HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-02-07, Page 1XXXV NG ZURICH, THURSDAY +[C1 atronize the horne Mero Saturday, February 2ral was the clay when the bear or groundhog Comes out to see their shadow and -if they do see it back they go for an- other six weeks winter_ Well, this year he didxLot see any shadow as the day was quite Lazye. Teat we hope they did not remain outince as -we have had zero weather the past few clays. However, if this traditional adage is correct, we will soon be en- tering into wanner sprfnggice weath-. er. HAS MANY COPPERS Exeter—With the coining of Fc br- aaiy, local motorists besixeged the office of George M. Grant, issuer of licenses, and the original supply ea. commercial number plates was ex- hausted. The second series of plates for private cars: will he started soon - A ruckt driver entering from the north presented himself' and while -the other applicants crammed behind with paper money, ix large bag of l coppers explaining that he had been unprepared for the emergency when Traffic Officer W; Robinson of Ex- eter had insisted "1935 plates or don's leave town." An obliging fri- end helped Grant out by counting' and the .impatient crowd as far as space permitted breathed sighs of re- lief. The bag of copper coins made the payment.. STILL CHEAPER RATES While attending the annual meet- ing of the Hay Municipal System the other day, mostof us were kind of patting ourselves on the back for the low rates we have $9.00 per year, and we thought is . was the lowest in this part of Ontario. But since we. noticed of two other systems within an hour's drive that has the Hay Sy- stem beat for low rates. The Blyth Telephone System the past year had a $12.00 rate charged, but the ex- ecutive refunded $4.00 per prone to the subscribers and asked the Ont- ario Railway Board to have their rates reduced to $8.00 which was the actual cost of each phone, and they are showing . a nice surplus. Then we notice the Colborne System has been collecting a $8.00 rate and they will continue to do so, and their treasury also shows a nice balance on hand. So. the Hay System is at present $1.00 per phone dearer than these two other systems. The• balance on hand in the Hay System should be large enough for the pres ent. As one of the employees in- timated to us the other day "The more money we have, . the more will be spent." . This is practically true l in every line of utility owned con- cerns. We think in time the Hay Do You Need Glasses? Stop and Think how important it is that you wear correct glasses—cor- rectly lasses—carrectly prescribed for yen= vision. Correctly styled to your face. Your :health may Iargely depend on keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRIEGG, R. O. At HESS JEEWELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICII . At Dashwood, Saturday, at Pfile's. ST.. PETERS atuilute tam Lean;; System should be operated on at $8.00 per phone as well as some of these other systems. here's hoping! HAY COUNCIL' FEBRUARY 7, (985. Chester L, Smith, Publisher $L25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in. Advo *L50 INARRLti:R , s 3141.7 sz CIAL&Beigb. and read the Shoe Repairm I wish to advise the Pta,lic';t},: am in_ a position to de all kind;: shoe repairing, and solicit your ronage.. Give its a trial ,for'g workmanship. ' GARFIELD BROWN' Zurich -- Ont. well be appointed Fence' Viewe place of David Dignan, res gne That Ezra Bender be appoieted Weed Inspector in place. of Cit Siemon, resigned. Rate of pay-, 35 cents per hour including trail tation. That the report' of the; itors be adopted as jjrresentec* uo<d copies of report be printed file,: lic distribution. That by lavra_ 2-3 and 4 appointing ofcia18, .4ae ing remuneration for the Town; of Hay for the year '1935 be re`d times and finally passed and the„,- ) • eve he;;)eve and Clerk be authorized .t6., the same and the Clerk a the of the Corporation thereto. Tha half Lot 14, L.R.E., eon., Towns of Hay, owned by the. Township der tax deed, be sold to CIayton Smith at $1005.00. Payment to made within thirty days. That Tax Collector be authorized toc tinue the levy for all unpaid t up to April 1st, 1935, and shall turn the Ro11 on •April,lst 1935. That the following grants be,,f fo to Agricultural Societies l 197 lpr. Zurich Fair $50.00; Hensal.S`'' Fair $15.00;; EXeter Fall Fair $10 Grand Bends Schaal Fair $5.99::.' Zurich Library .shall comer under` same class as Agridultural Socie and shall not be charged •for ,ase:, Town Hall for concerts , except ,4?, caretaking. That the rate of 'pend work performed on,_..Townshipemti for year 1935 lie :fixed ae :e L. 1 Paper see Mr. George Hess of Hensall called Zurich friends on Wednesday. 1)r J. and. Mrs. Ward of Exeter, ;e. Sunday visitors at the home of and Mrs. E. E. Weido. Mr. Wallace Ross 'of Brucefield Sled at the : home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith, Friday. Messrs James Patterson and Don- d`Burns of Hensall were in town on usiness on Monday. Zr. Milton Oesch, Mrs. Norman Oascho and Mrs. 0, Surerus motored 'q:. London on Sursday to visit Mr. Newman Gascho at the hospital. We are pleased to report that Miss Jessie, MacDonald, who underwent an operation a week ago, at St. Jos- ph's' Hospital, London, is improving 'well as could be expected, the local rink, we understand is ging, to give the public plenty of teitaiui' ont the' coining week. On iday evening' 6f this week the Sea- orth hockey team is expected to be out, this is not affirmed' as yet, but are to lookfor announcements. xt.week the second carnival of the ason will be staged, and further oui•I'iements .will be made. Mr. aberer, the manager, advises us at the; amplifier is now in good rkieg order, and the best of music •-ire supplied for these events. connection with the Carnival a sin dance will . also be spons- .. 'The regular Monthly meeting oi° Man a0Fl team 40 -.a theCouncil, i A , h r rtk ys er ice wit ,. u° s s onI,' �� •a., Ja _� y se wit ''%- I, tee horses''•50' cents 'per' the members Ines'ei;. The 7'vwrisirerman, team and mower 60c. hr; gra Treasurer reported that the receipts 15 cents per yard.' Owner ,'of pit.__. for. 'the month of January amounted keep same in shape at 'his 'own ex- to xto ...$1074.02, being composed of pease. ; That` the following be a.p-' $799.07 taxes and penalties; teleph- pointed Road `Commissioners for the, one tolls $62.04; on 1935 taxes $100 various Township Road divisions in water ,Zurich P. Village $3.00; Gov- the Township' of Hay for the year, ernment grant on relief $9.53;^'Gov- 1935 and that a By-law confirming•, einemeint•grant on seed grain guaran- same be prepared for passing at next tees $36.83; Miscellaneous $63.5'5., meeting: Rd. No. 1 (a) 'M. M. Rus Atte! .disposing of the cormnuni- sell, (b) Robt. Munn, (c) S. McAr Christ far ing World?' F'riday, 8h. Luther League - 5„: Saturday—Choir Rract!ee. SUNDAY SERVICES: Chan g- 10 a. m.—German Service: 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School ' 7.30 p.m English service - .1 Everybody Welcarae` to all Services E. TUERICHE , .Pastor NEW! SMART Low Priced 15 Jewel Watch for Men $9.95 $9.95 A dependable Time Keeper At a Low Price. Beautiful Cased With Bracelet to Match! lies, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea Genuine Servet Solvay Cok MILLERS CREEK and Rosedale Alberta Pocahontas Briquets. A new Domestic Fuel for every p?nr pose. Intense Heat, very little smoke - or c i . or Ash. W. R. DAVIDSON CASH paid 4e Yrggs en ri3asis. Phone 10 "�, ,. .- . ; BNS a Grade' • • • • • • • 9 s • • • • r.r • 4.0 *•6••••••••••••••••E4off.'.**go••••••oei•afio-ltiF'y67 oo ",et' SPECIAL cations the .following resolutions tee- ti nr; Rd. 2, ,(a) C. Aldworth, (b) W re passed: That Charles IL Black - Coleman, (c) Geo. Dick, (d) S. Rope Rd. 3, ' (a) C. Aldworth, (b) A. Mous seau, (c) 0. Koehler; Rd. 4, (c).;A.. WE. SELL THE °$RST )FOR LESS Hill Crest shairtening, 2 -lbs. .23c Fancy red Cohoe Salmon 1:lb. 'tin 19c Old •Dutch Cleanser, 2 tins 19c Choice. Quality Tomatoes, large tin,' 2 tins......19c Choice. Quality tomatoes No. 2 tin, 2 tins i 3 c Choice. Quality Golden .bantorn corn, 2 tins22c Loose read cut macroiii, 3 lbs. 1 9c P and G.. Naptic .5 Soap, cakes . 19c White corn, 2 this . .. 19c Peas, 2 _ - .._._...—.. 23c Tomato soup 2 tins 19c ,Y .MOID►Sr New Prints„ priced at 19c and 25c. yd. Men's best Fleeced`ltrted'Under'wear per gaunt. 59c Men's'Fleeced lined Combinations at .,x,1.1 9 Men"s aI1' of lieavy' itab Underwear,, garmtt 1.19 All Heavy Winter Ladies 'and -Children's Under- wear at Reduced 5.� :Also 'Sweater Coats. . until sold out. Compare our Prices' J.W. ME Highest for . O Reichert ; Rd. 5, (a) H. Pfaff, (b) James Green, (c) J. M. Richardson; Rd. 6, (a) Oscar Greb, (b) N. Fos- ter; Rd. 7, (c) Fred 3. Haberer; Rd. '8, (a) A. Smith, (b) T. Steinbach, (e) John Oesch; Rd. 9, (a) R. Mil- ler, (b) G. Surerus, (c) E. Erb; Rd, 10, (a) J. M. Ziler, (b) R. Adams, (c) F. E. Deomme; Rd. 11 W..Fis: cher; Rd. 12, W. E. Turnbull; Rd. 13, (a) P. Schade; Rd. 14, (a) P. Campbell. (b) U. �E'file, (c) E. Hen drick; Rd. 15, (a) Gilbert Jeffrey,* Pd. 16, W. Ducharnie; Rd. 17, M. Corriveau; Rd. 18 (a) T. Dinsmore„ (b) W. Farrell;; Zurich P. V., . Hy. Steinbach; Dashwood P. V., E. Gei- ser. Motion, that the Road Superintend- ent be authorized to attend the con- vention of Township Road Superine tendents to be held at Toronto on February 18th and 19th. The following accounts were pas - sod: Teleehone Accounts—F. Gerry & Co. 'bat'teries 9.38; National Revenue of Canada, tax on tolls 26.52: G. Deichert, auditor 2.00; 3. W. _Haber- er auditor 2.00; Postage for notices re annual meeting 6.12. Zurich Cen- tral switching 3 weeks 51.00; 'S. Ireland refund rates 5.00; H. G. Hess labor 41.15. General Accounts Municipal -World, eight Ibbs. 8.04 S. -Hoffman wood for hall 5.00; L. Sehiibe & Son, acct indigent 1.20; I. Gasebo & Son, acct indig. 6.21; L. M Hnrtleib acct indg, 2.33; J. T. ertleib 'ect irtlee 2.70: J . Tienian Son acct" indigent 1.86,G, Beich- ert auditor 6.00.; J. W. Haberer ditto 6.00; °iC++".'id l�:il World dog t^•g'S, FIS- srNsment roll rte. 24.67; Yungblut & Son acct indigent .25; J. W. Merner . •1 .. 1 .� r• . 'r n i �, r,r.f• i,., inns - ;ente 7,40; ,Tn1 'Rio& ditto ;.20; W. )n i) i i .ion coy;., ledge l'e .i ; G. 3 Thiel, acct indg. 6,20. The Connell adjourned to meet a- gain on Monday, March 4th, at 7,30 , 'o'clock pan. t A, F. 1•Iess, Mork.. c; aeh person pure o asin the. Library play "No Account l-bav- id' ,.'will receive . one FREE chance -on a beautiful cushion. The price of a chance without a ticket is IOc. The winner of cushion will be decided by drawing the lucky number from a hat on the night of the play, February `12th. Buy a ticket and see this de- lightful play'.., Adults 25c, children 15c, reserved seats 10e extra. Enjoy an evening of laughter and boost the Library. • OBITUARY Late John Hey, Sr. One by one the olds pioneer settlers are being called to their eternal re- ward. This week we are called upon to cronicle the death of one of our elder citizens, and one beloved by alle that we know of, in the person of Mr. John Hey*, Sr., who passed a- way Saturday mid -night, February 2nd, at the beautiful old age of 83 years, 8 months and 3 days: Deceas- ed was not enjoying his good health for several weeks, and gradually grew weaker and slept peacefully a- way on Saturday night. Mr. Hey in his younger days knew all about pioneer life, his father at one time owned the farm where the village of Zurich now stands. He lived for many years on the Babylon line where many years ago he cleared for himself a 'fine farm now owned by his son Mr. Wm. Hey. After re- tiring to town he purcl�.ased the plc, e now owned by Mr . E. Wuerth, and later moved on the present residence. He was indeed a peaceable man and a fine citizen, always seemed to be in a cheerful and conversant mood. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow, who is very feeble in health, three daughters, Mrs. P. Fassold of Dash- wood, Mrs. Ed. Stelek of the 14th, con., Hay and Mrs. Wickens, who isr staying with her parents; tee sons, John of Zurich; William of the Bab- ylon line, and Samuel Hey of Blake; Four .sisters ;also survive, Mrs. J. W. Horner of Zurich, Mrs. Sam Gott- schalk of Seaforth, a sister' in Mich- igan and a sister in Kansae. Also 18 grandchildren and 5 great grandchil- dren The funeral was held on Tues- day afternoon to the Lutheran church, for service and intcrri'eW in thy? Lith era n cemetery. Rev,. ! uerkheim, pastor, officiated. Owing; to the ill- ness of Mrs. Iley, who is in her 80th year, the funeral was held plivately at the home. We extend sympathy l o the bereaved. 4' • • • • • •e •, • O • • • • • • • • • WINTER OVERCOATS UNDERWEAR SWEATERS, ETC. liustrat- • ., book MEN'S ALL LEATHER COATS $5.50 • • • ws• xm II 821• • EMBALMERS P • a • AND FUNERAL.. DIRECTORS 41, 01' 4`I 45. 4144, •- 4- 44- 410- 455- 41o, 4, 4- •. 4, 4, 0- a� ..s..0,a.d,aa..e4%eromem4••••4,"4,44:.66db. 1+,....0,041+04,-4..0,4t,6,, 4, r .,.•,'aa .n F mt.nt� ,nif,1Y1,01• v, ,r .}..,, J3argains! B We are Offering Our Customers GENtiINE A RGAINS IN THE FOLLOWING GOODS: Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, Wool and Fleeced Underwear, Prints, Broadcloths, Gingharm and Flannelettes. Girl's and Children's Pullovers and Sweater .Coats,, Men's and Boys' Heavy Socks and .Stockings, Sweaters Smocks, Heavy Rubbers', Overshoes„ ETC., ETC. R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 -97 E3LAKE •