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Zurich Herald, 1935-03-14, Page 4
c�a L 9,1 BLAKE Mr: arid Mrs: David d Gingerich of Zurich., Mr. and Mrs; Jake Gingerich ad family of the Goshen Line, were r'Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Gingerich.. Mr- and Mrs. Ed. Erb and daught- tet^ Margaret, accompanied by Mrs. Oscar Koehler of near Hensall vis- ited a few dayswith friends at Bad - eve and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich spent day with her parents. Mrs. R. N. Douglas is on the sick Mrs. Ross Johnston is at present visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Weide .and her son Harold at Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. Dave Oesch and favi ily spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oesch. Mrs. Amos Gingerich entertained mt if'ew` neighboring ladies and a num- hor sof girl :Wends to a quilting last seek. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich and -family were Sunday visitors with Mr ,and Mrs. Chris. Erb. Mr. Ed. Stelck accompanied by Mr. Sam Hey motored to London to eileat the former's son, Mervyn who .is in the hospital at that place. STANLEY TOWNSHIP .Mr. and Mrs. Jos Martin, who have been visiting friends in Waterloo -County, returned to their home on the Brunton line, Monday last. mss Melinda Steckle is at present In Kitchener Hospital with scarlet XT. and Mrs. Will Carnie visited dthe rmer's sister, Mrs. J. M. Tough Rayfield recently. 7 F' "A, meeting dealing with Fertiliz- ers .and Hay and Pasture Crops will be held in the Stanley Town Fall, Varna,. on Wednesday afternoon at 2.00 pan, March 20t1i, The speakers are Mr. R. 3. Boyden, Chemistry 'De- partment, and Mr. James Laughland, Field Husbandry Department, 0, A. College, Guelph. The meeting has been arranged by the Huron County Branch of the Ontario Department of Agricultural and all farmers are cordially invited to attend. HILLSGREEN W. M. A:—The W oreais'' Auxiliary held their aneeting• a+b the .homes- f of Mrs. R. Cont on the . Day of ''•a;, yer on Friday afte'i ib' n; March 18, with the president, Miss Edna Clodh- rane presiding. Theme: "Bear 1,4e One Another's Burdens" Ilymn4368 prayer by leader. Response the naw of God, Prayer in unison. .•Hymn • 266 The new Commandment mu: period of Thanksgiving. Hymn 384 resp- onse, our pattern and prayer. The origin and purpose of the World's Day of prayer was 'prepared and read by Mrs. W. Turner.. The secretary and treasurer then gave their reports. The offering was then taken. The business was trans- acted. Plans were made to hold an autograph social for St. Patrick's in the church on Thursday evening, March 14. Plans were made to quilt the quilts in the near future. Re- sponse, bear ye one another's burd- ens, prayer were affered for peace by Mrs. R. Consitt for temperance; by Mrs. Ross Love for missions; by Miss Annie Jarrott, Thy word; by Mrs. R. McAllister, Hymn 383, Re- sponse, and hymn 402; .prayer in unison. The April meeting will be held at Mrs. W. Turner's Notes—Mr. John Cochrane was.tak en to Huron Springs Hospital, Hen - e ' McKinley's Baby Chicks, 1935 o All our Barred Rocks and all our White Leghorns flocks O.. are sired by R. 0. P. Males. The chicks from these hatchings ' being what are oficially.known as. R. 0. P. Sired Chicks. Our -es White Rock' flocks are. headed I y R 0. P. Males to the extent w of 80%. This greatly improves the chickes produced. :K We area offering chicks at 'two 'prices for 1935. There • • will be those hatched from big eggs over 25 . oz., and those e- batched from eggs averaging : 24 oz. to the dozen. Grade A tet', large or (Extras) weigh 24 oz. to the dozen. 9 PRICES FOR MARCH AND EARLY APRIL • • EXTRA. QUALITY • ,• Barred or White Rocks. S. C. White Leghorns • • $14.75 .100: chicks $13.00 • �, $29-50 20, ,: chicks,, $26.00 4 $43.25 300 chicks` $38.00 • 4> $70.75 i 500 chicks ••- $62.00 • • • 24 Oz. AVERAGE :.. • 0 1.2.' 100 chicks . $11.00 ^,i • • . •• • • • • o• • • 3 464._4. '4 $58.25 411 cess: 500 chick s• $52.00 ., .TERMS --Cash ' on Delivery • Two Dollars per. 100 chicks must acco }rpany mail orders. Chicks 2 delivered when ,reasonably potssible ;aror expressed, Express prepaid: 100% Iive arrival"a'' guaranteed sall for treatment, We wish him a speedy recovery' Mt. T:ornran Jones visited, friends in this vicinity recently, Mr, Aikenhead.is ;visiting his data'. ghter, Mrs. M. Tully and family,.' The W, iL A: are having an Auto:. graph: Soeial'in the Hillsgreen ahurcli on ' Thursday evening, March 14, : A good program is being prepared. Ev- eryone welcome. Full Name Fee. Miss Edna Cochrane and sister, Mrs, R. Dick and son Douglas, Mr, .; Alex. McMurtrie and Miss Annie Jarrott visited Mr. John Cochrane at Huron Springs Hospital on Sunday,} Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson, spent. a few days in Stratford and attend ed. thp funeral of,Mr. Davidson's,sis'.,= tee.,, on, Friday. Mr; pig. Mrs,. Chas. Robinson sp ent Sunday in Mitchell,. A happy gathering of members of the family being home r s n Mr. and Mrs 'Weido and sosn Glenn and 14r. Orville Smith and Mr Frank Hagan visited Mr. W. Jarrod,•' at Huron Springs Hospital on Sun day. • Phone:. 97' r 11, Hensall 4 . ELGIN McKINLEY -- ZURICH, ONTARIO. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•'°a::�•- «... 4464.4, 4` 4 8 8 8 8 "".,,rj"1'+y'- 'r•it,-y'Q'.rc•.,..�.+ .,.g,{..;+ •r•, ;�44 46;-46;= i••.•---r�r i•K•-•�' t Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF.. BuyStorm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! +l• REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES. NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND. AT ALL TIMES.. AND. WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU + WAIT. + F . C.KALBFLEISC r. 1- PHONE 6 C`M'V•'•i'+Y••V'"1:.i'•i.-F-1"-SEF•-6'd'•@+++1i'•F8'4•+ i•'^i^`F•1•'dF'i••F'F"iFd'd•�I'�a'�F•'M♦�T'♦'II++444, ZU`RICH +. . I K t .... ;"t r 410114.4.144+44++++++444•+++44-44 +++ + +++++++++++ +�F+++++4-++# i++. MASSEY-llARRIS'NEWS 4. 4 Nov that the Spring is just around the corner, it is 4 • a good time to check over your seeding Implements -4 WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN FOR A DEAL Order repairs early and avoid Telephone and Express ,.charges„ i ,: , Cultivator Points and,plow shares - frit ;all inakik of different firms:.. , t • _,: �'k': Arrange for a Cream Separator Demonstration P "5 'n r Epistle Distributors:. .. f``;; t .., :.:,d;.,i .....1. 25,000 mile tires for . 5.45 't, 30,000 mile tires for .... .............. .� ...+4.4.,4.4+x.05 Z. If you' like to save money let us re -tire your car, 4. T.. Shop 149 0. KLOPP �. ©p & SONS Auctioneering?li -4.-4.4.4. We have a few used Tires cheap. 4j Ret . 67 U» .BET! • DAS'HW00D•.` The Bethany. Sisters' Sunday•Schoo'1, Class of the Evangelical church wi1X• hold a St. Patrick's tea on Friday; evening, March 15th at the home ,o Mrs. D. Tiernan. 1VIr. Herb Gaiser of .Detroit is •sp ending a few weeks at his home here also . attending funeral of his mother the late Mrs: E. Otterbein. •m' Oestreicher who spent the past week in Kitchener, also at tending the funeral of her brother-in- law,' the' late Wm. May, returned home on Monday. A very successful quilting was held in_ the basement of the church ,by the Ladies of the Lutheran congregation last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. T. Hoperoft entertained a number of her friends to a "bee" on Monday evening. Death of Mrs. Otterboin. Mrs. Ezra Otterbein died 'on Thurs day morning, March 7th at her home here after only a few clays illness with pneumoniaa. Her maiden name was Miss Mary Sarah Ritter and she was first married to .George Gaiser. from which union there are surviv- ing two sons, Chester of Dashtood and Herbert of Detroit, aiiotlier „so ' Wesley was killed in the Great War. She later !harried iEhra Otterbein who now survives, also two step sons Edward Qtterbein of Blair and•:;Abra- ham of Preston, and Ione step daug hter, Mrs'. Josiah Bear of • Alberta' She was in her 76th year and had lived in Stephen Township and Dash;: wood all her life. Funeral services were held at the .retdence on, Satur- day afternoon following ,which a service waheld , ibi the, Xsh' �j1s .'.,,.._ r sT. a =•1�#.gyp. ed by Rev. ' Silas McEalls''bfficieteti Interment• took ^place in Cred to , Evangelical cemetery. - Evangelical L.,.:A. The Ladies Aid and W.M.S. of Desiiwood Evangelical 'Church held their regular meeting' in the church basement. recently with 141 s. R.Goetz as chairman:,, . Mrs. ,D. Tiernan led in the opening Brayer after whiclrwll'Irs Goetz •ready the scripture -lessons:Mrs J. M. Tiernan .sang a very appropri- ate number` "'Alone".: • The .ells er in the Mission study book "Japaii;ese Women . Speak" was given by Mrs. Jane Guenther; following wruch•: Mrs A. E. Oestreicher played a piano solo. Mrs D. Tienian presided for the business session which followed There were 81 sick visits reported and Mrs. W. S. Henrich and Mrs. D. Tiernan were netted as Visiting Committee for the.month. Fees we- re received, ampunting to $4.70.- A' quilting -has ,beeri -arranged• for " the afternoon of Thursday,. March 14. The text •'meeting will be In charge of Mrs. Wesley•Vi?olfeaand Mrs. Ver- non 'S d atz. Pan Cake Supper The Excelsior Bible Class of Dash- wood Evang. Sunday School^ spons- ored a pancake supper last Tuesday. evening at. the spacious home of Mr.' and Mrs; Ezra Bender. Supper was, 'served from 6 to 9 at tabl'eseattract ' ively arranged with bowls :of. tulips. Mrs.• W:.S. Henrich poured tea dur- ing thei evening, • while''Mrs.: William Snell received the guests. at the door. Arrahgeidents were' in •oharge' sof=;the Social -and Lookout Committees, the former being Mrs. Wm. Snell (con venor), Mrs. Ezra Bender, Mrs. M. Neeb, David Tieman, John Bender, and+ the latter being Mrs. R. Goetz (convenor), Mrs. J. Wein, Mrs. W. S. #iendrich, Daniel Weber, and Dan iel Haugh. The proceeds amounted to $16, HENSALL Chas, Abbott of, Detroit, spent the week -end here, with his wife and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty. 'lrs", ,a M ud Hecltleny: ,'Donald and Harold Redden left for New Ontario, where she will join her husband who hits a good position there" Arthur Dick of London, spent a; week with his parents here recover - rng from an attack of flu, Managers' of the -onion storebous es here are ;making preparation foe -•etti7g ont the onion setts, This' antic will give employment to a large' number of men for a month " o• tyale ,•1Bonthron visiting with • riends+mDetroit. ilNr++o'ii 4* 4,44.41'444,4 .* •^ *+ ++F'++'IS P+1,44*ti^ .,..r.04.4,' r 4th, 45... TO DEVELOP A NATION'S RESOURCES In 1.842;:following the union of Upper and Lower Canada, when the Bank opened a branch at Toronto to succeed the agency there, and established offices in .nine other Cities of Tipper Canada, the Honourable Peter McGill, then president of the Bank, explained why the directors bad, entered' upon a policy of establishing -branches or ageneles in the.then western province: "The Legislature having conferred on the Bank importarit privileges, and authorized the creation and employment of r large capual,;the Board, instead of concentrating hall in the large cities, felt it to be their duty gradually to extend throughout the ,wviuce the benefits dnaireaNe lora the use of it by the• establishment o€ ebsandhes and.agencies at such points and in :such localities as appeared. to them best calculated to encourage and assist tbeagtficultere and com- merce of rhe country, to develop its, a- ourres„ �d to pro- mote the increase ofirs crporr;sbleprodur ns-.-" Even before the union. of Upper. and ?comet• Curada, the Bank sought constantly to cream Se those factors in trade which would conrn'brare effectively 3.o the ap- build'inp of the countiz a purpose eolith is as strong today ever ES TxtBL.1ST1'EiD% rare HEAD OT'.lC.E. - • MON'TREAr MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING; S1 SERVICE ....the Outoine o'f' 117 Years' Suaess titiCSperation Zurich Brandi: C. H. JOY, 1VY`ariager ; 1VIr� W'ldron of Ottawa visited E- Rowe. Miss Ealkwill.has<also beeri »:.:and Ivi s ,''onng_: engaged as chick sexer at IC nnetb r�.k .... r �4�.k..;.,:#,�:rx.;'`i. .*.."•:swwz, yet 'a uttJdt'i.'-",„',. =y. . r relatives here. q ( 1Vies?'Farmer of Stratford and Mr:I En vemen ' ' acid riffs': Wm. Stone and baby of ' Mr. and Mrs_ Fraanl :Hnniritosrdt, of London visited with their father, Thedford, announce the engagement •Winn Stone. • ' of their daughter, Grace Evelyn to ' 1VItgr (Rev.) W. A. Young and chil Percy, son of Mr. and Mrs. William tlren''left for Ottawa where they will Bele, of Grand Beanie the marriage visit fort a month. r to take place quietly the latter part •Mit. `T. C.�'Joynt's many friends of Ma--'- ' regret'to,hear she has been quite ill Starts Action. Died at Seafortli, The death. occurred after at leng - -'eIneeeae s t• 1s bonne Seafftth,, o John.. C_ Theirepson,, one of the oldest, and, best known residents.. Born • in• mate of.,Brussels in. 1852, and came to Zeal rth in 1868, where he - „Ilea ;since resided, .. having ;been in charge of the ' :taiiioring deportment or n.3 clothing stores, later with. StewareBres., is'wife died in 1922:. Sirrviv,in areone son and, three dau g'hterc Customs- Officer Changed Another change'lias taken place: in :Clint,in:I. S.Turner has' been 'ap- pointed to the Customs office in Goderich,fvlling the vacancy left when .A. Porter retired lest year. Turner took over his new duties It is teen years since Turner was' appo– inted to the posh in Clinton,' on the retirement of John Wiseman, and he .has idled it satisfactory. Clinton Man Banq netted G. D. Robertson, of Clinton, was - the guest of honor at a luncheon in- the Queen's Hotel, Stratford, given: by District Manager of the ,London: Life Insurance Co. to the, agents 1Il s the Stratford section. Mr. Robertson: has -enjoyed continual service with., the London Life .for' over . a quarter - of a century and . on. recog>;rition of;' these long 'yearn of faithful represen-- tation on behalf of the company he, was iresented with a•goldgiwvatchands. chain suitably engraved. Ire litarv,est :Over, - This :spring the sun will have about 1 100 °tons less ice to.'nrelt 'oii.'Lake Huron, at the 'GOderi-`oh harbor, as a. result of the ice harvest now come ple.ted: The ice is from 12 to 163 inches in thickness and the quality was never `better°, owing to the' tight• snow fall and severe frost. It is pos- zible to' -read a newspaper through. the blocks, they are so - clear. J. IL. Graham ,& Son, ]harvested over 700°' ;tons. A sample was given an A -- rating by the government analyst at:. London. To Demolish Old Chur4 The old Methodist lsfew > nexion:• church.: located on Brock St., Goder- ich and long the property , ; of the town, is ";to be twin” dti,yn As d the bricks used in part, to build the' vault 'which i9 projected at the Town RalI. The razing operationa are nee- • essary in order to -remove a menace•• as the roof of'the place, which 'has:• not been occupied for many years, fell in some 'time ago anti the walls are .elangerbus. The corner stone is to be salvaged and placed in the new town •museum when it gets under way. The passing of the structure recalled to many interested the his - +c 4646 a (;Fin 1(fr nr.d 1i it eh'!re!.i in Gild- ertcTs or at least the various comp- u'ncu't parts of the body which even 14414 Mewed unto the United Caw* f ,'I. againn . . . ,. OW l0 relatives, friends and' A-- B. Rowclifre of Hensall has st- n.eighiioks:., of M. and MMrs. Fred arted action to recover damages from :Corbett...of Hay Tp., assembled at Jas. H.Garlick of Toronto as a re- sult their:horne the occasion .tieing his sult of an accident on No.. 4 High i thday. A pleasant' time was spent way Lust November 30.th. in. which.' in meads and dancing, the Hpde fam- ily ltowclitfe 'Wes injured. Be spent ,furnishing the music. During the 1 some time in hospital in Clinton and evening they all formed a. ring a-1 claims to be still suffering, from. the: round ` Mr. Corbett, singing "For effects- Iie's a Jolly Good 'Fellow," and pre- ' Former Priest Dies rented him with a pipe, tobacco. po- Word has ,been received. of. the death in Florida. of. Rt. Rev. M. T. uch and box of chocolates. W R. Davidson',has piu^cnased .a West, who was a. number of years new triielc for his coal and produce priest of 'the parish of St. Peter's in business. _ Goderich. He is well known to. the Jee Hagan and Rev. W. A. Young 'older people of Goderich nave' purchased new V-8 Fords. John Passmore and son Carol we- re. in London attending the motor: show Mrs. A. Bell, and son of Stephen drown the mantel, was' chased out of. Twp,, are moving to the village and the river and later found in a gravel will occupy.; tire. Kalbtieiseh house on. pit. Constable Moore was advised and Axford• st. sent men. out, to capture it but being The Commencement.,put,on:ins: the, png unable to .do so it was shot. to�•ii hall 'Friday eve last by the pone "'° Deer Found With Broken Leg A deer with a broken leg was dis- covered floundering around in the Lucknow district. Fearing it might pils , of the public , andeeontietuation sc ipols was a big,; success. This�was t�,. first: one att'erented;by the :pup- -1Is Robert Boort rin. ' � e,. ,P cipal of ..:the contivation school, made a very cap the( chairman. Between the acts of the' play, music was furnished by I(atheryne " Drysdale Mildred Fellick and Helen Walker ' on the guitar. Welcome choruses by Miss Pfaff's room and the Whole public sdlid4:t.. COUNTY NEWS ' G; S. Howard, principal of the'Eker ter public school, has been granted a, .;.month's leave of absence owitrg+•'•toi the _condition of. his healtlrc iJl ptnsi- then is being • supplied -by Alvin T . ,Dodds of. Seaforth. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. George Dick, of Hay Township, announce the caigagcrnent rf their daughter, Grace Isabel,; to' Wilmer Geo,, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. S. 1:lroadfoa;t, of Tuckersmith,the marriage to take place the middle of March. Seting Chicks Math Delkwil.l of 1.". et. r' left for :.wood where: she will be eineetoyed as sexer at thq .chick. hatrhe y of Dr, & Hage Calf J. G. Lytle, V.S., Listowel, reported the birth of ::atcalf ,at .':tlie;farm •of W. Johnston of Wallace, :;which weighed 153 pounds. The Dr. remembers an- other which weighed 132 pounds,but this one is the heaviest he ever saw. It measured seven feet ten inches from tip to tip, hind feet to front feet. - Good Fishing Kincardine—It -will be several we- eks before the information re circu- °i'atecl°that slse'kes are rinining. Yet 5'tiiiter local `,stores have'.'tWe fish en sale Do'tivn at`the `hhrbor quite a nuMb'er of suckers have been. taken through holes in the ice. Not wfor Yew '0egics -lp,hT 'they 'lie running up the river" 'thM creeks; 'tit in the rnaantinie triers they :are waiting -for fishermen to bald them out. Mrs. Woodall Passes s A shadow of ;gloom was cast over Crediton when it was Iearned that Mildred Clara, beloved wife of Elg- in L. Woodall bad passed away in her 34th year. She was ?neri rd 'nee bereaved husband 6 months ago, Was of a kind and i'ovizrd disposition, arid had many friends. She e. sufferer the past ferny rrovetae anomia and was, yem patient and. sapre-ciatcve. • ry t�.