HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-01-24, Page 7IIat 1 f ref BUSINESS CARDS LEG L OWD:i:%,5' . . 0LMES. 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ' NOT- ARY PpLJBLIC, ETC. „q ,ICE-Ilamiltou Street, Just oil the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Couucel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone, charges reversed. .. D.ENTA1-._�__ r. 11. COW a L. D_ S. D. D. S.. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ; BLOCK ZURICH I,iTa ry Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB' S BLOCK DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday Wednesday. and Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. VET ERINARIA.N Campbell, V.S, 13.V.Sc. A.'11.. Campbell, 'Graduate of Ontario tai Veterinary university of Toron MI (College, domesticaanireals treated by thhee most rdfsea of modern principles, Day or night (Charges reasonable. scalls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. In Street, rness Office on Main Helmets. Town Hall. apposite HENSALL Phone 116. BUTCI-11JR "-' " nrichS' Popular 'WIEST Mtn ET STRAYED. 'Unto my premises, Bronson Line. Hay Township, a dog half hound and half Collie. Owner can have same by paying expenses and calling at my place. Edmund Walper, Dashwood. ..:. , some time been quite ilia is showlr)' LOCAL Mr, R. F. Stade made a trip Toronto the middle of the week. A sitting of the Tenth Divis Court was held in the town hall Wednesday morning. 'There was much on the list and so the sess was soon over. Friends here of Mr. Jim Minato who has beenefor some weeks in t Goderich 'hospitals , with an injur spine, are pleased to learn that Mr. Casper Walper,Who has NOTICE In order• to co-operate with farmers Interested in the treatment or horses for Bats, I will supply and administer the necessary capsuls in groups of 25 or more horses at the rate of 35 cents per animal. For further in- formation phone Hensall 116. A. R. Campbell IT. S., B.V.Sc. Accredited Veterinarian, Hensall Ont. ANNUAL Insurance Meeting The Goth Annual Meeting of the Policyholders of The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich On MONDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1935 At Two o'clock, pen. BUSINESS: 1 yoan with. and Cur- ed very Choice of ��reshau'�ag-- ed Meats, Bolo a. -s' Ect., alWaY5 on hand. t fresh in Electric Refrigeration ,Highest Cash- Prices for 1 Hides and Skims Wool, SonYuDgblut& Let Us supe GARAGE W e ' have ' the Betl~ee *i k1iAi of Customers CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. 1i1GH R BATTERIES, MOaBILE OIL, MAR" I"IR 'r EI LIGE OIL, G.00I)Y'EAR TURES, GENUINE IGNITION- ��.},s, Holinsi•-�' rsr a•ettiaa<�n : ,iVa Done to Micrometer that trouess Work. Watch tale cars' STOP at WEIN'S, They are alt HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. eI Mechanical WQxk Receiving Reports of President, Sec- retary -Treasurer and Auditors. -Election of Directors and the Dis- cussion of other matters . in the in- terests of the Company. Reuben- A. Goetz, President.. Herbert K. Eilber, 'Secretary. TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders' will be received by the Council of the Township of Hay for the purchase of North Half of Lot 14, L.R.E., con., Township of Hay, .• containnrg 64- acres,..moxe or less. Tenders will be received up to ten o'clock, a.m., Thursday, Janu- ery 881st, 1935. Any tender not necessarily accepted. - For term apply to the undersigned. A. F. HESS, Clerk Township of Hay. Dated January 15th, 1935. signs of :recovery, for which his mss it friends are'. pleased to' :learn. Johnston has left the ,..hospital' ani is able to walk around the house The Card Party sponsored by t1i Altar Society of St. Boniface Chordee Zurich is being held in the Town )I ' this Thursday evening. when go prizes will be awarded. Everylao welcome; , QUITE ILL Mr. 3. A. Stewart, who. for many ears was one of Exeter's most pro- oinent business men, is again cou- nted to his bed and is in a very .crit- ical .condition: A few weeks ago Mx IStewart suffered a serious illness but ri 'he recovered and was able to be a- round again. He was taken 111 again !with heart trouble. His many friends 6 hope for his recovery. -Exeter Times .Advocate.• ECLIPSE OF SUN 4r PAGE Fflr •00*w/Wdlw011004000.0 p l,* o#t +I W9r ineOla1ia 0iaiiY*0004RA 0 • •• The nine and mild weather they beginning of the week has turned to real cold and snappy January hk' at the court hods' se, Goderich on Sat - jack frost weather, b _ 4t is mule . nrday last. Thee were 19 members '5 seasonable for this time the yep, of whom seven are resident in Goder- and this part of the world, r ich. After the transaction of routine We. regret to report • that Mid business and the receiving or reports A partial eclipse of the sun on Sunday morning, February 3rd, will c be visible from.Western Ontario, 2 provided weather conditions are right o and will be the only eclipse of the sun which North American residents will -be able to see throughout 1935. w The, eclipse will take place during; the ,morning, with its height reached about 11.16 o'clock. At its greatest magnitude a little less than '75 per cent. of the sun's surface will be shi- elded by the moon. HURON LAW ASSOCIATION The Huron} Law Association held its: annual mdeting in the law library oe fa ft Jessie E. MacDonald, teacher of, room III, Zurich School,'is under the doctor's care and was taken to Vie toria Hospital, London, on_Wednes- day where she will take treatments; Mrs. George Deichert of town fig taking charge of Miss MacDonaldia work at the school. We are hopi for a rapid recovery of the patient'{ oN"I'ARt° DASHW®OI3 - INSURANCE _ astern Farmers Mutual leatler lnsurance� o, OF WOODSTOC 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 'JAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF ,THIS KIND IN ONTARIO /Mount of Insurance 1'ttR i k- n Dec.. Slst, 1932, $7 'T'otal Cash in Bank and' Bonds • $221,978.99, "Bates -$4.50 per $1,0004or g Year.; E. F. Kl,R,pp_Zt1Tich Meat, Also Dealer inLidk.ininri Rods an all, kinds el Fire Insurance PRODUCE .Liveq Poultry HATED 'Taken every Day till '3' o'clock pr.in. Do not feed Fowl same morning when brought in HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CR.EAM AND EGGS Wrr.O'Brien I ane 1.QIL, um. 944 llli;itir.I, FARM LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed Tenderswill be received by the undersigned to February 16th next, for the purchase of the follow- ing farm lands viz: The NIA of the NIA of Lot 20 L. R. W., Township of Stanley, containing approximately sixteen acres, on which is situate a storey and a half frame house, all subject to. existing leases.. Terms --$100.00 cash an accept- ance of tender, balance within fifteen '(15) days from date thereof. Any tender not necessarily accept- ed. ARTHUR GELINAS, Executor Estate Rose Durand Zurich, Ont. WANTE 1 can take on a limited number cattle for, winter .feeding; Apply Charles Rau, .It R. 2, Zurich. Thank You! In renewing his subscription to th Herald, Mr, Fred Leibold of Strai ford says: "I am always glad to rea your paper when it comes r,o th house, and we are all well hopink this will find you the same," NEW WARDEN At the January meeting of the Huron County Council the first' on the progam on Tuesday afternoon. was the election of a Warden which. lot fell to Mr. William Il. Sweitzer Reeve of Stephen Township, and so the south end of the county shoula!• be well taken care of with a man of such outstanding ability as Mr. Sweitzer as Warden of the county. W. M. S. MEETS At the monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of S!-; Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church on Monday eve. Mrs. E. Tuerkheisi ably presented the topic. "Our Jap anese_Church." ..Astictad.,hy .Mrs Deters, Mrs. 'L i albfleisch," Mrs. L Prang, read -a -poem. Thankful. ul. Lit- tle Dolores Knopp sang in her usual pleasing manner, "I'm the Child of a Ding." An interesting letter wa.: read by Miss Inez Yun^;:I•ut from her prayer partner, Miss Elvirr Struck, A missionary in China. of to PRODUCE WANTED 1,0_..00.....__ '. W'e are in a position to ta'ke.Cream uaierl Eggs at my home at Zurich, for ,which we wilt pay highest market ;prices. We w. , grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay according to grading. (ive us a Triall First house south of Dominion Hotel mos' - n. ti , PhoneAl6,. Zurich, Out. LICENSED AUCTIONEER .For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duet any .Auction Sale, regardless °as to Size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if tot satisfied will :nal no charges for Services Ren- lored. "*r' WEBlii.R--Dashwood 5;. Phone 1' the following executive was elected for 1935: Hon. president, Judge T. M. Costello ; Hon. vice-pres., R. C. Hays, K.C.; president, L. E. Danrev; seey-treas., R. C. Hays, Jr; librarian D. R. Nairn. • SEEK CHANGE: IN LAW Threshermen of Ontario, in con- vention at London last week are con- sidering to seek to have the Mechan- ics' Lien Law and the Master's and Servants' Act amended to suit their purpose in collecting for threshing. This was evident at the annual con- vention of the Ontario Brotherhood of Th.reshermen. In the neighbor- hood of 100 threshers from all parts of Western Ontario were at the con- vention. R. J. Scott, president of the United Farmers of Ontario, was the guest speaker at the banquet in the Hotel London. Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture was unable to be there. The officers of the organization are: W. B. Eller of Hensall, president; J. Cushman, of London secretary; Geo. W. Hun:ex Hiager "ill a let vi,..;, and H. T 4sle', or Kingsville, 2nd vice. In Police: Court. OFF TO BETTER ROAD • Prospects for a better raod from Hensall to Zurich and on to the lake were never as good as just at pres- ent. Recently members of the Hay. council and the Zurich Police Trus- tee Board met members of the Heti- sail Chamber of Commerce at Hen. sail to discuss the platter of having the Provincial Highway Department take over the this part of counts road as a connecting link between Highway No. 4 and the Blue Water Highway. The outcome of this meet- ing was that a committc was appoin ted to interview the Minister of Highways at Toronto, and the date and time for this interview was ar- ranged for Wednesday afternoon, January 23rd, at three o'clock ane' the personell appointed for this in- terview were for Hensall, Mr. Jamer Bouthron, Hay Township, Mr. Geor- ge eorge Armstrong, and for Zurich, Mr. R F. • Stade. Accompanying this del- egation who were introduced by the local M.L.A., Mr. Janes Ballantyne was a petition signed by aproximat- ely '700 people of the community who are in favor of having this road 'taken over by the Provnice. • We have for some years been advocating a better class of road from Zurich to Hensall, and we trust that this will materialize in the near future. As stated before that through Zurich is the closest point foraconnecting link between these two highways, and Feb. 22 . Maple Leafs vs Bruins. it would 'be a short cut from Strat= , maroons vs Blk. Hawks. ford, Mitchell and n'orthe> "pai;ts to Grand Ben& and it would also be used extensively from London to'. Bayfield and other resorts along the line. The road is at present graded up to standard, and • most of the bridges are in good condition fox such an improved load. Hundreds of peopte of the enti (unity are an- xious to gee this road go through, as it would not alone serve in the sum- mer":months but in the fail salient the Meavy grain and produce traffic goes through to Hensall, it wourd be a great convenience. So. the best we can do is to wait and see develop- • cents, and in the mean time let's boost for this better road. Messrs. Theodore, Edward, Ferd. 'rid Jacob Ilaberer, Mr. Jacob Deich- ert and Mr. E. P. Klopp attended the; leekeepers Convention at Toronto` 'intently e Only two cases occupied the tin:_ of Mag. 3. A. Makin's court on Jan. 10th at Goderich. Thos Welsh, the man who was convicted on the evi- dence of two small boys of having robbed the till in a Chinese restur ant at Seaforth on Dec. 19th wa: seeteenoocl'-to three' esessatlxs`m eai)- . . ter an hour's preliminary hearing, G F. Davidson, Brussels hardware mer- chant, was committed for trial on ' charge of perjury. The offence a. alleged to have been committed o" Dec. 14, in Judge Costello'.s County Court, When testifying in a civil ac tion in which he was plaintiff, and the Walter Rose Poultry Farm o.` Brussels, defendant. Davidson's act ion was dismissed in County Court but the decision was reversed by the Court of Appeal. Robert Johnston County. Court Clerk, and Miss Olive Schoenhals, Deputy Court Reporter testified as to the official records an: produced as exhibits the sworn testi- inony of accused. He allegedly told the court on that occasion that the indebtedness to himself or one Pier- son; a bankrupt, was $25 to $30 whereas it has since been disclose(' that it was over $800. The Crowr charges Davidson knew his evidence to be false. Bail for $1000 was sup plied. - Your Winter's Fuel Cold Days are here again, and provision must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the home warm and cosy. We • can supply practically all the calledfor grades of Coal and Coke with prices very moderate... `Let - us fill your Bin! STOCK FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, and Laying Mashes. None Better on the Markets To -Day! • .Ini-p1emeutt Repairs McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. -`-�*f.•8e aaaA:a Cpavi uaggaat eracS a costenteauseitsgeallibeMena 1 r 1 $ 1 HOCKEY NEWS Jan, 11 -Black Hawks vs Maroons. Bruins vs Maple Leafs. Jan. 16 -Maroons vs Maple Leafs. Black Hawks vs Bruins. Jan. 21 -Maple Leafs vs Blk. Hawks Bruins vs Maroons. Jan. 25 -Maple Leafs vs Bruins. Maroons vs Black Hawks. Jan. 30 -Maple Leafs vs Maroons. Bruins vs Black Hawks. Feb, 4-Blk. Hawks vs Maple Leafs Maroons vs Bruins. Feb. 8-Blk:' Hawks vs Maroons Bruins vs Maple Leafs. Feb. 18 -Maroons vs Maple Leafs. Black Hawks vs Bruins. Feb. 18 -Maple Leafs vs Bik Hawks Bruins vs Maroons. aro nra no ete yr 'an az Re i i eyed / Young children easily catch cold. Bo Mrs. Mussel Ward, of Hilton Beaoh,-Ont., wisely says: "If I notice that there is any sign of a cold I give Baby's Own Tablets and find they are a great help." Thousands of mothers do the same not only for colds but for.fretful- ness, indigestion, constipation, teething troubles, (olio, upset stomach and so on. Baby's Own Tablets are see and sure in reliev- ing childhood's comrade ailments. Price 25e. Dr;Williams' 13G LP. wammhpmmvamiimmmthAvivmvaival Aurich trug .Store �. S plies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. aha•„ +alosseceeaseeee;,4800aoe,b® See Our Supply of Toilet Prep ant -ion S Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes,. and'-' rushes. gter 000a* aa900CpCpaetsrBQDaa [C A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Drs MIRRARA WW1; RAW?, MMP PAMM 3 s air Mg Agtv_, •9A?P0.00O06d4P ZURI[H HERALDS Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper for one Year: Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star 6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and. Dairy $2.75 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years $3.00 Canadian Countryman . $2.25 Weekly Witness $3. 1 5 Ma azirc $2.5 Farmers.' x,22.75 5. OSeaforth, Huron Expositor $ ` .1 Stratford Beacon Herald Border Cities' Star, Windsor $6.10 0 6.10 -Kitchener Daily R.ecord.. • Aid w great many more that WO cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada crud the United States, and can save you money, en the, most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich 4 •• ra • 0 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e • 4044441.40.044044404.4f elealinesea eneene40^ ,wast, 4444di0444)