HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-04-04, Page 1�1..XV ''34, Mass Buying Inq.-' Cosily Ottawa -Teta cast of the Price Spreadh and. Mass Buying inquiry was $354,951.38 to March 14. Wm. Golding (Liberal, South Huron) Was informed in a detailed return tabled by bion. Charles Ile Callan., Secretary of State, in the Hone of Conneons recently. Of this sum, the Parliam- entary Committee spent $196,783.51 while the Royal Coeneedesion. spent $158,167.87. Racaio License Continued Those who hoped that it would not be necessary to purchase radio licenses this year; will be disappoint- ed to learn that the license system is to be continued,. and as al/ licen- ses expire at the end of March, the tmie for .renewal is at hand. We we- re kindly notified through the mail Do Y i, Nee asses? Stop and Think haw iiinpartaet it is that you wear correct glasses-eor- rectly .prescribed fon your 'vision. Correctly styled to your face.. Tour health may largely' depend on keen vision. See C. E. ZeiteBR:IGG, R. 0. At HESS .1. ;WELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH At Dashwood, Saba/dare at Pfile°s Stogy ST . :T?I' .. Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -t 'A Changeless Chreat For a. Chang- ing Wareeee Friday, .8.h --Luther+.. feenarae. SPturday-Choir Pr ctiese 4UNDa,'; ' SERVICES:: 10 a. m. -German S'eirvisce,. 11.15 axle -Sunday SsclemeL 7.30 p.m. -English sera. Everybody We4cce a to all Services. E. TUERKFIEl 'l , Pastore a iz 1 Z RICH, THURSDAY MO APR!L 4, I the other day to this effect, and are asked to pay'our usual $2 f the renewal. We sincerely, hope th Department is not collectins the $ for listening to our Canadian station as they come in very poor in the ev ening; and were it not for thepo erful American stations we would al most be obliged to discontinue th use of the radio entirely: or laoe n w e The Early Dust Storms Western ,States have had another visitarion from dust storms. Evidence of this has been carried as far as Ontario, and was quite prominent at London, and along the boarders. Kan- sas has been the hardest hit of all the states and damage to agriculture has been serious. The cities have al- so suffered. In the country the culti- vated soil drifts like snow. It is blown off enough in some places to take from crops di the. surface soil. After this the crops die. They are a failure long before the crop season is clue. Autoists To Carry Flares Bicycles on Ontario highways will have to display a white strip on the rear at night according to .a bill to amend the Highway Traffic Act in- troduced in the Legislature. The bill also provides that after July 1,-1936 all glass in motor vehicles must be of the "safety" type. Under the bill pol- ice officers are given wider powers to inspect nater vehicles as to their condition and it is proposed to force motor vehicle operators e to Bail: flares for use in night emergencies..; Open air parking lots the to be lic- ensed ittethe same manner as gar- ages and al1l 'persons in the garage business are obliged to report all vehic which appear to have been ' in :ap accidrrni. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Q. . Goshen church was held in the ch - .arch. The president, Mrs, B. Keys,' pre sided. The 'meeting opened with the ..singing of a hymn* anti Mrs.. Mc- Clinchey offered Drayer, Mrs. 13. Keys - gave the Scripture lesson from John 16:23-33. The devotional leaflet was given by Mrs. Peck. After an- other hymn short preyers were offer- ed. Following then business :,e,.' ion, leaflets on "Builders of the lndial Church," were read. A vocal duet. "The Old Rugged Cross," was beau- tifully rendered by Mrs. 11. Erratt *rad Miss Olive. An irlter'esting story Britten by Miss Sybil Courtiee of Japan wes read by firs. Peels. The meeting closed with the singing e 1 I wish to advise the ]?if i c' am in a position to do all Ii, shoe repairing, and solieit y '. renege. Give us a trial 'fol evorkniansliip, • GA.I'FIELID BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich%.?: the hymn, "See how great 'a s aspires," and prayer.. Miss Melinda Stickle e'er,*n home i'ion. hi ,'honer ho.~}:i 1I-es,I:te.;da * leet where she klaad lh undo quaxaatine for scarlet fti Mr. Joe Martin attended the{Esti era of his cousin neer '(h'aterloo. The Blake branch W. M. S hell their r'egr''ar Ironthly mee'eee, etrele. home Of i t:i. I0.br; ( Wednesday last. A quilting c e �t held in cin ! reties? with t,he' v cVi and a full attendance repoxt;;,lr Former Resident Passee 1. At the good old age of 87 eleath came to Thos. Rathwell at the hence of his daughter, Mrs. E. 1102 I1 of the Base Line. Deceased was a of Goderich Tp., being a son, cf tlr, late John Rathwell, a pinoeer settler who came out from Ireland, Ort Torn ine; to eianhood he went to re''eva is to the gold mines but returned in. a- bout five years and went to farming in the vicinity of Lucknow. leo left the funs en north many •yein a and came down to the 2nd ion.' Stanley and a little over 20 ye rt s to go he and his wife retired from farm ing and went to Clinton to reside.1 Mrs. Rathwell passed away five yeaaen ago. Four daughters and two sop. survive. HAY COUNCIL rl eeeeeeeeee treeei .Q 35. the Chester L. Smith, Pah, $425 a year; U.S. $1,50 in Arlva 01.50 LAr RREAas, Os 11A2' .13X MAIM** Dk!& THE ELCO WATCH Mr. James Swan of Brucefleld was in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birk of Guelph were Sunday visitors at the horue of Mrs. Jos. Routledge eir, Oliver Johnston o; taalerich 'Iii i at t'_:? Lorne of Mrti. Thomas •lo''nstton on Sunday. ldrs. Fred Turner of Goderid'h, cal - leo olr her sister, Mrs. E. E. Weide, this week. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and 1+" oe i'orest here Sui?chty vis- , tors at the home of Mr. Wm. Lamont line, and Mire. .E. E. Tuerkhefirs Ieo::niled the funeral of the late Mrs, n:n at 1)111iE1100 on. Tuveday. A regular meeting of the Hay Tp. Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was held ay ,0 ' Doininio:l floa n on Sattri"el $9.95 $9.95 Here.'s a Beautiful 15 jewel Watch vou'll be proud to own and the Right Time when you want it! Come in and see them. . iRev. E. Dunn left for Stratford on . The M o i r T a,neseav morning to assist Rev. J. s 2. Houch, his brother-in-law in spec - el m aetinge a few evenings this week 1 ',Irs;- Jacob Wagner of Shakespeare .. 'i. klo:ip of Kitchener, and '. le onard Klopp of i'atelloo we- Suralay visitors with their mother Mrs. W. Kiopp. la. ui eatef,.�rt -,I) 0 wee held an the ; , . ,1 ° i • tT „aii,,'1, an Monday, April 1st, 1985, with. aril the members present. There inutes of the March meeting were icdopted.The treasurer repoted total receipts since last meeting of $3491.66, composed • of arrears of taxes, government grants on roads and relief, telephone tolls, etc., After disposieg of the eo;:.rn;elite t;or , the renewing ee,n.rl- ut:on: were pawed: i r t.:t ,:t ,c Cullee't,yr. enant <:d; until epril 2!:_ It• t elope. te tie! coil( rteon of ureas.:, i'ha't no =ca a cool ora tion le? '.;•' ,a to lea le ''.t ell end. efter" t I Tent; t` By •' 1cw lo 7-1935, '3 t 1 'rad: t Tl e' a'11' 1' to borrow ,e.r 1' • The Zurich Athletic Club is mak- ' 1)repai'a;ions to give a concert in the town hall after Easter. The me- ineere are practising and will put on a play. mfr..1.13u rm.,airecuwr..nve•.94:.• u u».v 49,,:1 r...az.....-..-,r rc WE THE' BEST FOR LESS I8 G ie Spec ,:LL 7- i , :3 7 :1 r qday, Filler ar it F e : r , y 4 P. and G. N p,. a Soap, 8 cakes for....... ... _.....ZSc ' Hillcrest Shorrttenihs;'„ . albs. for .. ...........:.....2 i c �y k oma¢:oe s, Lzas e rhes,., :, 2 'tins . 13c . Peas, 2 tiers >or19c Corm, 2 f .. ins for .................... • 19c Jelly Pow. rders,, 6 pii:.gs. ........... .,. ...,.... 25c Salmon, £:racy red Calioe, 1 -Ib. tin .23c Royal York Matches, 3 boxes ....................25c Princess Soap Flake, 2 pkgs: . ...-.25c Grape Nut Fli,es,' 2 pkgs. ............... 25c Loose ready. cut �'l:?icr��rrlt, per lb....... ..... ......5c Swat .NiloC,3Fn cake &l€oar (with rneasur n& spoon yree• p. -:r. Pig. ... .,...............37c INA See our Now Shipment of House "Diess+es at prices that will sell them. Real value from 9.5c: to 1.95 And don't "or eTM (or wallpaper, if you want iso get.. • real value I5c per double roll 'up.. Fancy Bilens at 50c per pair to ......,.....x.25 Curtain Me w " '5,N per prr.ir up to , ..l .05 140 • ay ,St:''Peter' s'' uiher'<til C • if/tie will :12,111 a baking sale this coming Setur- day• April 6th at 3 p.m. in Johnston & 1ir,'bfleisch's store. No orders tak- en in advance, Mr. George Farwell has leased the property in town known as the Schwalm home, and gets po.ese ssion on April 155th. eir . Fiui:v. 1m he 'i,1;t decided to store her furneeee rn l 4> is residing with her brother, Mr. Peter Koehler, At the roe( ret l?: e. el.' Zurich Pteeco 1'r u.:.:. , 1 . r , , r: , , were made to purchase n supply of ' o ;o. dl ell al I)' 1 1 nee. Oil wae w1;tpp1 td on the .,t1 c ets i 5i+1'1'( 11., r' , r ?7 `' -eel-i 1S ii -.O r, F t. i it c. p;clu) tl to par- ease ar-se a heavier grade this : eason. do0 ?In and ?Ire. W. L. Cieeel't, :Ind 1 •4. den where they rt .tc:I w.i.h Mr. and h Phone 74 Zurich BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Pew Genuine Semet Solvay Coke MILLERS CREEK and Rosedale Alberta Pocahontas Brioue A new Domestic Fuel for every wean pose. Intense Heat, very 'little s: s cai n' or Ash. VAI: R. DAVIDSON CASH paid for Eggs on a ueadeei Basis, Phone 10 • 01' ` i 1 t1 1 th1 ce'• timeand na s c c'ci.'that a pu aloe 'pay statior' t+ le- )hone l;t' rlt.aaAne%'tl ex. inie. 7 :_7,°t'.'1 Ti. itl, 4.a;] llo•;1ae, Oaketeoci tri..• 1i rel _ .it' `-„ Le, 1.t. the ler Tend -ea fir - operating to. t 1'e ehe;', mei i:l'1: kieg ! a: d• ;wee ; e s. adt 1;. :Oe , 11, , o• • ,;i ,-- 'l.; ',i`.t.i11i _'co a Telephone lel.liorne end. (xL ,! ti ;orot rt. Sie'x'rt: of doe) d '0,e'1%. u'• 0 t` Ilor.ic; tt.;.11, .rid.ittra dt.)' .01110 it ho lde- ,-(:all. C.1'iw.,. 'Go• ! Tito 74Laaic11 I el 1 J. M. Zeer d 111eneo C. veeee rd 2 9 4.85 ; Cam. el? I I nr i'1 2,60: R. Adams rd lei 1t.9si; W. arlt?.1 rd 18 2.90; M. Corriveau rd 17 2.20; l . E. ii'elanne rd 10 3.45;. R. Millar rd 9 e.'e; I1. rd $urt.8.a.i S. 1': 1 1 1 r:1 4 1.1.1 r1 1 !..9x,'1014 phone Accounts-- Bell Co.tolls,Tan to Feb.48,57 Zurich Central :`twit eking (8.0c ; F. Gerry ry 4' c o ,better. . les 9.3S; North. Electric Co. supplies. 33,88; I'. Mclsaac, salary 500.00; H. G. Hess, labor ex. 109.40; General Acconet;:---W Tt. favid on corn•end- ent 17.72 Treas. Huron hospital act. 24.50; J. Albrecht tx ensienie t 1 1 , + 9h ')'2: L. W. Hoffman 6.60; IA. Coach 3.75; J. C. 'teal ti Co,.50, J. 1i t>`t leib 3.75; I•dcnsall Spring Pair i;;rant 15.00; re.N R. fare indigent $400.00; L. N. I=astcte;rtill� 1st. itid fa:irt C7 J �;. S,' the A''; ',lee ,i;;:a:ry °i&.0', ,T, Wanr? 4.84.;S'onthron (IA d)ry::dale 15; C. Fitz 4,75; E. ilidee e..:l; a. Gaseho A, roe (:.le^: ;,•, 11 0e. tZ . T 41 :'`a The (tatet.al adjourned to uced. r rad or" ?ort 1 r7 ,,,' t! 't '1 ' i~ eoclock 1' r:l. for the 1 eguld r lilt,, and o;a Monday 'evening, April 1'e n;t A. . ess, er. . '' o the Won i . d. til 011 ;l ol!:l:by evening, ?.last a::t., 1,11 h n rel;jaiar Monthly meeting, and l .elf eeterr?,:I. The' ir:i.t'tit ,1:1-; entad with a community song feline ed by. the Lord's I r eer in ere The - program col' istud of a 10 .:1 j tib . t by; 1lliae Rader ane ;1'T nl t 9 ) !Heideman aecumpanhal by -vie. a ti, :11.2s. re%rI :til 011 C;L41 :' int ) 'i "Otis Pearl Wurt^, vocal solo by Oe'i- ores Klopp accompanied by Miss .Lenora Haberer at the piano. A hum -1 drone play entitled "GU- Will be Girls" by Audrey Factor and Greta; Raberer, instrumental duet by Grace! 'Meyers and Ruth Foster and an ad -1 dress by Mr. W. H. Edighoffer, talc- ing ae his subject "Cor'r'ect Attitudes' 1 ie eahjeet he ahly di, e , . ee ,n •';ear I ewer headings.: Our personal atti 4ude ' Fe: treds our face, place., rare and �. Grace. The subject :proved interesting as tell as humorous. All numbers were ee toyed by thole:, pn?a;ent. Mae, Alex. Poster presided over the ]n 0-1 14ian arter which lkera 1L G. 11b'.': took the business part, The roll was j called and responded by a eavorite' ea .;:1. Two letters were re -?d by the' en '111:1 alloy 1.1.:,:„'.'1's-':.! " *'1 (11,;- ‘stst.eit after which a dainty haul.' was served by the conrlrntte in cha- rge. This committee brain;: Mrs. Alt "oeter, Mira, E, Heideman, Mrs. l7.! i)etrortsrte; Mies Peer]. Wur'te, Mis. v. eeee. 1,1, wad' etre. C. lelopt). With ' EN'S -- n Mind There new"Fal;.-ics picture clearly t1x harmony of perfect dress The new patterns made from. RrItlsh vt�o()lens: and 'tailored with the free- 'Ad, am o f s =r you the easy A>W vging of ahvOy -.. i:,sing wall-als°eoozi, .. • ,'See uui ":Fw''i id iange REMEMBER All Suits MADE TO MEASURE.' • Staple , consisting of Prints, Broadcloths, untains, Curtain Materials, Boys and Gjaisr Summer Sweaters, Boys' Tweed ra,nts, Blournea,' onel Shirts, Men's Shirts and Pants., Groceries, Hardware, Painta• Oils, Shoes, Rubber Boots, Harness Repairs, Etc., Etc. Also root Seed and Sorgum, rt GC E LA a,. riaEROM AI HONE 11 97 •