HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-02-21, Page 8AGE BIG TI -IE STORE WITH THE STOCK e rices Continued on many lines of Winter " Goods SUCH AS UNDERWEAR, SWEATER COATS, MEN'S CAPS, GLOVES, MITTS, ETC. GROCERIES! GROCERIES Libby's Pork and Beans, large Tomato Soup, 3 tins for Brunswick Sardines at Peanut Butter per lb. Canned Tomatoes 2%s tins, each Macroni, 3 lbs. for Sodas, No. 1, 2 lbs. Spanish onions, 4 lbs. for Cross and Blackwell catsup at Lemons, per dozen 10c 20c 5c 15c 10c 14c 25c 25c 15c 27c The following were prize winners in ous guessing contest which closed Sat. night. No. of buttons in jar was 585. 1st prize Leonard Denomme 585. 2nd prize Josiah Geiger 579; 3rd prize Aaron Erb 579, 4th Miss Alice Johnson 593 and 5th E. E. Haist 593. J. G & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 YOUR SURPLUS FUNDS CAN BE SAFELY AND CONVENIENTLY INVESTED In Huron & Erie ebentures 4% Per. Annum PayableYearly,"„ . Half CANADA TRUST MORTGAGE '.CERTIFICATES 'ICATES Now Earn 4Y4.% Per Annum Payable Half Yearly Any sum over $100.00 may be invested from 1 to 5 Years. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? �i ta►sokacgean,adsaateaaalta HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE 1 2 v • Goodyear • WHITE IFurniture, 0 AL and � LEAVE YOUR OR ER WITH US NOW FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of. the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes . • • 0 • 9 s tea 3 4 • • 1, ca 5 5 • • ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, _ Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Plumbing, Mattresses Evetroughing Furnace Work,E g g andTinsmith- Mattresses ing our Specialty. Full line ,f heavy and shelf Hard-• ware always in stock. •� • TADE WEIDO ZURICH -" ONT. QUALITY PRICE -- SERVICE 2•••e•••••e••e•e••• ZUIC- HE " 1111111111111111111111111111 111111111 IIIIIIlLIi11111111111111111IIIli111IIIIIll1111111111111111 AIM 111/11111111 11111111111111111111111111 iill111Illlll111f11;i4t{11IIIiro 1111'` NE'{ grocery::;` Store Tomato Soup, 3 cans ........................................25c 'Chipso, large pkg. ... » ... 19c Choice mixed Tea, per, lb,: i,:. 49c - .Aylmer catsup, per bottle ... 12c Red Bird Matches,',. 3 boxes 25c . Golden .Bantam Corn, per can 1 1 c Black ;Salida Tea, Half lb. ..... 28c Scrubbing Brushes, each at..., t 15c Menno Oesch EGGS WANTED. Zurich Phone 165 ' 1111 111111111 111111111110 111E111111111 11M111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 ir• ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and 1Vtrs..A. Huisie of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rau of that city were week -end visitors at tthe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau of town. ening Again another article was sent in with no name attached. If you want these items published you must kindly sign your name to show you good faith in sending it in. :LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every. Wednesday) Eggs ..... . , ... 18 14 12 Butter" lb. creamery 30 Butter lb. dairy 25 Wheat bush . , 94 Barley, bush.... 70; Buckwheat, bush 42' Shorts, ton .. ... 26:001 Bran, ton .... 25.00 Flour,: cwt. .. 2.25 3.00 -Live ltlogs, cwt. 8.25 Word was received here that Mrs. Potatoes per bag , , , „ _ , , 50 C. Eilber, accompanied by Mrs. Gib- son of Stratford, left that city On Friday for a few months' trip to the Edward Island and Nova ,Scotia in sunny south, Floriday. accordance with provisions of .the Mrs. Leonard A. Birk of Guelph, natural Products Marketing Act pas-. and Mr. John L. Routledge of Water- sed at the Inst session of Parliament ford spt days w- . then Mrsen. J. . Rfewoutledge,ith and their alsomoat- t They will becomee effective Feb 1 The rules provide, among other things tended the funeral, of the latter's that every dealer marketing potatoes sister, Mrs. Margaret Allen at Crom- I shall optain immediately a license arty. from the Local office of the board in The next Janior Farmers' meeting his district for which he will be re will be held in the Zurich Town Hall, C qui'reil to pay a fee of $X, They pro at 8 p.m. on March 6th, when • the vide no dealer may; market potatoes County Agricultural Representative, till the four provinces covered by the Mi. Ian MacLeod, of Clinton will be grders. except through agencies es - present and give a demonstration on tablished by the board and point out rope splicing. that wider provision of the Natural i Products Marketing Act, persons Miss Shirley • Koehler of near Hen- breaking . the rules may -be subject sall, spent the • week-end:,.with Miss to a fine •of,,$25. to $500, impriso Beatrice -Maneonr? n the Goshenline mei wave than:three rn c, -- Then.6:4,104:.•a:civ-.the PaieLine, sp- The maketing agencies are 'authorVMr. sp 40krE4 dgb.hd' Mies the"or4 oth rine and imprison/tient ent Sunday `evening with Mrs. J. A. ized to collect tolls of one-half 'cent Manson. Of the Goshen north. a bushel on potatoes marketed by de - Word 'was received here of the alers. The collections must be made death of 'Mrs. Margaret Allen, a tsis-he I •on or before the first of 15th day of ter to Mrs. : Routledge, o died on I each month and turned over to the Local board in the district. The rules Friday at Exeter in her .80th year. Mrs. Allen had been for a few mon- ths up till Christmas with her sister here in 'Zurich when she left for Ex- eter. xeter. She was indeed avery pleasant lady to meet, and her Zurich friends mourn her departure. The funeral was held on Monday to the Cromarty cemetery. On Tuesday a number of jack rab- bit hunters were out again on their daily run, and met with some success Unfortunately one of the boys step- ped where he should not have and behold down he went, rod and gun to the bottom, fortunately he proved to be a polar region swimmer and man- aged with the "crawl stroke" to get out of the uncomfortable four feet of ice water. We are told that the jacks had a real celebration that night as this hunter took to the tall timbers where conditions are much dried for the balance of the day, OVERR 100 YRS OLD Goderich-Mrs. Mary Donaldson, this town's beloved and only center avian died on Thursday at her home. On Feb. 3, she had celebrated her 100th birthday in good health. She never knew the taste of medicine and only in her later years when she "ov- erdid it a bit" did she require the attention of a physician. She dah re- mained active until her death and although nearly blind she continued to knits onstantly. Her memory was very good and could relate the early history of Huron county having been a resident for 98 years. Was born in Ireland and came in this country whe two years of age. BUSY FARMER NEWS Success of the Egg Laying Contest It is reported from the Canadian. Er•r. Laying Contest, t7 '.'D date mor tality among the pens -entered this has been than in any other yea- '.nce the begining of the contests., There is a market increase in eggs laid when compared with, last year's fig- ures.. It can also be said that at this iointt the production so far is as good as any that has ever been recorded in the history of the Canadian Egg Laying Contest. Potato Marketing orders The Eastern Canada Potato Mark- eting Poard has issued a list of ord- ers governing marketing of potatoes in Ontario, New fy'unswlok, 1 iinP.e say no _dealer shall market esotatoes produced in the four , provinces ex- cept under contract of purchase and "at afirm'price" and that no dealer shall ,market potatoes of the grade E Canada No. 2 except for export and then only subject to a further ruling Do You Want Your ahter To a"reit►? Here's how one girl put roses into her cheeks and rounded out a thin face Mothers who are anxious for their daughters to be healthy and attractive will be interested in the story of a cer- tain .young girI who was pale, run - dawn, underweight, when she went to a eoeepetent authority to have her blbcid tested. She weighed only 9% pounds. The test revealed the trouble. MY blood was too poor in quality to keep up her strength, weight and vital- ity'. itality'. Her blood was below normal int the number of red corpuscles and is ^ta,I1y-nerPeearyhaemoglobin. She was i Strutted to take two of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (so called because they have a pink sugar coating) three times a day for, a month and then return for ars other blood. test. Thirty days later -a changed, happy girl came back. She had gained nine Pounds. Her blood tested almost nor. ilial in its haemoglobin content and was slightly better than normal in num- ber of red corpuscles. She felt a tre- mendous lot better and looked it. She bad roses in her cheeks and everyone *lid that "her face had rounded out and she was positively pretty". Charming color and soft dear skin depend almost entirely upon the blood, because the blood carries the vitality Mal utrimeet that n builds the cunt- pi,sdon. The soft, clear skin of every pretty baby is proof of it. And the girt u ontioned above is living evidence that od Looks which have been last rough impoverished blood can be re- 'Ted by taking the proper remedg: here is no need for so many girls endure a sallow, uninteresting corn- tcaion icor to remain listless, nervous arid easily tired out. For when these are symptoms of Mead that is lacking vin vitality, Dr. Williams' fink Trills will votort strength and "pep" and tone up, good looks, too! Equally effective for people of all ages. Pull -sire box Sac.:at tour nearest Arm stsl • rw+'+••+ • • Thursday, Poiwkilzy 214, , I93 +++++. 4+4 t.iatarer + -F+s> e• ♦ �• YOUR •n � tT: Hardware and Furniture t.': . .. . STO E c . .. THIS SEASON • CALL FOR GOOD FENCES NEW ON THE FARM. LET US PLY E. , YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN IRE, ALSO HAVE WIRE, �; BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT' NEW `.ROoFIigg, PLUMBING TROUGHINGt. AND EVE- IR SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Z Special Gasoline for Stoves at per gallon ........ 't Spial Stove Oil, at per_....,28c ��, �, gallon ......... ,.I3c ,Z's also We havet Furniture. See some very Attrac€ave Prices in Our New Beds, Springs and ii Mattresses„ 0,. 1.1 USED Two Goad Used 'Chesterfield Suites on I* Good Used Dressers from $4.50 u'ad; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. Al! Big Bargains fora quickaSale. BE SURE AND SEE THEM!4. _Johnston , . b 1 . Furniture. Phone 63 4•+++44++++++++++++++ +41+ +++•++••k3••F•+++•F3•8•i••J4,44Ffi "` I IMIIi1NImI11111i1110111111ID111i1181ti11111111181§N n 11lim m111111NIIIImIIIImllNl1111111mMii1111ila-THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice -_ 10.00 Painting Wagon .................... $7.00'arad Painting Buggy 0,00 Recovering................. 6.OQ and i 000 �. Kei Bugg* Top ............... 16.00 and 1 morning Buggy Wheels Set 8,00.. �-- • Buggy Shaft ................. i 2ot10 Cross Bar ......................... ....... ............:3.00 g. Buggy Reach ........ ... 1.00 t IBugg3, Spokes cad:'. ,... ' ......... .... .1.25 _ laulu .011'11 ESSi'lh6::::' '7'.' ' . '' - ....' • • .• , e air .,, 1111mIIIIIINH1l9{lt{N(>ilgymliillkililnl{l p ._. I.„ ,;. 1al�u1rYll�ll lluu.,,, loll la,,.,l . l„,,,,,,mlm .-,-, fal4+++•!••!•aFP•++3••t••i••k•3••k++•E•k•• +++ ++ 5•+ •F••>f^•*r •°i••F+•Y••E•++ ' 0 4 4. 4. TTIBI 0 � -- - • a THE WINTER SEASON : Is Now Here. Have you Iooked after yourt. bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed o- 4. 0 lighter Oil, and had your RM; td. Anti -Freeze?.. diator filled with a goad 4. Run in your car and let us do this very ' Important thing Right Now! • Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large • m • and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or • Containers: 4,4 Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, arid Overhaul 461 46 • lobs onall Makes of Cars with Very Reasons llie, 4. , ; I0 Mouse Crich .1. 1444 44•F•b•t•E•t••I••i•4.4-04++,3 Ir•7•4.4. i.04 •P•t+446+444k••d••d k'r•1•+4.44.it4144,'4 t 4. TIRALD °Prig R .1. 4. 1 r Do You KnowZick .p �, • That I ani the Master Salesman! I am the herald of Success for all .amen, • Merchants, 1 Manufacturers, Etc. I go forth to tell the World the message of service•. • and Sound Merchandising! k And "tithe • World listens when I' speak! tFor those who have used me as their Servant I have gathered untold millions into their coffers. 1 I command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever I got I sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! 1:4..r_ I am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my 4. Name is 4. ADVERTISE! -44 RAGE 1 • °un' ''til `tet++ ';z" +.1,4 001,04'0* 44, 'Q4a