HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-01-24, Page 2AGE ETGH'" THE STORE WITH THE STOCK "Winter ING SALE THIS CLEARING SALE IS AN ANNUAL EVENT WITH US, • AND OUR CUSTOMERS KNOW From PasttExperience that this is a Genuine Money Saving Event, and very interesting now in view of Advancing Prices of all Materials pening: Fri ay, Jan 18th Closing: Saturday Feb 2nd We sell Quality Goods only! Come Early! Come Often! Space will not let us enumerate any of the Many Barg- ains we have to Offer. Be sure and Read Our Large Posters. And better still Come and See for yourself. SC PRODUCE WANTED 11111111 1 II 111111 111 ill I Ilflf111111I111f11 MI ID 1I1111111111►llllln 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 11 111111111111111111111111110 1►►lll)f11111 illl►11111(i VIiIT_ YOUR SURPLUS FUNDS CAN BE SAFELY AND CONVENIENTLY ' INVESTED In Huron & Erie Debentures 1 4M% Per A nu Payable Half Yearly CANADA TRUST MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES Now Earn z 20 Per Annum Payable Half Yearly Any sum over $100,00 may be invested from 1 to 5 ears. $L 1 Y TO -SERVICE AND SAFETY MADEYOURWILL? Andrew F. Hess, Zuric MY MOT Have You IIDIIIIIIIIUIIIIPIi !illlljlllllUlll NEW grocery Store As The Year Once Moo Laws to a a Close and the 'Season; of-I.:loud WISHES is upon us,.. We Take is Opportunity .M ,� of Saying to Our isy Friends: Happy Ne Year AND MAY 1935. 11:. G YOU HAPPINESS AND °ROSEERITY en o Oesch EGGS WANTED. II Zurich Phone 165 IIIII111IIIlll111►IIUI►1111111111111111111111II►Ilillllll►11 II�illli11111111111111I11.1I1I1Ilil1111 ' 11111►II1111►f11IIl1I11111111111Iii11II111111I111IHIIIl1111111111111111111l[i,., ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Harold Klopp of Detroit, was a week -end visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp. Mrs. Amelia Fuss, who spent sev- eral weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Swartz, at Detroit, has returned home, and reports having had a most enjoyable time in the big city of Detroit. . COURT SITTINGS Dates for the spring sittings of the t1 Eggs, , 25 Butte + lb. creamery 23 Bu• ib. dairy . 23 Whets bash Barre ;.,OCAL MARKETS rrected every Wednesdag)_ Bu ,,; beat, bussb. Short{ ton . • � En , 'Flour,{ . cwt. thre Potats Cbid 50 26:00 25.00 ..__ 2:25 3.00 ogs, - - e.av s per bag 35c s lb. live 12-8 1.6-10 • 12c 11. '1.7-11 'Supreme Court of Ontario in God- °DuckIA& ss, dressed lb ... _ !bucksidressed lb ,Geese<'dresed lb. Turkes, ib. dressed ,erich are announced' as follows: 'Waith jury, February 26, before Mr. Just- ice Hope; non -jury, May 7, before Mr. Justice Makins. . NO CHARGE LAID Lot L.R.E. con., Ha¢r„ owned by Goderich--It was intimated. in om- Tow -4.1 dip under Tax Deed. Tenders tial circles that no ,charge would be to b .n -t-T1 a the the forenoon. of Manu- , -hands of the Clerk ty laid against A. W. Grieves, London,) „1135 driver of the auto iii which' John E. 71 y' -law No' 1-1935 providing Booth, Windsor, was killed when it for aenditures oxo Township. was struck by a train DecRoads ofc' to the amount of 8 last, t,, year 1935. it was pointed out that the coroner's e read three times and • jury had returned a verdict of acci- $6all'00 "; .00 passed. be dental death, and that the evidence had shown that Grieve's vision of the Thr t the Clerk subscribe for nine approaching train was partially ob- copie", of The Municipal World for soured by a large barn near the 'eros-• Reev ', Councillors,' Clerk, Road Sup - sing. r ..• . erin 4.dent, Assessor and Tax Collec tox ThAt the, Reeve and Clerk be auth- oiizea to sign and subinit to the Min is;,er. ,' of Highways,. the petition of the '';`-ownship. • . of . Hay, showing that d,.,• g the year 1934 there has been e oeAided + "`4n Township Roads the si n Of $6641.54 and requesting the si tupory+- grant on that amount ac- cc rdizng to the Ontario Highway Act a ! ' itmendments thereto. of the That the annual meeting s ,:iceberg of the Hay Municipal Tel e lone System .be held on Thursday, jannary.31st 19,35, in the Town Hall Zurich, at two o'clock in the after - The following be appointed officials 3200P. of the Township for the year 1935: That the Reeve interview the mem- Clerk and Treasurer, A. F. Hess; le°s of the Huron County Council to Assessor, Wm. H. Edigho'ffer; Audit- ascertain whether the County _would ors, G. Deichert and Jacob Haberer; be willing to contribute_ a portion of Caretaker of hall, John Albrecht; the cost of transportation of an in Member of Board of Health, C. C. digent fsTniiy wha are desirious to Schilbe; Sanitary Inspectors, Western go ,Maack to Scotland _their former Division, J. Block; Eastern Division hoimie. B. C. Edwards; Schoot Attendance That the Council of Hay petition Officers, Western Division Fred Du- they Council of Huron to repeal by charme; Eastern Division W. R. Don lawi.N'o. 18-1929, entitled "A by-law gall, and that a by-law be prepared of the Municipal Council of the Co - for passing at the next Council meet unthpf Huron granting to the Town- ing, confirming same. ship of-ay•the sante powers granted That the salaries to be paid to Tp. by Sec .195, R.S,O. 1827, Chap 238, Officials for the year 1935 be fixed to 'Cities and tbwns re arrears of tax= as follows: Clerk and Treasurer, es": and place the powers granted $360.00; for Tp, $20110"for Tp..under said by-law in the hands of the Roads; $350.00 for Telephone; As- 'Treasur.er of the County of Huron, sessor $100.00; Caretaker $40.00 as Provided by the' Assessment Act and extra for care of transients; in that behalf. Auditors $6.00 for Tp. and $2 for The following accounts be passed: Telephone; Weed Inspector 35 cents Telephone -Bell Co. tolls Nov. 20 per hour including transportation; to Dec. 21st 78.49; Northern Electric Board of Health $1.00 per meeting; •Go.1 Supplies 225.71; Zurich Central Selecting Jurors, Clerk $5.00; Reeve switching 4 weeks 68.00; P. Mcisaac and Assessor $2.00 each; Sanitary sal*" 3 months 500..00; E. R. iGu'enr Inspector 50c for placing and remov- thei, cartage .50; H. G. Hess,' -labor. ing cards in country and 45 Cents in ete, 58.05; ' . General: Accounts;-- Zurich, and 1Oc. per mile one way; Thiol, acct re indigent 8.2(14 Qnt: 50c. for disenfecting house; $2 for Hospital acct 3 months -indigent $39 insnecting Zurich: $1.00 for Blake L.;lychilbe & Son, coke for hall 35.37 and $1.50 for Dashwood ants iOc per D, 'Gestettner Co. supplies 5.88;.T.E. mile one way. Drtirnrlednd acct indigent 15.63; Ern - That the following be apoint'ed as pk ers Assurance Co. bond re treas. Pound Keepers, for the Tp. A. In- „ircr 4.0.00; Gladman & Stanbury, ac-. gram, W. Alexander, S. Scliroe£ler,O. Greb, W. J. Johnston, S. Hof]man,G. Beaker, D. Swantzentruber, 1I. loom «•e - F Turnbull and 1+. Denotnmc'. HAY COUNCIL ; The first session of the Council of the Township of. Hay .for the year 1935 was held in the Town Hurl, Zurich, on January 14th 1935, ac- cording to the Municipal Act. The following subscribed to the Declarat- ion. of Office: Reeve -Alfred Melick; Councillors: Geo. Armstrong, Wm. Haugh, Max Turnbull and Edmund Walper. The Council then became organized for the year. After dispos- ing of numerous communications.the following resolutions were passed: eseet)se irk ceeee koe@e oemaftirmeaaraec:l e 1 HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE cep` go 1 COAL and COKE I • e i LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW FOR i SUPPLY OF COAL AN J COKE WHILE - YOUR I PRICES ARE LOWESTo ' e s PAINTS! i I co to PAINTS! 4k:, We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, a Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax a e os ' ' Lock. Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing a Frost T1gt . Supplies and Posts. , 3 ' io* Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and . Tubes 2 in all sizes e w I W H1TE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO I. , Furniture, Springs and Beds: Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- S ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- oe ware always in stock. ria 4r1 '°GR n a (n..r n y 1. ZURICH _ UALITY -- PRICE il'QQ.)01100°0 =a"f"a d.r''u2042 ONT. SERVICE 4 4 •• #(4444,444,440#4. Har ThurGslay, Nat1U ter 1..4'4, 1.936 4,444 4+44+41 44 4- .Jv�i •F >ti YOUR 4/„. ware and urooture 1' 4 4 STORE 4, Die op THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD ' NEW FENCES ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY , YOU WITH THE EST OF WOVEN WIRE, 46' ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT t NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE - TROUGHING SPECIALS! SPECIALS! t Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon t Special Stove Oil, at per gallon USED FURNITURE Two Good Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; $ Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. 4.4* Jo We also have Furniture. See 28e' I3 44, some very Attractive Prices in Our New Beds, Springs and Mattresses. +► BE SURE AND SEF. 'THEM! nston Kalbfleisch Hardare & Furniture. Phone 63 4 4, 4, 4. 4. 4, 8 4, 4, +4E•I4+Hi•+•i•++1..4+.l 1, 4744•'44+++1. +.§-1^.3•÷4.÷-1•44+++++. 4,4,4.44,4.40 ']!11111111!11111311111'.i'IIIAH�.kI!;it)NLNNkll.U!!111110111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111111111M 11111111111!111111111NlNItlNVNIll111E111111112,11111111N11111111NiiIN1111111111111101131MN111111111111111NItl1111111111N1181111r THESE PRICES subject to change • Painting Wagon Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerimrning Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar By ,Reach Buggy Spokes each $7.00 and 10.00 = 6.00 and 10.00 - 16.00 and 18.00 12o00 3.00 . 1.00 1.25 25c 11E88, the Repair 1111 Ua ll!{ENIMNI11iIIN11111N8 "fN'fli IRI1111E1101..11 M10-1:E111N11N111111 pG d11111ilIE' 1111i111111111111111111N1111161N 1111NIIIN11111111Fn to+4444 14•k•II••F••d••F3•+4.d..¢..¢.0:44.E•&•+4 -4-i, ,.f..8. +..244..1. •++•jr•7••f••!•++44* I N .. u.' : Z. ,. a. 4 THE WINTER SEASON t Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo-- f bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with- a good Anti -Freeze?.. Run in your car and let us do this very 4 Important thing Right Now! t G count 4.00; Jr. C. Salmon, cartage cote 2.25; Treas. Huron County, ac count re indigent 2.60; Municipal World supplies 14.83; Twn. Clo,r1, And the following Sheep valuators, ndliiinaton expenses 10,00; Twp. Cl" Billie Parke, Fred Ilaberrr and T{". 1rg. Wirths, Deaths ;-url Harm's 23.1' Reding. And the following Fence H G: Hess, . lamps town hall 5. It viewers: D. Dignan, A. Pfaff, 3. Eck- Biinthott & Drysdale acct 1.n3; 'J stein, and Mbf4rt Hendrick, and that Troch, re transients 8.60; Sick Child i by-law be prepared ,for passing at stn's Hospital grant 5.00: ;. Si next Council meeting confirming the 1'i'hat the Council adjourn to me .» l rain on 'T'hursday, January 31st; ' same. Io That the Clerk advertise for Ten- +•t one O'clock in thn afternoon. , fa QD iR6 dors for salve of :the `64 .acres, part .A, F. Hess, Clark. i Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand - in Iarge and small quantities. Let us filly your barrels or .�r. Containers. t Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very 1. 4. . 4. 4. 4. ReasonaIbe Mousseau Zurich 4, 14 4 4444.114 4. -a -t ++ E+x••6,.6..6.,16.1^^i•+•E4+ 41.114411,+$+•44034+ S + S••A46••Q 4.62444+'d�iFa ''a„ r�?!• '!°�P+di^^F�..,,,,,,... H� +ti�dlv...°s".... T rSaHb4$^+J(°52'Vkdk�,"ap„, t.•fi•N••9.,+'V'Wt.„ .J1L A r! .5. i. I .. a . t •1�.t. 4, 4° 4W * 41. a�. You now? '"T at I e. ,ft a esman 1 '1 am the ierald ofSuccess for all men, Merchants;; 4z'' , ' . :... Manufacturers, Etc. .�", ; I go forth to tell the World the message of service .t an4 Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when I speak! 4 For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have ° gathered untold .millions into their Coffers. I corninand the ,legeons of fashion, mould the styles 1,4 and lead the World whithersoever 1 go! I sow Melds for you. to reap a Golden Harvest! : I :www Maeater Salesman ; at Your Service, and rayi 'R"i Name is: ADVETIEs r�tiyl Ar.:fa.,+4+y,`iyt.'j'•'rj•or,(ySy:N„wcx.';•wi •(yli','Rhi'4.'a`,'. tea; 4,441 C,•4 rO deo