HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-04-04, Page 4They agreed to help
us in our endless
tests to make Scarfe
products better.
They painted walls,
sta irs,porches,furni-
ture with Scarfe's
Varn-o-lac and
helped us check up
on its wearing quail -
ties. Results are
conclusive -it wears
and wears!
We test the brushing'
qualities of every batch.
We prove k. spreads
s n1y without brush
marks before we fill
a single an. •
Women assist in our
tests. They approve the
colors -tell us if it is
easy to apply. Women
have helped us to make
Yarn -o -lac the quality
product it is today.
The rubbing test shows up infer or paint
ingredients. Only the very best are accepted for
Scarfe's quality enamel.
The new one -coat Enamel
-tested in every way that science can devise -gives
a beautiful, !€kir-,.veaafiig A nish ,: r r it , furniture,
stairs, bathroom. fixtures, etc. Lea -.7.,-.; ssLrface like
porcelain. Many beautiful colors, A standard price
everywhere $1.65' a quart.
VARN1.04f C
rrhe new one -coat 4 hour enamel}
r i 3f Gal. Qt.• Pt. };a Pt.
15.75 $3.00 $1.65 .90 .55
re•sCl11 and FLOOR.
34 Gal. Qt. Pt. .. P t.
Gal. }a Gal. Qt. Pt. 3a Pt.
$6,s5 $3.50 x1.35 $1.10 .65
4 1FEOtpR E=T,oR and
Gal. 34 Gal. Qr. Pr. 3,5 Pe
Johnston and Kalh leisch, Zurich
'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson and
daughters have recently moved to a
farm on the Goshen Line where, they
are getting nicely settled for :the
Miss Muriel Elliott or Varna visit-
ed a few clays with Miss Jeanette Mc
Miss Dolly llagaa .has been spend-
ing a few clays with friends hi Zeta
Mr. and Mrs. Tiros. Consitt are vis-
iting their son, Mr. and Mrs. ,Russell
Miss D. B. Sanders and son Nor-
man and Miss Alma Kelly and Junior
Brown of London, called on the for-
leer's brother, Mr, W. Jarrott at
Huron Springs.Hospital, 'Hensall, al-
so her sister, Mrs. J. Cochrane and
brother,.: Mr. Jas. Jarrett •
Mr. Max Tully was called to Pet-
ei•boro 'oSeing to the death of Iris
grandfather there last week. •
Miss Annie' Jarrett eeaent the' week-
end with her father at Huron Spr-
ings Hospital, Hensall. 1llr. Jarrot
continues to ,improve and, is expected.
to be hothe in a :feW days.
Death of Mr. John Cocrane.•-
hTe death occurred at his late home
in Stanley Township on Sunday af-
ternoon, March 31st, in the person
of John Cochrane after an illness of
several months. Deceased' had .been
very active until a couple of weeks
ago when he became helpless and all
that tendr•er nursing and loving
hands could do was of nd` avail. The
deceased was in his 75th year, and
has lived on his farm in Stanley Tp.
for several years. He leaves to mo-
urn his loss his sorrowing wife and
seven daughters and four sons: Mrs.
Farquhar in Hensall, Mrs. Hopkins
in Hindsdale, 1111:s. Eller in Falcon -
bridge and Mrs, Rosa Dick in Toron-
to, Mrs. Kenny in Seattle, Wash.,
and Mise Enda et hoose, Mrs. H. Me-
Murtrie of Kinpen; iUerrsr Cleve of
Brucefield„ina of Te s ate, Win. of
Chicago and'Alan Ai. hoeie. The fun-
eral was held on 'l'i ° p.m.
from the home, Reis. E. F. Chand-
ler his pastor of Iifillegtetee c tureh,
cone to tins the serviee. The floral tri-
butes wt. r° . t:cepitcnsi_t; l;eauttiuI.
Interment taken piece in liillsgreen
c.enrr ler; .
1MIr. Jim Johnston rets:reed home
after .speruling a few weeks with his
sister in Goderich. In re Fred
Turner returning with him and vis-
iting with her motner, Mrs. Ross
Johnston for a few days.
Miss Alberta Finlay called on M
E. Clarke one day recently.
Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas o
Brtieefield called on Mr. and Mr
R. N. Douglas.
called on frien`"cs in the village re
Mr. George Edighoi er Balled on hi
sister, firs. Ross Jpaston one d
Mr. Bob McClnic ey called on :Mr.
and Mrs. R. Oesch. Sundtly afters. en
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Drown of '&+r-
ich spent a day last week with` Mr.
and Mrs. Sam -Hey.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gascho and son
Alvin and daughter Beatrice were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Rrennerman.
Mr. Donald Turner of London,.
was a Sundayvisitor at the home o
Mr. end Mrs. ,. N. Douglas.
Mr. Alvin McBride of near Kippen
is wearing a broad. smile, It's a Girl,
Mrs. Edighoffer has returned home
after spending the winter with her
children at Yale, Pigeon and Deteai:
Mrs. Harold Johnston of Zurich.
spent Monday afternoon with Mrs,
Ross Johnston.
W. M. S. Meet
Cut Your Fuel Bill HALF!
Buy St: r Windows and Doors
.. .,4'-'- .p., ..fi.+4-•'r•£• ; .1 r i.+++I.. .;..3'3t L :: •F § •:- ' ✓
•r•;••I•? •? ••'rte d --r,;••; .r..g..l..{..l,.p,.}„r,.l,
t .
F[ 34.++++++++++++.H•++4.•H 7 +d 3 fi• i•'9 i :•^r•4^+:..g,.l,.l..sr•i-•e•F .••3••i•+^6•=fi+a
Now that the Springis just around the corner, it is
a good time to check over your seeding Implements
f Order re aj s early and avoid Telephone and
Express charges.
Cultivator Points and plow shares for all makes of
_ different firms.
" Arrange for a. Cream
zSeparator Demonstration
iuper Lastic Distributors:
- 25,000 mile tires for ... 5.45 i
30,000 anile tires for ........ ............
l: Ifyou a
like to save money let us,re-tire .our c,
t: We havei
few used Fixes cheap,
'o:1. Shop 149 0 Ti a L P SONS
Res. 67,
• .. < , i+ , t t't" ?."F"1.-r•1;+4. ye w,
Triursif'r +;. 411,01 414, 1931
to F .,'' :IS
and E .CEA.
Applications for..loans from responsibk
farmers and merchants needing credit
for business purposes are welcomed
and promptly dealt with by the Bank
• of Montreal.
This .Bank's approach to any credit prob-
lem is helpful and conStructive..If you
require banking accommodation, you are
invited to , talk over your ideas with. our
local manager,
Established 1817
MODERN, .EFFICIENT •E&NICING SErtvICy .. trio Outzoc_-te of
117 Years' Successful Operation.
Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, :i`.;' anag4 r
ek-end here.
£ Messrs Lloyd Noll and Alf. Ratz
s• of Stketford were Sunday visitors
kir, ;1'i s 'nettle. Kleinstiver,.
a „' : " 1 i " -' .tom urrrn rs
spending a few weeks at her home
hetet '
Mr. Milford Merner and sister,
da 1Cathieen and Mrs. Hamacher spent
the week -end in Detroit.
Messrs. Tiernan & Son will have a
grand display of Ladies Suits and
Dresses on Thurs. April 4th. An in-
vitation is extended.
';mien .Red Cross, S. S. No. 8 Hay
The Junior Red Cross of S. -S. No.
. Hay held their eig•ih regular nteet-
ing• recently. The program included
'en organ duet by Hilda Decker' and
f I mice Oestreicher, a story cnow-
'rc•ps by Hilda Rader and a Jewsharp
sola by Carl Oestreicher.- A denton-
-tration 'of first aid treatment of a
broken wrist was given by Esther
`rice and Carl Oestreicher. Dorothy
Weber sang' a'S"solo and Ernest Masse
recited a story "My Pile" followed
iiy a song by .Martha- Eileen Lorna
md. Helen Miller. A debate "Resol-
ved that horse power is of more use
o the farmer than gasoline power.
flee negative arguments were given ,
isy Elmore Rader and -Kenneth Weber
Iand the affirmative by Esther Price r
and Eunice Oestreichor. The affirmat
iv e were declared the winners. The
meeting closed with ar+Junior Chorus
after which a social time was spent
in games. .
Evangelical Church Annual
The - congregation of Dashwood
Evangelical Church herd their. annual
Meeting in the church recently. Rev
W. -S, ,Henrich opened the meeting
with a devotional period. Louis Mor-
elia was appointed secy. 'The newly
appointed officers are. Board of
The W. ill. S. of Blake United
Church held their monthly meeting
at the home of Itlr:. Robert McBride
on Wednesday :?larch 20th. The meet
ing was opened by singing hymn 256
the scripture lesson was read by Be-
atrice Manson and Miss Mary John-
ston lead in prayer. Hymn 241 was
then sung and the Roll Call was
then taken. The collection at this
meeting was taken in aid of the
Crippled. Children. Mrs. Lamont and
Margaret then. gave the topic from
the study book. The meeting was
closed by singing hymn 550 and ri
dainty lunch was served. At this me-
eting the ladies quilt to be sent in
the bale that is being' packed,
tuacn.ed BocJe
Mrs, P. Humble arnra spent a
few days with her mother Mrs. Fink -
'seiner and Cathern Inst week.
Miss Thelma Fisher of Strathroy
7pr-nt the week -end with icer parents,
Ir and Mrs. Jocob Fisher.
miss Emma Tiernan of London p.
ent the week -end with retat!ves.
Mr. and Mrs. Huntley and dau„;ht-
z llelen and friend of Detroit and
Mrs. A. Klein s tiver of Port 'Huron,
•''r'e rrrnei ay "frit!, with Mr. an:t
slrs. P. Illelsanc. Mrs. Hotchkiss who
pent the past week with hen brother
;la L. Kle in.etiver, returned to Dee
-reit with them.
1'.e.,. and :lies. Iletiiieh . attended
''r' f'n 1 e, Y1 lxe;rr;eh'• brei sir„
L i• + '• A. Cir in Loudon, on
• uesday, 1, j y r
A• 1 i. •i•l Mr2 . 3.. 13.rk and 711.'
1%e: o.f (ue..ph spent the we-.
Trustees• ---Harry Kraft for three ye -1
ars, while Geo Link and J. Bender f
are still. in office for two and one ye- a
ars respectively. Board of Stewards e
-- -John . Bender, Harry Iraft, Geo.
Link, Arthur Haugh, A. E. Oestrei-
cher, D. Tiernan, Mrs. D. Tiernan, L.
Moreaz, Mrs. J. M. Tiernan, J. Wild- C
-Fong, Ezra Bender and Daniel Weber ee
Parsonage Committee Mrs. R. Goetz, th
:Ira• L. Morena, Mrs. Granger and as
:he three .trustees. Cemetery Commit W
tor., --I). Haugh, D. Weber, - T. Wild --
long, W. England and -three trustees.
Pew Committee --E. Bender; A: E. n
eatreicher, Mrs. D, Tiernan; Dra.p- gl
ng Committee, Miss M. Kraft, Mrs.
t-2! ll':l^Dir ^ ,r^
r...5':+ .:^C.:::.:1:: • +.•+:+T...+'+^-.^-- 'LSe.^.-w"S.d:.
1 $349.91 during the year. The janitor iDuldint Man E1ecteta
ship was awarded to Mrs. R. WilIert Frank 341cvonneIl
for the sum of $115. Ezra Bender I ofe Dublin, the, was
meed to executive of the Farin-
er ' Mutual, Fire Tnsurau< o moo.,, ,:.a
Un' 210 sepl serltative of 68 comp-
anies in the province, at its annual
conation Day this year in aid of the I convention held in Toronto. There
cemeterywas n splendid attendance and some
work.A motion cathed to excellent ;reports -were presented.,
extend an invitation to the Canada , .
Conference of the Evangelical
Church to hold the 1936 Conference
at Dashwood.
was chosen as lay delegate to . the
zrUuttar aaonxereYfce'^--ut eetre. irate/.
Neve Hamburg in May: The Cemetery
Committee proposed observing a De -
, County Engineer in London -
The eiggth annual conference on'
toaniship roads was held in Lohdon
last week and was being attended by
Hr. Roy Patterson, county engineer
of .,G•oderich. Representatives from\
Win ham's thirteenth the Department of Highways were
g power bill present, also from the surrounding'
for 1934 shows a credit of $2',16x6.54 counties. The purpose of the
gather -
in favor of the Public Utilities Com- ,,.
mission. This is a large increase ov- lag was al getthe local discussion.
er the previous year, road rooad
eogether for
of road problems.
Accident Near Exeter;
An auto driven by Frank Squi"rek,
Whalen, turned over into a three ft-
ditch with wheels in the air and the
has opened up for the- season. They; with five occupants miraculously escaped
are making some improvements to? apparently only a shaking up.
the new annex which will add great-' The partytrupulled
goingd south when i
ly to the accoinodation for the corn-' largo heft ideeo out from the curie
on the left sole of the load into the
ing season., path. of the car, which swerved to
Alex. Buchanan, R.R. 1, Hen:solh, , the right but the car caue'ht the
came fourth m district No. 4 in the' 1➢>inrper of the truck and took to the
1934 bacon litter competition, the rel
sults of which. have recently been an- 7 ierl in 9Par3t1ii11
1 o Loins Campbell, well-known citiz-
Mrs. James .of Patellae " died at his home at
Dayman of Kipper
who spent a few weeks with her eau the age of 69 years. His death was
ghter, Mrs. Green at Port Stanley,
I dine .heart -failure. For some years
returned. Iromcie:, he was in the employ of the G.T.Re
when he suffered injuries_to his hip -
Attends Funeral learning retirement necessary,
County Judge T. M. Costello, of
Goderich was in Pembroke last wee1A' nbs iC`racturoci
attending the funeral of the late Wesley Hackney, of Celitraliais
had the misfortune to fracture three
' ribs while cutting down a tree along
with his s lino'
i.. The butt of the tree
swerved bark and struck hini on the•
side. Re continued at the job for sev-
eral days before consulting the; doc-
lEosv -
Doctor Attacked.
Police are investigating. a mysteri
sous attack made Friday. night on Dr -
W .J. Milne, a Blyth. The doctor -
bad ,just stepped . out of his car In his
Engagement gauge to enter the house, when tern
Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Thompson an- r xirTentifaed man suddenly care from
the engagement of their dau- behind and slugged the physician'
ter Annie Elizabeth, to William it over the head with a chunk of wood'
Lamport, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra The victim of the blow fell as he
Lamport of Crediton, the marriage ran towards the house, but the thug,
to take place this month. did not .follow' hien. The doctor soun-
an alarm but there was no one
Engagement in ;the house at shortly after 9 0, -
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Zweitzer; bash- clock when the attack was• made. It
wood announce the engagement of is stated by authorities that robbery
he, latter s• daughter Virginia Louise was not the rnotive because Dr. Milne
oars, and daughter of the late Jas. had - a large sum of honey in his
Moore, to t urge yS. Clark, son of pockets and no attempt was mere . to
n' the late ugh +.... ti .t ,.,, xv ..-., -' .'i'.friek wag;
ark, of Thed'forde The marriage to dark and the only cline is that then •
ke ;place this month.- - thug wore au iuiitatiorn fur coat.
The well diggers at Exeter are
naw down about 2;10 feet and there
is around 12 feet. of water in the,
The Brenner House, Grand Bend
1 unced.
T. M.
McGarry, who died. The
ormer member of Ontario cabinet
nd Judge Costello were law partn-
rs for several years.
Couple Wed. 66 'Years .
The family of Mr. and Mrs: John.
ornish met at their home, Exeter to
lebrate the 66th anniversary of
Bir wedding. The evening was' ple-
antly spent. in enjoyment ant; lunch
as served. •
R. Wiliest, Mrs. E. Gaiser; Ushers -
(morning) J. 'Virildfong' D.' Weber,
Assts. E. Bender, D. Tiernan, (even-
ing) A, Haugh, V,. Schatz, assts, G.
aeon, L. Eagleson.' Organ pumpers
1Zalilh Weber, Ross Guenther; Aud-
iters-;. Bender•, D. Weber, The
;:e.i mart,: Mee. J. l4T Theatre tenort-
r:l the church finances to be in a A
'oi Y 'ling contrition. Mrs. 1). 'Tie- j, s ident of the. Ln .ic>,;' A.fe Cl
,roported that soviet h 1 • i 1