HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-03-28, Page 8PAG1 "prat 9' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK It I r . hl, . 4 Si rentsIn many varied colors nd Patterns.. 0 pieces to choose from, priced 15 to 2$ yd Art. Sateens AND CRETONS, Just ar- rived in striking new designs priced from 19c to 43c yd. , r New Terry Cloths ChForaisridCeoveGrirapes, ngaob- solutely fast color, at 80c. yd. • Finest made 72x90 0,+UnUO Batts size 50c each LENTEN SPECIALS Pink salmon, large, 2 tins for Sardines, each, box Peanut Butter, No. 1, lb. Finest Sept. cheese, per ib 23c 5c 15c 18c Schrag's brick or limberger, lb. 20c Broken Sodas, 2 lbs. for 19c No. 1, Sodas, 2 lbs. 25c Lily White Syrup, 5 ib. tin at 39c Canned Tomatoes, large ....,., 10c Canned wax beans, 2 for 25c Macaroni 4 lbs. for • 19c CAUSTIC SODA, New Supply now in 5 lbs 55c. Jo SC PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 TNS S61151922,1115.110131188114411HCV UTO Yourself Against Financial Loss through. Accident, Fire, Theft, Ect. E -COST S T ... -5 REASON.ABLE THE PROTECTION IS NECESSARY An Automobile Accident Policy Costs little and provides Funds in case you receive injuries "It is better to have insurance always and not need it than need it once and not have it." Andrew F. Hess, ® arms - MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETT Have You MADE YOUR W1 LL? b# �N. mI .,34'°s'sl" aC7;C11)GVI <':'�v�* E�.1• G"Z'''Cae;w t'A^L '3 �M4:i�J 4��i' 'Ji`u' ✓it M3 HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE 3 and e 0 LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax . Trost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing - Supplies and Posts. 2 Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes 'in all sizes WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture,. Springs and Beds. Felt and 1Vlarshall Mattresses 2 Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetrott.ghng and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty: ; * Full line Jf heavy and shelf Hard- g ware always in stock. DE GUII�ICI-1 ' Li Grocery: 1�11�11r:L:ii Salmon, fancy pink, 2 tins ..,, ,,..:ZS! 'Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. Jar ...:... 25c Smoked Fillets. per Ibt....-•••,..... ,.., 15c Florida Oranges, per dozen .. 25c Lemons (good size) per. dozen .... 25c Heinz Red Kidney Beans, per tin 15c American blend Coffee, per Ib, .. McCormich's Sodas, 2 lbs enno Oesch EGGS WANTED. _25c Zurich Phone 165 - ii (Mine!! IlIUUIIH 111111111111! llfN111111IQllllllllll!ll Ilf l llllilllldtl11111l111111111111iii]U!lllliltllill1!111111Illiiiilllili1111111111ll11lli( 1111 llllll!II! 1!,. MS Of' LOCAL iN` `EREST Mr. Carl Burn of Toronto spent the week -end with his parents at the Ev- angelical parsonage. Miss Mary Johnston of Blake spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Jemima Johnston of town. Mr. Morris S,lumpp, and Miss Sel- ma Rader of Dashwood, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Rader. We have recently received a good supply of fresh Formaldehyde to treat seed grain before sowing. Get your supply now !-Zurich Drug Store Mae. Ed: McQueen is nicely recover big from her recent illness. Public School Inspector Beacom of Goderich was at the school. Monday last: Mrs. Fred Bengough on Friday last had the misfortune to fail and: fract- ure racture her wrist. She had it set at Sea - forth hospital and has returned` to her home. Death of Mrs. Sparks The' heath occurredat the home of her daughter, ;Mrs. Daniels, Brant- ford, of Isabella, widow of the late James Sparks' in her 87th year. The retina' --were brought to Hensel and it the Union cetnetery ::ox►, waft. Mrs: Spkr- had. spent two years with her daughter LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs' _ .. 13 12 10 Butter lb. creamery 30 Butter lb. dairy 25 Wheat bush _ ........ 90 Barley, bush 70 Buckwheat, bush 42 Shorts, ton 26.00 Bran, on _.__ 2'6.00 Flour" cwt. 2.25 3.00 Live ;logs, cwt. 3.25 Potatoes per .bag 50 Messrs. Ted Haberer, John Deich- ert, Wm. O'Brein and C. Fritz ree cently made a motor trip to Kings- ville where they visited Jack Miner's bird sanctuary, and also had an in- terview with this great naturalist Mr. Daniel Henheoffer, of the 14th concession, and who was recently taken to Clinton Hospital, is improv- ing nicely and will soon be able to leave the hospital , and will likely then become an inmate at the county Horne Mr. end Mrs. Edwin Gascho, Rev. and Mrs. : E. Turkheim motored to v Stratford ancl Kitchener over the week -end. "Rev: Turkheim taking t charge of the services in the Luther- in 3 r antk'ord but prior to that had an church. • at Stratford on Sunday, laved;practically all her life in the while Rev. Mr. Gruehn of Stratford "vicinity ee lienal!. She is survived took share of Rev. Tuerkheim's work by two daughters and one son. in St. Peter's Church, Zurich. No Is 92 Years OId Messrs Leonard and Emanuel Sar Mrs. Thos. Dick, one of our oldest ams of the Blue Water Highway, and best known residents, celebrated her 92nd birthday on March 9, on which occasion her family,neighbors and friends met to congratulate her. Mrs. Dick has spent practically all her life in the locality and has re- sided in the village for 30 years.Her many years have not impared her health, much, as her memory to any degree, and her large family and many relatives and friends hope she may be spared to spend many more bir days. M and Mrs. Wm. Dougall, Sr.., obse Ted their golden wedding anni- veesl' y on Tuesday Mar. 19, at their hoam here. During the afternoon and evening a reception was held and theli many friends called to congrat- iVIrs. Henry Walper of the Babylon Line, and Mrs. Conrod Simon .and son Leaton of Zurich attended the funueraal of their aunt, the late Mrs NewLeah Kline, widow of William Kline, who passed away 12 years ago at her home at New Hamburg in her 84th year. The funeral was held to the New Hamburg Evangelical church on Friday:' Deceased was a sister to the late David Surerus, of the former Sauble Line, play Township. Mr. Garfield Brown has made some va't improveinents in the interior of eek ;eel dwelling ea artery he recently purchased from L. het ok,c. Farwell, located on Viv- toria 6troet, and what was formerly i�BlYt a:s ago known as the Soverign ulatt you:. All ,the members of the fain t ^arses. The top story has been nicely ily Were home for the occasion: Wm. fixed up for living quarters and the R. Dougall of Hay Tp., Mrs. Milne 4, lower part has been partitioned off Rennie of Seaforth, Dr. Ross Dougall part of which will be used for a of Petrolia and Miss Alice Dougall of kitchen, while the other part Mr. Tor. nto , Mr. and .Mrs. Dougall were Brown will use for his .hoe business. married on March 19, 1885, by the They are moving in to -day, Wednes- late Rev.: Thompson, and for ten ye - day, and Mr. Brown's customers" are ars they lived on the Moir farm. In aalvi;ed to note his change of locat- 1895 they moved to the Dougall ion in business. hoineetead, and in 1920 they moved to Uensam They are splendid eitiz Our local hockey fans are sitting sits, prominent in church work, and up these nights listening to the play- .their ,many' friends wish theirs many oil games 'in the big leagues at 'pros- years of happy married life. Besides ent, and a get a lot of thrill out of Mr. and Mrs. Dougall, the only per - the games as announced play by play. son. living who'"was at the wedding The most interesting games we know 50 years ago, is Mr. Dougall's sister of is between the, Boston and Toron- Mrs':. Robert McLaren,' who was also to teams at present, each team hav- present. ing won 'a. game. Albert (Babe)An early spring wedding was 501- Siebert, son of Postmaster Siebert of enirnzd at Carmel manse when Rev Zurich, is one of the stalwarts of the w Aze.young untied Grace Isabel, Boston team, and his photos appear second daughter of Mr. and Vis. G in most of the daily papers at pres- Dick. to Wilmer, youngest son of mt. 2nt, as one of the boys who seemed and ` Mrs. W. 5,: Broadfoot; McIver-. to be intheir prime a few years ago, smith The bride• was attended iy, 'nut are coming back to form of by- the .groom's sister, Margaret, The ;one days. Here's hoping the very groom was supported by the bride's .e ,t for Babe, good li,eka and good brother, Fdwin Dick. After a short puck chasing. norieyinoon trip they will, reside on the groom's farm in Tuckersmith. 'I'heire many friends with thein: n'u*ch success. , A meeting of the Executive of, The South Huron Conservative Associat- ion was held here Friday last in the town hall. Mr. V. R. •Dennis, secret - Mr and Mrs. A. J.'Sweitzer and 2 ary of the Western Ontario Conserv- rhildren of Ilcach o -Pines, were re -,i ative Association, was present and :unt visitors with relatives. ivirs Swei- i addressed the meeting. It was decicl- ',zer and children remaining for a ed to !told a., convention and organize ow days. l ation meeting have on April 10 to Alice Higgins of Woodstock spent' organize the new Feeral riding of a few days with her parents, Mr and ! Rtitron I'erth, in the Conservative in- Idrs..lt..HigOrni,a Merest; .'hertsd4, 1141.ch ' r tl,, 1f) : ar ar n F !Ili/1;re : STORE ttr 1 THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW ' ` I FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY . , YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, '. ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US AUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EV; TROUGHING 4. SPECIALS!: SPECIALS ,, f Special Gasoline for Stoves,at per gallon Mc +r Specaal Stove Ori, at . t per gallon 13 We also have some very Attractive Primo in t F�tt e. See Our New Beds, Springs and Mattresses. USED FURNITURE • Two (axed Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; I' f f Good Used Dresses s from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; ;E• Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale_ Et • BE SURE AND SEE THEM! 4. 4. Johnston �' . Kash;. 4. ardware Z, Furniture. .J*hone 63 4 4 eF 4 ere 4. 4 011fild2llN1N13PMEMI N!NN11111 !4111 aU I NPU NINEE11111111111111UAIN1`'lQ4"rI I NIINIIIII N!I#N IMIIIQN MINIIW1QQl!P.iQZE;N" (ni 111111NII11MIl! - THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice _ Painting Wagon - Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerimxning Buggy Wheels Set Bum Shaft - Cross Cross Bar Buggy Reach 1.00' $7.00 and 10.00 6.00 and 10.00 /6.00 and 18.00 ............ 12000 u .. . 1.25 oyes each ...._. 25c . Eepafr :1 th6 al ERNI ! " t??!I;IBEINI1NN NJNNN1Niilll I NNi NNNfIINIIMIIIMIIIIIII111111 i! I NNElti llI!!hili;u"N;NNNN!;!NI!xtik1N NINNNNN11111 ! 1111111111111 +44+4 44.44 •F+3'ff+4.+ F++44444,4•F44 i .4.444. £r#. • • 4. • 4. • • • • 4* 3. 1' 4. 4. ZURICH QUALITY PRLC ONT. - SERVICE Ola seAt' HENSALL Olive Walker, R.N., of Toronto, avho spent a few days here recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker, has returned to the city. 4. 4 4. 8- i•.•eYlet.illefeeieee ee ee•e,eb.£ i el eiefee gab,.V.44 n,sie,e,iee44.44-teff ee44, x&44+ rtz 1 TUNE UP YOUR OAR! Don't be discouraged and throw agaw your Car if it is not functioning as you think it should. Just run it in our Garage and have our Mechanics go over it and • G {m Your will be surprised -of the results. �.Li:A��14�1+1i�� (.••.laid Kerosine always kept pt cin hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers.; Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhar. Jobs on u 11Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalibem MOu33eauZurich {Ysettf.kie�!' .+1, M"'Sn'Iut'S414•1".te•l erM`flp1.�9'i°dp`e'Yo:1,f4'.egitZ4jG4.";;1>CX° ' Cit• e- hRSA.4,0`, ''''�na.,f lfele0j:Ja14 4 M... MERCHANT! Yrau'know thoroughly well. 'that you have power . in your store, to influence the decision of your elm.- E'' us&' tourers in regard to, what they buy from yout Your .,, eustomers rely' on you to give them products whidit , in use or consumption, will give them complete * satisfaction. * If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly circulated magazines then, by the same token, it is 1 right to use local weekly newspapers! 4I am the Master Salesman of this Corm nuni .,. tyy and my name is *ADVERTISE, 4,1F14KWoie4+v.Vi:<414)01w'A, rttaet ete * t4caL ,, t4, 4