HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-04-18, Page 4*Atm FOS z1JR1cH HERALD LAKE Hilus Mary Clarke whb _ lead been rAtu'yi ; with her mother for a week, relearned to Goderich en Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sol laechler and 'family were Sunday \sitors with Mr eanel ' rs. Aaron Ei~i . aunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Erb were: Mr. and Mrs. juke .£.wartzentrubex and Allen, Me. and Mfrs. <'Joe Martin, Mr. and /Ii Ed. !Desch and family, Mr. Gus Clarke and Grant Turner •°sal: Gotilerich were week -end visitors the village. Mrs. Caroline Oescli who :kad been -^x iaiiting with her sister at Crtd#tots; •turned,.;.htame one day 'last week. Mir. "9Wllam Douglas of Brucefreld stalled on friends in The village on "'I eeesr ay, Miss Alberta Finlay called on Mrs. E. Clarke one afternoon recently. Mr, 31iid Mier Roy Gingerich, and M. Antee Cinaerieh and Jean spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Le- onard Erb neat Ileneelle Mr, rend Ml i,. Ed. Erb called on M. . J. A. Manson, who is ill, on Monday afterno on. • STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. James McBride met with a very unfortunate accident 1aet Thur- sday when he was struck by one of his horses suffering a broken knee- cap. He was taken . to Clinton hos- pital by Dr. A. J. MacKinnon where he will receive treatment. He will be ilaid up for some time. Mr. Ruskin ,Keys of East Windsor, uid rMr. Stewart Keys, spent . the week -end at the home of their. par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.. Nelson Keys. A .special Easter service will be held at Goshen United Church next Sunday, following the service the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will 4 4 4 4 ▪ We 4 .e • Yo Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same 4, Day Yours Truly, ZURRC.H CREAMERY • Opening Day: Monday, April 22nd, 1935. *4 '$a^3lM O'k.,0^ 0C%''7C:GwCTID*Ce2Jrr'+rYi,."n sV'.a=:rfger., CF�t3P.N001s0reeemo NO' ICE Pay ,a Premium of Two Cents per Pound Fat f©r Churning Cream delivered at cut plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed 6syC�veiSQ7'rWOG'-04v`iC�f�<�tv•�r+e.,6►.)+Nson�r>��n`<}s+ti0.?'Wf�3Fir�iiSY►8+� 9 0 0 + 4 4 • 4 4 0 4 4 •els 4 4 4 4 >f, . EL G gl ,;; ..ral ILr' ",� -.. ZURhCH-I,' ONTARIO .41'-43,, ,o-s,o+.4,0 4444.40.494, dAt44.4!• e44444eh44404-044444 McKinley's Baby Chicks, 1935 SPECIAL NOTICE! After April 1st, one high grade of Chicks only will be sold. All eggs set weigh over 24 -oz. to the dozen and average about 26 ounzes. Barred or :$13.50 :$+12.50 $11»50 $10.50 $10.00 White Rocks. After April 1 After April 10 After April 22 After May 10 After May 24 S. C. White Leghorns $12.00 $11.00 $10.00 $9.00 $9.00 $ irL $TiOCf( GOVT APPROVED ANS 1BLOODR: TESTED. 0Vt=,i2 175 R. 0. P. MALES HEAD OUR FLOCKS TERMS -Cash on Delivery Two Dollars per,100,chicics must accompany nail orders. Chicles cdeliti^ered itri esi reasonal3ly possible or expressed, Express prepaid. 100¶ live arrivals guaranteed Phone:. 97 r 11, Hensel! be administered, Preparatory serv- ice will be held on Vt'ednes;lety. even- ing. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. I3oyes of Bruce - field visited at Mr, D. J. Stephen - son's on Sunday afternoon. HI'LLSGREEN W.M.S.-The Womens' Auxiliary of the Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. W. Turner on Wednesday, April 10th • with the president, Miss Edna Cochrane pres- iding. Call to Order Saviour Thy Dying Love (played softly) Worshij,? call prayer by Mrs^ Mina. Love -for Thanksgiving. Hymn 5, The Devote= anal story of the Resurrection b`. Mrs. M. Tully; Hymn 104. Thoughts for Meditation. Hymn 157 read as a prayer in unison; Responsive wor- ship; Service St. Matthew ter',; verses 1 to 9 read responsively. ;sirs. R. Consitt read topic, "Faithfull until Death."' The offering was taken and Hymn 354. The . Treasurer and Sec- retary reports' were read and adopt- ed. The business was then discussed It was decided to have the quilting on second Wednesday in May 8th in the church. Mrs. Turner read a letter on relief supplies from a lady in Sackatchewan. It was decided on sending her an Eaton order direct to. her in Sask. right away. eerayer and. Hymn 625. The meeting closed with prayer. 'Y'harss syp April 18th, 1935 ?°`,tf "" Vii' Bvcrp recipe in rhe New Parity Cook Book is tested b,y d practical housewife. Send, 50 cents for persopy to Department 70i, 287. Mi.1'hrrson .Ave.. Toronto. Pancaked A .cup of PURITY FLOUR evil/ snake more of this good old delicious luncheon or sapper dish than is ,possible with an equal quantity* of melbeary pastry Hoar, The strength sof PUWITY FLOUR raises .every serving economical. And they will delight you with a character., istic lightness, and an unusually :Hine flavour. Serve pain cakes--ever-weleotne treat for the Bary -•-use ;P RIT . and have this new experience of llama .. yguaiity. See Recipe 647 in the New Purity Cook Book: P035 BEST FOR ALL; YOUR BAKING COUNTY NEWS The Clinton town council has set the municipal tax rate for 1935 at 44 mills, four mills higher than the 1034 rate. A Farmers' Club has been organ- ized for the Exeter district, with officersas follows: President, Ed. Shapton; vice-president, Harold Jeff- ery; secretary -treasurer, M. Cudmore directors„ Wm. Welsh, W. 'G. Medd, Verne Pincombe. A Hensall man lost a sum of money about $115e, while attending the spr- ing shover .at Seaforth, and a visitor. from Listowel lost $14. Notes -Dr. Jas. Jarrett formerly A Double Header of ILippcn, who has jut returned Mrs. Roy Cantelon of Stanley from England, accompanied by his broke an egg the other day in the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jarrett of Kippen, called on Mr. Wm, Jar- rott and .Annie during the week, ale so with Mrs. Cocheaue and family. Mr. W. Carlile of Hensall is spend- ing a few days with his daughter, Mr and Mrs, W. Richardson of Blind Line. Mr. and Mrs. W Huxtable, of Cane tralia visited at the home of the lat- ices mother. Miss Enda Cochrane spent the we- ek -end with her sister, Mr. and Mts. Ross Dick in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson. were A I visited with friends from Stratford. dMessrs. E. Axt, and Hy. Steinbach + Road Superintendent, of-Zurieb,ieat- led on friends in the vicinity. • ' c' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinsons 'vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright wear ' Hensall recently. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hagan and ¢ daughter of Zurich called on friend's y recently. ,, ssi Miss Gladys Douglas, R, N. Blake, visited friends here duri «:eek Mrs. `Cochrane and daughteu. Eiler and Mrs. Kenny visited and Mrs. C. Coehrane near pi'tt field recently, • Mrs. Mina Love who has been vise iting her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love - returned to her. de deer's Mrs. • l John McEwenee near iJensall for , a ' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Con..itt eeelso spent a few days in'the vicinity,)ast week, returned to their home in Hensall 9 9 4 ✓ i 4 a 4 • routine of her housekeeping and was surprised to find that it was two -in - one affair, a perfectly -formed, hard - shelled egg being inside of a very large egg. The egg was -ard by an ordinary Rock hen. No Water• Yet The well drillers at Exeter are now 'clown to a depth of 400 feet without having struck any quantity of water and the Public Utilities Commission are now confronted with the problem of what to do next. For several weeks the drillers have been sinking a 12 - inch well: At the 300 ft. depth a quantity of water was reported. This is the approximate depth at which three smaller rock wells located wat- er. The contract called for:350, ft. Well' and when a sufficient supply of water was not secured• they decided to go down an additional 50 feet. Fire Destroys.. Barn The barn on the farm of George Laithwaite, one pule west of Win- throp, inthrop, was completely destroyed by fire. In the barn at the time, and al- so • completely destroyed, were 19e head of cattle, full mow of .straw, . ' ed :grain and implements. :The fire: :first broke out the previous evening • when a horse that was being drench- ed, kicked over a landtern. With the assistance of neighbors osis was ex tirlguished. Apparently, however, the sire smouldered through the night, breaking out early next morning. Left For The West Miss FIoy Edwards, Bayfield, left on. Monday last for Regina .whei e'•she•: will become the bride of 11obert Wat son of Fairlight; "Sask. She cacrries with her the best wishes of a host of friends who learned recently of her departure with regret. 'She will be. 'greatly missed in the community where, with the exception of a few ,,years when she was away at school', she has always taken an active part in the - welfare and social life of the village. Especially will she be mis- sed in Trinity Church in which she was an active worker, having been Sunday School organist and teacher for over X5 years. Wedding at Crediton A quiet wedding was solemnized at the United Church Parsonage at Crediton, Saturday last, when Virg- inia Louise Moore, daughter of Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer and the late James A Moore, of Oletawa, became the bride of Geo. S. Clark, son of Mrs. Heigh Clark and the late Hugh Clark, of Thiedford, Rev, Johnston officiating. They were supported by Myrtle and Robert Clark, brother and sister of the groom. Following the ceremony the happy couple left on a honey -- moon to Detroit, Cleveland and other American cities. On their return a reception will be held, after= which they will take up residence in Thed- ford. Fortner Crediton Resident Des Mrs. Fredricka Hoist, well known resident of Elkton, Mich., died at her home March 18th, after a short ill- ness caused by a heart attack, was a as with shock to the entire community. She had visited friends and attended dif- The local choirs are preparing fine ferent quilting parties regularly un- musical numbers for Easter Sunday the day preceding. her sudden services. death. The Haist family were among Miss Minnie Reid, who was recent- the cra,rly residents' of Elktotr, Mrs ly operated on at London, is recuper and Mrs.'?Haist •haven moved froth sting nicely at the horse of her brow g ther, John D. Reid, in London. Ceeriltoit, ' in . 1892, ti a farm aortic of Elkton,'where in partnership with William Lemon was taken to Sea- Fred • Ginter", Mt. Heist opeiated:the forth Hospital Sunday last where he Elkton brick yard. Later they moved was aperated an for appendicitis: • to Elkton where Mr: Hoist passed J. Sutherland, who has been on the way six years ago. • staff of the Bank of Montreal here Has Moved In for the past year, has been transfer Agr'ic. Representative Ian MacLeod rod to the bank at Watford and has .of Clinton, has had his offiic move left, he will be much missed. ed from the Normandie building; to lilts Wilson Catlike - ee new quarters in the building recent- ly purchased by Mayor Holmes, and which he has had remoddelled to suit the purposes of the new tenant. Things are not as yet quite, settled, but when finished the: quarters wffl ,.K,• I ..v. l.�i .. eadear v .1'e The f'railt li s a• bean e pari ^e rf some- g �$••&••'S^F�•'s••1••s�•Y•-a• :--1,-:.•.i... ,..;..;�.: ^; . ' •1..;.s,. ,.: ;..;.., � ;.q...,..ga.a,.., ,.a�.•1••i•+g•:p•.ir.E-b• + 4 + + 4 + .l. 4 4 4 + 4. 4 4. 4. Cut Your Fuel iII �; HALF! Buy St irrn Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. ,s. KALBFLE1S;CJ A �g PHONE 69 ZURICH 43. ^� nar +++4-44-3-4++++++++4.1,4"++++++4. +++.1.4.4-1-4-++++.1.4++++++++++4.4. t.144'k•F•ti�^+i°dh�1•44++� f d h i i >3.4,�3-4,.3. 4 r We have a few used Tires cheap. ;i. » r r trho Tits b n 1: Tyaw I for some weeks at the home of her ,.1, �i I A L .P S `Nr�I Res, 67 , :;istcr, Mrs. A. Ilalvey, assisting" in eet�y�r, I' eik.ing care of Mr, Harvey, into hats Auctio l erillg? - , l' i +. , .c1r ill, has ro.npli , ss be. � BET! Dm "; �d Mei;oneTl f�a. •.. .been speeds t±^ a co • '. of weel e with her sister.. ; ei^t ,aek' Ir +l k+dk b ab b olid � t6�b�k+F d �F4 �l+ti +a^+ '' 1 and friends in Toronto, I. •1°•i•' .3-iefe v •81t.•i.'l •, 4.4.i. l 4se4. •++4.4f MASSEY-H6RR:S �EVdS Now that the Spring is just around the corner, it is a good time to check over your seeding Implements WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN FORA DEAL Order repairs early and . avoid Telephone and Express,;.charges., Cultivator Points .and; plow' shares for all Makes of different firms. ' Arrange for a Cream Separator Dehioias ration Super Lastic Distributors 25,000 lnil. tires , mile ;:les for .....,........,..,... 5.45 4' 30,000 mile tires for ..... .................7.05 If you like to save money let us re -tire your car. 4 4 4 HENSALL T. C. Joynt spent a few days in• Toronto last week. Doreen Caldwell of Exeter, has been engaged as assistant at the home of Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. Wm. Simpson of Detroit, spent the week -end with friends here. A. C. Kalbfleisch of Zurich, has made a number of improvciiients• on his property here, recently rented by Mrs. Albert Bell. He is having the old barn torn down and a new gar- age erected. Mrs. Ferris Cantelon returned to her home in Stromberg Sunday last. Casey Hudson spent a few days in Toronto. Mrs. John Johnstone celebrated bet 84th birthday here on April 7th. :A- mongst the guests with her were"'Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Douglas and family of Hyde Park, Mrs. H. Vair of . St. Thomas and Miss Kathryn Cox of Toronto. Mrs Johnstone is hale and hearty and her many friends wish her many happy returns of the day.. Mrs. A. 3. Sweitzer and children of Beach o' Pines visited with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Case motored'to Detroit and spent Sundaylast friends. oviets p® t3 �ei li%if rly f 'D nth 'Walls painted with Lo -Grin stand washing. Sca.rfe experts proved it. Walls painted with L,o•'Glo were washed daily for three months. Colors didn't fade -paint didn't wear off, peel or crack. EIP 1)/ Every batch •of to-Glo is sub- jected to the brushing test, to snake sure it brushes evenly, .skies bard and without brush marks Every batch tested for color and matched with standard sample. Scarfe colors never veg.. 1%e record room. A sample of every Searle paint product is ke.there for pears,asacheckoa vesfnrmity of tolor and quality.. This beautiful, sanitarywalllinis3odrieswitlias a lustre. Many pleasing colors for every room in the house. Lo -silo produces a fires, nonabsorbent surface which can be washed time arid again. Canbeapplied on plaster, wood, metal or plaster board surfaces Astandard price. everywhere .$ 1.30 a quart: LO•.GLO WALL FINISH'. Gat. 31 Gal. Qt. Pr. 34 Pt. $4.50 $2.35 $1.30 .70 .40 HOUSE PAINTS (White and Colors)) GaL 3.1 Gal Qt. Pt %P.t $4.50 $2.35 $1..30 .7 o .49 4 }OUR FLOOR and. LINOLEUM VARNISH Gal. 34 Gal. Q. Pc. 3,4 Pc. $K 0e $2.10 $1.10 .70 .40'• VARP4-O-LAC (The new one -coat 4 hour enamel.) mai 34 Gal. Qt. P. 34 Pr. $5:75 $3.00 $1.65 .90 .55; Johnston and. Kalbfleiscb, Zurich. 4514 what, the windows being made more like o$iite• winduvws. • Married. 51Y Years ''.1 None Jailed in February Hanover -Jailer V. Bell, In Isis monthly report to the provincial de- partment, shows during the month of February not one resident of the county of Bruce county jail at Walk- erton. This is the first tiine that the governor of the jail has experienced this situation and,, looking over the records, he is unable to find a single month its which same ofender was not brought to jail for safekeeping. Di -ea . At Cliatou.: Anold r'oesident of Clinton' died 1 the death .. J1obert Stevens,. 'cwIi was in Vs .pith year.. i1.c had been a carpeester,, having worked With his father ,44 the trade ..from boyboot4:3 Many of the older houses in. Clinton were built by°'the "father and sora. Ws wife predeceased 25 years•, but he is survived by one son and one daughter. Start on Ncw Post Office The excavation work going on at the Post Wilco site in Brussels is heavy work for the horses, as the gin and is hard. and slippery, also there is steep eenbanitrnent, but the contr- ncf one are working good and the baeo inF'.2ti w'i1 soon b enlvh S awl work on the superatenetlire vriil 4*011 be eta t Gets Twelve Pea=clx:: •R,ed MacDonald, Godenich, set iri' diets last Monday going out several- Miles everaldes into the 'lake to the edge of the' ee -'too ela it and running consid- erable, rrsl., On. Wednesday he lifted the .nets and found that he had cau- ght twelve perch, and all he got of it ,soas a welcome taste of fresh fish.. Painful Accident Con. Eckert of Seaforth met with a. painful accident while walking on the street he slipped on the ice -cover ed pavement and in the fall struck the back of his head with some force:. At Vie time he did not take the mat- ter.serious, but when the pain inert - ii W -consulted a 'doctor and found urine he Muscles of the neck :and sho- ulder had „been badly sprained and I 'wee ordered to bed. Wedding at Exeter A quiet wedding was solemnized at Min St. United Church, Exeter, ors Mar h 27th when Rev. Elliott united Arora E:l"izabeth, daughter of Mr, and I4I is W..Iiackney to Mr, Thomas f,+. Dallantyne, son of Mr, and Mrs. T. Ballantyne of Usbotee. They were attended by Beth Ballantyne and Lloyd Hackney, After the ceremoiijr the: couple returned to the home of the bride for th e wedding dinner, which was served by six i i,rl fionci, of the bride. :K couple left by mo- tor for Sarnia and Detroit. Upon their rettt n they will reenlc on the Il "til* it lames Rood."