HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-02-21, Page 1rr ts 1101. XXXV NG. FEBRUARY 21, 1935. Chester L. Smith, Publ sten, $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advan i< *LSO INARREARS,$2 MAIC BROEULH MA, Patronize the ]someere Merchant and read • the local .Paper BORN IN HURON What a contrast between the trials at .London and at Flemington, 1' :/ Just a few days to convict .Messner and put him away while the Haupt - alarm case drags one and cm It wo- uld have been easy to dramaiSze the Labatt case and have ft prolonged but that just isn't done here. incid- entally, we have little: to be -proud •of In one Huron county product Meis- ener is said to have keen hen near Dungannon:-Godericle Star 4 SPOKE IN HOUSE William Golding„ M.P.,. for South 'Huron, got; up in lii`s place; in. the .House of Commons the: mer day and "launched a vigorous attack on :high tariffs. Ana& we suppase if ,'George Spotton, MX. for North Hu- ron were to get up he would speak just as vigorously in apposition. We ':Do You Need Glasses?. ..Stop and Thin' iikoortant it is ~that you we�ne carr et glasses`-cor Tectly prescribed for year vision. 'Correctly styled to your face. Tour ' :health may Iargely depend •engin Vision. See C. E. ZURBREGG. 12. 'O_ At HESS JEWJ LFEI Y STORE g . Every Tuesday at IGH Agt Dashwood, Saturday... at Tfile's Store. imagine the trufh 'lies,somewhere be- tween the Two. Why' couran't the two parties get on mutual ground and get somewhere? ---Clinton News Re- cord. d+-+ Mr. Ferdinand Haberer, the prop- rietor of the local skating rink fox the past four years advises us that this is the last season he intends to keep This place of amusement oped to the public, and is offeringit for sale at a very attractive price. Mr. Hab- erer states that the patronage has dwindled down to the extent that it does not compensate him to keep it going. We would suggest that our village fathers look into this matter and probably take this over as in practically all the surrounding villag- es. We think our young people need this kind of sport in the winter time. Practically all the cities have open air arenas for the school children,: and with a small charge it could be kept going. The water from the supply tank could be piped up and for a small wage someone- could be engaged to supervise the rink dur- ing the winter season. PARLIAMENT OPENS The Ontario Legislature meets to- day, Wednesday, for the first session of the prevent government. The el- ection was held last June, and many have been looking for a session .with big anticipation. This is the first Liberal government at Toronto for some twenty years, and with a young and fiery Premier like Mr.:Repburn at the head, some real action will be BY your love and kindness here, looked for. It is to be hoped that the We remember well our sorrow, government will ` get down to real As we stood beside your bed :business before the session,ebecomes . Our deer `and' heartfelt anguish stale and worn .down.' Usually gov- When we sawial .t you were:•dead3 ernmenb member *sen oeit gne; Shoe Repairing I wish to advise the Public that I am in a position to do all kinds of shoe repairing, and solicit your pat, ronage. Give us a trial for good. workmanship. • GARFIELD BROWN Zurich - Ont. IN MEMORIAM In fond and lovind memory of a dear husband and father, Louis J. Kraft, who died one year ago, Feb- ruary 20th, 1934. Memory's hand' is reaching back one year ago today,'• When one we loved so" dearly,so gently passed away. It was hard to part, but it was God's will, To vacate the chair that we never can "fill. Sadly missed by his wife and. son IN MEMORIAM` In loving memory of Husband and Father; Louis Schumacher, who pas- sed away two years ago, to -day, Feb- ruary 20th, 1933: •Whep, the Lord said, you have finished Come up higher, father dear,' You have won a crown in Heaven. i :gutted years ago; and while" the rate- We •� peyer at the back end pays :tor all' Evangelical Lutheran [i `this' waste .of time. Some has said if • these :members would work as.hard, ZURICH - ONT during the whole session as they «A Changeless Christ few as. C - ,Ting World." Friday, 8h -Luther �. Saturday -Choir Practice. •SUNDAY SERVICES= . 10 a. m. -German Serves. - /1.15 a.m.-Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -English service. Everybody Welcome• all Services. E. TUERKHEIMy, Pastor. have to the last week or so, the work would be done in less than half of. :the time. - Tut Here's hoping that this new parliament wilt dhow us the way 'to. better and )msre prosperous ;times l •-+ SCHOOL. REPORT The following Is the:report of the pnreiils • erf S. S. 1�i'o. l,, Hay, for tlae month of January. Those marked 'were .absent for The ?ems. WE SELL THE REST FOR LESS Special i c for:Thursday, :l•xiila -:and.Sac' day. Pearl white Na .a Soap, ' 1.0 'bars .___ -.__._ -.3i c Kelloggs Corn Flakes, 3 plrgs. _._ ..21 c Royal York Coffee, 1-1b. tin. Ready cut. Macro ,,, 2 .lbs:.. Salada Tea„ Half Ib. Prunes. large. sweet.' Seedless raisins. 2 lbs. ._ .� ...�...._._�23rc Lawrasons, Sino tin ;. .., - ...__ :- . 25c LawmKirk's sI-lard,`+�ra o„ �a'er tin 19c ' er soap, per cake .__ Royal cream Esc s, 'I Derby cheese. Half lb. plug., ` :pars ..::.. �.� ._�.25.c . ow*: �_..12c sir ern Howe Dress. at very "Speicial'Pr' cesb, from :69e :up. f $129. See New- I*ic ts,n at per" '."ard:.._.._ ._...199c 1`5 j. Highest Prices } re ass hnez Yungblut is visiting with tivei at Detroit. Irs. Ivan Kelbfleisch is spending w weeks visiting relatives in De - ti t. . 4liss Anna . Datars has returned fr $rh spending a very pleasant week wi a friends in London. Liss Leila Witmer of Forest spent week -end with her parents on the ylon line. lessrs. George Deichert, and Jac- ob Haberer motored to London on Fr' ay.. r. Jul. Block, constable, of town, wh, has been quite, ill with pneum- on , is recovering nicely.. lltr. and Mrs. Emerson Overholt of Lo erich are visiting with the form- er•'. mother, Mrs. Wm. Miller and fanny. s' iss Jemima Johnston who spent sas. al "weeks with her sister, Mrs. ,D,nadale,, at Sandusky, Mich., has rre- tui1led to her home in Zurich. r. and Mrs. Theo McAdams and sums of the Bronson line•attended the fu oral of the former's father, the let,q:. James McAdams, at London, on „th Ba err lay of last week 'supper:.'wail boa en'�at Zuricle_ ei s'a' Hall. On S "turday, Febiuu'ry nrN �t,a Zara: .d :from . -` 7:. ,.,.i. _a az•os• 1oh•:and 25c. "Everybody is in- A very enjoyable evening -was sp- ent at the home • of Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme on Tuesday evening when a number a'f their friends gath- ered. end partook of a sumptous sup - ea ai~tgr which the giltn ng was spent •a. a it -suitable way. Ameng those sent were, Mr and Mrs. Gilbert] Plante of ;Goderich,`Mr.and Mrs. Ed Brisson; . and Mr. and Mrs. George Geoffrey of north of Drysdale. MEN'S RALLY The .. men's .Evangelical Sunday School Classes will have charge of the service next Sunday evening at 7.30. They will occupy the pulpit platform and render some fine chor- ust'ttt and other selections, and two brief addresses will be given. The offering will be for the basement fund, Everybody welcome.' THE CARNIVAL The carnival which was scheduled for Friday evening of last week was held on Monday night, with a fail '.Attendance, and some fine cos- tuMee were again displayed. Follow- ing are the prize winners: Best dres- sed couple, Olin and Willis Foster; Pest Valentine costume, Norma Mousseau, dressed as Cupid; Best flapper on ice, Ralph Uttley; Tallest person, Grace Meyers; Ladies' race, A.udry Foster; Boys' race, Archie MatKinnon; +Prize, drawing of lucky number; Delores Mittleholtz.. Judges, Mrs. H. G. Hess, Miss Gertrude Weber. W. M. S. MEETING, On Monday evening, Felruary 17th the Women's Missionary Society of St. P'eter's Evangelical Lutheran church held their monthly meeting in the basement of the church with Mrs. ,E. F. •IUlopp in charge. After the devotional part she ably present- ed the topic, "Japan Goes to School" Shortapapers were given on the pub- lic school life of a Japanese child by. Mrs. J. Haberer. Kristian educate ion •for women and poys, by Mrs, Milfred Schilbe. The Janice James. School by Mrs. L Yungblut. Imper- ial reseript of education and the Jap- anese • anthem by Miss G. Weber. Whj should the church maintain schools ie Japan and why no elem- entary, schools, by Mrs. Prang. Our own 4hools Ryushen Gakrrcaa by Mrs E. Deifies. 'Tokyo Theological; Sem- inar3Mrs. G. Deichert. A Congo widows ; thankoffering by Mrs. II. Krucg t. The Thank Offering thou- ght Int Miss A. Dataae. Miss •Beat- ricc 'p I rendered a, ,piano seleetion a+nd s ee McBride and 'Vola Klapp sa you eves' eae Sadly missed by Wife ands'. .Daughters. Sr IV-Euuice'`Oestfeicher 72.3%, Kenneth Weber 71.7.., Jr. IV -Karl` pest then 74.4; Chien.Swartenztrube' 67; Elmore Rader 645: Sr. SII -=-Jack Weber 79.2; Martha Miller ,78; Hilda Rader 70.1; Hilda Becker *; Esther Price �'. .Jr. III -Eileen Miller -69.5 ; Louis Finkbeiner 69.2; Ernest Masse 68. Jr. Hee-Lyle Swartzentruber 65, Helen Miller 64.4; Dorothy Price "'. 1st -Mersa Miller 62, John Masse 62; Howard Finkbeiner 60. Primer -Howard Datars 84; Hub - girt Miller 82; Dorothy Weber 76; Violet Rader 74; Cecilia Hartman 72 Lloyd Smith 63, . Eldon Datars 62; Russel Smith 62; Milton Price Agnes Y. Robertson, Teacher In Police Court Floyd Foch of Kitchener.was up h»,fore. Magistrate J. A. Makins last Thursday at Goderich, charged with having left the scene •of an accident in Seafolth. He went away without :anything; being done, about it as he showed that he had done a lot about the accident. He took the Seaforth resident to the doctor after knocking him down, then took hint home and crlid his best to get in touch with a policeman by phone which he failed to do. The police were otnerwise en- gaged and he could not raise anyone. 'He proved all he . said and even went so far as to leave his name and ad- dress with the man and agreed to pay all costs so the Crown felt that he had d,one enough. -Driving a house hitched to a buggy without a light on the.highway cost Elgin Nott $5. Mr. Nott hails from Tuckersmith and he admitted the charge. -Geo. Drennan of Goderich paid $10 be- cause he left the scene of an acci- dent in which no one was hurt al- though the car Was a bit banged up. The car turned over in the ditch. - "Bingo" •as a licensed enterprise put en by church organisations is o.k. but that does not mean that anyone can put on a drive in his basemen'' for profit. A local restnranteur dis- covered that, this becomes gambling and is �trownod on. However the pol- ice saw th6 handl ills and warned fh chop arouse proprietor ori and the mat tc erded .E 11nos before it began. '1'ke usual C intl`y ' 5uietnde surrotinu<;1 c;ouit proceedings with only a f,�; spectators i e5rIng the few cases, , BRIDAL WREATH WEDDING : RINGS They are beautifully Carved. 10 k. ............. $6.00 14 k. $8.75 18k.... $11.50 Green or White. or Natural Gold NICELY BOXED Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Peas: Genuine Sem,et Solvay' G. MILLERS CREEK • and Rosedale Alberta . Pocahontas Briquets A new Domestic Fuel for every pare pose. Intense Heat, very little smoke.' or Ash. • v, W. R. DAVIDSON CASH paid for Eggs on. a Grr�sae: Basis. Phone 10 I ENSALL: •_. • • •• • • • • • •• • • • •• i • • • • • • • • • •♦ • • • • • 41 • • Win ON ALL WINTER OVERCOATS UNDERWEAR SWEATERS, ETC. MEN'S ALL LEATHER COATS $5.50 • .•., EMBALMEi S AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS` • k. • e4•4r:134•44,.,t,4 48.09 ,a!aa,eA0$44t &e,:%dc•4 �+..�?•a•v,.aaanH'.� ,.4.rs*,3w,g a,.� :torr o,•y. n t • .' ., ti;i t..Vx, )Pf"..::.•-:zit+?A t'�r;'•;�Ir+�,.,4 i!(A. rah,!, v; '.Rw!is 5,:. Bargains! Iargains! We are Offering Our Customer GENUINE BARGAINS IN THE FOLLOWING GOODS: Wool Blankets, flannelette Blankets, Wool and Fleeced Underwear, Prints, Broadcloths, Gingham= / and Flannelettes. Girl's and Children's Pullovers and Sweater' Coale Men's and Boys' Heavy Socks and Stockings, Swed A Smocks, Heavy Rubbers, Overshoes,. ETC., TC. t, R. G.GLA GENERAL 1117 RON ANT *. is von t Duett, aeeimipanied on • ..the I }d8 UitaI1r9i 'i . S7 oCt1l5o,s, nb Ismer was offered IPHO . 11 " er *for OLITIMISMazictriaMMEAMIsrarazatatVW isil}*