HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-03-14, Page 8'.(S,t4E =1IGH' OS THE STORE WITH THE STOCK New Spring Goods Pr•n In many varied colors and Patterns. 50 . pieces to choose from, priced 15 to 2$' yd AND CRETONS, Just ar Art Sateens rived in striking new designs priced from 19c to 43c yd New TerryFor side drapes, or Cloths Chair Covering, *arm solutely fast color, at 80c. yd. Dominion Batts Finest made 72x90 size 50c each LENTEN SPECIALS Pink salmon, large, 2 tins for 23c Sardines, each, box Sc Peanut Butter, No. 1, lb. 15c Finest Sept. cheese, per lb. 18c Schrag's brick or limberger, Ib. 20c Broken Sodas, 2 lbs. for 19c No. 1, Sodas, 2 lbs. 25c Lily White Syrup, 5 ib. tin at 39c Canned Tomatoes, large 10c Canned wax beans, 2 for 25c Macaroni 4 lbs. for 19c CAUSTIC SODA, New Supply now in 5 Lbs 55c. J. GASCHO 8c SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 ems.®�� -•vim YOUR SURPLUS FUNDS CAN BE SAFELY 11, AND CONVENIENTLY INVESTED In Huron: & Erie • t Debentures der Annum._ Payable Half Yearly CANADA TRUST't'IVIORTGAGE CERTIFICATES Now, Earn: 4 % Per Annum Payable. Half Yearly Any sum over $.100.00 may be invested' from '1 to Years. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WI LL? Aperacoommasoacimmeammovrommeommrinancrzo 44444669341144000664414****400216 44410400415041=1034111104144* • s HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE 1 � COAL and GOKEl • LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE i PRICES ARE LOWEST 4 • • Fs PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried I and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, • I Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax = • • Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing,; Supplies and Posts. I Goodyear Balloon and . Cord Tires and Tubes • in all sizes , WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS BFurniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses ., Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetro1 ghing and Tinsnnth- ung our Specialty. Full line af heavy and shelf Hard- . ware always in stock. • • DE' & WEID URIC, - ONT.:- UA.LITY PRICE - SERVICE • • URI I HERALD' pan 1110 11010111111 111 81il1ilillllH!I 0014 8 00118181 lit 1 Grocer ,I Store Sardines, per .'can. 5c Macaroni; 3 lbs i 4c P.Wfitit•Butter, 1.5-ozjar 15c on-rWreat:Flakes' 54bs. bag .,r .�,`I"p airo'.Ji ice, ;;:•per can , 5c r<.i.%S+ alp<chips, , '3''ilbs. Aylmer 'pork and beans, largo', can 10c. 25c IS enno :Oesc EGGS WANTED. Zurich Phone 165 u 181 IIIfiJIII1111111111I81811111111 IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIllll1911111@IIpIIIl11111111181i11111I111111111111118111i0M01lllii111iIIIfltlGl1110101111111111I11I1ilIII1BIIIIIINIIIIi). ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Ward Fritz motored to Kitch- ener on Sunday. The many friends of Mr. Jacob Gagstettei of the 16th con., will re- rret-.,to learn that he"is quite i11. Mr: and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe, Mrs. Lydia Pfile and daughter Miss Pearl motored to London on Tuesday. Sorry to report that Mrs. H. H. Cowen is confined to her room with illness. Messrs. A. F. Hess and John Eck- stein motored to Goderich on Tues- day. Judge T. M. Costello of Goderich presided at the 10th Division Court in Town on Monday. Barrister, Mr. Gladman of Exeter attended the Division Court in the town hall, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thiel, Mrs Et Gascho and Mrs. 'Ervin. Schilbe mot- ored to London on Tuesday Mr. Lens, and architect. of Kit`eh- ener, was in town over the Week- end, giving his services to Mr. Wird Fritz, who is considering` of building a new 'residence. Mr: Sol . Zimmerman, John K. Ehl- ers of town and Mr. and•Mrs. Samuer. Oestreicher of the Bronson line, at- tended the' funeral• of the; late Pm. MaYy',"atKitchener on. Saturday' lasf Dr.' A. J. MacKinnon, Mr, Edward Stelck and Sem.Hey of ,,Blake mot-, ored to London on Tuesday where they called on Mr. Mervyn Stelck, who is recovering from his operation for appendicitis. LOCAL MARKETS '(Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 16 14 12 Butter lb. creamery- Butter reameryButter 1b. dairy Wheat bush Barley, bush- .. Buckwheat, bush Sho rts, ton Braz'i, on - Flodr, cwt. Liv4 Flogs, cwt. Potatoes per bag 30 25 90 ...... 70 42 26.00. 26.00 2.25 3.00. 8.25 50 On Saturday, March 16th at three o'clock, in the afternoon,.a Baking Sale will be held in Johnston & Kalb- fleiseh's hardware store, under the auspices of St. ' Peter's Lutheran League. Coine on' time for a choice selection or home' made"pies, Bakes, tarts, candy, etc, 'for no' orders will be taken in advance, Hobo King Visits Exeter The "King of Hoboes", G. Pearce, was in Exeter the other day. He cla- ims to have spent 21 years on the road and makes a boast that he has been in every jail in Canada. He says he is looking for a wife and willing to marry the first girl with $10,00.0. On his vest he carries ov- er. a score, of medals and claims' he 's Canada's coming premier. He sp- ent the night the gtiest of the Chief at the town hall. ( A large number of farmers of. the community attended the Farrners' Conference at"Hensall on' .baiuiday. The new Farmers' 'Creditors Arran- gement •Act, was thoroughly discus- sed and explained by one who has made a study of the Act. Another important item was taken up the establishment of a fertilizer mixing outfit will •be established' in Hensall in the near future, where the chern- ictls will be bought in large quan- tities and mixed in this place there- by saving "about ten dollars a. ton it is claimed. BUSY FARMER NEWS Cod Liver Oil For Hens When chickens are kept indoors where...they do not get, as. much dir- e'4t sunshine as •when they are runn- Fnl� outs de:'their'rnash should contain out 2. per cent of a good quality o codhver, q�1 This oil is fed be- cause of its vttaniin• D contents, whi- ch is needed to help assimulate the U need material mattes: In the e of a sufficient quanuxcy of this,` vitamin, a chick may be ;under-' nourished on materals even if it is given enough for its body needs in the mash.; When sufficient vitamin D is not produced in the body of the growing chick, through the action, of direct sunlight, or when it is not fur- nished in. the shape of codliver oil, the minerals -supplied in the mash may not be assin ilated. Vitamin D s ati im»ortant constituent Of foil �ruic iti ,teed;,; its well as laying hens' "mash f£er1. Louis H. Rader o, recently' attended the annual meting` of the Ontario Agricultural Council at Toronto, and who wash reappointed a member of that body of agricultaral enthusiasts. Mr. Rader' re orts flint a good meeting was en oyed, very profitable and:.all coun- ties; were. well represented. He was one of'..a:: delegition who went to Ot- ta*a to interview the Hon. Mr. Weir Minister of Agriculture, with a re - (Blest in view to have better condit- ions prevailing at Toronto Stock Yards. The delegation was well re- cejved and some results of their in- telrview are being looked for. It is th4 intention of the members of the Board to later on address the County Councils ,with a view in nund to imz- pot►ve the , type of hogs raised for the British markets, as it seems that oer hog producers are just a little behind some other competing countr- ies along this line, while vast impro- vehents have been made. the past number of years, :yet they seem not just adequate at present to meet this competition and markets. Early Sowing of Tomotc►es' The Dominion Horticulturist reco- ter>,ends .early sowing : of tomatoes and the -use of early maturing, good varieties. Sowing should be done in time to have stocky, well grown plants in bloom and ready for plant- iug out at the sign of settled weath- er,' 'Soils with low nitrogen and high phosphoric acid contents ancr a Med- ium amount of potash are essential. Poultry Breeding .Too often in selecting the stoce for breeding, higk'egg records' or some outstanding feature of the sire ° or' dam are allowed to influence'the judgment, without due regard to .vif ality or good breeding qualities Oat may or may not be present. The se- lection for vigor and for those de- sirable qualifications•_that conform to the breed is comparatively simple, be- th seare most visible char - es 1 sz ilasusey "g,cters and canbe chosen by coinpar- ib. Vigour is evident by the carri- ,age, desirable body weight for ages and breed, health and bloom of fea ther, and good bone foundation. A ;clean-cut head with clear, bright and prominent eye in: the male and fe-; oiiale ism certsf.n 'ndicatian of brain dower and nervous energy and the: t A ? 1" V tr R. 'I" I S E'., silt -nark of high vitality and repro--; ., actlye strength. 441,,,,e++444.4+ 1 +444 0,14,14,44 it 44 THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GO( ,NE34 CFS LION THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY 16. i YQU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WTItE- *,A%fiQ HAVE BARB «%IRE. SEE US ABOUT •; :, ROOFING, PLUMBFl11G, AND EVA •• TROUGHING • SPECIALS, SPECIALS! • + Speck Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon • 1 I Special Stove Oil, at per gallon 3c ,•r 3e We also havesome very Attractive Prices ri' in + unntue. See Our New Beds, Springs and - Mattresses, . • 4 USED • T• wo Goad Used Chesterfield eS on Ha Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Hand; 's'" Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains fort quick Sale. 4. r • BE SURE AND SEE THEM! • , Jolnjstou & Kalbfleisch`' ';-;-'.- .�. ardae a, Furniture. Phone 63 4.•• + 4.44+4 44.44F'H'4.44•4.4.44.++•++++++•++++F 4444++++4.++1. f '` 'EMT ME �I� II{ IUs YllillnilllflilANH!! I DEUSEI : �' +" MIAMI IQNBNIIIINIlNUNIMOSEP!piINNlI lEIR THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 '. Painting Buggy ........ 6.00 and 10.00 RecoveringBuggy. To R ......... .. ,..._ mming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar = Buggy Reach 1.00 Buggy Spokes each , i2 5c '�" wR_.s 25c" ffESS, U tl11111111111NWill (sl I/11llh11111111181N111111111Y Thursdiv' :ittl,'irri`at ""toil , ;i Oat 4444.4.44 .444+4+4444 YO1JR Hardware and. Furniture" STORE.. 0.44. +9M+aa �.�>a.a�,t+ar�►W,R 16.00 and 18.00 12o00 3.00 111onsfNNIpI61sIiNHt'NI✓INH11111isiSna NlislnNOi i.ii 1 G41?iACI-E THE WINTER SEASON Is Noir Here. Have you Looked after your Aut a= bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed Antler-FOil, iF andd had your Radiator filled with a gooitRun in your car and let us do this very Important thing Right Now!'" Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in l and small quantities. Let cls fill your barrels or 41�: Contaiiz: 'L Lo.tt dent.'' Expert Workmanship on Reere.pair Work, and Oaerlaa, Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. H Mouss�att Zurich 14444.41+44444++++++++44+++44+414+11.01,44.44444+34++++++14 44 4.41+.44gtr44+++++++++++++its +414+l01,44 +44+34++414'+++1 4 d+++&1F•+&.++t+ 444.44• ++4 + .444. ++'4++444 .*** r' v IIERALD OIPT - Do You Knowe • 4. 4. _, : tiI ar`the Master Salesman) 9. 9. • x , can herald .of, Success i for' �, , w .r,. 'Fa all men,'' Merchants, Manufacturers,; Etc. 2 I • " fe to the World the : J v ... w ' < : message of "sej,x i rc,, l'. r�ers • . • and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when I speak! `" For those who have used me as their Servant i' have • gathered untold millions into their coffers. a • I command the 'legeona of fashion, mould the styles ' ti is, and lead" the World whithersoever I got ' `Ti I sow fields for you; to reap a Golden .Harvest! •44 .1, 1 arra Masater Salesman, at- Your Service, and my fi dA Naim is., "!