HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-04-04, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL aiDDLESE.TioLnEs %B3ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY T'PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE --Hamilton Street, 'fast off the Square, GO'DERICH, Ontario. seSpecial Attention to Couneel and Court Work.. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at 1Cl,oderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed'.. DENTAL• Dr. 'H. H. CWENy: 1 L. D. S; `. D-. D. , ap: a DENTAL AL SURGF,Ol�l 1 I At DEITZ BLOCK : VBICH t 'Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday 1 At .HARTLEIB'S, BLOCK :i DASHWOOD . Every Monday, Tuesday and C a Wednesday. b .. VETER I., INARIA.N A. R. Campbell,'V.S, B.V.Sc. :ligraduate of Ontario Veterinary ne ollege, University of Toronto. All 0 eiliseases of domesticanimals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennels. Office on Main Street, na epposite Town Hall. 116. HENSALL. Phone BUTCHERS Zurichs MEAT Prat Your Waut, . For ':Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. FOR SALE A limited quantity of No. 1 Clover it as at il, r &Sons; FOR SALE honey, while lasts 85 cents a ten pound pa 3. 14abererZurich. E. NOBARB BARLEY SEED Smooth Awned! •Stop that itchy shirt! Governnient Grade No. I. Over 300 moo -operative Experiments throughout ?ntaria, directed by the Ontario Ag- cieultural and Experimental Union, lave shown the average yield during he past three years of this variety o be 2.9 bushels more per acre than he average yield of 0. A. C. No. 21. ince Nobarb ripens a little ]eater ban 0. A. C. No. 21, it is prefer- ble for `mixing:: with late varieties f oats. The straw of this variety is Iso preferable for feeding purposes ecause of its smooth awn. $1.00 er bushel at barn. , A. Birk, Dashwood, Phone 2r4. FOR SALE , .A quantity of choice yellow sweet over hay for sale. Apply to. irs. Mabel Snider, Zurich, or to Mr. scar Ducharm.e, phone 2 ,r 98. For Sale A Kitchen Cabinet, almost lik w. For quick Sale. Mrs. • Ed. Datars, Jr. WANTED Wanted—About 200 acres of good ad to grow flax for season of 1935. opuiar A fair price will be paid for suitable ' A KET land. Apply to: F. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich. Hay, and. Seed Grain For Sale A choice lot of 1934 crop timothy and alfalfa mixed hay, loose, on Lot 25, Con. 1, Hay Township. Also the following Seed Grain: Spring wheat "Reward", Early "Alaska's oats, rip- ens with barley; and "Velvet" barley smooth `awned barley, the straw of this variety is preferable for 'feeding to livestock. Prices on application.. Apply .to: Owen Geiger & Son, Phone 59. • Hensel); Ont. t40 Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolog ^as, Sausages,] Ect., always on hand. Kept eslh in Electric Rei'rigeiratiof Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Yung brut & Son GARAGE NEW LOW PRICES WIL,ARD BATTERIES - HART BATTERIES Full One Year Guarantee $4.90 Gasoline with F'::emiurn Q'ls, 1Sc• per. to Enc. GOODYEAR TIRES, Etc. EL Wei Phone 60 — DA5HWOOD INSURANCE Western Farmers'] Weather !MCO. OF WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- -'JAL COMPANY. DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO , hount of Insurance at %ssk on Dec. 81st, 1932, $17,230',729- Total 17,880; 299.Total •Cash in Bank and Bonds - $221,978.99.' Cates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. Klopp—Zurich Abet, Also Dealer in Liiilidntad Reals and all kinds of Fire bisuretncee PRODUCE Live Poultry WANTED Vaken every Day till 3' o'clock p.m. IDo not feed' Fowl' same morning when. brought in HIGHEST' CASH. PRICES —FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W ,,, O'Brien 1.01„ Res., I/44, "T Yd MAPLES' 1'W/here the Big White Leg- ' ' horns Grow". Eggs for Hatching, Etc., Etc. The same prices as Iast Season We are pleased at any time to show you our stock. Bruce J. Klapp ZURICH, Ont. tf35 Used Cars For Sale We are offering the following used Cars for sale: 1-1928 Roadster, a snap. 1-1932 Ford sport coupe, rumble seat, like new, a bargain. 1=1931 Ford Coach. 1-1932 Ford y8 Sedan. 2—Rebuilt Cultivators. These cars are in number one con- dition. L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich NOTICE I am authorized agent and dealer for the Renfrew Products of Cream Separators) Stoves and Washing Machines. •Also have some used Separators always on hand. If in need of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see me. HUGH THIEL, R.R. 2, Zurich. • Phone 93 r 4. pt45 PRODUCE WANTED We are in'a position to take Cream 'and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we wrwillpay , highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a 'Trial i First house south of Dominion Hotel MOS:' II. MEYERS, Abbe 116, Zurich, Ont. ILII,," E1$1SED AUCTIONEER For Huron and AlliddIese r I AM IN A POSITION TO CON duct any Auction Sale, regardless, as tto size or, artial'e to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will LOCAL -F1414 Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Rader ,of u ]Dashwood were n townon Monde Mr,. and Mrs. George Fee of sail were Tuesday visitors in town. Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mee were Sunday visitors with friends Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Faust and son Carl of Mitchell were Sunday visitor,: with friends here, Merrsr. •Herb. and Alex. Mousseau motored:. to Toronto on a irusrnes, trip last week. Mr: and ;Mrs. Emery .Faience of Crediton, were • visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Hoist. Mr. and Mrs. . E. E. Weido and Dorothy motored to Yale,. Mich., on, Sunday. • • HERALD nN Canada's field erops represent 55.4 per cent. of the gross revenue of the arni, and dairying represents 36.2 .per cent; of the farmer had his due his income .fz'orn b.ot'h would be very perpeptibly larger than at present. Church Under ;Guard St. Peter's Cathedral, . London, the magnificent centre ,ef Roman Catha lie activities in the Diocese, of Lon don, has been under guard night and day for the past several days, as a result of an attempt by an incendiar- ist to; set fire to the edifice. Inflame i able materials piled ready for the arson attempt were - discovered in time where they had been placed behind the. main altar in the sena, uary. No intruder -was' seen, but the church is open duringthe entire day and evening, and is visited' by many. COURT OF REVISION Court of Revision for the 'nevi; Huron -Perth Riding' will be held at the following places: At Londesboro for PPells No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0,; Hul- lett Township on May 15th and 16, Ae Varna for Polls No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "' 6, 'i•, 8, Stanley Township May 17 & - 18th; At Hensall for Polls No. 1, 'Iensall, Polls No. 1 and 2 Hay Town. - hip, Poll No. 8 Usborne Tp., and • Poll No. 5 Tuekersmith Tp, an May, 20 and 21st; At Zurich for e olls No 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Hay Township on ' May 22 and 23; At Crediton for polls No. 1, 3, 4,.5, 6, '7, 8: 9, Stephen Tp. v. tql "--.. mat Pxwz on May 25 and 27; At Exeter for polls No. 1, 2, 3, 4, Exeter, and poll. .No. 2 Stephen, Tp., on May 28 and 29th; At, Elireville for polls ;1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Usborne Tp,, on May 30. and 31st; At Stafi'a for Polls 3 and 4 Hibbert Tp. on June 1; At Dublin i'or Polls No, 1and 2 Hibbert Tp. on June 4; At. Fullerton for Polls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Fullerton Tp., on June 5 and 6th; At Seaforth for Polls No. 1., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Scaforth, Polls No. 1, 2, 8, 4, McKillop •Pp. and Polls 1, 2, 3, 4, 6'Tuekersinith Tp., on June 7 to 18 inclusive. .. J. Wesley Beattie, Registrar Electors, Huron -Perth. • M=c We 's • Baby Chicks 1935 .Just received a good supply of Bayfield LadHonored • fresh Formaldehyde, u:secl to treat '' The F ' Y of the ten' o grain before sowing. Get,�your supply now.—Zurich 'Drug Store. Mr. and 112rs. Sam Oliver and da'nd ghter of Kitchener., were, and, visitors at the home of Mr. and, Tdrs. C. Fritz. Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and daugh ter Miss Hazel, of Stratford, were Sunday visitors at the `home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. ebxuar meetin r r_ 'fees of Bayfield village was held in the sown. hall lir Play e- ening, a geed attenda>�ice being present. At the Close of the regular business the Rev. Mr, Gale, making 'a few well 'chosen re- marks on behalf of the woinen voters of Bayfield, 'resented.Mrs. Thos. T3ailey with' a token'.oi their appre- ciation of her' civic sprit, and serv- ice as village trustee during 'the past year: Mrs. Bailey had- the' -iiighest polled vote last year and was. the first weeder, to hold that position in the villa- then in its centennial year. Nominated for re-election lent December, she would not qualify, not wishing to split the vote for the youn ger men who prevails' •••,on f1'0 etend or a more progressive econom e 1 overnment. The entire spirit of the eeting was one in marked contrast o that of last February when the atepayers interested in the welfare 1 the village were embarrassed by he proceedings given so much pub - city at the time. Mn Victor Deiehert, who has been a resident of the Blind Line practis ally all • his life; has" rented - a fatm near B- ucefield and is making ar- rangements to move thereon. We are pleased to report that Mrs, ` Peter Gingerich of the Bronson line who recently underwent an operati- g on for appendicitis in Clinton Hospit-m al, has returned to her,home. For once the weatherman fooled o the old traditional adage, that if. t March comesin like a Iamb it. goes'pli out like a lion. We could not wiel; for two nicer days than March lst, and March 31st. - Mr. Robert Baker has purchased the old house on Mr. (]•:Hine Rader' s farm, 15th concession, and has had it moved to his farm at the corner of the Blind Line and the Boundary road between Hay and Stanley. Af- ter it has been placed on walls . and repaired . he will occupy it as his home. • • FIFTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY We are indeed grateful to Mr. A. II. Schnell, of Penein a, Sask., for; the. following interesting, clipping taken from the Leader -Post, Regina, Sash March 27th, 1935: -"Aneroid, Sask., March 27. Friends and acnuaintan ces to the number of 16 gathered a tl.e home of Mr a,ncl, IYIxS Wri1Tl, 'pecker of >nereoid�Tnursdav etieiifn5k the occasion being: their 5dtle wed ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs, Becker were married at Kip -,en. Oat in 1876." Mr. and MIs. Decker or- iginally lived .in Stanley 7oWnship, and are well brown to a great many of our readers. Spent $2.00 On Beer A local doctor, isn't sure whether it is, wise to •be big hearted in all cases now =mot. Visiting a home re- cently wherefinancial help was need ed he dug Bonn in his pockets and produced • a -two -dollar bill, instruct- ing the head of the house to give one dollar to the nurse in attendance and one dollar to buy something for the wife. -Shortly afterwards the entire two dollars disappeared in the pur- chase of beer, it waslearned—E1 mira Signet. . Maple Sugar Time The maple sugar time has been here and nearly gone again, it was a rather indifferent one this year, ,with the unusual warn weather in March itsoon discontinued the runing of the sap, and had we had the present kind of weather then, there would have been more made. A timely httl- letin from Ottawa points out that of all the agricultural activities pract- iced on the North American contin- ent that of extracting sap from the, maple tree and 'concentrating it into syrup or sugar is the oldest. The bulletin says that while many legen- dary stories tell of the discovery of the art of making maple sugar, the Indians are known to have `rade maple sugar prior to the year 1673, and although a .'great many changes. in methods 'of production have tak- en place in the last half century, the romantic side of' sugar -making . still remains. The New Currency .. Ottawa—Seven members of the royal family and two of Canada's prime ministers are portrayed on the new paper currency to be put into circulation on March 11 by the Bank of Canada. These details are being published to guard against possible counterfeit notts. A likeness of Prin cess Elizabeth, granddaughter of the King and Queen, will appear on the $20 denomination. The prime minist- er's portrait areon two of the Higher denomination notes, Sir John Mac- Donald and Sir Wilfred Laurier will appear on some of the higher bills. The size of the new notes will be a novelty for Canada, their measure- ments being only 6 inches long by2% inches wide.- They will beapproxi- snake no charges four Services Ben- mately the size of the present U. S. •dered?notes; fractionally shorter but wider. Airruum WE.Bli1 -Dashwood Note of each denaminition will be availabbe, an English ;find :in French. ,.LL Lest«yie: 1 TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received by the Council of the Township of Hay up to six o'clock, p.m., Monday, Ap- r 1 15th, 1935, for the following: For supply of power to operate Township crusher in Welsh's pit. Ceeteactor. to supply drive belt. P...inunt to be crushed about 3:0.91 e:' is ye, --•r9, more o:: less. • .Iso Tenders fog. ^•.:ppl;,rbin crasher tenth gravel eand stone from pit. T nderr to be per cubic yard for ;n- tenial delivered from. Brusher. Also T•:n.lers for truclane• crushed sto-'e fi-eni crusher unto Township. roads. !..enders to be per yard mile. Tenders may be made separately roeeeneeeernitne; teeete aneeneexsn en, rector to assnme all risk of ac- 'didente and give satisfactory bond 'or $30:00 for faithful performance df work. Contract to .be completed on .e before September . 15th, 1935. Lowcst or any Tender not necessar- ily ecessar ily accepted. Tenders to be mailed to: A. F. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay Zurich Dated April 2nd, 1935. Ont. FOR SALE • White Field Peas We. offer the same at $1.10 per bushel. Cash. Secure your require- ments now. COOK BROS. MILLING CO. Phone 54. — HensalI FOR SALE About 30 bushels of good clean Banner Seed Oats for sale. 55' cents 05' bushel. Geo. Farwell — Zurich For Sale Clyde Gelding rising 5, weight 150.0 pounds. S. M. Peachy. Dashwood - Phone 25r6 For Sale Good Holstein cow, strictly fresh. Also duck eggs for hatching. Apply to: Henry Clausius, Zurich. Seed Grain For Sale About 100 bushels 0. A, C. No. 21 6 row barley, 'good quality, 85 cents a bushel; also 50 bushels good clean Banner oats, 50c. a bushel. Terms, Cash. Orville Smith, Parr Line, Hay. Phone 16-99 pt35 WANTED A number of cattle for rough feed- ing from now till grass time. Apply to:. William Jennison, Blue Water Highway, Hay Township. Farm For Sale Consisting of Lot 17, 18 L.R.W., Hay Township, being 50 acres more or less. Land is in good cultivation.. Has brick house with kitchen a.ttach- ed,. barn on stone waft 30x40, also a straw shed, other outbuildings, good I never failing rock well. For further particulars 'apply to: Ben Charrette, home with Nelson Masse, 14th Concession,, Hay.. NOTICE! s SPECIAL. ' • e After April ,�.1st; one high ,grade of Chicks only will be sold. All eggs set weigh' over 24 -oz. to the 0 dozen innd average about 26 ounzes. - 0 Barred or White Rocks. S. C. White' Leghorn , $13.50 After April 1 vias.+, , $12.50 After April 10 y'r11.!?;i b $11.50 After April 22 $10.03 : $10.50 After May 10 r $10I..00 After May 24 t9.E 3 ALL $9.OJ (;REEDING STOCK GOVT. APPROVED AND .BLOOD. TESTED. OVER 175 R. O. P. MALES HEAD OUR FLOCKS TERMS—Cash on Delivery Two Dollars per 100 chicks must accompany mail orders. Chic.s delivered when reasonably possible or expressed, Express prepaid. 100% live arrivals guaranteed Phone:. 97 r 11, Hensall 1 ELGIN McKINLEY -- ZURICH, • NTARI'O s 0 8 69 a 8 8 5 9 • 9 9 d • 9 9 m 9 9 s 9 •y • 5. 4 '5, O 5. e 5. 5. db t> • 9 5. 9 o• cenen Aete coveressama,,:, :ar0835�® 9 SEEDS SEEDS See Us about Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Tknothy and Sweet Clover Seeds - Save Money by Buying Your Garden front - Us! Garden Seeds in Bulk or Package LET US SUPPL YOU WITH SEED GRAINS! ,ef?e,9846(14.0.6 FORMALEFIYDE� Bring in your Bottles to be filled. We have a ss Lv :. tvi , Master and Pioneer Chick Starters. Implement Repairs Cultivator Points to fit all makes of Cultivators. McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. 1 L. Se0 e atenee4Mat4'AC'r 40MO!WNMtT°s!7f itt,,,.,..'7,r3;Y'+t;,o <!aA004i:0'e 4Jsees 1 VINAVVYWAWAVVAMAAMMVAVVVVVAMMW Zurich DStore les We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Suppiies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL .AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. Wei•amlam®t ®6waaa9®,846,Theitlae See Our Supply of Pro paradi.ol.lS Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, Sad Toilet Pe='f•,T nizers, and Brushes. 1110•6•11111141611111)(841)0 844146 FINE STATIONERY ANFOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. aetC AING oar roe ani war rat ee� Dip A. I: lYfacKirmon,