Zurich Herald, 1935-01-17, Page 4xE. FOUR'.,, BLAKE 'Mr. and Mrs, Sam ditigtaritlh. a. ad Tangly, Mr. and Mrs, Amos. Gir,geee Itch and Jean were Sunday nesitors ;wall lin and Mrs. Petaz:' Gi'.igerieh. Mr, and Mrs. Chris, Sv artzenxa ub- :er and family, Mrs. J011'1 Gerber, we- re Sxnnday visitors antes Mr, and Mrs, Merino Steckle,;, Sr, M. and Mrs. &inos Gascho and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Peter eenneranan oP. Sunday. -Miss SL* Oesch of Hensall, spent the week -Vaal under the parental woof Minis 7.1Wargaret Douglas of Winth- , mop Pat the week -end under the pr telatal -root _« HILL5GREEN W,M.S,--The Wornan's Missionary Society held their d'anuary meeting at the home of Mrs. Robe, Stephen- son on Wednesday afternoon, Janu- ary 9, 1935 with Mrs, R. McAlliste.` presiding. The meeting opened with Hyman 681, Mrs. Stephenson led in prayer; Mrs. IL Turner read the ser- ipture lesson. The Secretary and Treasurer repeats were road and ad- opted. The 1b'ie5iness was thendiscus- sed. Byron 1.57, Mrs. R. Consitt then gave an item on "Thoughts for the New Year". Mrs. W. Turner, an item an "India" from 1934 to 1934. Vies •JVineette McAllister an item on "The Old Clay House" and Miss Hel- en .Anderson ora "The Cigarette". Hymn 409, . The meeting closed with the Lord's 'jra er. - es.Miss Mary Hagan returned to her duties in London after spend- ing a short 'tithe with her sister, Miss Dolly Hagan and brother Frank. Mrs: "Leine` EEiler and children re- turned 'to 'their home at Falconbridge after spending a short time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mrs. R: Love is visiting her son Ross and Mrs. Love. ,Mrs. Robt. Hopkins of Hinsdale, In is spending a few weeks with her par eats, Mr. and Mrs, J. Cochrane. 'We are sorry to report tzaat Mrs. ' J. Cochrane is under the Doctor's care. We wish her a speedy recov- ery. Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxtable of Cen- tralia visited the latter's mother, Mrs J. Love and family. Mrs. F. Farquhar of Hensall spent a few days with her parents. mess Kathleen Hey spent a fevd ` lest .with, Miss Beatrice Mnnsea on Ikea Goshen Line. • Mr. Albert Keys of Exeter 'c tea •snn friends in the village one day re - BLAKE W. M. SOCIETY M. S. of .Blake United 4ehureh met at the home of Mrs. R. 'N. Douglas for their monthly meet- ing on Wednesday, January 9th. 'The !meeting was opened by singing one verse of Holy, Holy, Holy, after nsbich the scripture lesson zeas read tby iMrs. Robt. McBride, Mrs. Wm. Carnie then led in player. Beatrice lallauscal then gave a. reading ,entitled "'Mutual Friends." The roll call and collection followed and the minutes .of the previous meeting were read send adopted. The annual treasurer's seeped was given by Mrs. Carnie af- ter -Which Mrs. Carnie gave an inter- -esting reading. The hymn "Jesus €f hies us Shine" was rung and Miss Alberta Finlay nave the topic and :mad en prayer. The hymn "Jesus Sa- tv3zs Pilot Me" was sung and the .Lord'. Prayer in unison. This brow gilt the meeting to a close and :a selaheny lunch was served. inty lunch Waes served, Messre, 17aenneth tnd Sheldon Wein and Ito/at. Hoperoft spent the weeke end in Toronto. The Ladies' Aid of the Llama' (Church held a quilting bee in thee.; basement of the church on Wednes day afternoon, taplSoredV Hensall Cham - Mr. and Mrs, Harry Smuggler and; i' u Mrs. J. Reschke arid son Bobbie o#;,, her of commerce and spent the week -end With M. Dasw o and Mrs. h o d C. E. Band Annual TOWN HALL, HENSAU,, The Christain Endeavour Band of Friday, January 18, 1935, DASHW OOD Mr. and Mrs. T. Hoperoft enter- tained a number of their friends to a euchre party on Thursday evening Prizes were awarded to Mrs. P. Mc - Isaac, Mrs. Hy. Zimmer, Geo. Morn- er and Wm. Stade, after which a da - E PROPE CARE OF YOUR. AUTOMOBI E Refinishing the Top al WM danger of neglecting the 23- closed car top was explained in tlhe previous article. All of this can be avoided by starting care of the top when the car is new. Then, that is necessary is to rub in a tittle high grade wax. dressing ,every -two or three months. The wax fitters out the ultra -violet rays of She sun and prevents weather- - en though this care is not inkali finish has lost its fihn °strength, -the top should be re -finished with a properly formulated top dressing, which renews the protection. It is unwise to apply top dressing Before the check marks appear. The Next: "Care of factory varnish is of a different type, and they expand and contract at different ratios. When one is applied over the other they pull against each other and are apt to cause rather than prevent weather ing. If the top ';as old and badly weathered it should first be brushed to remove loose particles of var- nish, and then cleaned . with gaso- line to remove all grease, dirt film is chalked pigment. • Ar ,#,,,. d" seargetruir esea a /AM... ]#'ecause weathering _ .proceed,§ rapidly when the `top is not pro- tected with wax, most automobile tops should be re -finished at least once a year. s Top Mouldings." Cut Your Fuel B II I HALF! d• •�F Y 4 ensee+e•seeete.esseisee •. 4.4-`}-1.4f.F$•+•1••fi,.,'•+•S•.1•.}.,F+,1.`i••F•A•i•+4 uy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. 8 -d- 8 3 PHONE 69 C. KAL FLRIS r - ZURICH s4'++.;++++++f+++•++++• 4”e74.43,-;+++..4.++++++++.,i,./„++++.0.1. WrA C1D'T T_TA'lea"i't�'cvA nzio NEWS 4- 4 - To Our Many Customers and Friends we wish to Greatly Thank them for the consideration they have accorded us, and we take this opportunity to Extend to One and All our most Hearty Seasn's r Lastic Distributors: 25,000 mile tires 30,000 mile tires retia 1 f° for ...... elan f . , or ..... .,.,... If you like to save money let us re -tire your car. e have a few used Tires cheap. Tot. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS 54. r : 5.45 i. '7,05 Res. 67 Auctioneering? e BET j' , t.''ae"yr,',.i",y.•eieee- -sea 'a.,iHaadr Jif'."' ,1efielealele ":.1,"nneasi.++P't4f4"P HENSALL A Three Act Comedy Farce "Silas Smidge from Turnip Ridge" Dashwood held their annual re -organs; ization recently in the hall over; Tieman's Furniture Store. The new ly elected officers are :—Condticc'toii Rev. W. S. Henrich; Asst., harry, Hoffman and Meuse -ice Kluxnppg Icon=` orary President, Mrs. T. Hlumpp;; President, Addison Tiernan; :ist Vice' Pres., Kenneth Wein;'2nd Vice Prem Mervyn Tiernan; Secy., Miss Gert;, A monster skating Carnival will be rude Hofltsaan; Treasurers Miss 1'layl + held in the Hensall rink sponsored lis Reid; Managing Co arnittae, . T by the Hensall Chamber of Cam- Klumpp, Wesley Wolfe, Sidney Ea ker, Win. Kleinstiver, Garnet Wild- coerce ,rink Committee- There will Fong. Rev. W. S. Henrich presidied Gi pirf a for LGents' s' fancy costumes eseas .arae,, Gents' Comic Boy's fox the election :of officers. At the' com- ic close a social hour was enjoyed after; o> also boy's race over 14 years. which hamburgers and coffe were Boys race under 14 and a Girl's served. •,�, race 16 and under. This is for a good The Sunday School of Dashwood cause and a large crowd is expected Evangelical Chitral held its s,nntl 1. as the rink is receiving good patron - re -organization and election of odic , age this year, ers recently with the pastor, W. S 6 Mrs, Fred Puller and daughter, Henrich presiding. The new offieez and Harold Mitchell of Wingham, :��a.�e: President, Ezra Bender~; I' vita are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl pres., A. E. Oestreicher; 2nd vice, ea''Druanmond. Hoffman; secy., Vernon Schatz, ae.a''i' Wflber,t •Levitt and Miss F. Casey secy., Albert Goetz; current treat u of London, were visitors with Mr. `er, Daniel Weber; Missionary ti ensc; and Mrs- G. M. Drysdale. urer, Maurice Klunipp; pianist, Mzs' Agnes Fairbairn is visiting with A E Oestreicher; 1 t R : her sister, Mrs. O'Brein, at Clinton. { Mrs. Wni. Sangster received word Henrich; orchestra director Maurice of the death in Scotland of her bra Kllrmpp. librarians, M. Tiesnan's clay : thea•, Robt. Sinclair. Div. Supt., Children's Dept., Mr ' ;Mary Hemphill, who spent the holi- Vernon Schatz; Young People's Ppi*,:, days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr's. A. E. Oestreicher; Adult Dept,. ; A.W.E. Hemphill, has returned to At 8 p.m. sharp. Admission: Adults 35c. Children 25 Seats reserved free et Hemphill's Drug Store. +-•a+ SKATING CARNIVAL Gertrude Hoffman; asst., painist, Ml E. c aoris er, ev. , G.Oestreicher; Cradle Roll, Mi` Pearl Kraft; Home Dept., Mrs..Ezr Bender; Sympathy and Relief, 1Vi:i. Marie Kraft; Missionary Committee , Mrs. Geo. Link cony; Miss I3JIft Martinson, A. E. Oestreicher, Egli Bender; Temperance Com., Lou Morenz cony., Mrs. A. E. Oestreiei er, J. M. Tieman, geo. Link. FolhW-, ing are the newly appointed teachers for the various classes: Excelsior; Albert Etherington, of Usborne, Rev. W. S. Henrich, asst. G. Oestro"- while delivering a load of horses in Hensall Saturday last, met with a had accident. He was unloading in front of Dr. Campbell's and after unloading one he passed by the end of the truck and grasped the tail of the horses; it kicked back at him, striking him in the face and cutting his face badly. He was taken into Dr. Campbell's residence in an uncon- scious condition and. Dr. Campbell rendered first aid, till Dr. Smillie arrived. He was later. taken to his home in Usborne and is in a serious .:•condition The Etherington _family eel to have., more. -than their share sad her hand caught rn a m gr der 'and' had to have 'one finger am- putated. Whitby Ladies' College. At the annual meeting of United Church Sunday School which was held, Mr. Harry Pfile was re-elected Supt. for the third year in succession The other officers and teachers were .all re-elected. Lorne Elder, sec-treas. gave his report. The S.S. is in a flour- ishing condition, both financially and in membership. cher; Soldiers of the Cross, L. Mo enz, D. Weber; Bethany Sisters, 1Vf s D. Tiernan, Mrs. W. England; ,Pail cess Pats, Ad. Tiernan, F. Jacvsori'; King's Daughters, Mrs. A. E. Oeste icher, Miss A. Robertson;, Star Clake A. E. Oestericher, Harry Haffma.4;, Jr. Girls. Miss R. Kleinstiver, •ia: S. Baker; Jr. Boys, M. Tiernan, Link; Primary, Mrs. -Vernon Sell Miss E. Martinson; Primary, airs Link, Miss G. Hoffman; Begin Mrs. C. Snell, Mies Anne Tierra 1 Mlvi-,EY WNS The Township council met at \ na o rikaaday for their -first ane .t in 1935 when "the following of ci were appointed. Clerk, Cline Pilgrim; Treasurer, Geo. Beatty; 1Is- sessor, John A. Arm;�trong; Assessdi•, (Bayfield) Jelin Parker; Collector, Win. Reid; Board of , Health, Dr. Shaw, Geo. Clark,' Ralph Stephenspn Weed Inspector, H. Penhale, F. Stets art; School -attendance officer, A.Mc- Connell; Caretaker of hall, Mrs. Stelae.; Auditors, Ale; . McEwen. 1 The death occurred on January:3, at his late residence on the second concession of Stanley, of John ;'B. Hyde, a resident of the community for the past 20 years;. having cease,. to Stanley from Stratford. The de- ceased was born in North Easthb'pe Tp., in 1871 and in. 1894 was united in marriage with Louise Herold ' of Shakespeare. He was a member°"of the Presbyterian Church and waq a life-long Liberal. There are left to mourn his loss, his widow, one dau- ghter, Mrs. B. Herdman, of Buffglo, N.Y., four sons John and Alea:'at home, Howard of Welland, and L u= rie r of Ridgeway, and three gra d - sons. Also two sisters, Mrs. C. e- ckekr of Shakespeare, ant airs: S. Hamilton of St. Thomas. Funeral services were held from :his late resi= dente on Saturday,- January 5, 1 lowed by services • in St. Andree , 's Church, . Shakespeare, interment' , e- ing made in the family • plot in '.St. Andrew's -Cemetery." The many h ,a-, utiful floral tributes bespoke of he high esteem in which the decea ed was held.. Rev. Chandler of Kip en conducted the services at both pia es Miss Eileen Talbot of the B Ile Water Highway returned home frbm a visit to London. Miss Margaret Lamont and lyliss Helen Bandy are attending Winter school at Stratford this week. 1Vliss Margaret Robinson spent; a -few days with her friend; airs. J. Scotchinere of the Blue Water Inch- way last; week. rs HENSALL Mrs, William Davis was broukht home from Scott Memorial Hospial; Seaforth Tuesday last, after taking treatments for several weeks. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church 'geld their first meting; of the year 'in Friday afternoon at the honkie ` of the president, Mrs. Bertha Belt, ''ht, realm' tico'°ch c'"wort o' tlir �• ' t; :ixn Church will be hr ld ; on; San, 25th - inursz,aaatra'ry Jar eannere her footing and fell throne+ `illae op- 1 easing, Fortunately hex, in'�ot , whu painful, are .not eonsica ,d $erioa7 New IVIot%r' ,erases The new nir' r licenses are now be- ing issued in Exeter and there Iran been a °cagy demand for same„• The letter on the new plates arre B.J,. 1�h'4 figures are black with orange arackground. Cleo, Grant is the nevi issuer of licenses and be has opened up au oklice in the Snell. block. Treasurer Retires The annual meeting of the Sea - forth Fire Brigade was held on Tn.- irnstaid apt on an angle, borne over esday Last when Fire .Mel' dim lex the, weigh of the bank, the car, McKenzie was re-elected for has I would have been damaged but slight -- third term. Geo. A. Sills, in his SQth year and a mein er of Seaforth Fire Brigade for 60 years, retired from the position of i:reasuereer which. lig has held for almost 40 years.;, his Successor is his son: k'rarrk Si3Ls» ]Fire At Barfielid. COUNTY NEWS George 'Allan, for over thirty ye- ars .C,P R. station agent at Wroxeter has retired after 43 , , years' service with the roiway. He will remain in Wroxeter. His: successor is Mr. Le - ,gate of. Peterborough., Friday evening, January 4th there was a large gathering at the Town Hall, Bayfield, when there was a mis- cellaneous shower given to Hr. and Mrs. William Orr, whose marriage took place' recently. Dancing was en- joyed and a generally good time had by all. Brussels New Post Office it is announced that the contract for the new'pdstoffice building at ;Brussels has been let to W. H. Rin- -toul of Wingham, and that work is to be commenced as soon as possible The' building is to cost $13,7(18,_ Last of Pea Straw The farmers in the Exeter district have been. busy for some weeks dra- wing away the pea straw from, the Exeter Canning Factory and last we- 1 iek it., had all dissappeared. This straw makes splendid feed for the cattle: Decrease in Population The population of ` Goderich,.. as shown by the assessor's returns for 1934, Se4,344, This is a. decrease of 39'"from the 1933 figures, wuich, we- re 4,383. Were On III -Fated Train, Mrs. J. Snell and Miss Mary Snell, mother and sister of Eph. Snell' of Heyenbarto'n Farm, Hullett, were on the ill-fated. train which was wreck- ed at Dundas on Christmas, but hap- pily escaped with little injury. Fewer On Relief this Year The number of dependents an erich this winter is less than half the number on relief last yettr; it was an nounced at 'the meeting of the,,welr fare laniard the other, evening. Big Demand For `Boon's•' Figures are available from M'zs. Gidley, librarian, Exeter, and go to• show that this community has a ,real taste for literature. While the popu- lation of the village itself is little, more than 1,700 no less than 23,521 volumes wree issued to readers at the local Carnegie Library in 1934.. nsieured By Fall When preparing the ce ' .l1n ' meal Mrs. Chris Luker of Exeter had just corns: fr'onl, this celin 1 •u : n;r t ' nap uoer open, tern Luker massed la ssed 1t-193ri_ L"1s� ars rias Wrecked - • TD , W. W. inertia., Goderiche oax.- rowly7` escaped serious leeway, where! his "' us %rre,eked. The accident oc-- eai+'3rexe : car got out of eon- • trod, on: the .icy Saltford hill. Snow whirled: about by the wind partially obsucred his view . and his car side- swiped the guard -posts beside *ze- roed, wrecking the side of the car.. Dr.Martin escaped with a shaking up) but, the car was so` badly damage thai. he has procured a new one. Dr.. Mari has entered a damage action. against. the :county for $150, claim- ing that had the posts been vertically A fire which completely destroyed the home of Thomas Castle, Bayfield occurred Monday last in the after -1 noon. The cause of the fire is not feces added to the effectiveness of drama known. It started in a room upstairs l about 4:30 and although help. was called at once it was impossible to save anything from the upper rooms and all bedding and clothing, except what the members of the family were wearing, was lost. It was a frame building and burned rapidly, embers being carried to nearby roofs but these being wet, did not take fire. There was some insurance carried. Household effects were removed from the lower rooms. •JDrama. We1I. Received The young /maple of the Crediton Evangelical church preeeented a Bib- lical drama entitled ` `A Sinner Be- haved". at the evening service in Jam- es St, Church, Exeter. ' The drama was givan from a large platform and those taking part were dressed in colorful costume and the lighting ef- Saved From Aspby, a <son ..... The Powell family of Exeter had. a narrow escape from coal -gas asphy- xiation last .Friday morning.,- Steph- en Powell, aged 84, staggered from his room about 7 a.m. and collapsed' on the floor. The thud of his fall a-. roused the ,other members of the • household, who went to his assist- ance. J W. Powell, son of Stephen, Powell, realized that the .place was full of gas and smashed several win - Fire at Goderich dow-parses, the 'windows being froz- The home of G. H. Moore in God - en down, and the fresh air gradu- • erich, provided some excitement and. ally revived the members of the family who had been made ill by the• a run for the fire brigade the other fumes. morning when fire was discovered in the bathroom. It evidently cane from the chimney leading from the furn-.ACCIDENTAL DEATH ace and was discovered in the morn- ing soon after the family arose. The A verdict .of accidental death was firemen put it nut without much tli returned by an inquest jury last Fri- ficulty with chemicals but consider- day when inquiry was made into eir able loss reGlxlteri from the smoke and cumstances surrounding the death` from the chemicals being sprayed .os„ Sohn E. Booth, Bell Tel. employee • about. killed in a level crossing accident at Railway Man Injured IGoderich on Dec. 8th last. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer, Huron County Coroner of George Wiles, C.N.R. yard foreman Zurich presided. The evidence of A. is confined to his home in Goderich W. Grieves, driver of the ill-fated' with severe head injuries that include ear; was taken from his cot in Alex- a broken jaw, the result of an un- andra hospital; the coroner, jury and' fortunate accident.. He was passing- lawyers, going to the institution.. an open door in a string of freight Grieves was seriously injured, but is cars drawn up at the Goderich Salt making a nice . recovery. He said he • Company's plant, when a 200 -pound remembered little of the accident, iron gangplank that was being drop- save that of the train suddenly 10 -- ped struck him full on the head. His upper jaw was broken and his head painfully injured. ? ,oming up 'in front of him. and then the crash. He did not see the train or. hear its whistle or bell until too late ea. sen eS. e' V NEW NEMEAERRS AHEAD! nee �l/6err he`sveryr young, a simple, minimum cost camera is really prefer -- able in most instances, but once he cones under the spell of real snap -- shooting, he merits—and should have—a modern camera of the better type, ' ,,.. YEAR after year, the 1dsa acute- eisfine oancteras —small cameras, beautifully made and equipped with all manner of useful gadgets. Their lenses are masterpieces, their ad- justments more accurate than many= a professional studio camera. Nat- urally. they cost money, plenty of money. Beginning at about $25, the .priees of these miniature camerass range*map and up and up. If yo h,e really anxious to spend a hundred dollars en a camera, you'll have no !trouble.at all. However, you cant :stay in tliegeneral neighborhood of: fifty dollars and get some amazingly beautiful cameras. By "beautiful" I: neari Senfiething'so expeetly design- ed and constructed that there's sheer delight in handling it. Many of the .mrniaturprecision cameras rase very small -size film_ The idea is that the small pictures: are kept as records, while enlarge- ments of the best shots are used by the proud owners to show what. they've been doing. Modern, fine-grain film, by they way, makes this procedure possible.: eras as appropriate gifts for birthdays, graduation and other memorable occasions, has grown steadily. Last year, if you'll pardon the personal intrusion, I gave my own mother a simple little camera on her birthday. At first, she was frankly skeptical. She had never used a camera, always relying en my sometimes nmeliable self. w �S,ihe was sure she would nevermaster that camera.... Now it goes, with her everywhere, mucic to our mutual.. joy. To some folks, I wouldn't dream; of .giving °a • cameera..' They're not enough interested in ©thee folks and places and life in general to, get any fun out of it. But there are others--the whom a camera .would, mean much. What kind of camera?' It depends entirely on the kind of person who is to receive it. Every youngster should • have a;cllanee'al eaMer meted only of the singles';' most inexpensive :.. • sort.y..`in ensive". I mean camTon a need riot, of ca e'se, consider eras costingfrrome say,I, one to five the miniature camera in your gift dollars. 411V 'ffhotild be et any of bamting.Forthe average person you the.ataindardsmakes, fusing pian can .select a camera with a reason- available everywhere. t ably good len's==one that's rated at , f'6-5or•even f.44 .5—and: us e s a filna:. big enough so that enlargements s are not always necessary. The famed "post -card size" camerais a favor- ite and will probably remain so... There's a reason. If it Inas been several years since yet[ last looked at cameras, shop around just for the fun- of it, You'll to be had i bewildering:. Of recent discover that things have ben hap- yearss there has been a tremendous, a ex'. ng» increase in the use of so-called pre JOHN VAN G'il I r uli. Of course, if you have a young friend who has shown more than average interest in picturemaking and has outgrown his simple little box camera, you can provide vast happiness by presenting hien--or her ---with a better camera. Once you get above the flue to ten dollar class, the variety of cameras