-/; Ilene Gerber 60, *Irene Gerber 63, Emery Mr. and Mrs. Pertik Schoch and Bechler 53. family of Kitchener were Sunday Jr. TTI—Ray Oesch 76, Yvonne visitors with his parents, Mr. and Gelinas 74, *Ambrose Hartman 47 Mrs. Cyrus Schoch. *Vernon C- -eh 43. Professor Herbert, and Mrs. Kalb- Sr. II—G:adys Bechler 87, Norm; fleisch of London University are Hey '78, Lawmen Oesch 7(5, Mary spending their holidays with the foe- Foster '76, Monica Hartman 70: mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis 'Verna Gingerich 49, Heade Baker 41, Kalbfleisch, Hay Township. *Harry Bechler 39. Promoted to jr. II—Teddy Jeffrey Miss Anna Datars is having a Arthur Gelinas, Bruce Baker. one day sale of Ladies Dresses,Coats, L—Betty Baker. and Suits on Tuesday April 30th. Primer—Harold Erb, Ivan nechler All. ladies are cordially invited to Victor Hey, Lenard Foster. visit her store during this day of T. S. Beattie, Teacher. special sale. are to be fumigated, the work to ix' done under the supervision of Miss L. MePhersoe, registrar. SCHOOL REPORT The fiollowing is the result of the Easter Examinations held in. U. S. S. No. 9, (Blake school) Hay and Stan- ley. Those marked (') missed on or more exams. Pa as 60. Hons. 75 Sr. IV—Austin Hartman 65. Jr. IV—Verda Bechler '77, Grace Mr. Aarou A. Weber of the Bron- son line spent the week -end in Tor- onto with his children. Mr. Weber reports a very good time andwas considerable around that" big city to see things, which iinprereed .him Vera much. Mr. andlifes. Martin Wurrn of the Village, Mr. and Mm. Carl meclin ch.ey of Crqmarty, and Mr. and Mrs A.'•C. Levy and family of Clinton, were Sunday visitors at the honi. of AUCTION SALE Of Farm Implements and House- hold Effects at Hillsgreen, on TUESDAY MAY 7th, 1935 At 2 p.m. Consisting of the following: 18-35 h.p. Rock Island Tractor in A -I condition; 3 furrow Oliver tract- or plow; Tractor -stiff tooth cultivat- sir with two set of teeth in A-1 con- eition; 'White Threslihig machine 36- 54, rein fuor seaSonee Grahain. Free Mr, and Mrs.. , D. , Oswald,: . Bronson,,2oupe.'1.930 in. A-1 condition; light Line. ,,,,. , wagon; top buggy, set light sleighs good as new; circular saw with 31 -in. Mr. Wilmer Metzker, who has been _lad 26 -in. saws; 40 -it. eneeess 5 -in the junior member of the Bank a it good as new; 5 heavy loggire ,:- Montreal staff at Zurich for a few 7. .• ..;,e .' where ,. ,ains ; moving rope; 114 new steel years, has left for Woodstock ....-1a,tch block; 20 -ft. ladder; ladder he receives • a promotion to tha: ' , AT . ,,._, ,, • teller„_The new junior. memb'ei Of'', 1,7aleOvilieelbarrow; set single harness • - ' tNe. Zunieh 'fr)ran'eli-is "TWIN,MAPLFS" 'Ve t.irofA reaels an.d uinerous ballet rtielea; e , it17-4i'""kvil.'--:6741arA13.-0--.:4P4a.,r,:--,fxm ,...LpO a quanty. of household effects, W of Ingersoll.. naere the Big White Leg' The new milk house being erectecr,,14onsistng of 'stoves, tables, etc. horns Grow". Eggs for Hatching, Etc., Etc. The same prices as last Season We are pleased at any time to grew you our stoCk..1°' BrUCel. KlopP ZURICH, Ont. 1135 Used Cars For Sale We are offering the following used Cars for sale: 1-1932 V-8 Sedan, a bargain. 1-1930 Chev. Coach. 1-1931 Ford Coach. 1-1930 Ford Coach. All these are in First Class Condition 1 rebuilt M. -H. Cultivator 1See our rebuilt Lawn Mower, like new.. 2 DeLa.val relyarat cream separators, L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich NOTICE am authorized agent and dealer for the Renfrew Products of Crearn ,Separators, Stoves and Washing Machines. Also have,some used Sepaeatora always on hand. If in ;need of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see me. HUGH THIEL, R1. 2, Zurich. Phone 93 r 4 pt45 4.1.1141111.0111.40M•110111.11...11. PRODUCE WANTED seenooloweekerd,uweeee We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at rner home at Zurich, for which we will pay Merest market prices. We wilt grade your eggs as we receive, them', and pay according ;to grading. ttive•Ils a Trial" 'First house south of Dominion Hotel TAO& EL =TIERS, Phone 11 Zurich, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEElt. For Miran and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless ,as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will ' make no charges for services ten. i Atartillt WEBER,--Das'hwood II : Male. 1kt,, Eca.. 94 Zuratia, Phone 13a5Te , i eagaiaalafitali on the property of Mr. Joseph Gas- cho is about completed with the exception of the flooring and equip. went to be put in this will be very convenient to the. new,mAkman, Mr. Orville Witmer' Who We' 'understand, is taking up rooms in Mr.' Gascho's residence. Business Transfer Mr. B. M. Francis, who two years ago took over the egg and poultry business of Mr. N. W. Trewartha, has this week, disposed of the busi- ness to the Exeter Produce Company under the management of Mr. Len- nis O'Brein, who comes to Exeter from Clinton. Mr. O'Brein has rent- ed a residence on Andrew street and is moving in this week I'vith his wile and family of three children, Mr.. Francis will devote his attention to his insurance business and will oc- cupy his former office.—Exeter Tim- es -Advocate. • The weatherman is beginning to warm -up a bit this week, and the customary cold winds are letting ua somewhat. The earth is getting quite dry, and a warm rain is badly need ed to gtimulate growth. The far wheat has withstood the winter fair - well end with favorable weather should give a good crop. While the weather the past few weeks has been cold and backward, yet we am ad vised that the grain that has been sown for some time, is sprouted nicely, and ready to come up when it warms up a bit. Farmers are pra- ctically done sowing with the early crops. The grass also remains back- ward in growth, and it is surprising on what some of the live stock is being puller through these weeks. W. M. S. MEET The April meeting a the Blake W. S. was held on Wednesday, April 17th et the honie of Mrs. Peter Man- son, with a good number of ladies present. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 478. .The scripture lesson was read'from the 67 psalm' by Mrs. Sam McBride. Kathaleen Hey then gave. an Easter Reading autl;Miss Alberta Finlay gave a short reading. Miss Mary johaston then lead in prayer. •The business was then looked after by the president and the Quarterly Report was given by Mrs. OM& after which Mrs. Carrie gave the. topic. Mrs. T. Dina. more then lead in prayer and hymn 804 was sung folIewed by .repeating the Lord's' Prayer in untson. A dain- ty lunch was then served. There awe mother quilt quilted at this moot Everything will be sold as the prop- ..•letor is in poor health. Terms—Cash. W. J. Jarrott, Proprietor. H. Elliott, Auctioneer - . . DASHWOOD (Last Week's Reins, Delayed in the 1 Mails.) M. and Mrs. Sam Elsie of Detroit spent a few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. C. Routledge of Kin- tore spent the week -end with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mrs. m. Snell visited her daught- era in Detroit last week. Mr. Elgin Merrier underwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last Friday. We are pleased to report he is improving nicely. Mia and Mrs. Fred Rinker and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rinker of Thedford were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rinker. Mr. Oluf Pedersen is all smiles over the arrival of a son. Messrs. Lawrence and Orlando Ire - laird and Mrs. Susan Ireland of Guelph ewre week end visitors with Mr,. and Mrs. E. Tiernan. Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Koesser and fam- ily' of Lansing, Mich., spent thhe week end with relatives. Mrs. John Kuntz returned with them af- ter having spent the past six weeks with her daughter. Mts. Addison Tiernan spent Satur- day in London. Mrs. Chambers of Toronto is holi- ing special meetings in the Evangel- ical church. Confirmation services were held in _AN the Lutheran aurch last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hoperoft, (bridal couple) of Bolton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hoperoft on Monday. 1V1r. and Mrs. Hartman .Elsie and Thelma returned home on Saturday after spending a few weeks with friends in Sarnia. Mr. and lairs. Mercer of Windsor, spent Sunday with relatives In town and Mrs. Win. Westlake and daughter of Wyoming, Mrs. Hirger of Peet Eaton and Mrs. Sandercott of and son of London were Sunday vis- itors. with Mr. and Mks. Chas. Rinker BIRTHS. ghigenr saturclff. April 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron .Restemayer dew: On Monday, Apri 15th, to Mr. aral Mrs, Oluf Pedersen a son. DEATH—On Monday, April 15th mayor. • Euoleen Melinda Clam infant dam- e' -as of Mr. and Mrs. Arleen Reste- ''• • TESTED. OVER 175 R. 0. P. MALES HEAD OUR FLOCKS '40 • 4 4 45 45 45 45 45 45 Two Dollars per 100 chicks must accompany mail orders, Chicks • delivered when reasonably possible or expressed, Express • • prepaid. 100% live arrivals guaranteed Phone:. 97 r 11, Hensel! • J. ELGIN McKINLEY -- ZURICH, ONTARIO •,.r.‹...1.4-1.,,--ee+++++++++++++++++++++++44-44,-H-1., 8 8 Cut Your. Fuel !n HALF!8 Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! . REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL 4- a .i. + • , , , , + - 0 + .s.,.. .st' . AL -11Fli; . J ik.. !,) + ▪ ......... , • PHONE 60 1113 ZURICH I ,,. i ittegeeto++++++++++++++4-+++4"..1—. ++++++++++++++4.4^'-:--:.+0, :.+÷÷÷4, TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. SOSO e • • • 0 45 a a e a a 45 45 64996MG999804300665110be 800 fiDt9 450 ski 88V06.(88,908 SEEDS SEEDS See Us about Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy and Sweet Clover Seeds Save Money by Buying Your,Garqeri. Seeds frtirn 'Us! Garden Seeds in Bulk Package LET US SUPPL YOU WITH SEED GRAINS! 0 FORMALDEHYDE ' I Bring in your Bottles to be filled. We have a supply: I Master and Pioneer Chick Starters. Implement Repairs Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. 45 McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points -and plow points to fit any make of machine, chil S45 t$81.8408aOlterg890888080,89-88 e 6 MOSS SOOSSOSSOSSIII0g166410010 rywwwwwhwAlawiramiawhimaimmw,1 I Zurich rug Stor '18 Sch I upies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. OS. 600000 V0000 0000(80000 See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Vvraters, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, Perfutnizers, and Brushes. SIO.010410.11100,0(000etterneeKtelit FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti.Moth Discs. ,Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich fralleR.MWM.WIWWV PM? PANkstkium r 441