HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-03-14, Page 1.r Vol. XXXV New 36 ZUR1CH,, THURSDAY [4 R MARCH 14, (935. Patronize A woman may be able to '€lo 'her own housekeeping, hit ske •always Zeas to get some, other woman to !help her keep a secret. •r—f 'In Police Court The only .case lis' fed for hearing in : the magistrates court axe Thursday was that of Lewis Ellwood, Coder - /eh, chargedwith. reckless driving, ':and was adjourned for one week by Magistrate J. A. Mans- This was necessary because a witness injured when Ellwoodra truck is alleged to have struck the buggy in which he was riding, was just discIlargetl, from -.hospital and is too weak to travel 'The accident happened near Exeter about a month aga- Do You Need Glasses? :Stop and _Think how important it its ~that you wear correct glasses—eor erectly' .prescribed for your vision. Correctly styled to your face. Tour stealth may Largely depend an keen vision. See C. E. ZETR',BRI , IL 0. At HESS JEWELERT STORE Every Tuesday at. BCH .At Dashwood, Saturday., :alt Ffile'sl Stare: S?: "l ETI zEvangelical Lutheran Church' MUCK— O1I,T "A Changeless Christ/45r ar, CC aang Friday, 8h—Luther'Le:•. ,Saturday—Choir Practice. SO'SDAY SERVICES: . .. t'0 a{;m .Germ�•*i.' Iry 1145' an.—Sunday SoL 7.80 p.m. --English service. Everybody Wtleozue fee ell .'Services. e cl�read ensali Council M . sites vat The ;regular :meeting of the 'Village Council held ex March 4 at 8 pan. in the Connell Chamber with all memb- ers being present.. Minute of pre ;ileus meeting wire read aria adope ted. J. ' W O4A1 i i re4. as -15 delegate from the Brei'` Society ask- ing for a grant of the use of the•ha13, for same. Motion that thehall be gra- nted. .Mr. F. Coleman appeared eskking for aid for Miss Taylor as regards her hearing: F. G. Bon- thron, tax collector. reported $1004 unpaidtaxes still outstanding. Mot- ion, that the Collector complete his collector on or before April 1st and hand in, the roll completed by thein. Correspondence read as follows: Depty of Labor, . Clark & Till, Dept. of Highways, Motor Vehicle Branch, Unemployment Relief Branch and Co unty Clerk. Same fled_ Bilis and accounts: - G. Walker meals for transients $23.25; G. Hudson, bal. of salary, 16.12; Hensall Hydro, hydro 6.91; R Smale, labor streets .60; L. Rands labor streets 2.00; G. Smale, streets 10.00; Huron Expositor, printing 8.03; J. A. Paterson, postage 2.00; F. W. Hess, repair band instruments 15.50; Municipal World, supplies 1.40 roe Repa�r� ER L Chester L. Smith,rEnbei $L25 a year, U.S. $x:.50 ire Advaatma #L50INARREARS, lie MAY J; unas ate the local Paper THE ELCO WATCH I. wish to advise the Public •this; am in a position:,, to do all kinds shoe repairing, and solicit o+ur. D ronage. Giveus a trial. for'. workmanship. GARFIELD BROWN zuocIP but CARD OF THAN; The bereft family of the tat e per Walper wish. through thin xn tum to greatly thank their neigtib and friends for the kindness, 4ssi' ance and sympathy shown during'. illness.. and passing of the tielaarfe IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of our dear sons' and brothers: Elmer- Gesell, who pee sed away three years ago, Febr 14th, 1932, and Ivan Oesch who sed away two years ago, March 1933. Gone into that light that shines G. M. Case, coal, Tull 31.85rW. R. fair, aavidson coal, relief '39.61. School Board, current expenses 1000.00. Gone from the earth of sorrow Motion that we grant' the 'Band care, Resting those hands 'that • did t the use of the Hall free for practic- ing. Motion, that . bylaw 4, 1935 caretaking and managing of the rest. r s .' best, - Gone dear sons and brothers.gone Town Hall be givenfirst reading,and final reading and passed. Motion that Charles Wolfe be notified by the Clerk to, _pay $5.00 per month rent for the use• of the property and the same to be peid into the hands of the, Tresurer monthly. Motion, that we now, adjourn. James >.A. Faterapn, ' Miss Helen Thiel of: Hensall spent Sunday' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'George Thiel. . Mr. Henry Betchen of Maysville is spending a' weekat the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Zirk, of the Bronson line Mrs: Eliazbeth Weber .is spending a few weeks at Bayfield in care of Mrs. Percy Weston who is 'ill. gr. Percy Weston of Bayfield cal - e4' in town on Friday: Mrs. Weston not enjoying. her good health. kr: and Mrs. Theo. Wagner of ,Guelph spent the week -end with the dormer's, parents, 1Vtr. and Mrs. W.1 . Wagner. We are pleased to report that Mr. I ',LeeRoy O'Brein is able to be out a- ain after his attack of appendicitis Mast week. Mr. and, Mrs. Stebbins and two daughters of near Grand Bend were Satuday visitors at the homes of 11r. Samuel Deitz, .and son Milton. Mrs. Pfaff of - Exeter spent a few allays with her mother, Mrs. Mary 9; Schwelm. Mrs. Schwalm has not be i:\een enjoying her usual health. Sadly missed by"parents, brother+* al° and sisters. IN i11I.EMOR IAl� Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston. of lake, are spending a week or so at the hom.-eof Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weide: Sorry to report that Mrs. olinston is not so'iwell. ri7 (.pa.-�r��p-•v,�my� y 1"7 i +..J$�ICIL� The levier nainthly meetin,s. of;t1r,e Craincil of the, ToWnshiP of Hay, She is g it `'oIt nn,lahnston & Ka liaise 's';store un - t2 X029 der`tiie auspices of St. Peter's'Luther nein but riot- Fn,+rnnfi-nn, Mr Jos. Corriveau has purchased xifu D:rLdap,March 4th with all mem- In our lovely hours of thinking from his neighbor, Mr. Philip Den- bers present. The Minutes orthe last'-_ Thoughts of her are always near. online, the farm being Lot 6, L.R.E. our hearts your memory lingers,' Hay Township, On Saturday of this regular meeting and file special me In efring 1i i1(°tsn el 2itd mere read and Sweetly, tender, fond and true; l week there is being held an auction was held,. in theTown Halt,., Zurich, ` . And' as dawns., another year, adopted. After disposing ;of the cora- There is not a day, dear mother, w ( sale 'oa this property: x inrvcations 'the following resoluti That we do not think of you .ons were 'pessed•' That Clarence The flowers we place upon her grave A sitting of the 10th Division Ma wither and decay, Cool rt was held in the Town Hall, Deters b '•appointed Ron,d Commis y' y, E. TUERSIEIEIM ;Poster., e •. c � - Zurich, Monday for 'Ehe Policeee 'Village of Zur= s $fit the :love. for her who sl4ei�la r on mornin g when ieh for 1935.'That the treasurer be? beneath ¢. Ditty alae case was argued out before authorized to' issue sheque -for amo-! Shall never fade away. the public present. The case was unt mecessaler to Fey tifor transport- of two :;Dashwood men, Philip Fas- aon. ,ons ,of •fie 31.03 fanu"ly to Ever remembered by her loving sold: was claiming storage a ent from husband and faintly. 'Val.' Becker, for a manure spreader. It took considerable time to give -_ ill the evidences.. Mr. Becker had Scotland. That By-law No. -5-1:935 a couater account which reduced the original appointing Henry Steinbach as Road, account.to $2.75, this Mr. • Su erintendent for the Townshipof Becker claimed was called settled by 'Hay and fixing his rate of pay • at t'erbai: agreement. But Mr. Fassold. 35e.. per hour `'including transportat- had' no knowledge of an' su.c.i agre- ion, be read three . thneo and nacced, anent, and the old tradition of tak- ,That by-law No, 6-1935 confirming; ing 4, hook -account in preference of ! tlienarrno ntnient of Township Road 1 `erb:t'l statements, was followed by Commissioners for the year 193,E be the judge: and the defendant was readthree times ned reeved' net ordered to pay the $2.75 axed the. Tp. ' caurt- costs. Zurich 'Junior Institute The' annual business. meeting of WE SELL . THE BEST FOR LESS Special Prices for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. i Co yi > a ,tHx*, Garden patch peas, 17 -oz. tin, 2 tins : -25c P andG.White N'aptha soap, 5 bars 19c x Royal York C ffee, 1-1b. tin, per lb. .:.�....._.,39c Reade cut uia sxiii; 2 lbs ... i lc: Coleo soap, (the special beauty. soap) 3 ,cake 1 Oc Tomatoes: choice qualiity large tin ...9c , Sweet CO choice :qua per .tixx Bulk cocoa„ per Ihh 7.3n Toilet er. $ 'x� ,.. pis 19t Royal, scream .2 .Ib- pkg:. M� ;~a.:25c Honey" pure drainer o- 5 pails 55c 1111'-1Cx JDY ; Honey amber. 5 -11 -Pail 40c, i:0 -'Ila. Another sI ipnxent of ewest:Styles and' patterns tof ., House Dresses at from 95c to 1.75—Nice ; n,ts .And Guaranteed Fast Color... We now have our complete 'bc k ,ofa : r t' See- our sample i k,-and-Aso.xaur .Curtain . a1L.exi a arid made c imr ::the: pair :plain or failled R 4 Highet i a accounts covering payments on , , p Roads, Telephone and General acco- unts lite `passed aS rice Vouchers: Tp. Roads --H. Steinbach expenses to convention $14; M. Corriveau,.` rd the Junior' . 'Institute was held on 17 .95; W. 3'. Jarrott, balance. salhrv. March 6th atthe ' 'owmL Hall, Zurich to::Tan. 31,'35 7.00; T. Steinbach rd ,The same onkeis 'were elected for '8 6:25. Telenhonr aret,.'t'''ick Ht'- another year. The roll call vas an W.• clror 'lights, Central ofiice 5.04, • F,' erect `with "My hiawonriite; Receipt." C'crrr-` <Ss Co 1"tl- i•i^" 9 " 0tei'" the usual business a reading Guenther cartage: .35; Strombeig- entitled "'Tie Little; Shopper" was Carlson Co, repairs for tlzwitchi'r,"(1 given •by,.Patricio,. Ducharree, An - 58.88; Northern Electric Co. supplies other .reading was givest by Irene 53,30.: Hell Telo. Co„ tolls..”er. 'in I 'tousseau . entitled. "My A, B, C's,"' A. -very ;interesting, . talk; on "Table Setting" was given. by, Mary Coleman The meeting was then closed by sing- ing the Maple' Leaf Forever and the Lord's Prayer in unison.; The girls then joined the boys for the joint .Tan, (40:34; Zurich Central, :switching /68.00; Treas. Stanley, overpayment 1934 rates 1.00; H. G. Hesss, labbr etc. 90:35. General Accounts--• Ziir- ieh Hydro, lights town hall 3.39; Stade '& Weida account ton: Cr0. cps, ' acct 1.25; Municipal World, 1 1.00. . A Willihni & Co. acct is ent" 5 5Qs, Da , MacKinnon ditto Womens Institute W Memel. 5.64: Haherer The Zurich 0;7. T Scltilberich Branch of the Woin-', ar.,5.0; . Er .hist 1.45, L.. ecat 15,00; 'T'. T+1, friipinitotxcl 6,50; en's Institute held their monthly -MattOrsbv;10.75 ; 'J. Gascho &SSon meeting en Monday evening, March 2,,,71:11; '1 , adiger .2.99 ; J:. Iartleib 1,1th,,with a' good attendance. Mrs. 70; L. M. h I artleib 1,.77;,Yimgbhit. Elmore dlopp -WI rePrsid d overr the Hptor. roe & Son ..25; 1VI. peace j. 3'. Al- 'lirecht re transients 15.50; Treasurer Mess ;over the business. The pro- lXuron••county, re Masse 6.15; -.r1. F. grain consisted of community singing W't ss re Deeds. kn C; 0, s61.11.13511;1K.On : pitmo, solo by Margaret Hey, a voe ' 3'.' 'Benin acct ,.indigent 8.53; C,N.R. ;la solo by Mrs. 1•I. G. Hess, an ad - 1`6. nnssporte Russel earthly 5.00; ;W,1 ?irtrss by Rev. Bandy. Review of cur-, ':E. Hemphill indi''ent .75; J. ll,tiniiir i i -,its by Mrs. H. G. Hess and a -vocal! wood indigent. 2.50; E. Gai,sc'r acct. ° •lo by Mrs. Bandy, accompanied by ilirl9ge'nit `1,1,20; Gee, •. 3. Thiel ditto i' r daughter Miss handy at the l 5.75. I 1 no. These numbers were all, en- i relit coune"i . ad ottrzxod to nmeet,'t yed by those present. Mrs. Peter, 14, in oat Monday, .tt 1. A. Anson then conducted a contest -if- i o'clock la,lri.. ; r which the committee in charge' 71r*r. 0> c .inty ;lunch. i>eetint;, $9.95 $9.95 Here's a Beautiful 15 .jewel Watch you'll be proud to own and the Right Time when vont want it! Come in and see them. Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich BLUE COAD Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea Genuine Sennet Solvay MILLERS CRUX and Rosedale Alberta Pocahontas Briquets A new Domestic Fuel for every pose. Intense Heat, very little suety or Ash. W. R. DAVIDSON CASH paid for Eggs on a tragi Basis. Phone 10 SAL 14 {t0 e. t4004'4.G0+400E•05i0041.4040•4404404404040O4O0o =tit: e With 45, 41* • 4 6 • • • • • • e s i •' • 4, • • • • • • s • • • • • • • • r • %R » EMBALMERS ID! 11i ' Tbei:e ;new- Fabrics, lint -tire cl vagi harmony of perfect dress The new patterns nude front Briitifs woolens and tailored ` with ilia free- dom of style, give •youthe easy feel- ing of always being well-dressed - - Se 40, 0 0 t01 • Ol• •ea See our splendid range pticed • at $:20.00 and $21.00 °> t4 ter; 0- 0 - REMEMBER REMEMBER All Suits MADE TO MEASURE wit a AND FFNERAL.. DIRECTO • • 1,0 111,414,310.1.svoti *04 Your ring Buyi We are well supplied with a General Stock of Staple Goods, consisting of Prints, Broadcloths Curtains, Curtain Materials, Boys and Girls;,' Sumner Sweaters, Boys' Tweed Pants, Bloc niers, i, . , and Shirts, Men's Stints and Pants. Grb ... o•,> ,. Ceries, Hardware, l."aixits' Varnishes , O - - Harness Re Oils, Shoes, Rubber Boots, p Etc., Etc.. 1935 Garden Vegetables and Flower See. ` Also root Seed and Sorg i. GENERAL MERCHANT Fi HONE 11 N, 97 lE3LAKai