HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-04-25, Page 1..!'s••W
Patronize the home Meroh4t and rad the local Paper
ri .1 te.segi:
• • Chester L. Smith Publisher
$1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 m Advanea..
$1,48I1laRREARS, sr2 Star RI eff.tiaetinn,
The Easter season is; about passed
;again, and many enloyed. this annnal
festivity to its fulln.essi, and rightly
so. We had very nice weather for
those who went a distance to visit
with friends. Tub, .these annual
Christian Religion celebrations mean
so much to us as well as. med:ern
Between the rather strenuous tasks
of putting .out the famEy garden and
the odd job of heating the rugs, or
helping along with this and that, the
]man of the household Ends, plenty of
real work to take the place of the
usual recreation periaiL A. few sore
arms and a stiff back isn very com-
mon remnant from these annual ex-
ertions, and it seems the Tigger the
home and the more things hs. the
home, the bigger is the jails 'Thank
goodness it comes only mire a year,
and that is after the long winter's
rest and relaxation, -
_Do You Need Glasses?
,Stop and Think Trum important it is
-that you wear correct glasses -cor-
rectly prescribed for your vision.
'Correctly styled to your face. Your
health may largely depend on keen
See C. E. ZURBEIGG., R. O.
Every Tuesday at ZtriticH
At Dashwood, Saturday, at fik's
• Store-..
Evangelical Lutheran Churcie.
"A Changeless Christ Fur ,s.. Chang -
Eng World...
•Friday, 8h -Luther Leasgue.
Saturday -Choir Practice.
10 a. m.---Gemian Service.
11.15 a.m.Sunda.y School. Bend when a truck driven. by Ell -
7.30 p.m.........English service_ , wood, crashedinto .a -horse and buggy
Eireryhody 'Welcome to all Services., in charge •:uf Clarence Desjardine,
• Stephen Tp., Who bad in the buggy
' E. TUEltICHEIK, Poster. •as passenger - his ten ys.?.ar told sson
in 'Zurich this summer one cannot
By the amount of new autos sold • el
bhoe Repairinq
help but think that we are in very
prosperous years, and the word de- I wish. to advise the Pubile that
Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea
pression is our of our vocalaularY• am in a position to do all Itinde;1
Or are our imple listalng to 'these shoe repairing, and solicit your'
radio economist talkers, Who have ronage. Give us a trial lol g(
the Idea that we MU spend ourselves workmanship.
into prosperity. However, those of
us who are not so fortunate with
these material means must Test en-
vously look on our brother citizens Victoria Street. Zurich, .
, Mr. Edgar E. Wuerth of Kitchener
spent the holidays at his home, in
means and watch them glide by in
who have more abundant of these
the village.
these -new shiny models. • NOT/CE
with his son Dr. H. H. Cowen of the
We era Holding a Special SEde.''Vriviiage the past week.
DRESSES,' COATS .AND•Miss Louisa Rarig of Kitchener'
White Fish Planted For Ladies on: wu a holiday visitor with Zurich
Three million baby whitefish were TUESDAY, APRIL 30th. ,• •
• • lir. and Mrs. Hijeipell of Kitchener
spilled into lake Huron on. Thursday •
at Goderich by Supt. Adams of the
Sarnia Fish Hatchery, working from
MacDonald's "Alarm". The little fel-
lows were fine healthy specimens and
disappeared the moment they 'struck
the water. They. were a, part of a
shipment of 12,000,000 firagerlings
brought from the hatchery arid spil-
led into the lake all the way from
Kettle Point to Goderich. The hope
is' to increase the take of whitefish in
this part of the lake. In the mean-
time fishermen are still getting 40c.
a pound for the big whitefish they
are catching and 19 cents for trout.
A few hundred. pounds is all the loc-
al fishermen are getting but the high
prices compensate somewhat.
Mr. Cowen of Fergus, was a visitor
Be sue and visit our Ladies' We4r,
Store during this day.
, .
home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile.
s' Mr. and 1VIrs. Clarence Hoffman
er eireessed son Bobby of Galt were Sunday
and H. Weigand. The ratt was!,
thrown from the buggy to the rd
-Ysitors with their parents here.
was unconscious for two days, spent.
weeks -in hospital and has not
recovered from the effects. .13o1 Des
jardine and Weigand adinitt6.,'•to
was no light on the buggy, but bot4i.'
also declared the .truck had no lights
at the time of the crash, although
they had observed light some dist;;
ance back a few minutes prevrous_
the accident.
were week -end visitors at the home
:of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner.
Mrs. E, Bender and son Edwin of
B1th were Monday visitors at the
In Magistrate's Court
County 'Magistrate C. W_ Hawk-
shaw held Court in Exeter on ;Satur-
day last to try the chares of reckless
driving against Severne Winer and
Francis Squire, arising out of the
collision at the south end of Exeter
on March 27th. F. Donelly of Goder-
•! 4r. Daniel Smith who has been
for the past year and a half with
friends at New Hamburg*, has re-
Oened to Zurich to reside.
Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Elsie of De-
troit, were visitors in the village on
Saturday. Mrs. Elsie was formerly
Mrs, Elmer Oesch, a well known re-
sident of Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wagner 04
A HistoriCal Sketch ^'-'':.Guolph, are spending 'their holidays
with the former's parents, Mr. and
(By Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher in Lori': Mrs. W. C. Wagner.
don Free Press,)
- - ,•• Mrs. C. Ayotte who spent the past
During 1859 S. S. No. Hay
winter with her children at Detroit,
was formed and half an acre of Ian,
,has ‘teturned for the summer months
was purchased from lot 6, con. 1
to rbside her home on Victoria
then, owned by Jacob Schlueter f
$10 for the purpose ciC 'building 'A Yeq:L, Zurich.
log school house. It was situated 1, "`" Petees Luther League this
miles north of Dash -weed, then,,42,:re.,
selefeessIed7Visms-sisseTe -Friedsbeise, d Wean- WaStY Confirmed young memberg-of
iiiy.defended. Squire. Tii.e Magis- first secy-treas and at the end of.th41 congregation. The meeting will
trate found Winer guilty and asses- year there was a balance -n the tre,1 he .0.1 devotional and social nature,
sed a fine 'of $10 and costs and dis- sury of 28 cants. Five teachers tau- 'incicuding an address, the subject be -
missed the charge against Squire. ht in the log school Sam and Pan ing, "The location of our Foreign
Giving accused the benefit of the Bean, T. Rolline, Miss Janet MeA‘s- Missionary Enterprizes. Let's all be
doube, Magistrate A. Makins at thur and R. Whiting. Market candit- there!
Godericl. on Tharsday'last dismissed ions have changed decidedly since,
a recylesss driving charge against 1865 when 1334 cords of wood was Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siebert -and
Lewis Ellwood, Goderich salt trucker. bought from D. Bean at 50c-aeord sors Donald and Miss Helen Siebert
The case arose out of an accident on wind in 1935 hard maple Wood was of Detroit, and Miss Nora Siebert of
the night of Feb. 4 on the Grand purchased for $12 a cord. The jani- Lansing, Mich,. were week end vis -
Bend -Parkhill road a mile east of the tor in the early days was paid $11.50 itOrs with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sie-
for cleaning the school and $4 per best
anmun for lighting the fires, while ‘.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hamilton and
the present janitor receives $65.
The log school house did duty for
13 years, when in 1872 on account
of the-attendaece of about 150 pup-
ils, it was found necessary to build a
Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Rim°, large pkg. per pkg...-- . .....
Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn, per tin ............10c
Kelloggs corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. - 25c
Large tin Pork and Beans, 2 tins • 21c
Derby cheese, half lb. pkg., .. - .. 25c
Royal York Coffee (try this fine blend) per To 39c
Royal York Tea,,, orange Peko, half lb. 28c
Large 2-1b. jar peanut butter, 2 -lbs. ....--._...33cc
Huron toilet paper„ 5 rolls
Reduced Prices •on Wall Papers. Same %real
IsSaimains in end lots.
See xis about that Curtain Na., Flailed or Plain,,
net Curtains from 75c. pair nup. Fri/led "39c.
a pair up to $1.25.
House D bourn t)9c to $225. Bee these New
Wei. and Ratterns
Highest Prkes fog
daughter Doris of London were week
end. visitors at the home of Mr. and
:mrs. John Gallster. Doris sang two
very nice solos in the Evangelical
Church on Sunday.
new and larger school. Anothsir half •
acre of land was purchased from • The new creamery in Zurich has
Jacob Weber, who still owns the ad- on .IVIonday started operations and •
joining farm and Samuel ReniVe took. ie busy making •butters A .shipment ;
the contract to build a one -room of cream from a London firm was
frame school •and furnish it receivzd and is being corked up. The ss
hand -made wooden benches foe .the equipment throughout ie practically
sum of $604. Pupils from Dashwood new and should turn 'out a good
in both Hay and Stephen Twpi. at- prodtict. -
tended No, 8 school and air noe
dent pupils were charged 25 cents A very painful accident befell Mr.
per month unless Stephen cot.neil Leeland Willert of town last Thurs-
would allow them to pay their texes day afternoon, when in some way
to this section. In 1868 the amannt.theslaack part ofshis left hand came
collected from these • non-resident in Contact with the jointer pemer, at
the„'Kalbfleisch Planing Mill. The
kniStes badly lacerated the tops of
the four fingers down into the bone,
with,the result that it is doubtful if
all itia fingers will again grow to -
contains about 3,400 acres •and has,,gether,to be of much use to the pat-
en assessment of $145,200, :Froth int. i'"10),VPVel.', an effort is being
1873 to 1894 •Joseph Snell wit.,1 the .11.adt3:by medical science to save as
principal end assietent teacherS were I Much of the fingers ar possible. Just
hired when neeessary. Often an, elder i,how the accident happened is not
pupil was put m charge of the smal- 'definitely known, but Leeland has a
ler classes to teach them the time lot of' pain these days, and we all
.sympathize with him.'
:Good Prospects for Blue
Water Route
Becomes Valuable Prec-
ious Metal when sold to
us for Old Gold. You get
the highest prices at
Hess, The Jeweller
Phone 74 Zurich
pupils, was $110.'70. Later in 1888
the fee was raised to 50 cents. Nin
years later a school was milt in the
Village of Dashwood and the sectien
lines wore (.119ntrA. This seethe': now
R's. There were 21 assistants under
Joseph Snell. After the Dashivood
school was built the attendance drop-
ped to 3$ so that only one teacher,
was necessary. In 1923 the intetiot
was remodelled and redecorated. The
salary paid the teacher in 1900 was,
$225 .per annum and from that time
' it gradually incre.ased until it rpaeh-
ed the peak in 1920 when Adelison
Tiernan received $1,175 per 'sear.
never relaxed its efforts, even during
Since then it has gradual],;,6d2e5creaed .tho. dimer4ies
of resent years, it
to the present salary of ;was in a position to take advantage
s The present enrolment includily a Of thebetter times that were return -
Class eutering at Easter is 36, which . le,
Figures recorded by the Associ-
.ceitainly indicates a prosperous '°1Ntion ,
„ition office at Sande showed that
enunity since the school is only "1. ,e, e Water traffic last year made
miles -from the village of Dashvtoi,i..riu
Which bas a three roots, inthlic si,.408.1 ,an adVance of 23% over 1933, and
s) fel+ that, having turned the cor-
Ile followirg have setvna ri,'-..1,..‘ii .: !
4.4 ti,.ey could look for t‘till furthter
A 7 r .:2, 47i ts sue sese the forte:aims of .01..'e
'!Iveneenient this year. Col. Wood-
•s;,-cction 76 years eget David Bea i, IS)
j, r, 'OW aided that effort be made to
, Pearl, N. Fried, P. Schwe3zo .
811011, ,i. "levee., ee eceeseeem„ st ‘,7.0,0 ', improill the beauty and attrectivo
VISARie U40 1 1,,,,,,,._ 1,ns el: the route and adjacent terri
f 'ker, TI. Tr:winner, 006 mol-- 1 i A
•,,, 01,
‘• ...".....' '...--.....'"•'.'• '' s'- " ''' killAnd WalPer Y ind ATtlrar AiVeaSto it se
• `CoDi C. 'S. Woodrow and W. D.Fer-
baSon. of Sarnia were up the Blue
Water route Thursday last and -spoke
X conditions of the last few years
and said that as the Association had
Genuine Servet Solvay Coke
Rosedale Alberta
Pocahontas Briquets
A new Domestic Fuel for every paw -
pose. Intense Heat, very little SEM123S
or Ash.
CASH paid for Eggs on a GradeE.
Phone0 JILL
s ocso•osise04.444•••••••••44
La Mind Atht'
There new Fabrics picture crearry tivz,
• harniony of perfect dress, •se,
The new patterns made from, British
woo/ens and tailored with the free- .4*
dorn of style, give you the easy, fee -
nag ol always being well-dressed. -
'See our splendid range priced 0);
at $20.00 and $21.00
All Suits
04, rl
.„ 3t.
gs,z, 1.1 nighl Eon
• A,4,4,4,4,4•¢.9.0.1}..e. -t,,dpiUN4 4141,>4.$1.444.1,64.44 4
We are well supplied with a General Stock of
Staple Goods, consisting of Prints, Broadcloths -
Curtains, Curtain Materials„ Boys and Girls'
Sumner Sweaters, Boys' Tweed Pants, Bloomers,
and Shirts, Shirts and Pants.
Groceries, Hardware, Paints' • Varnishes and
Oils, Shoes, Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs,
Etc., Etc,
1935 Garden Vegetables and Flower Se
Also root Seed and Sarguln.
Go'IFN Efa,AL 11.11,6ROHA, NT