HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-02-21, Page 4ZUR! HERALI]
Via. john lllte.nley of, Cli"Yiton,
?1has been spending the past week with
'liner sou Elgin McKinley and family;
,:;slip her sister, Mrs. Jean McKinley.
Miss Mona Glen of Hensall, spent
-the week -end with her friend, Miss
'Dorothy Peek.
Mer .and Mrs, Wallace Haugh of
"Tuis`kersmith called at the home of
and Mrs. J. A. Carnie recently.
'Manners are busily engaged in do-
their teaming while sleighing is
;wad, hauling logs and wood, etc.,
We. and Mrs, Thomas Snowden
were surprised by friends and neigh-
bors numbering about 25 on Satur-
-dayevening last, it being their 20th
wedding anniversary. Miss Elizabeth
Snowden took charge of the games.
And all present wished them many
more years of happy wedded life.
Mr. Gus Clarke and sister Mary
"Clarke of Goderich spent Sunday
ssdth their mother, Mrs. E. E. Clarke
Mae and Mrs, Mose Erb were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Mrs. Susie Oesch, Eearl and Ray
ascii of Goshen Line, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
141[r. and Mrs. Harold Johnston of
Zurich called on Mr. and Mrs. Ross
7xihnston, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oesch and fam-
fy were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Swartzentruber.
Nies. Fred Turner of Goderich who {
en:t .a week with her sister of Zur-
ich and her parents in the village,
'returned home on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Becliler and fam-
ger were Sunday afternoon visitors
earah Mrs. John Gerber.
Mr, and Mrs, R. Swartzentruber
were Sunday ,visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. John If1'b,
Mr, and Mrs, . Aaron Erb and fam-
ily treated themselves to a New Ford
Miss Margaret Douglas from Win-
throp, spent the week -end under the
`parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs, John Mero, also Mrs
Ida Fullerton of Grand Forks, North
Dakota, after spending two weeks or
more with friends and relatives in
these parts left for 'their home last
week. Mr. Mero left these. parts for
the West some 36 years ago. Before
his departure, he and his father, Mr.
John Mero., Sr., conducted a black-
smith shop at Blake, He has been
swinging the sledge at his trade ever
The Messrs Rudolph Etue, Louis
Montague, Gordon Bedard and oth-
ers motored, to London last Sunday
to visit frieds at St: Joseph's Hos-
Mrs. Leo. Corriveau had a very
successful quilting bee last Tuesday.
The Misses Gelinas and Arthur
Gelinas spent Sunday afternoon at
the home of John Charette of the
Blue Water Highway, south..
Quilting bees are the order of the
day among the fair sex.
A large number of these parts at-
tended the 40th Wedding Anniver-
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geoffrey
at Goderich one evening last week.
Sorry to report that Mr. Ed. Mous-
seau is not as well as could be ex-
Mr, Joe Williams, teacher of the
public school, spent the week -end
with his parents at St. Augustin,
McKinley's Baby Chides, 1935
All our Barred Rocks and all our White Leghorns flocks
are sired Ly R. 0. P. Males. The chicks from these hatchings
being what are officially known as R. 0. P. Sired Chicks. Our
White Rock flocks are headed by R. 0. P. IVIales to the extent
of 80 %. This greatly improves the chickes produced.
We are of;ering chicks at two prices for 1935. There
will be those hatched from big eggs over 25 oz., and those
hatched. from eggs averaging 24 oz. to the dozen. Grade A
large or (Extras) weigh 24 oz. to the dozen.
Barred or White Rocks. S. C. White Leghorns
100 chicks
200 chicks
300 chicks
500 chicks
$12.25 100 chicks
$58.25 500 chicks
TERMS -Cash on Delivery
• Two Dollars per 100 chicks must accompany mail orders. Chicks
W,M,S-The Women's Auxiliaa;�}a
held theberneeting at the home of M'
„Ress Love on Wednesday afternoc .
February 18th with Miss Annie Ja
rott presiding. We opened the 'nee-
ing with Hymn 858. Mrs. Mia
Love led in prayer. The scriptiee:
lesson was read respectively fro/Tilt,
John 8: 1-32. The Devotional 1t{
let, "The Circle of Friendship" 4s
given by Mrs. M. Tully.. Hymn 512
Tlie Secretary treasurer reports .ei.
re read and adopted, Temperane:
topics "the trail of Beer" were tln
given. Mrs. W. Turner thengave a
paper on "Our Gift for Christ", TO
business and offering were then to
en. The study Euiidots of the Indian.
Chureli, chapter 6. The bible er
India, ' was taken by Mrs. R. Cons*.
Miss Irene Turner, Mrs. Clarmee
Stephenson, Mrs. Ross Love, Mrs, ,
McAllister and Miss Annie .Jarroit.
Hyinn 270. We, closed our ineetir
with the Lord's Prayer `in unison.T e
Day of Prayer on March Stth will be
held at the home of Mrs. R. Consitt;
Notes -Mr. Wm. Forrest of Go4er
ich and niece, Miss Margaret of Sea
forth visited friends in this vicinity
Mr. and Mrs. Rose Peck and son
Douglas of Toronto, visited Mrs. Dick
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane
and fancily.
Mr. Geo. Stephenson of Walkerton
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rbt,
Stephenson recently.
Mr. Stewart Beattie of Blake .vis-
ited at the home of Mr. an.. Mrs. W.
Turner during the week -end,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morenz enter-
tained a number of their friends at
a pretty Valentine tea last week. The
evening was spent in progressive
Lost Heir. Miss Pearl Kraft won
the prize and the consolation went to
Mrs. H. Reynolds. Ice cream was
served by the hostess at the cross of
the evening..
Miss Ruth Tieman who is -attending
Collegiate in Windsor, spent .the we-
ek -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
D. Tiernan.
Rev. Silas McFalls occupied the
pulpit in the Evangelical church kin
the morning and Evening.
Rev. W. S. Henrich spent Sunday
in Kitchener.
ktr. Eugene Tieman and. Mrs. E.
lynn. of. London spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman.
Mrs. Stanley . Smith had the mis-
fortune 'to fall.:while. •skating on Sat-
urday evening breaking a bane in her
$11.00 :eeriet
$52.00 Mrs.Roland French, formelirlifie
o Ella. Link, died on Monday afternoon
February 18th at her home •on the
$ 15th concession, StepheneTownship,
i after a few days allness with pneu.
monis. She. was in h.er 43rd year
and is survived by heli -mother Mrs.
Jacob Link,. een. adopted daughter
Evelyn and four siste4 Mrs. Jacobs
of Clinton, Mrs. Fred's Bawden of
Exeter, Mrs. Pilky of ;m5urnia and Mr'S.
Ida Link of Brantford. She is also
survived by four hrothers, Sam of
Detroit and Qharles of Frankemmouth
Mich. Henry and George Link i1f
Stephen. Her husband predeceased
her eight year. Private funeral ser-
vice was held at the residence on
Wednesday at 2 o'clock with Rev. W
S. Henrich officiating. Internment in
Exeter cemetery.
delivered when reasonably '• possible or expressed, Express
prepaid. 100% live arrivals guaranteed
Phone:. 97 r 11 Hensall
wi>dPO�ik+0i�9b4F4�AaDlRO4 444 $iAG•4+ +•A »+ale.nwdm►ar a a , a, .a,►w♦
ee• C
PHONE . 69
•^hi••3•-"x•-r•3•o'•(r i• •r : -r-, ...•-r•. +4••i•''r�`-i • r--.. .,..,.,.., ... :•ti -•i- r•f•.. 4,
Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF!
Buy Storm Windows and Doors
'* +++.t•4++++,iFtk,•¢;; ++4++++++.li of +.C. k(.,i1i„li"t{'•lE•'i,.k,"}„4i„yll„}i,++
.4.4.4.+4 p .44.•++.1.4.,p4.+++ li'tr°f"{
To Our Many Customers and . Friends we wish to
Greatly Thank them for the consideration they have
accorded us, and we take this opportunity to
Extend to One and All our most Hearty
Season's Gr etings
Super Lastic Distributtors:
25,000 mile tires for ....,
30,000 mile tires for
•.... .,.,.. 5.45 •
-+ if you like to save money let us re -tire your car.
We have a few used Tires cheap.
Tet , Shap 149 O. KLOPP & SONS
neer>lnge U., BET!
Res. 67
v<-,ad"•b ^�<b+i �r '4�+ hi b-i� 4 i fir H *i '% ' 7 ✓ v s•'r,
Violet Morrison of Clinton spent a
few days with her aunt here,
Archie Rowcliffe is holding a com-
munity sale on February 21st.
Mr. and Mrs. Mendoza and Miss
Kay Dobbs who have been spending
a few weeks in Toronto, have re-
turned home,
Frank Battersby who was confin-
ed to his room with an attack of
bronchitis is up and around again,.
Mrs, H. Lipphardt, who has been
ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs'
George Fee, we are pleased to re-
port is improving nicely.
Mrs. Robert McLaren, who was op-
erated on for removal of spleen, is
progressing very favorably.
J. W, Ortwein was last week con-
fined to his room suffering from a
severe attack of flu.
Miss Henry of Ilderton, visited her
Wm. Moir is continuing quite pear-
ly at present.
The band com.mitte are puttalgren
a dance and euchre in the town hall
en Wednesday eve., Feb. 20th. `�'
Mrs. Leo, Wilson and daughter
Norma were visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. H. 0. Dayman,
Mi. and Mrs. E. li„ Hutton `etc
:roving back to Hensall and will' oe
:upy the house on North Riclnnond
St., lately vacated by C..Blowes,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and eon
Douglas of ,Toronto visited with 141x.
1n 1 ?Are, Jas Dict&. -
Mr,. Ray Weber spent the week
nd with his family at Zurich.
The many friends of Miss M sic
cil will regret to hear see ms it
^rl'':o her home through iliness.Miss
note, Alair is in attendance.
y 21st, 1935
The founders of the Bank of Montreal Firmly believed in
branch banking. Two weeks after opening the Bank in
Montreal on November 3rd, 28L7, the directors appointed
an agent at Quebec. By the following jone the agency
was made an "Office of Deposit and Discount" and
thusthe first branch came into being. Two others soon
were created -at Kingston and York (afterward Toronto). -
Those earlybankers sought to extend and perpetuate for
the farmers and merchants, the benefits and stimulus of a
branch banking system the worth of which had been
abundantly proved in the British Isles.
Thus they introduced one of the elements of elasticity
for which the Canadian banking system has received so
much praise.
Consistently., throughout the decades, the Bank of
Montreal. has added brandies wherever business -warranted,
giuing to new and growing communities the advantages of
banking strength.ample facilities and sound management.
Today over 500 branches are serving Canada. F,.rh branch
is the Bank'of 2Xontreai, with all the frimities and public
service for wbidrr the instinitioa is knowsa.
From the first branch ie Quebec to the most recent one
openedrhespirit of theEkszkeflotent'ealisrirressed_--•and
will continuer to beer/messed-sa temnoif useful banking.
17 Yes& Successful Operatira.
Zurich &ranc$i: C. i -T. JOY Manager
Agnes Fairbairn left last week for, Moving. To Exec
d � William J. Smith has disposed of
Lo on".t' t �_7 Iositiomi.
l�t��(7:�e .riZ_, w /�'` 'r.1*, L++ .we.'
'ted friends here Iast week. lias`a'Iso'renteil'l is hence to the new
The League of the United Church 'proprietorwho :will; take possessiort
held a Valentine Social on. Monday
evening, Feb, 18.
The W.MS. of the United Church
held their. regular monthly meeting
in' the church Thursday afternoon
last, with the new president, Mrs.
,in the near future. Mr. Smith has
tented the residence of Mrs. Short,
in Exeter.
Overholt -Brindley Wedding _
A. quiet wedding was solenmizedat
eight o'clock Saturday evening, Feb -
Cross in the chair. iThe meeting op- ruary 9th at Victoria United Church,
erred with'. soneand prayer. The vis- a1 o Goderich, by Rev. F.
iting committee reported that they, Craik, when Edna May Brindleywas
had called on 22 sick, Visiting come' fruited in marriage: to' Francis E.
mittee for the nsonth are Maas. Sin- Overholt. The couple were attended;,
clair and Mrs. Meri}er. by Mr. and Mrs. J. Gauley.
Margaret "McKay of Seaforth, is Hockey Player• Injured'
visiting With her brother, Rosa ' Me- Colliding with a player in the
Kay. Lion's Club juvenile hockey league
Carmel Young People held a skate on. Saturday, Roy Atkinson I3 -year
ing party on the Hensall ring- Feb. old son of Dr. A. N. and Mrs- At -
14th. kinson, Goderich, suffered a broken
Mrs Rolland •.Little. of• Hanover, a
former resident of Hensall, was caI-
led 'on friends Sunday last.
Friends here of 'Truman Brintneel
were sorry to hear of his death at Seaforth and Brucefield, but now of great success. The proceeds at the
Victoria Hospital, London on Satur- Vancouver, celebrated her 97th birth door' �0un� to $41 and $16.01*
day last. He suffered a stroke the dap day on Jan. 29th. Tiie palsers of ,a;ealized on tickets sold on the bag-
rtzems mud students had to work he
their ,outdoor wraps. -News -Record.
eettedsSeitt ` ilk7,:Town Bell
'"f goi Z bee which' nerved' e
anerstou for over 40, yeare will. be:.•
placed on the aotction.•block'according:
to am , "f3ecisi n of the town council'.
The bell rias not been in us -e for more,
than 10 years. It was erected in 1893
on tlbe roof of the old town hall. It
vvt ighs 1,400 pounds, is 'three feet.
high and :sic feet in r,rcni ifemnce,
Eaaertaind Choir
Seemlier. Ter: and Mrs. J. A. Munn•
entertained the members of the choir -
of First Presbyterian church, Sea -
forth, with their husbands and wives
at'their. residence. Dinner was served
at $.30 after which the evening was
pleasaitly spent in euchre, the prize -
of which was o;at, Miss ;Margaret -
Smith, one of the membersm daughter
of and 'Mr's. 'W. A. Slnith, who
collar bane. It was the first serasus left on Monday to fake a...1* „rGe he
injury this season in any of the five training 3n the .';Western; Hospital.
local leagues. Have Social' Evening
Has 97th Birthday The Varna Library epchre and'
Mrs. James Jamieson, formerly of dance on Friday night last was a
after Ney Year's and was taken to
London for treatment but owing- to
his advanced age he failed to rally.
He was born in Hibbert just east of
Chiselhurst 80 years ago. He lived
there and in Hensall, and recently in
Exeter. He was one of the first in
this . district- to go extensively into
bee keeping and while on the farm
kept a great many hives. He was
one of the best known Orangemen in
the district. -•
M. and Mrs. Hy. Beierling of Exe-
ter wish to announce the engagement.
of their eldest daughter Irene, Reg.
N., to Kenneth Hern Johns, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, RR. . No.
3„ Exeter. The marriage .totake
place this • month.
Donates Hockey Trophy
Fordwich: 1Vir, George Spotton, M
11, 'foe North Huron, and an. Howick
that city have her photo in their °f f°u• Miss Jean Mossop held the
lucky ticket for the bag of flour.The.
columns._ palled to Reporr 'Ian was comfortably filled; in fact
Goderich: For failing to report an the ttrowd was larer than. has been
accident Gordon Drennen, Ashfield
3 • The euchre Prize' Was won
Eownship, was fused $10 and costs. by lira Russel !Consitt'and Mr, Chas.
Drennan turned his car over in a Piigrim, each entitled 'to a six mon--
ditch and after getting it out prompt th's ticket to the Library. The board'
ly forgot - the incident. No one was
compliments the worthy council for
injured. Police got wind of the snis- the new floor, which certainly was en
Slap and laid the charge..8°yed. This is 'money well spent and
Hai Serious Operation do credit to 'a better hall, not
Mrs. G: G. Keine, Seaforth, acecnn-cumfxt as
only for appearance, but adds to the•
partied by several friends including ° well.
Dr. McMaster, were in London Mon-; "of.Rev« H. Taylor
Rev, IIugh D. Taylor, the.beloved
day last when Rev. C. C. Keine, who -relator. of the Themes Road United
has been in Victoria hospital for 2Amman puma away early IVlonda-
eeks, underwent a. serious operation last in victoria Iieapital, London; fol
The operation was successful and the
lowing a :brief illness from. pneum-
onia. Ile was taken to London on the
Friday previous and his condition
patient is making satisfactory prog-
rogress towards recovery.
Dies in 77th Year from the first was critical. The fns- •
Henrietta Mervor, widow ofCapt. ! era] was ]geld Tuesday afternoon.
Norman MrDairraid, died suddenly' saralees aeeug held he .the church
at her Home, in Goderich on Safnr- •where since July 1953 he has served'
day the victim of a stroke' at the age' as minister and the church being fil-
e 74 years, being a very short
led to capaeit r by ;members of the
time, her sudden death came as a and other friends. The,
shock to her friends. She eves' ;Born i' -congregation serviicewas in 'charge of Rev. Chas..
in Ripley, her parents' being natives' A. Maiccoimim, of Egmiondville, chair-
old boy, is, presenting a cup to the of •Scotland• , arid' 45 years ago after . nia'n o,;f thiel r. ron .Presbytery, Assoo -
Bowick Hockey Association, to be a- her marriage - to Capi 142cI3airrnmd, , .iatet'1 with 1fr. Malcolm on the plat
warded to the winning teams.; The, came to Goderichi Her' husband dyed i form ,,were Rev. ar, Peters, of Mime -
executive are very grateful to 'the
genial George for his generosity.
Bach to Work
John Worman, Kippcn,. who for
ve yearsago after a successful car- Ville, who led in prayer; Rev. Mr..
eer on the great lakes. Surviving Hurm't, of Trivitt Memorial church,.
are three sons and one daughter. Exeter, who read the scripture les-
Burned- Flour Tons c4 Coal ;,son- Rev Mr. Young of Carmel Pres'
It is estimated that four extra tons b •ter'ian church, Hensall, chairman
.Many months was very 111 and unable of coal Were burned in the Clinton of the Ministerial Association; Rev,.
to eazry on at his trade of harnees town hail furnace during the 4.grie- W. A. Monteith of Teeswater, a form
.l; siring and mal inn ',iii harness, is ?ll artl griOrt Coarse; but thane tali,- r - Thamoq Ron 3 boy' and close fri-
Brice More busy at hie,•vork which the hrg the eoa;:rse find it di€i'icalt.toi teal- end of the deceased. and Rev, J. M.
armors are getting read =for saving t : the il was so cold during a
IIaithy oNorwichr president ofthe,work, !goatt DOA athee time.that, the.
his. Land Conference. '