HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-04-18, Page 5"Thorsday; Apra TM, 1935 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL ------ it)ILIDLX EJEoLMi •BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just ofr the Square, GODERTCH, Ontario. !Special Attention to Counsel and! Court Work. 31/Ir. Holmes may be consulted at liG•oderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. 17E77.717 Dr. IL IL COWE L. D. S. D. D.. S. DENTAL SUR_GOINI At DEITZ BLOOK--ZURICH "Every Thursday, Friday, Saturd At HARTIXIB'S BLOCK DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. y VETERiNARIA.N A. R Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All :diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night ,calls promptly. atte-nded to. Also l3re- eader of Scottish terriers. Inverness Mennels. Office on Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. ZURICH HERALD Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads. in this Column; BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT IVIAB. KE T Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausag,es, Ect., almrays on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins fL Ytaigbilsit & Sold GARAGE NEW LOW. PRICES WILLARD BATTERIES HART BATTERIES Full One Year Guarantee $4.90 • Gasoline 'with P:einiurn Oils, 15c per Qt. to 40c. GOODYEAR TIRES, Etc. FOR SALE , A'limited quantity of No. 1 Clover Honey, while it lasts at 85 cents a ten pound pail. Haberer & Sons, Zurich. For Sale CIyd'e Gelding ii -sing 5, weight 1500 pounds, 8, M. Peachy. Dashwood - Phone 25r6 1••*••• Farm For Sale Consisting of Lot 17, 18 L.R.W., Hay Township, being 50 acres more or less. Land is in good cultivation. Has brick house, with kitchen attach- • ed, barn on stone -wall 30x40, also a straw shed, other outbuildings, good never failing rock well. For further particulars apply to: Ben Charrett, home with Nelson Masse, /4th Concession, Hay. rair Phone 60 — FOR SALE A quantity of choice yellow sweet clover hay for sale. Apply to. Mrs. Mabel Snider, Zurich, or to Mr. Oscar Ducharrae, phone 2 r 98. For Sale A Kitchen Cabinet, almost new. For quick Sale. Mrs. Ed. Dataes, Jr. like WANTED Wanted—About 200 acres of good land to grow flax for season of 1935. A fair price will be paid for suitable. land. Apply to: F. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich. oin DASHWOOD Hay, and Seed Grain For Sale A choice lot of 1934 erop timothy and alfalfa mixed hay, loose, on Lot 25, Con. 1, Hay Township. Also the following Seed Grain: Spring wheat "Reward", Early "Alaska" oats, rip- ens with barley; and "Velvet" barley smooth awned barley, the straw of this variety is preferable for feeding to livestock. Prices on application. Apply to: Owen Geiger & Son, Phone 59. Hensall, Ont. t40 .wereenwormasecenmoraremsommereararmamemme INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weailier Insurance Co, 14166A2F WOODSTOCK tiftGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- I.IAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at RiSk on Dec, 31st, 1932, $17,880;129. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,9'78:99. •• Itates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. Klopp—Zurich Ment, Also Dealer in Litgainind Roth ma ail kinds of Fire Insurance "TWINMAPli .FS" LOCAL „,,iS Mr. and Mrs. Harb Mousse= 'and family were to London on Saturday, Merner's Store is having a show ing of Newest Styles a LadiesSuits and Dresses, on Thursday and Satur- day. Good Friday services will be served in St. Peter's Lutheran elmech thy holding devine worship on Thum day evening, and on Friday forenoon Mr. Joseph Gascho is erecting f. new building just north of Stade & Weido's Hardwares forathe purpose of a new home for Mr: Orville Wit- mer's milk business. Theefoundation for the building has' been laid and when completed should be very con- venient as it is quite central. We understand a large refrigerator will be placed therein for the hot summer months. WEED INSPECTORS MEET 1 The annual meeting of the Huron. County Weed Inspectors was held in the office of the Agricultural Repre sentatice, Clinton on Tuesday after- noon of last week, with a good at- tendaiace. Of the eighteen township inspectors, fourteen were present and three of the four from the towns The village inspectors did not turn out. In addition a number of the re- eves were present and Warden Sweit zer was also there. The meeting was heel a little earlier than usual this year, the idea being to make it the meeting this year was not as possible for farmers to adopt the large as usual, those in attendaree best methods possible when putting took a prominent part in the discus - in the crops this spring to bring a-- sion. Mr. G. H. Dic...ea, re:Idee' tout the irradication of weeds.r!-- ural Experiinent Station, Vineland, • was the first speaker and he stressed , EXPENSIVE FISH •the importance of the use of man- '- Goderich—The price of whitefish ure, cover crops and commereal fer- soaxed to 40 cents a pound here last ttilehizeorrse,ianrd.mplai,noftainLina gcefesratii,l,O. Ain.1 Friday and that of lake trout 19e., h both new high. The catches nouC. Guelph, was in atteedance and tinue eine a the ithev- ps Prov - are light, between 100 and 200 poundslosptteanbdiiinegflya. uthPorroift.y to each boat. Nearly all shipmente u are finding their way to United Stat- i ince on control measures ror in - es points. There is no local sale Isect pests and fungus diseases and era for whitefish at the existing high prim his talk was interesting. The Public Utilities Commission has gone on record as being willing tel Rev, E. Turkheim conducted Con- , ea !,loi it; in $!,. Pelee's. Lath erau ehureh on Sunday evening to a ere conaregation, the church being filled to capacity. The sermon was Tend on part of Matt. 9: 9, "Follow Me." A very geed sermon was en- joyed by those present on this ha. portant subject. hTe Confirmation class consisting of six. DRAMA WINNER Exeter—I3efore a large audience in James St, auditorium, the Huron County final contest in seripture „Irama competitoxi for presbytery was won by Grand Bend United um der Rev. J. /3, Moore. Grand Bend Young •People presented "Joseph of Arimathea." Douglas Gill in the title role playing opposite to Edna Stew- art, as Esther, the supporting cast includin'g Ray Paterson, Johnston Paterson, Enid Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, Marjorie Paterson, Weed Pfaff and Marjorie jennison. The losers, Victoria United oi Goderich, alio gave an excellent performanee in their interpretation under the dir- ‘etion of Mrs. R. Canroi..ell of !"The Xing's Son." The Sunday Schee.' or- chestra •of Crediton Evangelical pro- vided excellent music during the ev- ening. Fruit Growers Meet, The annual meeting of the Iluron County Fruit Growers' Association was held in the Agricultural Office, Clinton, recently. The president, G. Laithwaite, :resided and about 30 growers en, in attenlance. PAGE FIVE '''"77-seelresseeseeneasereeseeresereseenemred 0,10401.04,0wkolvirw&wsrvierwaaivio."0•480, it••• • tii*O0040000•000000•00001 ea SEEDS SEEDS i See us about Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy and 2 so • Sweet Clover Seeds Save Money by Buying Your Garden Seeds from Us i. Garden Seeds in Bulk or Package 3: LET US SUPPL YOU WITH SEED GRAINS! 1 • • 0 FORMALDEEYDE Bring in your Bottles to be filled. We have a suppiy. • Master and Pioneer Chick Starters. .ImpIeimnRepairs Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. ; McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. a" 00 S ape 2300•0000006•47100 e 000Q6MiAMO • ; e O 0000 s 0 so reigffirailal Viii4FgArartie gltit MAN,. VA*: 'WY a e'en, "Where the Big White Leg - horns Grow' - Eggs Eggs for Hatching, Etc., Etc. The same rrices as last Season We. are peel at any time to shoW you our stock. • Bruce J. Klopp ZURICH, Ont. tf35 PRODUCE Live rouitri WANT • Taken every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. 1D• tot. feed' Fowl same morning when brought in HIGHEST CAS/ PR.ICES CREAM AND EGGS Wm. O'Brien Inoue. .3.0.1„ 11011.. 94„, Zurie1 on.•••••esimmi, Used Cars For Sale CONSERVATIVE RALLY Frank Sills, Seaforth, was co-operate with the Provincial Hydro! president of the Conservative As- re -elect - to co-operate with the Provmcial Hy- ed rang : sociation of Huron -Perth at the an- dro Commission in its electric nual meeting in Heneall on Wednes- eampeian, to be laancheci this weeke last. Hon. Robert, Weir, Minist- -,,,,, as one means of finding a market foe. lay er of Agriculture, was scheduled to .. Ontario's surplus electric, energy.The speak at the Hensall rally; In., at nee , "drive"' is to last three months and last minute a bill in the House ne: is to be accompanied by an eatensive •, essitaiecl that he stay. at Ottawa, so advertising campaign. :Earle Rowe, member from Simeoe- SPF.Ci.a. MEETING • IDufferin took his plate. Before Mr. • Rowe spoke, N. L. Lesuer, K. C., ceZ ' At a special meeting of the Conn- zi, Sarnia, president of the Western nee ell of Hay Township held on Moil i Ont. Conservatives, and Major Wri- evening for the purpose of cenSid - ght of Strathroy spoke briefly. Fol- ing tenders for operating the' ICI IC .4-eeing are the officers: Hon. Pres., ship crusher • and tricking :gre al 'Ave tantleiss were received, ''.C.',., ' & '4,01ni." B4"mu't±-; G g ---114'11-9.4f itm- ;se ...'res., Wm. COneitt, Ilesiesi iter;:l. tract for operating the crueeserfe i.:::i :." -.1'7‘ Frank Sills; 1st Tice, J. awarded to Mr. W. 13. Elder 4ht,,-- 11.1,1eing .m.431_, anaela Kirkton; 2nd Vice, Mrs. W. 21 coats per yard for 3ed Vice, G. G. Wilson, St - ed materiel in bin, and the truelring! Con..; aria; dneey, W. 0. Goodwin; Treas. contract was awarded to Mr 'W. -J.' ei, „ , G. C. Petty. McKillop, G. McKee Jas Harvey at 7 cents per , yard '''', Carlin, J. Mose; Tuckersmith, E. Mor The Tax Collector was given to May rison, L. Clark, J. Elgie, Ti. Glenn 4th to complete the collection of the Hays; Usborne, W. Frayne, J. Woods 1934 taxes. The Council will meet It . Shire; Stephen, same as last year; Stanley; W. J. Falconer, W. Turner, F. Watson; Hibbert, G. Wilson, L.G. Kuntz, J. Atkinson; Bayfield, John Cameron, J. Pease, i. W. McLeod; We are offering the following used Cars for sale: 1-1932 V-8 Sedan, a bargain. 1-1930 Chev. Coach. 1-1931 Ford Coach. 1-1930 Ford Coach. All these are in First Class Condition I. rebuilt M. -H. Cultivator See our rebuilt Lawn Mower, like new. 2 DeLaval rebuilt cream separators. L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich again on Saturday afternoon, May 4th; • NOTICE am authorized agent and dealer for the Renfrew Products of Cream Separators, Stoves and Washing Machines. Also have some used Separators always op hand. If in need of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see Inc. HUGH THIEL, RR. 2, Zurich. Phone 93 4. pt45 narawar.dmen...3...11.10.•••=0 PRODUCE WANTED Auto Accident What might have been a serious Exeter, Dr. Atkinson, Wm. Carling, accident occurred in Zurich on Sun- Paul Coates; liensall G. C. Petty, R. day eveniage en the mete ee endlHiggins, W. 0. Goodwin; Hay, Hy. west street, when. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Neeb, Wm. Snell, James Petty. Steinbach and family of tne Gosilen Line, south were leaving the home of Mrs. J. Decker, Jr., Mrs. Steinbach's mother, travelling with horse ..end buggy, when suddenly a touring car the property of Mr. Alex. Poster and in charge of his son Harry, collided into the rear of the buggy, scatter- ing the Steinbach family, and almost demolishing the buggy to pieces, .and in hitting the horse a leg was fract- ured of the animal which had to be shot. Fortunately, however outside of a bad Shaking up, no injury to the Steinbach family was noticed, but the loss by damage will be consider- able being the horse and buggy. The ear was not damaged to any great extent. Norman Lever Jr., of Clin- ton was summoned and he was soon here to investigate. CARD OF THANKS Having disposed of our Milk Bus- iness and Good Will to Mr. rville Witmer, we wish to extend our "Sincere Thanks" to the residents of Zurich, for their patronage of the past years. Trusting you will favor our suc- cessor with your patronage in the future. County Finances Improved The report of Frank P. Gibbs, audi tor for the county of Huron, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1934, was made public recently and shows the county to be in a much improved financial position. The surplus of current re- venue over current expenditure for the year was $40,727.47. This is an improvement of $24,228.84 over the We are previous year, -when the surplus was and Eggs at my. $16,498.63. The current deficit of which we 'will pay highest $33,707.34 as at December 31st,1933 prices. We' will grade your eggs as has been absorbed and a current sur - we receive them, and pay according plus of $5,616.49 is ,phown, ao that to grading. Give no a' Trigfl there has been a net improvement in First house south of Dominion Hotel the county financial position of $39,- 323.83. Loans from the basil( at De- cetnber 31,1934,were only • 000 as compared with $105,000 at the same date in 19381, The demand loan interest paid in 1934 was less than that paid in 1933 by $1,917.59, in- dicating that careful attention has been given to 'financing during the year. Expenditures on county high- ways in 1934 were $140,926.96 and Government grants of $67,586.99 were received. These expenditures do riot include payments en Provin- cial highways. The county's debent- ure debt is $65,732.53, all on Pro- vincial highway account in a position to home at take Cream Zurich, for market THOS. H.131.PekeiltS, Phone 116, • Zinc, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER •For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless • as to size or article to sell I solicit • your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services iten- dere& AP,Trmr, qriz—TyAshwood Phone • • Signed, Mr. and Mrs. N. Gesell°. •BORN 11 Junah Drug „Store otoi Supplies We have. a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. irvagiociNaoasoaeoseezecnnocaoa See Our supply of Toilet Pry paint tiol) s -.:LPextura.e4, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. 000000060 oat oromaz000tatito FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr. A. J. NiacKinuola, Zurich 7,,,,,,wwwwwkRi3,RARA10,Immpilmivri Hendrick—At Blue Water Highway, Hay Township, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick, on April 11th, a son. Dickerson—At Detroit, on April 10, to Mr. and Mrs. (nee Helen Fos- ter) Jeff Dickerson, a daughter, (Gloria Helena.) McKenzie --At Hay Township on Ap- ril 15th, a son. •••••••••••• o t.4).61-0-04-A0,041-9.00.41-04.9*.t..411-$••tr+ts00 04,44-0 4,, • • • • • • • • • • 4, 4, • • 0 • ••••••••••••••=*.•••••.*•••••••••nolorromon*Nimp.m.lia= NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM MIL- LER, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav- ing claims against the estate of the said deceased are required to send full 'particulars of such claims, duly verified, to the undersigned, solicit - ori for executor of the will of the said deceased, on or before the 6th day of May, 1935, after which date the executor will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the estate, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall, have been received. DATED at London, this 4th day of April, A. D. 1935, MURPHY, LeBEL & DURDIN„ Barristers, etc., New Bank of Toronto London, Ontario • ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List • 1 1 ZL1RICH HERALD and the following Paper 1 for one Year: Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 2 Toronto Weekly Star . 6.00 eLondon Free Press $6.35 • London$6.00 eAdvertiser • London Farmer's Advocate $2.25 2 I• • • • Stratford Beacon Herald .... Weekly Witness Border Cities' Star, 'Windsor -...... Canadian Countryman OSeafa,..th, Huron r.:::to:.- . $S;235..127115055 I *6.1 0 • 4 4:P 40 0 $2.75 • Farm and Dairy ..... . $2.25 e Family Herald and Weekly Star e Family Herald for 3 years $3.00 IKitchener Daily Record .... ..... $5.10 • • : • And a great many more that We Cannot enumerate here. * • • 2 Wo have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in • 't • Canada and the United States, and can. SeVe you money • • • • on the most of thew. 4 • ▪ Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our • • 2 • • Office and save Trouble and Money 4 • 4 HERALD OFFICE . Zurich ‹. 4 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••004 4•44••00100 4 •