HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-04-18, Page 1"Vola XXXV
atro e
Secretary of State, C IL Cohan
told the House of Commode: celebra-
tions will be held throughout Canada
May 6 in commemoration of the nth
anniversary of King George's acces-
ion to the :throne. May 6 has been
proclaimed a national Holiday:
J, M. Roberts;, Cauarty' Cleric, was.
reamed chairman at the newty-con
etituted Mother's: Allowance: Board
of Huron county at a reorganization'
meeting held Wednesday last. .A_ T.
Cooper, of Clinton, was appointed
secretary, and rank Hawsou, of Wifn-
ghain, and Miss Liras. Jeckell, of
Exeter, were allotted zones over wh-
ich they will have. jurisdietion. 'A
fifth member, probably' from Sea -
forth, will be chosen by the county
council at the June session. Six. ap-
plications were considered, by the
board. e•
:Do You Need
G, APRIL 18, (935.0
Does your neighbortake the Zur-
ich Herald, or does he came over on
Thursday evening and read your
copy? If the latter, cotnldn't you
casually hint that it would be better
for • all concerned for him to have
his own. copy, .especially as the cost
is but only $1.25 yearly.
Judge to Help Guard. Babies
Judge J. A. Valin, of North Bay,
has been appointed to act as a guar-
dian of the Callender quintuplets, in
co-operation with their father, :Oliva
Dionne, and their physician, Dr. A.R.
Defoe, it was announced. Under the
Quintplets Guardianship Act, which
the Legislature approveli, '"and to,
which Liet-Gov., H. Bruce gave royal
assent, the cabinet is empowered to
delegate immediate supervision of the
babies to a board of s,,7•uardians.
Though their customs appear
Glasses? strange to those outside their re-
ligious brotherhood, the Mennonites
have excellent qualities which place
them among the best of Canada's
immigrate groups in many ways.
Dutch Mennonites were the first to
conte to this country, treking in from
Pennsylvania to take part in the
early settlement of upper Canada,
Stop and Think how important it is
• -that you wear correct glasses—cor-
rectly prescribed far your vision,
Correctly styled to your face., Your
health may largely depend on keen
See C. E. ZUi B1?lGG, R. O.
Every Tuesday- a ZURICH
At Dashwood,, S'atuislay, at Bile's
angelical Lu er anal ChtIrdilt
4'A Changeless Christ for a Chat:}-
Friday, 3h—Luther League. -
Saturday --Choir Practice
10 a. m.—Germain Service;:
11.15 a.m.—Sunday SchooL
7.80 - p.m.—English serviee.
Everybody Welcome to all Sersicas.
E. TUE RKHEisM,: Pastor
Shoe Repairing
I wish to advise the Public that T.
am in a position to- do all kinds
shoe repairing, and solicit your' pate
ronage. Give us a trial for,- good
Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont.-'
read the ..c
Chester L.' Smith, P ablabeas
;1.25 a year, U,S, $1,50 in Advaneese
$1.50 IN ARREARS, $21d4.Y Effi CITAI'>.1MlF.'
,,,eir. Clayton Pelle or Dashwood,
tcel:ed in town on Tuesday.
ences to the mortgagees been con. id : e'eer. and Mrs. John P. Rau, were
eyed. That both conditions are dc:- . :a4;;;ors to Detroit the past week,
veloping is becoming apparent: ,
The Act was ped .,ed by the Don 11 » 1 i :. Alex. Fester . is spending a
ion Parliament in the se :cion •fr - of weeks with her daughter,
1984 to take effect team October Alt ylIr;. Jeff Dickerson, in Detroit.
of, last year..All parties m thee 'li:ss Ruth Tuerkhefln or Waterloo
House concurred in passing it, be C-ollege" is spending her Easter holi-
lieving that some relief was llece�
sary Lf the great basic industry of ',de: s with her parents, Rev. and Mrs
farming was to be saeel. Ali f. r 1 erkheiln.
minded people will agree that the
Mea Gertrude Hoist of Goderich
principle of the measure is right.It
is in the working out of the Aet tlaat Was a, Sunday visitor with her sister
injury is being done. Not only is the. ' ere. le, G. Hess. Alia Hoist render -
lender being unjustly sacrificed but ed tworwell received solos in the Ev-
the borrower in many cases is ;left in etwit...11 church 'on Sunday evening,
a worse plight than before.
It was never intended by the Friars" ,i.e Thr local merchants and onion gro
ers of the Act that'' the person • ,eC •greys are moving oue;�•heir dutch sett
out of hard "earned . savings,', made eeelion., which have stood the winter
loan to 'a farmer in happier days.,, ` oltly •we11, and are finding a ready,
should now have part of it cancefler3r1:.,1 when suitably: prepared,
at the whim of some appointee oe'e e
Government. The Act was meant 'o ':-Pleased to report that Mr. Jul.
mainly in what afterwards became compel, where necessary, a scaling Iocli,
Constable, is able to come
Waterloo County. In 1874 the first down of rates of interest to corres -N—o n depvn again on foot. He has
sou of Russian l`liennonites arrived pond with the reduced income from en
indisposed group agriculture, It was also meant to re ' p ed to the house for
in Winnipeg to settle in the west, fol- adjust sale prices where the person d 'seal months. ;. i
lowed by many others. The Federal who sold the fsrm in the day( of hide ,•ri. 1'
Government advanced them nearly prices took back a mortgage which in V1 ;'''rl
Ate Dies. George Farwell have
$100.000 which they repaid in full these days represents more wiAr `. th , ci t tug th past week roved their
with interest. On April 7, 1877 Jac- farm is forth. The Board of Fr:view e `rots from their former home at
ob J. Shantz told the Immigration in one Province has refused rto re- tele•e:lst end of. town, into the house
Committee of Parliament that his duce any mortgage principal except :.0 vied and recently vacated by Mrs.
where the mart±ragee was the :erdoz
people were well satisfied with their t of the farm and 'our own,Board ati]
adopted country. He thought the Can Toronto has made a rule- that (rely
adian: West:. better adoptee to :Peer ex > roe case, will they •ran can
t fire" everefie Canada, nearly 60,'O0O can for relief' are d. ily 4 seirg ees
of these pious and law-abiding folk, the approval of the Official Receivers tepee of the public.
mainly in Ontaria, Saskatchewan and; for cancellation of principal send for
Manitoba.—London Free Press. the c'meillation, not merely on inter- '; St. Peter's Lutheran League meet -
est in excess of a reasonable rate,' in this Good Friday evening will
but of all arrears of interest. Many g y g
mortagagees have been iragoorai discuss the topic "How Hymns and
into agreeing to terms which sea Interpert, God," You are in-
most unfair by the belief that the 'cited!
Dear Editor: new law eompe?led Cam to subinitl
Surely it is time for someone to andhyr flee c:,v(I i c;,stion teat g y.rich friends of i tr. ;nice Mc-
point out the darlg,-ers of the rtes 1 reee meeht befell them if the tn•11 1•°'ide sympathise with him of hie
Farmers' Creditors Arrangement Act, tel went to Toronto. The. r, .,t:lt t'a i cert d a'aent Shan a horse kicked
At the meeting which have been held main} lnortg gee( is feet they :are e- bhp on the leg, and dtlr:in e'11 else
1throughout the country the socalled dlleed to an income which will not %nee -cap, to the extent that Mr. Mc -
benefits to the forme_• have been ere- maintain teem. Whet .-tee or r. (.101- - Bride was taken to Clinton Hospital,
phasized but lee has not been told of id account \viuld the retired farmer where he will be for some time.
the injuries which may follow for him ee '"' 1: e'^e1e• P1 t flee Teee, ll^' -r1• q •
nor have the very serious consequ-
ty. Schwelm.
Eoldie are advised that the
;tee pee—in--Zurich from now
a1 erJ the et1lr+7»4a:
. 1 Lesdtzy evenings as well as
atirday evenings for the conven-
Dangers of Farmers' Creditors
.Arrangement: Act •
.4...w atara -..w .m: nemar....-= .cw ,1414 r mm„ae n,.
tlIll::r. BEST it FOY LESS
Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon, half. 1b. tin.._..._,•.17c
Mapk T... S'nw tcy,, Salmon, 1-1b. trig .......-14,.31c
Handy AmmrDania Powder, per pkg....._...... ._.....5c
Choice quality Tomatoes, large tire, 2 for ___19c
Bee Hive ;coin syrup, 5 lb. tin — •
Peanut butter, 25 -oz. jar..........,._....._._...............25xc
Aylmer Vegbtaliie and tomato sauup, 3tins-.—_25c
Golden Bantam corn, 2 tins ..�. ...._..._,.. ..23c
Cowan's cocoa„ fu ° -lb, 1'r . 1414 :... _141423c
1Vtacroni loose, per .. ._ ». 1414.. 1414 5c
Royal ork Tea, half lb, .k
Thursday mid Ss< .arglay we : -Will have a owing of
Ladies' Stib, and '+ -r 'sn s._. AI nevinest Styles:and
Cloths. —PAzrazzartablo prices. Sze our 'Silos
Ealy vad MMt her Ht you and quer
to live o ;nteke: t reduced below fi1•e. Vi:iss Jessio MacDonald, who has
,1414 ., ..,1 t, n , 7: 1 , -n1,t c (-'• "f en ieaii +.77 , t f34,.., hn 1
bee fixed that rate far their 0\\71 operation et the home o.l' Dirs. Lydia
leers to ' r: , t , rs 'nd could n(\ is pi -4 eft last week far her home
leave Ca11t?'.111rl ted th2t the small be ' ne1arrKiece dine, whore elle will re-
ee for "4\ ovel 1 nee lee ieteereet redo
e'1 Tee ee\e ,,.t 4hf,7. 1' .1, „oleo,, t•. e. in fell ,. .. etee. 'f'. 1• '11 a7. r 4 Schen
^, :_ i3 ,1f • 1, It .f ee le.;soles 'e 1,,,. will Y can` 1. 1.ak .
1414 .1 ,r" 1.1 '1i t es feet '-:y '1. , e':' of 'Resell Pi 7p '1 �):, i'?:.
Indeers if the latter are theiF e Lite work of tiiie 1:;,111i iii,Li!.:it ...-
thrown on relief red the farmer tax-. en care of by ,t3:';. George( Thiichert.
"`I to 1111r the rellr�f. P
„i , •.w .- -e*
see a .1 }17,14. 7.......11. 1 tea Ferree. �-..e
:p` : i:, _..i:, --c. ,-. 14,14 is t,7. 1..
present method of ,tai 171.=I it.n;r ih arle.7 l' ' :1ii1 " a 7f1\* to 017
` t; r7 r11ri11 }(1011 (1•.711+* to the' 1
1414..... • ., , ,,,..,:r.,.,> SA \. +lae•h1 ?.1•\' 1' ee
le -
le -sal 1, ..,,. r3,3:37.,33 int.!" i'clod 111: . :.,,n: ni,v.• e„.1.11). 4ic: ]1 .. , &,t.li :I e.t..1 ' d:lt`, .;'.e-1' .,t , ' 1:
'ir Itil {, 11 f }'le i. J al c 7"e'1 7 mtlr l '4 t''• `., 1'
1 tniiu nni lel. '.i.'it 0.111 be gore pet in, a 3-h.p. motor, as well a:'
ee 1,1 '7• h•.5': e 1 eeeeeki. eeetnteee ..<:1. Uoi1 1i. f. o.:.iplile:::1t rcfuir.1d to
over the fit,? 1 1 :1,•, 1- 1 1-1,11 11 •7;'141', .. ,pi, ;.,1. m1, •1
can't have his credit and reep1.c1 ; to P.
.e contrqri.ed one, two or three yeere
ego, and e.:pect to he trusted to nav
7.., '-es 1'.7
efees,••;•ra•1 ,;• on his mimic
to 7417\ nee, `i:\co or t:b,•,-. e?Ts 11'11e.
7 1•., 1 ,r,e 111r11 Y111
't'�::y �1, ';1 •1414
But the wort feature of the pree-
'1.': wodeilll' of the \ t is tee* all
f'lrnlfir. --the one: who e Y; '71.11:r for
o fair and moderate reediustrent
end those who "i:11' roe relieteeoll:ale
foine• to find it d4rfielllt to nnt; the
,redit of bank and store and ir iplc-
'nenl: firm wheelis necessary to carry
Instead of beim); a service to the
'avmWr• class. tee Act, proving a do-
r1'?t1 (lis of r\ i(l1 L( ees ii i< hemi*
11 ore] 1 1 ^n: r ‘'(•:‘1.
,'(•• 1 , ; 11.14.11111.'
the inborn -a nor any other ceass of
he community 1: favours' by havieg
'reit 'honest date, cancelled, nr even
Pf.110 down by Act of Parliament.
"he widow who denonde on a meagre
neern-e from the farmer's morteag
...1° *Int ,,,,,d•.. _i. 7 "e' eeee 11,'1
T7')C'nl" 17ill. '1hi s is a rrasnre of
1:ee''ia1 reref tot fare. ele oilier. Tf t
11 not r ol.'1-p• 1'a mole 'r 1eur ¢e to the
r ..:s,71 Pei Whole 'le wee t n.: r,..,1le,
nr,•1.'r`i\ nil 11'7 n yly+r'e it r1\ii4t 1.0 r-'
levetreel eo as to e':fuse ffnanci ll
lin - to 1•h 'holders of mertgaeoe.
rent won 1'e killing file a:00¢0 from
^hop// e1'e farmer has been g'atllcerit e
he golden egg of crelit lye the nese..
"xoter, Ontario.
ere .ear. S. 111, lin'
loon connected with the Dashwood
:al't t y lt, yen se,
C.e ,'years experience • an,1 shot lie
eller oughly understand 'hal tc nazi 1;1,
:s emi:day, April 22nd. will be the op --
1 ,;, rne it will 1.1 ^!y 11: tl• • .
flay of oberation. We wish the
t,roprietor every success.
'Tlie April meeting of the Lutheran 1
'ieomen's Missionary Society was
held on Monday evening in the
church basement. The topic, Japan -
e ci Women in the building of the
Lutheran church in Japan, was tak-
.`l, sy Mrs. Louis A. Prang, a sistc 1
ee Mae. E. le. 'Copp, Mie; G. W .bf 1.
le ea Inez Yungblut, Mee H. Krueg-
er, Mrs. I. Kalbfleisch, Mrs. Tuerk-
;;cur, Mrs. G. Deichert: A short med-
ical Mission dialogue entitled "Waite
11;x. for the Doctor" was given by
ee tee e hiel, uth Foster, ' fdnn Iso(ll }
c as, Beatrice Thiel, Veola Mope);
,_arjary Gillman, Vera Hecker. Mr
leeward Deters Jr., favored with 1
1 xis; entitled, "Holding: the Ropes
,.,,, A. le:liars p11.1e.1•r:d payer for
. , t prayer partner. The Thankoft
c ing thought was given by Mrs <`
1lthel Hess. Rev. E. Tucrkheim gave
r; short talk on current events ill
Here's a Beautiful 15 Jewel
Watch vou'1l be proud to own
and the Right Time when you
want it!
Come in and see there.
The Jeweller,
Egg, Stove, Nut inlet P
Genuine Semet Solvay?'` Coke
Rosedale Alberta
Pocahontas Briquets
A new Domestic Fuel for every p.m -
pose. Intense Heat, very little s+
or Ash;
CASH paid for Eggs on a Graded
10 fIIsN .r.L
Phone 74 Zurich
•4,••0004 01,,0 $ v44 S004C+R a e
COME and MEE`:.
moTir,7.4 r.
u r
`±0 e wa1
ol:.eS o
He brings with him a special show-
FABRICS which have made "Clothes
,hof Quality" famous throughout tern
Models shoveller the styles and fein-
t ries that make "Clothes of Quality"
Canada's outeta.nding clothing veld
will be on display during this , visit.
"Clothes of Quality" are made to
your personal measurements_
and ..iltisfaetion guaranteed„
i•�. 1414 .77.
L zi aye gg S. ,".he p.
Staple Goo�Y 9, consisting of Pri4. s, Broadcloths,
Curtains, Cuitt:bill Materials, 1ials, Boys and Girls'
ii lsr-
Surmner Sweat. rs, Boys' Tweed Pants, Bloomers,
and- Shirts, Men's Shirts and Pants.
Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Varnishes and.
Oils, Shoes, Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs,
Etc., Etc.
1935 Garden Vegetables and - Flower 5.4..
Also root Seed and Sorg'dun.
taE.IIT{T" 'lA,&. 1ttIJh'
HON E > . 97
xal 7c" t +,fT