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Zurich Herald, 1935-01-10, Page 5
o* 3t. T'heirsdayaTanuairy t<! tfi 19 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL t)irDLEY E. H oiME s 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. ,OFFICE — Hamilton: Street, Just- .off the Square, GODERICH•, Ontario, Attention to Cour cel and'. ;Special Atten p Count Work - .3111r. Holmes may be consulted. , at 1. oderich by Phone, and Phalle ' charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. ' H. H. C O W L. D. S. • I% .pc" S' DENTAL SURGE'': At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK DASHWOOD Every Moa `way, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIAN A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. •graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All ,allseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night ,calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- aeder. of Scottish terriers. Inverness flennels. Office on Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular! $TfcAYED . Put Your Want, For Sale Lost. Found..Etc, Ads.. in this Column. WANTED 1 can 'take on a limited number of cattleo f x winter feeding. Apply to Charles Rau; R, R. 2, Zurich. ! . MEETING OF Huron • County Council The ineeting of the Huron County Ciaurrck`t w.i1Z be 'field •in'the County Connell Chambers, ',Court House, Goderich, at 2 o'elock`•.on the after- neonn of Tuesday, January 22nd, .1935. A.II Clerk's Certificates of Election, Tenders, •Accounts, notices of de- putations or applications and other important business requiring atten- tion at this meeting should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than the M'ondaY1rrevious to the me - I eting oft the Council. tdoes make a change. Dated at Goderich this 3rd day of January, 1935. THE NEW FORD Mr. A. 0. Elliott, the popular Ford dealer of Exeter was in town the other day with a new model of that reliable make of d it 1 k ZIA LOCAL NElif.5 Hay Council will meet in the t . r hall, on Monday, January 1 -4th • the first official meeting in the, �a,yt•i year. Would the party who either ioalted, orhas in h spossession t • he k to s � s� wad shoes of Mr. Ed. Gascho return their to the owner. Please! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wolper and little daughter, of Los Angles, Gala who spent a week with the former''S parents, and other relatives here Irl town, left on Monday morning to x turn to ,their home. They will retail) by way of North Carolina, where Mrs. Walper's •parents reside: The terrible storms the., past Week have closed'' up the road, for auto traffic, but the thaws this week hav;, taken , away practically all the snoi,, On Tuesday considerable rain alto fell and on Tuesday • evening the hid, cunty snow • plow shoved ity 'Vvay from Hensall in, and now the auto again runs nicely to' Hensall. The weather this winter seems to •changg very' rapidly and severely when it J. M. Roberts, County Clerk. NOTICE ONTARIO THRESHERMEN'S CONVENTION Municipal Building, London January 16, 17, 1935 W. B. Elder, Hensall, President. MEAT MARK Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed' Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins a, Yunghlut & Son Err 1 9 Unto my premises, Parr Line, Hay Township,a roan yearling heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply Garnet Jacobe, R. R. 1, Zurich. GARAGE Why We have the Better Class of Customers HIGH .'CLA SS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTER'iES, MOBILE OIL, MAR - VELURE OIL, • GOODYEAR TIRES ND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION s, Braining and Mechanical Work to Micrometer wettings, No Work. Watch t' -ie cars that t WE1N'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. 11. .Vier DASHW%OD — ONTARIO INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Imam Co. WOODSTOCIC. 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932, $17,880,729. Total Cash in Bank and. Bonds $221,97$.99.. Eales—$4.50) per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. Klapp ---Zurich Mint, Also Dealer' in Lightning Roils mod' all kinds of Fire Insurance PRODUCE Live Poultry WAN.. Taken every Day- till 3' orclocIr p.m. i )o mot feed Fowlsame morning when brought in , HIGHEST CASH. PRICES —FOR -- CREAM AND' EGG'S Wm., O' rie r "hone 10.1',, •1 .. 94. lni:ir�l. • STRAYED From my pasture "farm, Concession 4, Hay Township, a Her- ford red .steer with white face weigh- ing about 1000 pounds. Finder kind- ly notify the owner; George Armstrong, R. R. Exeter. PRODUCE WANTED We are in a position to take.;Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. H. MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will. make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRICE SPREAD Evidence given in the price spreads investigation at Ottawa shows that of the consumer's dollar spent for can- ned goods ten cents went to\the far- mer for produce, seven cents went for labor, 23 cents for the cost of the can, and 54 cents for the can- ning companies' overhead and profit, distribution charges and retailers' profits. This makes 94 cents; possib- ly the other six. cents went to the Government; as sales tax. No wonder the market sometimes fails. People could buy mare canned goods if the people who produce them were bet- ter paid for their products and labor. —Goderich Signal. WOOD LOT FOR GODERICH Goderich—So successful was this town'a experience with a municipal wood lot last winter that it is to be repeated. rare acres of hardwood bush, with an option on a further 5 acres adjoining, has been' purchased. The bush is Iocated on the Auburn highway, Colborne. Tp. 8 miles from, town. Last winter Goderich workmen tut an hauled over $2,500 worth of firewood. Exery stick of it *as sold by spring., ht the operation over $2,- 000 of the $2,500 was paid out in wages, a striking example of how to ;get a maximum of wages and a min- imum of money spent on materials in a public project. Most of the men en- saged in the work would otherwise 'lave been on relief. Instead the men worked and' were paid and the pub- is paid for the s'•ood, of hest Toil-. ..1, ,acid. eserybad • was satisfied, 1 car, an lo s, like a real sensation, so everybody remarked that saw it, very stream- lined, larger and roomier bodies with much more room inside, and then, of course, it is powered with that pop- ular V8 motor. We understand that Mr. Elliott has a. few prospects for this new car, already in Zurich. The company has the goal set for a mil- lion cars for 1935, surely that should help to make better times for some. people. OBITUARY 1 Mrs. Peter Farrell Dies Mrs. Peter Farrell, formerly Mary Weber, died after only a few days' illness, at the home of her son, Louis on the Bee Line, of Stephen Town- ship. Her husband died about eight veers ago. She is survived by a ,brothel,:,.Julius Weber of Eddy's Mills, two sons, Louis at home, and Nev alliam r'arrell at Blake; a 'daughter 1VIrs. Ferdinand Desjardine, of the B;ee Line, and fou: grandchildren: Funeral services was conducted at the residence last `Thursday by Rev: Silas McFalls. Interment took place in Grand Bend. cemetery, Mrs. Archibald Stirling Mrs. Lois Stirling, wife of Archi- bald Stirling, died at her home, 46,, libeler; Secretary, Mrs. Herb Kx.-(re- -noon fonowthg ii: lengthy illness. Mrs. Stirling was born at Bayfield; ger; Treasurer, Mrs. Ed. Haberer; but *lived for many years about two . iamr ", Mrs. Albert Kalibfieisch. Mrs miles north of Drysdale, before re- I Elmore Klopp moved a vote of ap1 - moving to London 20 years ego. She nreciation and thanks to the retiring was in her 69th year and had been a officers for their faithful work ren- t semi -invalid for some time. Surviv- dered during the past year. ing besides her husband, are two daughters, Miss Edna and Miss Rhea Stirling, both at home. The funeral services were held at the W. A. Hunt funeral home, 149 Wortley road, of that city on Monday afternoon, bur- ial being made in Woodland Cemet- ery. Mrs. Jane Benedict RALE) Don't forget the 3 -act com- 'edy in the town Hall, Hen- sall, on Friday Jan. 1 8th Better .Times Ottawa—The Dominion Bureau of Statistics produced figures to sial o- , PAGE FIVg IOM's., Your Winter's Fuel • 'Cold. Days are here again, . and provision nn s t II irr�' mrl as ...:sl. suitable _ keep the, home $x Canada is recovering its economic The ,Che bureau's index, based on 12 warm and cosy. We can supply practicallyal SIX factors, car loa.dingS, wi101eE;;'%.1l'. � , . . the cailPdf or grades of Coal and Coke with prices prices, rlces, common olsstocks, very moderate... Let us fill your Bin! ing, jumped 18.7 point^ in the wee'.; bank clearings and' speculative trod- © ending :Dec. 8, compared to. the same week last year:' The footling, were - STOCK FOODS OD1S• 8;1.,8 and 97.1. Huron Old Boys • Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter Y n er by using Our Various `Brands of Stock and e Poultry Foods, and Laying, Mashes - None ' Better on the Markets ` To -Day i • Ed. Floody, who for 35 years has been . ,Secrotaay of the Huron Old; Boy's Association of Toronto was waited on by representatives of the Association on New Year's Eve. and presented with an illuminated address. Mr. Floody has been quite ill with pneumonia for several weeks but is recovering. Mrs, Floody was -also present with a beautiful bou- quet of roses. George E. Ferguson, President, made the presentation. Womens' Institute The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute met in the Council Chamber on Monday- evening with thirty members and friends present. Miss Anna Daters praesided over the program which opened by singing the Institute Ode, followed by com- munity sing'ng and the Lord's Pre yer in unison. Review of Current events was given by Mrs. (Dr) Cowan Piano duet, Margaret Hey and Greta _ liaberer. Topic, His .a -..al research _4 Ellen Turkheim; recitation by Dor- een Schilibe, reading, Verlyn Thiel; Roll call Conundrums. After the program the President too.. the bus- - iness where interesting items were discussed, after which the committee in charge, with Mrs. Ferd Haberer convenor. Anna Datars, Ethel Hess, Ellen Turkheim, Mrs. Hay and Mrs. Wickins served a delicious lunch. Ladies' Aid Meet .' e imp' en' eu t .lttpair.'s McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. L.'ShiJb & Son eomoeeeomweeeeoemmemmeoomwemsoemwesmermmssmt 1 The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran church held its annual me- eting on Tuesday evening, January 8th. The meeting was opened with Mrs. Alex. Foster in the chair, being ,e convenor of the program committee. , After the usual opening exercises: Audrey Foster gave a' monologue. "Entertaining the Minister."` It was �.e followed by a vocal duet by Mrs.! Herb Krueger and Mrs. Oscar Klopp After a humorous reading ty Mrs. L. Prang, the monthly business was taken up, after which the election of officers took place which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Alex. AFTER WARDENSHIP Reeve William H. Sweitzer, whose re-election by acclamation starts him on his 15th year in Stephen Town- ship Council, is definitely in the race for the wardenship of Huron County. Mr. Sweitzer is proud to say "we have no relief system. The people of Stephen Township are thrifty altho- The death occurred late Saturday ugh the past few years have been night at K -W Hospital, Kitchener of trying". There has been considerab- Mrs. Jane Deborah Benedict, wife of Arthur Benedict, 382 Breithaupt et. in her 61st year. Mrs. Benedict was a daughter of the late Peter Hoffman and Hannah Calfas, and was born in Huron County,August 22 1874 She le road construction done which has helped the unemployment. "We have good roads throughout the township The taxes were lowered in 1934 and there is only a small amount of $2,500 of uncollected taxes.." This attended Zion Evangelical Church of will be Mr. Sweitzer's seventh year that city. Her husband survives with in County Council which brings him. three sons, Gordon, Harvey and Her -in line to enter the campaign to be- bert, all of Kitchener; four come warden for the county for 1935 daught- ers, Mrs. Albert Kaye, Hamilton, Miss Muriel, city; Miss Alma in Washington, D.C., and Mrs. Henry. Reihm, Fergus, one brother William Hoffman of Zurich and three grand- children. Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon from the resi- dence •at 2.30 o'clock to Woodland Cemetery for burial. Rev. C. A. Hirschman and Rev. G. F. Barthel officiated. Death of David Cantelon There passed away on Wednesday of last week at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, one of Hensall's best known citizens and business men in the per- son of David Cantelon. He had ,been in poor health for some time, suffer- ing severely at times, and was taken to London only a few days previous- ly, but little hope was held for his recivery. Born in Clinton, was a son of the late William Cantelon. When a young man he came to Hensall and started a produce business which he successfully conducted for over 35 years and dater went into the coal lbpsiness. He retired from business a few years ago, selling out to Mr. W. R. Davidson. Mr. Cantelon was a member of the United church, and a Conservative in politics and always took a great interest in public affairs. Besides his widow, he leaves to mourn his loss one son, Ferris Cantelon, principal of the Continuation School at Scromberg; two brothers, Wm., of Toronto and J. E. Cantelon, of Clin- ton and one sitter, Mrs. Brooks of "rlitchell. The • deceased 'was in his 60th year. The funeral was hold on Friday afternoon with interment hi. the Hensall Union Cerneteti HOCKEY NEWS Jan. 11 -Black Hawks vs Maroons. Bruins vs Maple Leafs. Jan. 16—Maroons vs Maple Leafs. Black Hawks vs Bruins. Jan. 21—Maple Leafs vs BIk. Hawks Bruins vs Maroons. Jan. 25—Maple Leafs vs Bruins. Maroons vs Black Hawks. Jan. 30—Maple Leafs vs Maroons. Bruins vs Black Hawks. Feb. 4-131k. Hawks vs Maple Leafs Maroons vs !;ruins. Feb, 8—Blk. hawks vs Maroons Bruins vs Maple Leafs. Feb. 13—Maroons vs Maple Leafs. Black Hawks vs Bruins. Feb. 18—Maple Leafs vs Blk Hawks Bruits vs Maroons. Feb. 22—Maple Leafs vs Bruins. Maroons vs Bik. Hawks. Relieved/ "Baby's Own Tablets have been the only medicine my four children have ever had. In no singleinstance has it been necessary to consult our doctor." So writes Mrs. Harry Vilmer, Cumberland Bay, N.B. When the baby or young child loses appetite; is sleepless or rest- less, has coated tongue colic, indigestion, cold or diarrhoea or is teething ... give Baby's Own 'tablets for safe, quick relief. Price 25e at all drug stores. arca br:WiUiam_s' . , ; .. BABY, S l�OW; TABLETS imilntiv rmmmwwww. mm uuat vrrolivl Zurich Drug Store School Supplies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS' KEPT . IN STOCK.. see.eeoseeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeee•• See Our Supply of Toilet PreparatS Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Pe'rfunx- es, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. 11110000•er1000011001.000e000•900 FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. lre Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich 440 't{ mmtMM Fns A M RMRAPI • 9 A efl a e • A 9 4, 9 • o• ca 9 9 • • fl • p e • e i i 99 •r •s 2 Z 4 00000,000000.1 aao00o0•0e1rre4•6ec.o•o00,000,40B40 Z[RI[H HERALD'S9 9 t 0 Oiubbirig List• 0 ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper for one Year: 0 9 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 • Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star 6.00 • London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6M0 London Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy ' $2.75 Family Herald and Weekly Star ..,...,....$2.25 Family Herald for 3 years ... $3.00 Canadian Countryman $2.25 Weekly Witness $3.15 Farmers' Magazine $2.5 OSeaforth, Huron Expo�itor Stratford Beacon Herald .......... Border Cities' Star, Windsor Kitchener Daily Record ,,. $2.75 ... 5.10 $6.10 $5.10 Anda great many more that we cannot enumerate hero. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .ler Catalano and the United States, end can s*ve you money en the most et them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money • O • HERALD OFFICE - Zurich T 4 Ash'►**lr0*r►e*******1 *vi ec*,ot44.994•9O9A4O4M 9 4, • e • •9 w 9 •A 9 4, 0 4, 4,