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Zurich Herald, 1935-01-24, Page 10
PAGE EIGHT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK er THIS CLEARING SALE IS AN ANNUAL EVENT WITH US, AND OUR CUSTOMERS KNOW From Past Experience that this is a Genuine Money Saving Event, and very interesting now in view of Advancing Prices of all Materials Opening: Friday, Jan. 1 girth CI + sing: Saturday Feb 2nd We sell Quality Goods only! Come Early! Come Often! Space will not let us enumerate any of the Many Barg- ains we have to Offer. Be sure and Read Our Large Posters. And better still Come and See .for yourself. PRODUCE WAN FED VansensaaasearmorsamenntammeaoromasantaarAramurRanowlairsOlt raw---.• YOUR SURPLUS FUNDS CAN BE SAFELY AND CONVENIENTLY INVESTED hi . A; ie Debe,2�=.:t res 4% Per Annum Payable Half Yearly sr'r3: ► TRUST' MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES 1. Now Earn 434% Per Annum Payable Half Yearly Any sum over $100.00 may be invested from 1 to 5 Years: r Andrew F. Hess, o Zurich • MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? eemaLKO r:eskuwv.aw.sr.• *F1'•+r. 4., zc..�s�aam aasu nim.mismemosezenevxmosvirefn 121141.2.6111.1%.012101.2* 3 • • HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE s' e 0 LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST PAINTS! We .carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires in ' ail sizes • • PAINTS! and Fencing and Tubes Ul 1i HIED 11.1 / 11111111111I1111111 III_ ii1C11l111111111111II111 11111111111141 111111 I li 11111 1 Thursdayi Callrlll'y '.4li, �. + $*+'+444 ++4,0 +4.h+++++++++'44b+4-+4l” Grocery Store Gold Medal Coffee, (1 -ib. Erin cube free) ....42c Wheat Flakes, 5-1b. bag 1 25c. Lady Gadiva Soap, 4 cak4 and wash rag 23c Canned Peaches, per tin' •,,.. •...:... 15c Broken Sodas, 3 lbs. M 25. Ginger cookies, per lb. Tomato Juice, per turn .... Lemon Oil; per bottle ,. Pork and Beans (large size 10c :. .. . .5c �.....,.......1,0c .1Oc Zurich enno Oesch EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 le IIIA ILIAL gLIJlllflllllllilEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII[ItI111111111111111111 i II : II HI11111111111H I111111IIIIII111111111111111111111111111I11I1111M1 Pike ;ITEMS OF LOCAL INET Miss Pearl Pfile is spending the week with friends at Landon. Mr. Harold Stade of Guelph was a week -end visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade. Messrs. George Brock and Harry Howard of Hensell were in town on Wednesday. The special meetings in the Evan- gelical church closed on Sunday ev- ening with five new members. The vital statistics of Hay township for the year 1934 were 57: deaths 12 and marriages 17. Mr. A. Melick, Reeve of Hay Town- ship is attending the sittings of the County Council at Goderich this week. The annual meeting of the Subscr- ibers of the Hay Municipal Teleph- oneone System will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Thursday af- ternoon, January 31st at two o'clock to which all subscribers are urged to come and attend, MAYORS TO MEET The next conference of Ontario Mayors will be held in London on January 24 and 25. Mayor Wenige is president of the Ontario Mayors' Association. In view of the fact that the fact that the Ontario Legislature will convene shortly, the forthcoming conference is regarded as an import- ant one. SARR RETURNS TO GERMANY Germany won an overwhelming victory in last Sunday's plebiscite when the people of the Saar voted 90.8 per cent. for the return of this territory to Germany. The vote casts for the Reich was 476,089; 46;613 or 8.7 per cent. for the status quo and 2,083 for France. This is a part of the richest mining fields that was after the war left nutural; . it, being under the supervision of the League of Nations, apparently France had in part control of some of the rich mines, as an indemnity of the great war. But finally the people were al- lowed to vote to what country they wish to belong, with the mentioned result. . LAKES A LITTLE HIGHER LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) 17-11-12 25 23 97 Eggs Butter ib. creamery 'Butter ib. dairy Wheat, bush Barley, bush :50 Buckwheat, bussh. .......,.50 Shorts, ton .... 25.90 Bran, ton 25_+00 Flour, cwt. ...... _ ..... 2.25 3:•00 Live Hogs, cwt. _ 6.50 Potatoes per bag_ 35e Chickens ib. live 12-8 Chickens, dressed. 1b .... 16-10 Ducks dressed Ib _ .,...... 12c! Geese dresed lb11 Turkeys, lb. dressed 17-11, eve, Mawhinney:. Councillors, Rattz, McCann and Lamport. After .each had- subscribed to his Declaration of Office and taken his seat, the minut- es f the previous meeting were read and: adopted. Motion, that the Reeve and Clerk makeapplication to the Department, of;. Highways of the Pro- vince of Ontario for the statory grt towards the expenditure incurredby the Township c n it's Highways during the past year as per report and sta- tement prepared. Motion that the Municipal World be ordered for each member of the Council and Clerk for the, present year. Motion, that a by - lave be passed appointing the follow- ing perseine to theirrespective offices at the salary herein stated.: Assessor and Truant Reg. W. Kleinstiver, $100 Auditors, D. Weber and L. England at $9each ;'.Caretaker of hall, E. Gu- ettinger 20 per annum.and $1 extra. for'' each public meeting or concert where an admission is charged; Road Supt,, Geo. E. Eilber 80c hr; Sheep valuator, W.Kleinstiver at 30c hr; Board of He tl, W. Sweitzer and C. Mawhinney ,$8. per annum. Sec. Bd. of Health, H. K. Eilber $15 and $8 extra for . attending meetings. Sanit- ary•Inipectors: Pt; Lawson, Geo. Mer ner and W. B. Oliver at 25c per hr. School Alt, , ofcier,s, E. Lawson, G Merner, W. B. Oliver at 25c hr. Ath- letic held Comm. W. Sweitzer ,and C. Mawhinney; Milk Inspector: E. Guettinger at 40c hr; Appointees to furnish their own transportation. The Clerk read the following correspond- ence: Letter from. Ont. Good Roads Association, Letter from the Hydro Electric Power Commission; Letters from the Clerk of Forest as to relief supplied to Mr. Burley and family and from the Clerk of Hay Tp. re- garding James Haggitt. The Clerk was'requested to write the Clerk of Forest stating that this Township will rein'+burse their Council for whatev- er supplies are given the Burley fam ily, but it was that that this council shoudn't be held responsible for the maintenance of the Iiaggitt family. Motion, that the resignation of Chas. Zwicker as Treasurer be acce- pted to take effect at once and that Herbert K. Eilber, former Treasurer be reappointed in his place and stead during the pleasure of this council at. an annual salary of $150 per an- num and that Mr. Zwicker hand over Lakes Michigan and Huron are 0.15 foot higher than in November since 1900 the December level has averaged 0.18 foot lower than Nov- ember; they are 0.17 foot above the • December stage of a year ago, 1.00 feet below the average stage of De- • cen'iber of the last ten years, 3.29 14 feet below.the high stage of Decem her, 1918, and 0.20 foot above the low stage of December 1925. Based on past records the monthly mean level for January is likely to be a- bout 577.6 and not less than 577.4. 0 0 2 • •s m as a •a WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, $ • Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing ghing and Tnn. szatLh•Mattresses p ing our -Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ZURiCH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE -- SERV CE il+ $5%marhasse4I ' I) R****aotamta 9N?rb• ae"w+.•Wfii.:,�ru':"u> Huron Old Boys The President and Officers of the Huron Old Bays' Association of Tor- onto are sending out invitations for the 35th Annual Tt Home to be held at the Arcadian Court, Robert Simpson Co., Bay Street, Toronto,' on Friday evening, February 1st, 1935 at 8.30 o'clock. Gentlemen's Tickets, $1.50 tax included. Ladies' Tickets $1.00 tax included. Dancing, old time and new, euchre, bridge, free parking, Geo. E. Ferguson, Press, Wm, Pbwi;ll, Treas., • 11t. S. Shep pard, Sect'y, phone ISL 4134: Stan; Long's orchestra. :PORN Denomme-At Hay Township on January 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Ad- olph Denonune, a son. Smith --At Hay Township, on Janu- ary 17th to Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Smith a daughter. STEPHEN COUNCIL The newly elected Council of the Township of Stephen 'net in the Twn "jell, Crediton, on . Monday, the 1.4th , day of •Ian. 1985 at 11 o'clock ann. ?resent: Reeve, J' weitzer; Depty re - 4. • 4. + STOTE • THIS SEASON- CALLS FOR GOOD NEW I FENCES ON THE FARM LET . US, SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE,, ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US:, ABOUT I NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND .EYE TROUGHING Har ware 'lid F + + 4. + 4. 4. SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon Special Stoke Oil, at per gallon 0. 28c 13c E t We also have some .. very Attractive Prices in Furniture.ar See Our New Beds, Springs and 4 at Mattresses. ilor USED FURNITURE4. Two Good Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; I i • Coad Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Diming `fables; '� 4. • itclnern Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for Penick Sale. , 4. BE SURE AN SEE THEM! 4 4. 4 • Johnt 84 Kalb else :4. 49 45. 46 4. i. rclw re t.riiiture. PhQ a 68 4. ++++++++++++++++.1•++++++++4+ ++++D++b+4+++i++A++R+++•i+++t++6++&+'1.+i++ °6:g NRHNI N' Af?INEIHHi EIINIIN@ 111HINHH1111111111!IHHHHLUIJ!@IIHIIH7(MIIH!14HHINIIIIIIL+HIt4Hf5IMIIIIIIIIIIMINIME':liiHH t1,IIIIIIIillllllllllllli8111N THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice - Painting Wagon $2.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 'Rerimining Buggy, Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar IAO .Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each 1.25 ,ESS, the Repair 11110HII1111H1111(11 1d1(II I N11R{!�i'� IMIp;IH(!Hi ERMi111110111131I1HIHllHIH€!II@w9lH' cf (Ii;iH MEI NI N IIIIHIIllHIIJI'H ,li ylHHf ILIH(afM 42600 ._._. ........3.00 F%44.fr•+&+Baaa++Q^ +++k r++++6++% +wall•++ +.9-++ .£.4 f+rFsr+++++4•4,414.44 r, 0 ¢. 4. • s_ 'THE WINTER SEASON. t = Is Now Here. I-Iave you looked after your A.ut©nao- bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to c tt Lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good Anti -Freeze?.. Run in your car and Let us do this vee, Important thing Right Now! Gasoline aired Kerosine always kept on hand in large a and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or • Containers. s. * Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul a • Jobs on ail Makes of Cars with Charges Very a Reasonalbe. 4 Ila ou.s s e au Z rich 4. all hooka, vowel r and other clocu- ments belonging to the Municipality + as ,soon as his books have been audit- om'� ed and found satisfactory. Said Aud- itors' report to be completed and oe fled with the Council by the next meeting.. The newly appointed Tree- F. surer is to furnish a bond for $500 i 4' from a Bonding Co., for the due per- ,i, forniance of his duties. Motion, the + Council of Stephen hereby request the Council of the County of Huron .a. to repeal said By-law No. 5, passed + ori the said 25th day of January 1929 '�' in order that .they may have full authority. to, deal with all arrears of taxeswhich have been and which may hereafter be returned' against lands in the Tp. of Stephen. The following orders were,ltassed C. Sims, rd. 5 $3.60; J. McKeever. rd '11 $5; I. Tetreau rd 14 1.50; 13. McCann 12 7.75; S. Morrison 13 1.80; A. Falmer 6 5.10; J. Morrissey 22 •14.75; M. Sweitzer 15 1.50; J Kellerman 16, 8.54; A. Latta 18 1.1r Oreders: Can. Bank of Commerce n' taxis . $78.90; Can. Bank of Commer ce cashing road cheques 2.15; F. of Wickwire printing 71.02. The Council adjourned to meet a gain, in the 'Fowl. Hall, Crediton, oa.. i-fo 'day, 4th ef' February 1935 .1.; 4.1 1 p.m. :II. K. ,Silber., Clerk. RAL. FPI Do You KintL* w?Ji' That I am the Master Salesian! I am the herald of Success for all men, Me�-m,. '�'• '.Manufacturers, Etc.:. I go forth to tell the World the message of ser ce. and Sound Merchandissng! • Anti, ,he: World listens when I speak! • • 'For those who have used ane as their Servant 1 have a gathered untold millions into their coffers. a I ,coanrnand the legeons of fashion, mould the styles a and lead the World whithersoever l ! I vow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! a • 1 ern Ma atere Salesman at Your Service, and nay Natne is..: ADVERTISE! +p 6 ,� ';pari.+i+°'ArW4. r"4e. rt.,•.`ae'w�'t:a `u15i°��Sv¢ '"iY>i°fY•C:+ �Gd'ti ' iieit Cee '&.i. +fe +eat 3' ,,r 3' 3' 4 1