HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-04-18, Page 8PAG r4,Terfro esseeresseee-- seresee ^ I SfORE' WITH Sit3C1C se F rnioll llngs See Us about those New Curtains ..for Your Windows. A Complete Range of Scrims, Tuscan Netts, Frilled Muslim, Priced from 15c to 75c a Yard. Also new Cretons, Chintzes, Shadowcloth Draperies. Wall Papers Reg. A. Boxers Wall Papers again in Stock, 50 nattervato choose from, prices from 15 cents to 90 cents a double roll. Sunworthy papers from 25 cents a double roll up. GROCERIES! GROCERIES Vanilla, 2 for Macaroni, 4 lbs. for • T 9c Peas No, 3, 2 for Nu Hit Coffee, lb. Old Cheese, per Ib. ....20c Cookies: 2 lbs. for 29c Lemons, per dozen 23c Bananas, per dozen 25c 11c 25c 33c Everything in Garden Seeds now on Display CAUSTIC SODA, New Supply now in 5 lbs 55c. ri• • Pr 1 -; PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 t 41 0 - Against Financial Loss trough Accident, Fire, Theft, Ect. THE COST IS REASONABLE P.ROTECTION IS NECESSARY I. An Automobile Accident Policy Costs little and provides Funds in case you receive injuries "It is better to have insurance always and not need it than need it once and not have it- Azitirew xr. Hes, Larich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY VP You MADE YOUR WILL? ' ,;..H.,,flafavurArKE (1-13 SEEDS and FURNITURE , ing Seeding Season ira Tin with qs and k-?:nrc",:: Iv) we have the very hest of Government Teated will lee peed to fill your oa:eas early. -Al- )',„ tIie lowest prevailing prices with Qaality Coen". etecl... Vie are always in the market for good seeds, and Custona Seed Cleaning at low prices PAINTS! PAINTS! D • We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, 6ils, Varnishes, Also, Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts, Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes ,. ce , WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, Cb t•T., • tzerses (le it -on( QnC.:ttnC4E1001,:,3tM0("telfittfi.09.420Z00*061 00001,M**11 Furniture, Springs and I3eds. • Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Spe.ciatty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ENARCO OILS; Felt and Marshall OC RICH. HERALb Olympic Health Soap, per cake Club Special Coffee in Bans,, per Ib. /9c Minute Tapioca and Pyrex Glass Free, 2 bozes2'.5c. Spanish Pimento; per ti -n. 1.5c: Catsup, Cross and Blackwell, per bottle Gelatin, per box .... . . ...... .... 10c Olives, 18 -oz. jar 25c Green Tea per lb 39c Menno Osch EGGS WANTED. uric Phone 16:5 MTB nt 11111111111111MMOMIIIM01111 11111111111111111111111111. ArlarFEWRIIIMINITERMS1 1111011111111i rs L i,,,TEREST Mr. and Mrs. T. L. 1717illiams were • Svmday visitors to HensalI. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mae made a trip to London. on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Uttley and fam- ily of Seaforth were Sunday visitors with relatives in town. There will be Good Friday services held in the Evangelical church -at the hour from ten to eleven o'clock an Friday forenoon. Mr. Norman Sararas, -son of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Sararas of the Blue Water Highway, south of St. Joseph, was the latter part of last week rushed to London hospital, and oper- ated on for appendicitis. Pleased to report the patient is progressing very favorably. The weatherman is continuing cold • again. this week, -with considerable. frosts these nights, and how these cold and raw winds do come down from the north, real March weather.: What looked in March . like a real earl spring, is now not looking. so promising, as there has been pract-1 ically no growth, but the farmere' have practically all their early seed -- Mg in, and we hope it soon will warm, up a bit. The Thirteenth Bill Godrich's thirteenth power bill Is. for the :year ended Oct. 81, 1934, a 'ereditof '$311.84. This was pre- ', sented' at the 'meeting of the public utilities conunission. Cost of power for the year was $8,440.65, but op- eration, maintenance and administr- ative expenses of the Provincial Corn mission, along with interest, etc • to $43,995.98. . . - • This is Eester week, or n many Churches known as Holy Week. Good Friday will be observed as' a -holiday, and most of the churches will hold services in commemoration of the significence of the occasion. If it were not for what took place on that memorable first Good Friday, we undoubtedly would not be worship- ing our creator in the christian re- ligion at present. It is oaten a good lesson to us to look back when these 'nal trvents occurred and then • think over it end edent it means to ne .30 1.OiJ FISH FOR LAKE HURON Sarnia -With the first hatching of et Point Edward Government hatchery recently, the popuS•Sion o. of lefse Huron will be increased by some 30 test in the lotchery since last year u ttl-clwd when 5 its to See, attire reached 10-10 degrees which a is ideal of hatching. Al S., P. tilt CED 0 see1,7ee. ril,11, Erie H. Johns, former benk man - Tel LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs.................13 12 10 Butter 15e creamery Butter 15. daisy Wheat bush Barley, bush Buckwheat, bush Shorts, ton Brans on Fleur, cwt. ..., Live Hogs, cwt. Potatoes per bag ... 25 90 70 42 26.00 26.00 2.25 3.00 8.25 • 50 cargoes on some of the larger vessels is regarded as dangerous. FOSTER-HOMS WANTED The Children's,Aid Society of Hur- on County have several children to be placed out, and are appealing to :tee citizens to take .a good child into their home. There are at present in the. Shelter at, Goderich one baby boy of sbt months; one baby'girl nine !months; one baby boy, eleven mon- • ths,- one girl of three years, one boy qffive years, one boy of she years, one of eight and one of ten years; and three girls, ten, eleven an& 12 years of age. The children are all healthy and well me enered, and wo- uld fr into any good 4111e. ' • Sues For D'ivorc, • easBryan Edgissaton, Clattde , e »Ilrg plaintiff in 'a. divorce ac- tiXi lagainst his wife Winnifred •Matt Edgington filed in Supreme Co*, London, Charles Wilson, of London township is named co-res- pondent. The couple were married in England, on Jan. 24, 1913, and separated in April 1934. There are four children. The plaintiff is seek- ing divorce on the . grounds of ad-. ultrye 0 co 0 ZURICH, - ONT. QUALITY PRICE - SERVICE 9 pleaded guilty before judge T. M. Costello at Goderich on Wednesday of last week to the theft of $5,200 from six of his clients. Through his counsel, rank Dennehy, he elected a speedy trial. Johns, in a signed sta- tement given Crown Attorney D. E. '!ehnee, eaid the money was taken to finance a venture in real estate, in which he had hoped to make • - efts to return his clients' mon- ey. The venture failed. Johns' will Ispeared on Monday and was senten- cecd to the Ontario Reformatory at Guelph. ?roblem of Loy.- Lake Levels Water levels in (e,toieel.,_ :lay and Lake Huron are the fewest in his- tory. The official records data; back to 1860. From that year until the pres- ent there has been no level as low es the present reading or 577.5 feet above mean tide sea Ievel. The lower- : T of the water in this portion of he Great Lakes is beginning to riove a problem of intijor concern to the hpping indietry. run cargoes erain bolls plying to ports en sake Huron and Georgian nay wil Is! impossible. this year. Trans portation expenees to shipowners wil remain the same, but to risk eapacity • Bill re Quints Passes unique in Ontario Legisla- tive history, received final reading, and When approved by the tient-Gov- erner' of the Province, will provide • air -tight guardianship for the famous Dionne quintuplets ror the nexteseventeed years. The measure, deeigned to protect the famous in- finfe from exploitation had a rather tesreeatuous journed through the Cetelie Legislature. Introduced by the T,Ion. David Croll, Minister of Public Welfare, it met with consid- erable apposition from meinbers of the Opposition. WANT PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY Dashwood -A delegation from Tr? eeen County went to Toronto to pr.ieut to Hon. T. 13. MeQuesten, sinister of highways, a petition to melee the county road between Hay and Stephen Townships a provincial I:le:rivet*, This rond runs parallel to and between the other two roads un- deersionstruction, and would connect No. 4 with the Blue Water Highway at Grand Bend. The other roads are the one to the south, passing through Crediton and the one to the north p1t:4Ang through Zurich. The deput- ation included Warden Wm. Sweitz- er, of Huron County, Reuben Goeta Win.iTurnbull and Mervyn Tiernan, of Dashwood, Thos. Webb, village trustee of Grand Bend. Reeve Thos. Pryde and Walter Hern, of Exeter and Reeve Westcott of Usborne Tp. DEACHIVIAN 15 NOMINEE FOR NORTH HURON Wiligham-At the North Huron nomination convention held here R. J. Deachman was the unanimous choice to earry the Liberal standard in the forthcoming federal election. Although now a resident of Ottawa,' he is a native Of Howiek Tp., and is no ,stranger to a groat many oleo -tire. Otlibrs nominated were:: W. H. Rob- erton, L. Parsons, J. McNabb. Hugh Hill, Sheldon .Bricker, W. L. Young, M.;. 'Matheson, D. R. Nairn and J. J. • Rotanaeon. Only four names went be for3 the convention and in the first mend 'Mr. Deachman got the nornin- I ation. Around '700 people were in the hall, when Hug's Hill, president of lithe Liberal organization galled the fir'i; to ordrr. 'Thursday, April 18th, 1935 , • + 40). 24L tlif re THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN. WINE, ALSO HAVE :ARE WIRE. SEE US ABOUT t NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AN ) EVE - TROUGHING SPECIALS! SPECIALS! • Special GasoLin.e for Stoves, at per gallon 28c 1-- Special Stove Oil, at per gallon '44 We also have Furniture. See some very Attra.c.;,ve Prices• k sr New Beds, Springs and Mattresses. USED FURNITURE Two Codd Used Chesterfield Suites ona-Handa, . Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; 1; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. BE SURE .AND SEE THEM! j,timston& Kalbfleisch Hardware 617 Furniture. Phone 63 .1(4, **, 4 4 .5. 8 8 8 4 4"+.1^i4.4.9,1,,144,,t,*+1.4.44+,1444.444-1.+•it++-1-44.H..+4.+44.1-•+4,44,144+,1-,*414.t 4 NSIIIIIMISICHNiratiMIII111111111111111:0111111111111HessmISKIIIIIIffiliuMasammespeersgssmemssesliessamasse THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each $7.00 and 10.00 6.00 and 10.00 16.00 and 18.00 • 12o00 3.00 1.00 1.25 e, 1' 4. 0' ,E. 1. 25c -rse- a LE - a Repair. Ilan , UNE UP YOUR C AR ! Dont be discouraged and throw agaw your Car if it is not functioning as you think a Fhoutd. Just run it in our Garage and have our Mechanics go over it and You will be surprised of the results. Gzsolina and Kerosine always kept on hand in iarge and emall quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Empeet Workmanship en Repair Woe; and VverrnealP 1,a1ba on all MrAcs of Cam with Charges Very Reasenalbe. Moueafl C494 4DittCp4141444:44444440 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. • 4. 4. • • Sie ITERAT D 3PIO De You .FIC,fow?et3-- .1fr 4F?. .E1P 4,* de, • * 444; t e, Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well 'that you, have power in your store, to influence the decision of your tus-- • tomers in regard to *hat they buy lieipm you. Your 'customers rely on you to givethem products -which in use or consumption, will give thern complete satisfaction: • If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly- circulated magazines theta by the same token,, it is right to 118C local weekly newspapers! I am the Master Salesman of this Comnaunity„ and my name is ADVER.TISE 4 44: 414,,114.44Mote9 94-44114404 6.494444944-.44,14444.2441401:41t",t".5$