HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-03-21, Page 4k
Caroline Oescla le at pi:esc gat
with her sister Vies. Pfaff at
airs. Ross Johnston returned home
spending' Sonnee time with her
eson and daughter at Zurich.
Are aired Mrs. Peter Brenneman
.e'lnday with their daughter,
Antos Gascho.
;and Mrs, Seth Anions of Zur-
4,r7h event Sunday with her parents,
Mfr: and 'Mrs. Chris. Gascho.
Mrs and Mrs, Dick Brown of Zur-
, flailed on Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Ileyy Sunday :afternoon.
Mr., Gus Clarke, accompanied by
Mn two ,sisters Misses Gwen and
MalyClarke of Goderich, spent Sun
;slay •With their mother, Mrs. E, E.
lark e.
. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich and
Family, Mr. and Mrs, Amos- Gingericli
email Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ginger-
arch, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
Gingerich on the Goshen Line.
IRev. Mr. Bandy of Varna called
nnt ;friends in the village one day last
`Mrs. Sam Hey spent a day in Lon -
ROD 1nst week.
Mr. William Douglas and son -in -
'law orf Brucefield, called on friends
_;taa the village one day last week.
°aae making in ne
-t'yrup, the run last .Friday and Sat-
urday was good. .
The young people of V u na charge
had a St, Patrick Sena], at the par-
sonage on Fridaya evening There
was a good attendance and a very
pleasant evening was spent. '
Mr. Richard Robinson of Hullett,
spent a few days with his cousins,
Mrs, H. Erratt and Thos Robinson
and family. •!
Late Mrs. Wm. Taylor
The funeral of Mrs. William Tay-
lor was held at her late residence,
Varna road, Stanley Tp.,, on Tues-
day afternoon, March 12, and was
largely attended. Rev Mr. Bandy of
Varna officiated with Rev. R. M.
Gale of Bayfield assisting. Mrs. Tay-
maiden, name was pewee Dow
Dow -
son, daughter of the late Henry Dow -
eon, born on ,'the Ba alaii line on her
father's farm„, 62 ye. rs ago, For 20
Years she hack b e -a •a invalid. She
rs p T# ,
leaves` co mourn her loss her husband
And ,10 children, all. ?f , whom wer;e-
at her bedside, f'bur alatibtein and 6
sons, one son predeceased 25 years
ago; Four sister, and two brothers,
John and Will Dowson of Stanley.
The floral remembrances wer abun-
dant and lovely. Friends attended
from Kitchener, London, Grand Bend
and Dashwood. Her six sons acted ash
and Mrs. Percy Johnston, Mrs
Mee McConnell and Mr. Elmore Ste-
esheerson spent the week -end with
tends at Marlette and Flint.
Miss Margaret Robinson nas re -
;turned from FIint, after spending a
!taw weeks with friends there.
The Varna chopping mill will be
srunnang three days a week from
prow on. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
B. F. Chandler gave a very line ad-
dress. Musical numbers Were given
by Miss Edna Cochrane and Mrs, R.
Dick, Mr. F. Stelek and Mrs, Geo.
Anderson; Dr, Ivan Smillie of Hen -
sail, Miss Jean Ivison of Kipped, a
few contests were given, lunch was
served. The admission was your aut
ograph in full. The decorations
green, white tissue • paper, and Sham-
rocks were arranged by 1Ylissis Rena
Stephenson, Irene Turner and Jean-
ette McAllister.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Jarrott of
North Portal, Sask., called on tela,
tives and friends in the vicinity last
Miss Annie Jarrott spent the week-
end at Huron Springs Hospital, with
her father, Mr. W. Jarrott who is
improving slowly.
Mr. John Cochrane returned to his
home after spending a few days at
Huron Springs Hospital in •tile -anter
est of his health. •
Mr. W. Tirrder, Mr:' G. Love, Mr.
Chas. Blackwell;"Mr :'F.•Steldk' called
at Huron Springs to visit •Mr. W. 3.
Jarrott last• week.
Miss Jeanette McAllister is spend-
ing a few day's with her grandparents
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Consitt in Hen-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson spent
the week -end with friends in Mitch-
ell send with Mrs. Davidson's parents
near .Listowel.
At 'date of writing Mrs. Wacker is
very low. Her many friends are sor-
ry to hear of her illness which she
has suffered this last few months.
•Several are suffering from bad
colds in this. vicinity again.
A very delightful social evening
was held in the Hillsgreen church on
Thursday evening last, under the aus
pices of the Women's Missionary So-
ciety. A good program was prepared
by the president, Miss Edna Coch-
rane. The evening began with a
spelling match. Sides were chosen
the captains being Misses Edna Coch-
rane and Annie Jarrott. Miss Edna
Cochrane being the best speller. Rev
nit0,44440�w*�33�5diC�a��•�, s.«a,weetta..e»:>oo8+®tto$te.se
After April .1 $12.00
After April 10 $11.00 0
After April 22 i 10.00 0
McKinley's Baby Chicks, 193
After April 1st, one high grade of Chicks only will
be sold. All eggs set weigh over 24 -oz. to the
dozen and average about 26 ounzes.
Barred or White Rocks. S.C.White Leghorns
. $10.50 After May 10 $9.00
9.00 A
0 $10.00 After May 24
wave o ars per c ac s mus accompany mai i ers. is s e
41. ,* delivered when reasonably possible or expressed,' Express
„,it s prepaid. 100% live'arriVals guaranteed
Phone:. 97 r 11, Hensall _• •O
`th+ B•$A'F.4 LA0.0.40.0,04-0 ®4+++>.04). I.*444 ats0o40046.0.43e8.4 o*.e.4404.4,
1 i �1�Z'-� 3 i t i < : Y •: •: , }•- •S• , .;. +++++++++++•}•++++++++++++++ :.
Cut Y & r F e1 Bill In HALF!
f° uy Storm Windows and Doors
▪ PHONE 6+.•
-, 4
4.4++.7-+-I-++++++++++4,-;-+,14+++++ 1•0-44+++++++++++++++++ ++++++
*^1 9 4.7F+++fi•+3-+•F•T•f 4. :..Z.•++ +-1•,ry„d. +4. t •ir+++ 4'.l•'i ++4.4.+++.1.4. t++i1+i
Now that the Spring is just around the corner, it is
a good time to check over your seeding Implements
Order repairs early and avoid Telephone and •
Express charges.
Cultivator Points and plow shares for all makes of
different firms.
>: Arrange for a Cream Separator Demonstration .
Super Lastic Distributors: ; t•
• . 'i .:,..,;:.,11 r3
25,000 mile tires for ...... .... .................... 5.45
30,000 mile tires for
f you like to save money let us re -tire your car.
+e have a few used Tires cheap.
e1 Shop 149 0. KLOPP SONS
Auctioneering? - U.
. .$* +944 +• &++++FSM+++i i k-k+w
who o has
• +l the
a c
1 ,
not ..en in his usual goad, • health. for.
som•:weeks, is now improving and.
will le around again.
th Forrest, who has been visite
ing i' London for some time, to re-
turn ig to her home here.
i +,S;g{i f ort ,Spring Show will be
a , Ties . , , April 2nd.,
"Paul's Anglican church, • Cln-
will celebrate its hundredth an-
ary this,-yedr:
Dzed'A#+ California
e death 'occurred recently at
Bet? eley, Calif,, of Mrs. Margaret
H , ite, widow of M, 3. W hte,who
fpr any, year» was• editor of The
Ex; "z Tine .,. After . Mr. 'White's
dee 'I in, 1905 ;the, family rrioved to
CaII'ornia, pecc.asec1 is survived by
t'ive�daughters and one soxi� ;All liv-
mgi,in California.= "n�, s+••j�'
Moving to Exefern a k•.
lits. Frederick Sharpe, of , li'ipka,
has auxchased from J ;W. Hern the
brie cottage in. Exeter`; occupied by
Bailie Rivers. Mrs. Sharp will move
to ureter the early part of May.
?p>ff To Vote on Beer
. Al the meeting of the Fergus Co-
unci: it was decided that Fergus is
to tote on the sale' of wine. and'beer
1866 he came to this country when:
a small boy from.the Countyb
Ireland, with his mother and sister,
both of whom predeceasedhim, They
were brought oat by Thos. Wella,
who lived on the farnx •now owned by
:Er: Pollock, with whom they lived
for some years„ Later, whexi Robert
grew to matilmod, he made a home
for his mother in the village and pros
ved always a devout son.
Damage Case Settled
A Division Court ai tikn, Kenneth
Altin. of Detroit, vs the. township, of
Colbourne, for damages to,: plaihtilt'
car; has been withdrawn and settled';
out of court. The, municipality adinllr
ted liability in that a culvert had not,
been made to conform with a widen-
ed roadway, and paid plaintiff $51
for damages Us'''his carr, resulting
from an aceidexrt rdueseto-the••ahort
culvert. Arlin wase, alxi nneg , past a
ear last fall when Iii, mita 'struck the
outer +edge of the. ei11-'et-W A rvew l cul--
vert has been erected -at the i scene of
accident.; : •r ;r;., •d ass slit.
Died at Bayfield
There .passed to rest at her home
n Bayfield, Jemima Uprichard, wid-
ow of the late James Sturgeon, in her
82nd year. Deceased woman was
born in Ireland, and came to this co-
untry with friends when she was 15
'iia ,, 'March 21.
Missions. O1' this amount the W M S -
raised $34$.08, 'the Sunday .School/0n
$100, the Y.B.S. $39 and the eongre-''
gation $040. The Women's Associat-
ion raised for :church purposes ,$400.
J. B. IUlostexd, Bert McKay and Thos
Campbell wens re-elected to the
Board of Managers.
Fs: an al an Strawstack
4lti lw aevaal beach cottages south
of Goderich have been subjected to
visitations of vandalsand thieves, it
has .not beau found .possible to con-
nect. missing .articles with those in a .
box. under a strawstack in Perth Co.
.south of Stratford, While a comp-
lete .list :is on fyle in local police ori--
ces of articles found in Perth Coun-
ty cache, none of them correspond..
in any way with the articles said to••
�be missing f,�m. 'the°Lake show,,
bouscs. Principal Moses locally have
been sucharticles as lumber and..
t"i'rat elgoenoli I ed•
rWig,. Gdeeich Tp. escap
ed 3u;lihbutascratch when his light
track, in which he brings milk to„
Goderich, was totally demolished of --
tear nicking a ,second truck, careen-
ing into -tbe ditch and snapping .off'..
a telephone pole. The top part of the
broken pole, suspended by the wires
plunged through the top of the truck
years of age. She was later married beside the driver's seat. Stirling was
to James Sturgeon, and after living delving home out Huron road behind
here 11 years with their four child- a heavy truck and attempted to pass
ren -enaved back to Ireland, and ale just as he made a left turn. Stirling's
on J pril 10th. The situation is such , ter 11 months absence they moved aaa ine just touched the left front •
,that the vote is removed from the back to Bayfield, liking it much bet- fender of Johnston's truck and went -
mtti.cipal elections. Fergus now has ter in. Canada, where the family has out of controL Ne one was hurt.
a beverage room.
Hand Cut By Saw
Wn, Brickwood, Exeter North,lxad.
the-eisfortune to get his hand cau-
ght in a circular saw inflicting a nes
ty gosh. In attempting to brush saw-
dust away frorr><; the blade his mit was
caught by the saw and a four inch
gash vas inflicted in the back of the
hand: Fortunately no tendons were
cut, 1
Rev. and Mrs. Henrich and Mr..
Silas McFalls spent Monday in Kit-
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elsie of Detroit
spent a few days in town.
Mrs. Lane, who spent the winter
with her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Oes
treicher, returned to her home in
Dorchester last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoir man and
Mrs. Stacey and Mr. and Mrs. Mer-
vyn Tiernan spent Sunday in Kitch-
Miss Leila McFalls of Exeter, sp-
ent the week -end with her mother.
The tea given by the • Bethany Sis-
ters Sunday School Class of the Ev-
angelical chhrdh was held on Friday
evening at the .home of Mrs. D. Tie -
Man with Mrs. Tiernan as hostess.The
guests were -attended by Mrs. Wolfe
and ushered • into the living room
where tea was served by Mrs. Wm.
Mason and Mrs. Tiernan,
A very successful quilting was- held
in the basement . of the Lutheran
church ..on Wednesday .afternoon.
Lutheran Ladies Aid' '
he� xeanlax.,xma l �. ..33:
tEe telioolroom of -the church. Ths
meeting, was opened by singing o'
Hytrin, `' Christ the life of all. the
Living. Scripture reading and- prayer
by the pastor. Rev, Luft also gave
a very interesting reading entitled
Missionary Achievements in Africa,
arid;conditions in India. The VVice-
Freaideiit, Mrs: M. Kraft took' ' the
&hair for the business part, • minutes
•ef former meeting were read :follow-
ed by the roll call which wis answ-
ered by 25 members present. Mrs.
F. Guenttner and Mrs, W. Eveland
were stained .visiting committee for
the month. After other minor bus-
iness transactions the meeting closed
by singing the Doxology;
Howard Hemphill of Toronto, sp-
ent a week -end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A.W.E. Hemphill.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Consitt spent a
few days at the home of their dau-
ghter, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Parke,
north of Zurich.
The many friends of Mrs. E. Drum
mond regret to hear she is confined
to her bed suffering from high blood
Joe Hagan was a recent visitor
with London friends.
nnie Reid, who has been in poor
health for several weeks was taken
to London Hosnitentand operated on
in St. Joseph's hopital,
Norman 'Alexander, son of Wm.
Alexander, spent the past week in
London, attending meetings In the in-
terests of production and agricultur-
al and matters of farming generally.
The Firemen held a largely attend-
ed dance inx the Town Hall and in-
tend holding a euchre .and' dance in
the near future they secure good
musical talent. -
The annual public meeting of the
Hensall brunch of the Bible Society
was held in the Town Hall when Fit,.
eld Secretary;'''•ev, D. Bright, of.Lon
don, gave ,an illustrated *tete.' It
vitas a union meeting of the three
churches. •
`Mr. and Mrs. Williatai Dougall, Sr:
of town on Tuesday, March 19th cel-
ebrated informally their fiftieth an-
niversary of their wedding and were
receiving from three to six p.m. They
received many congratulations and
•lood wishes.
67 I Mrs. Robert Bonthron, :following
the death of her youngest daughter,
0 - .r Mrs. T. C. Josnn, intends going to
1 ` at fora ;;a,an to :rari!cr�nrhemp
o'is members' of her family in that
' 4' City,
Seaforth Motorist in Trouble
Dorman Nicholas, Seaforth, lsot con
tro] of his car while driving through
the town 'of Strathroy .and crashed
into a tree, the car being badly wre-
cked and Nicholas injured so severely
than he was taken to the hospital..
To -crown the list of misfortunes,
Nichols was charged with reckless
driving aud. with driving without.ans..Hold Annual Meetrng •
ophrater's permit. •+
Leaving Exeter • • ' ' + `-
Jas. McIntyre, who for several ye.
ars lias been • stationed "'at- Ecet'er
lived since.
Damage Action Settled
On: June 25th last John In: Strange
of Exeter, was riding in a buggy with
Mr's; Jas. Flynn and her son Robert
along the fourth con. of McGillivray.
when a wheel went into a hole on the
road. Strange was seriously injured
about the head and Mrs. Flynn's sho as usual on Monday and attended a ,
ulder was broken when they were hockey match in the evening, and on .
thrown to the ground. Robt. escaped. retaining home did not feel well, on
with minor. injuries. Notices of their Tuesday he did not feel good and ort..,
claims for damages were served at Wednesday while going from one •
once on the Tp. on behalf of all in- room to another he collapsed -and.
jured and later writs were issued by died almost immediately.
them at London_ The trial of the _ ,CB4- --
claims was scheduled for the Spriing •
Assizes. Settlement has now been ef-
fected by the Globe Indemnity Co., ; Owing to heavy financial obligati-•
with whom the Township is insured- '• rests that we have to meet at present,
we are obliged to send out an umber.
of accounts, which in most . cases. area,
small, yet they amount to a. nice lit -
'tie sura when there are a martian, of
'them We trust the -people wilt show; r
their appreciation of the credi+ ex.
tended by raplying to our appeel.. Ffie
have also given 'a local citizen a few
for eolleetion, who will in due time
Fos+.nxer Resident Paslses
A. former Ch1'tton residgrnt passed
away in Stratford in the person of
E. W. Finch, who had resided in C1in.
ton until some years ago 'when he,
moved with his family to Stratford...
He had been working in the chair -
factory for some years and worked
The annual business meeting of the
'Brucefield United Church was held
recently • with Rev. W. A. Bremner'
'acting as chairman and J. B. Must-
superintendening, 'installations and, `:ard secretary. The different organa-;
arepairs'for'the Bell Telephoxie Co; ations were fairly well repesented
fora the district, including Parkhill, and the reports they gave were `full;
etc. has received word that of hope and encouragement. The sum
en�a , make a personal call for the amounts
h 'b transferred back to of $4,295.00 was raised for all pox-
e p •
e . is being ra
L 'd d f . t' win ntinu poses of which 1�3$'dl0 were fiat owing.
r .., n:111.1
of om an or. a time
w> co
his 'iiresent duties in that city ;He •
will: leave Exeter the first of May.
,,, nee -ea: Il`easeec,9"itA+u-u46 ' to no..
appiointed C.N.R. agent me Clinton,
filling the vacancy caused by the re-
signation of G. ' VanH•,orne. He has
been acting as "a• relieve agent for
sortie time, with headquarters in Gu-
elph, and prior to that was at Pres-
' Nail Penetrates Lip
boug'las Biintnel.l, son of Mr.' and
Mrs: A. J. Brin'tnell, Exeteis, 'while
playing horse with' a couple of Other
rads at school, had the misfortune to
fall against a post of the shed and a
suety nail penetrated the upper lip,
inflicting a nasty wound. His teacher
rendered fist raid and the wound was
dressed by Dr. Dunlop.
Fractures Collarbone
Mrs. Wm. Snell of Exeter had the
misfortune to fall Sunday fracturing
her collarbone. She had been outdoors
in the morning and had fallen on
some ice and hurt her hip. She had
gone into the house and was sitting
on a chair when she took a dizzy
spell and fell to the floor with the
results mentioned,
Farmers Hold Conference
A farmers' conference was held in
the Seaforth town hall, when Major
E. A. Corbett, official receiver for
Huron county under the Farmers'
Creditors' Arrangement Act, gave an
address explaining the Working of
the. Act, which is designed to facili-
ate arrangements by the fa,rmers
with their creditors. R J. Scott, pres-
ident of the U F. CoeOperative, Co.,
also addressed the meeting, stressing
the benefits of co-operative buying
and home mixing of fertilizers.
Visitor From the West 444
Thomas Jarrott, of North Portal,
Sask., is , an old .Kippen boy, who
went to the West in his youth, where
he taught school for some years. For
the past 25 years he hats been in In-
speetor of Customs, with seadquart-
ers at North Portal, At fiiaesent he is
spending a few days holidaying with
hie' brother Tsaac,Jarrott, at Kippers.
Down Te Rodk
The: well • drillers whet are sinking
a 12 inch holeon the 'bank ; o#' the.
river:. at Exeter. to; secure . a , :sufficient
supply for the .town's •waterworks
system have pessed through ,the clay
and are now in the rock, it wa•x a-
bout 100 feet to the rock. They are
again putting on a night shIpt gang.
Died at County Home
The death occurred at the County
Home of one of ayiiold's most re-
spected citizens in. the person of R.
McMurray, ho because or failing.
a,ii` t; , and ineleatty to care for tam-
e' i . t : , taxon to tint limn.: by the
4 Orangemen wily a,. week, px:alauusy. in./I
MIRROR/ e `•t•-2
sue JEICT s,,
A mirror will bring out that
priceless smile of youth.
vOII may think you have ex-
ahausted the supply of picture
possibilities in your home but the
chances are that there are countless
interesting subjects you have com-
pletely overlooked
It is the unusual that eta acts at-
' tention bat it . is . necessary to use
your eyes and a little imagination
and ingenuity to ferret out these
exceptional views, angles, etc., and
get pictures that show individuality.
Mirror pictures, for instance, are
intriguing and offer unlimited pos-
sibilities if one will do a Tittle ex-
perimenting. Let's take the above
picture as an. example.
When focusing for reflected images
only, it is necessary to add the dis-
tance from the mirror to the sub-
ject, to the distance from the mirror
to the, lens of the camera and then
set the focus accordingly.
If it is desired to iiaclucde the sub-
ject in the picture with 'N e relieeten
image the -focus should .be set for
the distance from the•,xuiaror to the
Sena. 'Ther•'a' �aa:.tlre'?Arita petting'
'the greater ;tlxehhdepth of call and
fthe sharp4ltad4iibe both+1Mgitan)
course, the nearer the subject tele
thee mirror the less•is required'in the
matter of "depth;'.
In the picture above, the subjects
were about two feet and the camera
six feet from the mirror. As both
the subject .and reflected image were
to be included the picture the
focus was sett at six feet. The dia-
phrag'm wag setat f.,16 and a photo-
flaelx furnislbed'the light.
it the fgures and camera. were lu.
a. position to show only the • re -1
;fretted image in the picture being
;inlets the focus would then have -
been set at the eight foot distance -
'1?i'xe xiagram shows position of '
subjects, 'camera and photoflash .
when Die above picture was taken_ .
Atter setting the focas• of your cam- • '
era .nt the proper distance and the •
d cpl ragm at f.16 set the shutter for -
time exposure -`°T". Do not have •
any bright 'lights in the room. Place
photoflash lamp in ordinary floor
lamp within reaching distance from +:
the +camera, as designated hi dia- •
grace. rte sure to remove the shade:,
from the lamp. Take your positions
at the camera and caution ypur -
subiects not to move. Press the cable. -
r+eiease to open your shutter and im-
mediately tarn on the photoflash_
and then •quickly close the shutter- •
and the picture has been. taken, Pho- •
tofiash tamps are made in two sizes,.
costing 15.+and 25 cents each. For •
this type of picture the 25 cent size
should be ,used.
irks emittenr photography expert '
=eating becomes the spice of life -
and you will be aurprfsed' at the in- -
terastixig ;'eifacts ,yoLti twill get • in .,
working ,out "stunt", .pictures ora . -.
;gloomy, rainy days when outdoors --
activities aro taboo. Re ul in is s
instances may be rather grotesque . .
but you will have a lot of inexpen•
sive amusement and pictures that
show individuality. Anyoiie can take
the .ordinary run of pictures but it
requires a little ingenuity to get the.
mammal. Iliac is what yott should
a '
"sutrten, ..,
301114, 'WAN. GUILDI111.