HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-01-10, Page 8WAGE . EIGHT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK IN A PERSONAL AND FRIENDLY WAY, .Y, AT THIS CHRISTMASTIME, WE WISH YOU JOY IN .THE, PRESENT AND HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND. CON- TENTMENT, THROUGH 'ALL THE DAYS OF THE ew Year J. Gascho and Son. NOTICE FEATHERS WANTED . We will pay for good quality Go.ose Feathers 40 cents a pound, and Duck Feathers 30 cents. a pound... These prices good only to Jan. 15` mieeenunnoesa SON PHONE 59 Best Wishes for Christm1asrAnd a NEW EAR of HAPPINESS You! Andrew: F..;Hess, F - ,,Zurich `1VYY MOTTOSERVICE AND SAFETT Have You MADE YOUR WILL? tip �s r cro ra HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE 1 m1111'11111111'1111 TO OUR .1VIANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND ..' Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, .AND A,CON- ... ;TINUANCEPF :Q,L1I :FRIENDLY BUSINI, SS RELATIONS ALL ACCOUNTS . ARE NOW READY. THOSE NOT CAL- LED FOR BY JANUARY 15th. WILL BE MAILED OUT. STADE and WEIDO WEI ZURICH — QuaLiry ZURICF HERALD t ?tt it 11111IQIm1111111111I111111IIIIIIIIIIIII 11 11111 1 111111.1111111 IIQIIIIIIIIIQIIIIIIIII11il1,1111111111111111 mmHg Q Ill II Il mil 11 II111111111111 117A- NE (1 NE GroceryStore As The Year Once More Draws to a a Close and the Season i< Good WISHES is upon us,.. We Taker this Opportunity of Saying to Our Many Friends: Happy:Nej!tYear AND MAY 1935:' BRING YOU HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY ..y • enno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 44 411X1111 IIIm111111IIIIIIQ 1111111111 1111110111111111111111111 E111111111111111111111111111 1111III111111IIIIil111111ll IIIi11111111111111111111111111111111111111m111111I1I11111 1111t1111111111i11111}, ITEMS OF LOCAL irUTEREST Mr. =a A%..Cyrus Schoch were. recent visitors at New Hamburg and: Kitchener, attending the wedding - of. their son near New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus Stanberry; and baby Robert of Detroit, spent. the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Du charms of 'the Blue Water High - LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every ,Wednesday) Egg r. • 23-18-16-14 Butter lb. creamery .......... 25 Butler ib. dairy 23 Whieat, bush 97 Barley, bush ... t._ ... _ .. _ ... 50 Buclewheat, buss-. ... . _ _ .. _.5o. Shorts, 'ton, ... , ...... - _ _ .. 26.00 way; and Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hart- Bran. ton i .. 25.00 roan of the Goshen line, south. Live Hogs, cwt. 6.50 Dr. A. J. MacKinnon .and W. S: potatoes per bag, 35e 4Tohnston motored to Exeter on Chickens . Ib.. live:.: ... . I2-& f`hursday, ''anti '.4321'•returning. 'Y,bs;, roads were so badly •bloeked•they . Ohickens, dressed lb'• _ , 16;10 to 'same in d_rom Herisall: on the stager . fxeiese, • dresed , bb. .. . 11 tlI° ' h Flour, cwt. _ . ....... 2.25 3.0a; Ducks dressed lb .... _ 1c: wi the 'sleighs. s. ;naleys, lb: dresses) ,XZ- 1. The `axxsanany friends .of tlbe late Mr:.11: i a,•. 1David, teldn of Heiisa11 regt�r to•�� ;1.i, , 1 . ;learn of his rather unexpected de, c parture last week. Mr. Cantelon snick, fruit; flowers, seed and s: !ins was indeed a fine type'of ettizen to are' large and specialized shows;#or be dmired, with his genial disposit- each. The assembly of so much ex a cellence "'endear one roof gives the ion he won, for himself a large circle Roo r Ac disflnctiveness not, matched of arrtds '1- here else in the world. �.j 11ss`'3essie 1VhacDonald who spent , ` . , her j >t : � �;,traie-1`eeding Pays ih 'holidays at her home near Kin.- I�rmers who •axe iia a posttaon;Eo earriine, returned 'on Monday of this •felipw the practice, find tthatcrate- to resume her duties as teacher weg$ .feeding of,: their. poultry.; pays then! of .00rri III, .Zurichset�iol... ' 'D>rririg big dividends. There are several rea- Miss MacDonald's absence Mrs. L. W. Hoffman took charge of her work in so for this. It produces the milk - Hoffman grades- Which 'bring the highest the school. I priees'p the leading wholesale 'mere - CANADIAN CATTLE SELL i2.EADILY IN CREAT BRITAIN I ,�, danadian Cattle'' frons )he• 5.1. iMailOh --te" eleizen b1"e sbld'•strBirk.1 en'Nead est week;' aceerding:•to. cable atliviCe' re`cei' ed by the department "Of `a'gtiCultviEe3 ; The quality ,, of,the shipment' was:'genei;•ally. better than recent arniva s; the report; states„and contained some very good• cattle. Eastern cattle made from 12% to 13% cents per pound dressed wei- glit, including offal, with exception- ally good ones topping at 14 cents per lb. There appears to be some ex- pectation that the united kingdom market for fat cattle may become a little firmer, the report said. TEACHING OF MUSIC IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS .. Tononto—The Ontario Governm- ent will pass regulations before spr- ing to make compulsory the teaching of music in public schools through- out the province, Hon. L. J. Simp- son, minister of education said. Spea- king before the annual community life conference in Pickering College, Newmarket, last week. Dr. Simpson, predicted compulsory education in music. He revealed the Government would take such action. The Doctor gave no indication when the proposed regulation would be passed. SERVICE rtandDaa a l8tdta laa144641114146111/11101.1111410114.0100444140.11 1 ... rs. O ants are no* buying poultry' by Gov- ernment grades with substantial diff eireiitials' iie'tvveeli sash agiracte.aath premiulzn .assured .for_.• birds whit] grade "milkfed” makes crate feeding .wOttlio-whileuland'all poultry intend1 edefor eating;purposes should he proi pe>?I+,I'r finished before marketing. ,The farther who has 'poultry • to <iparket would: do', •well: to .remember • that • it is the last pound which brings the fin ish and increases the value of the bird by 50 or 75.. cents. Use Registered Males Good breeding practice in poultry has. long 'recognized the value of the highly protent male • bird in building up flock production. When the farm- er or poultryman can raise the aver- age production of the pullet flock from 120 eggs to 150 or.160 eggs per bird in a flock of 100 pullets the real cash value of the high quality male bird is immediately apparent. In the whole scheme of the National Policy the registered cockerel alone has the proven ability' best - suited to increase pullet production. These cockerels are bred from two direct lines of fe- males which have laid 200 eggs or more in one of the Canadian egg lay ing contests. Royal Winker Fair The Royale Winter Pair is being held Nov, 21st to 29th, at the Royal Coliseum and Winter Pair buildings Toronto. Its objects are the protnit- ion of Canada's basic industry, to 'fink the nine provinces in common interests, and to set hgih national tndards for farm producets. The Royal Shows for horses, cattle, she- ep, ;swine, dogs, cats, poultry ail pet ':i�. W, a 4 • hu g dap jaitaiirl l6tl t i99 re tin nitor STORk] aA a 5• • THIS SEASON 'CAIIS FOP. GOOD NEW i FENCES ON THE FARM.LET US SUPPLY ` g YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIR ii ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US . ABOUT i NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE. a. TROUGHING . SPECIALS! - SPECIALS! 4. • Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon Special Stove Oil,at 28c ,F, per gallon ...I 3c 4 We also have ' some very Attractive Prices in ` ti 4. Furniture. See Our New Beds Springs y and Mt attresses. a V USED FURNITURE + '3 • Two Gid Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; V t. ,'Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; V. Kitchen Chair, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. :t:' BESURE AND SEE THEM! `' 4. ' Johnston & Kalbfleisch ' :1:1-. . :. Hdwwrr &rniture. Phone +4.+FSE++++41•h++++t+ ++4*'+F++++++•Y•++• ++4.4.+++++ +4*+++iF.i- t I " 11UIDIM IIII!IMIN1lliu1ll91{iliilliQllflhl(INWJftlEINIIIINMt{ISIIIHIHIiEESSIMpi E111118111116111I illliflliluMIIIINIF THESE PRICES subject to _ , � . • � change•*thollf Notice Painting Wagon szoo, D • • * .+w x.09 and i�. Qo t' uggYZ.Top .. a�`I6'00 and 18.01i� - Ruing Buggy Wheels Set • Buggy Shaft i 2000 Bar .ia ... nn Buggy Reach ... L.00 BuggySpokes.;.each 1.25 25c SS1Alia an illnouppiggpm— @1tI13f&Nl4llfitlHlftVl1(11✓fl�111�u 1l — ,.qn, ciaiU i:{r F 11,1;1:".;1'. : ''... . 4t 44 Of IP W idl< * SFASQrN ,.t 4:.. Q.. f ° T , (. Is Now''He1re. `• Have you looked after your. Automo•. * bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to 4 tr lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good • Anti -Freeze?.. Rene in your car and tet us do this very important thing Right Now! • • Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large • # and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. t • Expert Workmanship on R t p epair Work, and Overlaid • Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very * Reasonalbe. t F, Il 4. 4. 4 4 11. Mousseau Zurich 1,4 44.044++++++44444.444,444,1+'<A44##44,4.4+,+++, ,.,++.+,, Clover. Seed Scarce s• One of the many results of the us- + unusual drought of the past sunnier has been' a -siitaller than usual crop of clover seed in all the prtncipal�1.> seed producing countries, and, so far as Canada is concerned, the smallest' red clover seed crop harvested hi' ' many years. Quebec and Eastern Ontario produced most of the red clover seed grown in Canaaa this year, the amount of which is estimat- ed at only 1,500,000 pounds. The limited Canadian production this yr. isr largey,seewd. pf the hardy type, but ,unfortunately,—The total Canadian su pply : is only about one-third of the total normal Canadian demand :for one 5eefling.'„ )rete. clover seed, when obtainable from. ` "Northern United States .or the more northerly count- ries of Europe, is acceptable as a substitute. for Canadian seed in tinies :of domestic shortage in Canada, but because of ,the almost universal sho- ,rtage this year, adequate seed sup - :plies of this kind will be diilicul't to obtain from any source. Purchasers of red clover seed for next spring tiiay expect to find it priced consider- ably higher than in any recent pi e- vions years, tint) would be well ad- vised to seek their regurrements early. 4. . • That I am the Master Salesman? t lam t Igo *, tap*. iia°4.1'`*R,k'6j;'tateleeIstaalta l4aelu .tsar, ',( ;p 1010;11eattlet'jt'1!tle;1 '01', HERALD OFFICE O You ow ? the herald of Suc fah, fo tell th+ ce;as� icor r mega, er*i an ,I i[ar ifactMurers, Erets, orlcl the message of serviee, and Sotind .Merchandising!' when I speak! _d the.', i Torlr lustens For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have gathered untold millions into their coffers. I command the Iegeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever I got 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden !-Harvest:) 1 aun Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my Name is: ADVERTISE! ***Okt...tist* *ft