HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-01-24, Page 3a • • = g • g , M g 'Vol. XXXV 40.29- • t4 ZURICHTHURSDAY MO Patronize the home Do Yoii Need Glasses? Stop and. Think how important it is, that you wear correct glasses -cor- rectly prescribed for your vision. Correctly styled ter your face. Your health may largely depend on keen, vision. See C. E. ZURBRIGG, R. 0. At HESS JEWELERY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICH .At Dashwood, Sada at Pfile's Store. ST. PETER'S :Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ON -E. "A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World."' -Wriday, 8h -Luther League. .Saturday --Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. ni.---German Seaniice. 11.15 a.n-Sunday School.. 7.30 service. 'Everybody Welcome to all Services.1 E. TUERKLIEBIT,, Poston-. JAN. 31st, 'GIVEN TO MOTORISTS ..The department of highways has requeited police to refrain from lay - bag charges against those, opera,ting on 1935 .ficenses iiutil January 'elst, Hon. T. B. McQuestexi, Ontario min- ister of highways stated. The Min- ister said the earlier notice warning motorists their 1934 licenses had ex- pired has not brought an entirely satis:Eactory response. He asked pol- ice to warn motorists of the neces-: sity of renewing immediately, their old licenses. BABY IN NEW HOME Now that legal proceedings have been completed in the juvenile Court at Goderich, a splendid home has been found by Reeve Davidson, for the little Wingham Babe known as "Miss Huron", who was adopted by the County of Huron and Wingham, who jointly share the cost of her ro.abateiaance. This baby, two years old, was very much under weight and undernourished when it was placed in the Hospital, but has gained. from •6 pounds to 16 pounds. EAT MORE BREAD " Campaign Cu Foot In Canada we have our "Fish We- ek'', "Cheese Week" and otaer kind , of "Days" and "Weeks'.. Now a movement is on foot to get the peo- ple of the United Kingdom to •eat' iiiiiM111111111111111111111111111111111114111111 11111110111111111 11111111 llffill111111MMIIIIIMIN MO JANUARY 24, ( 935. ere ..,,..4011 000' Chester L. Smith, Pub/Ozer $1.25 a year, U.S. $L5 nAktreancerd 01.60 IN ARREAR8,42 XAY zOiLfatelitilk and read the Ioca Woe Repairi r wish to advise the Public am hi a position to do 'all Idnde shoe repairing, and solicit you4 ronage. Give us a trial for workmanship. GARFIELD BROWN Zurich 7-- Ont. -47_47/45Y, • t, /7. • NEW! SMART Low Priced 15 Jewel Watch for Men more bread. A five year campai about to get under way with thi jest in view. The millers and )1.4e, ers are said to be joining forcdt* endeavor to put the scheme ac see': If successful, it should mean ge 6r imports of Canadian wheat. ' Jr• 1 SOMETHING NEW 1 In some respects the Toronto naji- cipal election campaign afforded t amusing spectacle to people resi outside that city. For the first in memory, hey saw the Globe the Mail and Empire , fighting sid side for the same candidate, ble en with the assistance of the Te ram, they were unable to elect to the mayor's chair. Oddly enong too, they saw the Toronto Star, ou standing example in Canadian jou!, nalism of be success of private di° terprise, supporting a candidate o the C.C.F. party which aims to so cialize industry, -Ex. 8' Miss Helen Thiel has taken a pos- ition at Hensall. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon motored to London on Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Swan of Brucefield, was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. Erwin Schilbe of town. Mrs. Jane Guenther of Dashwood, visited with her sister, Mrs. L. Gei- ger the past week. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and family of Forest, were Sunday vis- itors at the home of her father, Mr, Wm, Lamont. 114 Messrs. Lorne and Lloyd Cook .,and Mr. Edward Brenner of Kitch- ener, were week -end visitors at the elthome of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner, Judge T. M. Costello of Goderich, was in town on Wednesday and pre- sided at the sitting of the Division ourt. 1 11111111111111111111111111M101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E1011 1 1. 11' ge.rt,1 qtr IN ORDER TO 'REDUCE, OUR STOCK BEFORE OUR ANNUAL STOCK TAKiNG, WE ARE 'OFFERING AIL OUR HEAVY UNDERWEAR, SWE- ATERS„ HOSIERY, *ETC., AT PRICES THAT WILL SELL THEM IN A BURRY OUR DRY GOODS ROW ON SALE WILL BE SOLD AT SALE PRICES UNTIL SOF 31) OUT. BUT HERE WE HAVE munzeczer..ezeeteweennmeezezame GROC7RIES Oxycloi, large pkg. Fry's or Neilson's Cocoa, Half -Ile tin, 49r Golden Bantam, ct orn„ 2 tiu. as for Maple. leaf Sock Eye al - mon felb., 35c Royai Yorle Tea %IL 28C Chaice -quality tomatoes, large tine 2. far 19c Peas No. 3s,, 2 tins _23c Macroa, 2 I --Ile Dates, 3 lba, for -25c Raisins,, l'Arge with Seeds,, 2 lbs. - 1 c Men's 'Work Slats Reg. 1.25 at 97c Reg. ..O� a79c Reg. 75c at 59c *These are not a The spec- ials we have. There are a lot more not mentioned. II 1111 • ,i!, .1.t•r‘lt, A FEW NEW SPECIALS IN GROCERIES: 04,0,tit0404*09,Z 40t.t. flannelette Blankets Grey only, largest size. You -will have to be here on time 'if you -want one of these. 'Sale Price pr. $1.97 All wool ,checked and -plain while :blankets, Bale Pik $7.25 • 0.4.0mitammescalenasmomar..4044•044axemerermomessr...ortran0,w0•4-rt a 1 Wornen's I -lose Silk .and -wool and all wool 49c Pair. ChildrereSII -wool Hose, "Sale 39c and 49c Pr. Men'sAR Wool 'Underwear Conibinations t .,....... $1.95 Two Piece, per Garment I.19. Men's Fleece 'Lked Underwear Sinationc at 5 0 • • _wo ace Fleece ex mt. 59c *44 •94'.7 AMM -•:2631`""4.1.. Art Sateen For Com- forters Reg. 50c at yd. ..... ..35c Reg. 35c at yd. 29c, Chintz at yd. 1 9c White and Striped Flannel- ette Reg. 25-30 yd. Sale ,...19c 00044201.10,1014,11161.•1811..• " • Loudasac Dress Flannelette Sale at per yd. 23c Ladies' and Children's Underwear Ladies Bloomers and Vests Reg up to ?Sc, Sale at 49c Silk Vests.andBloomers Reg. 75c at 59c .0..01,13.6.0012MalebnIatimat.;;O:=1=0:111.011auttelleCtoralvansW Frilled Curtain Ne Sale price...e!,... , I5c Plain eurtain Net,, Reg, up to 30c yd. at ...18c New .Print, New Pattens, Reg up to 30c yd. Sale at 19c, eiekee"lellegeeeZeilee7,17.taee7.1`11t,.=!."7.eeteeeeeee-e7e 7.! 7.• ^7- The Zurich . Agricultural Society held their annual meeting in the Town Hall on Monday with a fairly well attended meeting. The treasurer, Mr. E. F. Klopp gave a very good report of the past year's activities, as the Society has the snug balance on hand of around $350, which will give them a good start for the year 1935. All the officers of the past year werere- lected, and the Society is anticipat DZtthfe:rgeiytTer Grand Carnival at the Zurich Rink on Thursday ev- ening, January 24th, when liberal prizes will be awarded for the var- ious cottinnes, Following the Carni- val a Maccosin Dance will be held. Good music will be provided, and the public are invited to attend this big evening in Zurich on the local rink. On Monday evening January 28th a • A $9.95 $9.95 dependable Time Keeper At a Low Price. Beautiful Cased With Bracelet to Match! er BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea Genuine Semet Solvay Cake MILLERS CREEK and Rosedale Alberta Pocahontas Briquets A new Domestic Fuel for every par - Met, Intense Heat, very littlo PISATIP or Ash. W. R. DAV SON Hes The laweliericAsH paid for Eggssis. (311 a Phone 74 Zurich Phone 10 B a Graded alaelTSALTZ 40 4. 4. • 4.4. • • 4. 4*, • hockey tournament will be stagedl when the following teams will par --1 ticipate: Grand Bend, Crediton Henna and Zurich, A prize will be Igiven to the fifinal vrianing team. Be sure and come out for some real hockey on Monday night, HYMENIAL Double Wedding- . A. quiet but pretty double wedding was splemnized at the Lutheran par- sonage, London, on Thursday Janu- ary 17th at 3 o'clock, p.m. when Rev. C. Killinger of that city offi- ciated at the wedding of Miss VerTyn Thiel, eldest daughter of Mr. and wellare Thiel of Zurich, was united in weddlock to Mr. Raymond Pieher, son of Mr. and Mrs: Oswald Fisher also of Zurich. The other contracting parties were, Miss Elda Stephen, daughter of Mrs. Mary Stephan and the late John Stephan, was united in marriage to Mr. Leon- ard Wagner, son of Mr. andMrs. William Wagner of Zurich. After dam, the eeremony the two bridal couples returned 'to Zurich to the home o Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thiel where a lovely wedding dinner was. served. Schwalm-Mcenie 4,414 *4' Ot.O4*4144 (*O. 044,0 ii••On, OA, 0.0 0.44,41,44444.4eeto ON ALL WINTER OVERCOATS UNDERWEAR SWEATERS, ETC. ..4.4.14*4*.m.rn,440.144,04.414.20.4C....c.40"...,44.4.4444. MEN'S ALL LEATHER COATS Yr %.4.- e $5.50 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAI. DIRECTORS 4,4eeiNeeeeee *tt•rpttra.',D ,01104104e0V1•3I•ti,II0 trtt.4,.434*.40.4.tve., . 1041.111..41•144..4*440.44.144.1",. The parsonage of the Evangelical utheran Church of Zurich, was the ene of a -quiet but pretty wedding on Saturday January nth, when Re. E. Tuerkheim united in the bonds of holy matrimony Lawrene Eima,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter 'Schwalm of Zurich arid Mr.! llobert Johne, son of M. and Mr. William McKenzie of Kippen. The bride looked charming in 11. dress of green pebble crepe with matching b,ccesories. She was attended by Miss Marguerite McKenzie, sister of the groom, who wore a frock of • Nitte crepe with accessories to match. The groom was otten 1•, tata&CMV.am l_argains! •4, "t• ar 1401i1t. ?Kt, 41 ai We are Offering Our Customer, GENUINE BARGAINS IN THE FOLLOWNG GOODS: Wool Bankets, Flannelette Blankets, Woo t and Fleeced Underws.r, Prnts, Broadcloths, Gingha:Ts and Fbewelettes. Girl's and Cha r ¼ ers and Sweater Cats. ks and Stockings, Sweakere bikers, Overshoes,, ETC., ETC. rwas The bri erly 'beautiful. gifts whcih J1CIe 110 esteem in whith they are hed. 1.,Their many friends extend to them 11 best wiebes for a, happy and posper- i 451,H rea,rried life. tikgggi AL1 1,f411¼ 1113 _ uri A' cr...tot GE filME"i'OH4IIT HONE 17 - 97 eee elleitarateel'eCe=rtreMill=r1.11014. e • 10, tttt OM Crgt.fnmtm,