HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-01-10, Page 1XXXV Nu. ..'Patronize the home Mercht.n.t and read the • :Do You Need Glasses? 'Stop and Think ho* irapchilaret it is 'that you wear correct glasses—cor- rectly prescribed for your vision. Correctly styled to your face. Your health may largely depend on keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRIGG R. 0. At HESS JEWELRY STORE Every Tuesday at ZURICII At Dashwood, Saturday„ at Pfile's Store_ rraztfaisasnmeccopuriemscamantein ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH' — ONT., -"A Changeless Christ far a. Chan g- ing WarbL" :Friday, 8h—Luther League. -Saturday—Choir Practice. .SUNDAY SERVIGESr. 10 a. in.—German Service - 11.15 a.m.—Sunday SchooL 7.30 p.m.—English service. lEverybody Welcome t� all Services.; E. TUERKHEIM, ftetar.. Chester L. Smith, Puiraishat a yoar, tJ3, $3-50 in vane 0150 IN ARREARS. $2.11/4.3r BNOILS011104. cc -al Paper Penny Bank School savings contiues to offer evidence of better economic !condi- tions throughout the province. The nuthber of pupils. making ' regular weekly deposits for September and Qadber is 36 per cenk. as compared with 3:3 per cent a year ago. WISHES ALL PROSPERITY . "Confident optimisin'—in the .face of the cold figures of an expected de- ficit and acknowledged -financial prob- lerns--ke-ynottes the New Year's mes- sage of Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn,. .Prime Minister of Ontario, issued recently. The Premier expressed one -hope for the new year in his report of the Province's condition. "The Sincere wish of the new Administra- tion to the citizens of Ontario for 1935." he states, "is that our confi- dence will prove. justified: In an in- cfeasing measure of prosperity for In Police Court It was suggested in Magistrate J. A. Makin's court on Thursday last at Goderich that justices of the peace. many of whom are not versed in law, should be given instructions to enable 'them to determine whether or not, on receiving complaints, charges sho- uld be laid. This topic was brought up after two cases of alleged fraud had been heard and dismissed. Infor- mation should not have been laid in either case, said Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes. The charges involved in Shoe Repairin I wish to advise the Public tha0 am in a position to do 'all kindseof shoe repairing, and solicit you Ott* ronage. Give us a trial for, 4131)d workmanship. GARFIELD BROWN Zurich — Ont. the discussion were two of fraud li:te- ferred againstiL. Mendosa, of Henh1., it was found that two checks had e - en dated ahead, but when the -timElof maturity came they were paid, 4nd a case against A. R. Box,- Seafo th, charged with stealing cedar trAes from the property of G. Wilson, N3t- anley Tp., it proved out that Box had taken the tree from the readside and the case was dismissed. WlikOn valued his trees at $5, although ,13 6- vincial Constable McCoy, who inv st- igated, on being questioned, pia the valuation at 50c. Daniel Hart- leib of Dashwood was snowbo ad after the storm and could not ,.:. be there. — In our last week's iteWof Police Court items, we made mention of a case against Allan Miller beg dismissed, this man is from Stanley Township, and has nothing to do With Allan Miller of Hay, we mentioned in the previous week in these items that this Mr. Miller was from Stan- ley Township.—Editor. • 011111111111111111111111111111111111PiliiiiiillillglieKaiiie4iiA.;;;Mihriliilftilliiilithililli1111111111iiilllili111111111Illigillifoll$1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n IN ORDER TO 10EDUCk.. OUR STOCK BEFORE OUR ANNUAL STOCK TAKING,' WE'AREOFFERDIG AIL OUR HEAVY UNDERWEAR, SWE- ATERS HOSIERY, MC., AT 'PRICES THAT WILL SELL THEM .‘,IN A • HURRY • Sale starts Saturday January 1 2th, Men's All gaol Underwear COmlis at — $1.95 Two Piece, per Gannent .1Vienrs Fleece UnJ Quithinafionc at --1.T5i 'Mens Two Mee Fleece Per/Garment 59e iS B We have. a Special T -able tot Odds and Farah.- kg Sweaters, nclerWit Goods' Etc. ..But come arm see Cif there is anything you need on this TabIe„, it viii b Cheat! 41[1.1•10. riceeentesliMMISIUSIIMISMINI* • , . Men's Work its If Reg. 1.25 at -97c Reg. 1.00 at 79c Reg. 75c at 59c These are not -4§111 the spec- ials we have.. There are a lot more not mentionea. .FlanneMte Bhmkets Grey ,only, largest :size. You will:lave to be ere on time fou. want erne of theSe';. Sale Price pr. .$1.97 All :WOolcheckd an.d plain whir e .blankets, .Sale Price $725 -Women's Hose k•Tana-wocil and • 49c Pair. 'Cliildren's all wool Hose, Sale '39c and 49c Pr.. limeatitinenuf aicastaion 'GROCERIES Royal York Coffee lb ....39c Royal York Tea NIL:lb. 28c Factory. cheese per lb. 13c Med. weight broom — 35c Peas 2 firm -et 19c jelly Powder, 6 for 1;32205a72921REMS215. Art Sateen For Com- forters Reg. 50c at yd. 35c Reg. 35c at yd. 29c Chintz at yd. 19c White and Striped Flannel- ette Reg. 25-30 yd. Sale 19c Loudasac Dress Flannelette Sale at per yd 23c Ladies' and Children's Underwear ' Ladies Bloomers and Vests Reg up to 75c, Sale at 49c Silk Ve.sts and Bloomers Reg. 75c at 59c l•=12.7....11.111.1M Frilled Curtain Net Sale price 15c Plain.curtain Net, Reg. up. to 30c yd. at 18c New Prints, N!r,,,v• Pater* Reg-up to 30c yd. Sale at 19c. zzatzgaut aostmostassammarozegisnmenamErizzaissanzamwuTIT7r7r7r.v?7,vgnaz.ontazigrz: !rich Mr. Erwin Ginger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gingerich of Stanley, left on Tuesday for Kitchener. Mr. Henry Neuschwanger of Dash- wood visited with his brother, Mr. John Neuschwanger of town the be- ginning of the week. Mr. Claytus Mittleholtz of London is spending a few weeks at the home of his brother, Mr Theo. Mittleholtz af town. Mr. John Gellman, late of Zurich and now of Blissfield, Mich., wishes to convey New Year's Greetings to all his Zurich friends. Mr. Hugh MacKinnon who spent the vacation period with his parents in town, left on Thursday to resume his studies at Queen's University Kingston. Messrs. Jacob Haberer and Kenneth Routledge, auditore of the Hay MIA- ual Fire Insurance Co.'s books made an official trip to Crediton on Tues- day in the capacity of their appoint- ment. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, Mr. and' MTS. W. H. Hoffman and . Mrs. Hy. Voilland motored to -Kitchener on Tuesday Where they attended the funeral of Mr. W. H. Hoffman's sis- ter, Mrs.. Benedict. Special meetings „ere'being held..in •the Evangelical Church every !even- .. ezeeree, ..,! • eg. body -welcome. Ladies' Aidnifethig on Thursday afternoon. On !Monday •evening man Yeast Company of London, en-. tertained the staff of Heist's Bakery of Zuriqxtewith a series of moving pictures in connection with the bak- ing industry. At the close of the demonstration Mr. Heist greatly thanked . the Company for their eouotesy, after which Mr. and Mrs. Heist 'showed their appreciation by serving a delicious chicken supper, which was very much enjoyed by HYMENIAL Schoch—Ludwig The wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ludwig, Wilmot Centre, when their youngest daughter, Eva May, was married to Wallace Samuel Schoch, of Stratford and son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Schoch of Zurich. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. J. B. Dengis, of New Hamburg. The bride was charming in a gown ot; brown silk velvet with gold trimmings and gold bandeau. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Julius Doerbecker, who also wore brown, her gown being georgette and Iaee.Julius Doerbecker was grooms- man Following the wedding, the young couple left on a short wedding trip after which they will take up residence in Stratford. Laporte—Kihoe -• Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY With Prices Considerably Lower than is charged in the Larger Centres. Special attention to Mailed In Watches Hess, The Jeweller On Saturday, Dedember 29th, at nine o'clock in the morning in the Church of Our Lady of Victory, Chicago, Illinois„Clotolde LaPorte, daughter of Mr. John Laporte of the Blue Water Highway, Hay Town- , ship, was united in marriage to Mr. !Edwin J. Kihoe of Chicago, at a sol- i emn nuptial High Mass. The bride •was given away by her father. John Laporte. Father Dennis L. Brisson, pastor of , the Sacred Heart Parish,, Windsor, Ontario, uncle of the bride, officiated,' assisted by Father R. Sher- idan of the Maryknoll Missionar:;: Order and Father R. Kiley of Our, Lady of Victory. The witnesses were: Mary Maack of Detroit, Mich- igan and Eugene Finnigan of Chicago After the marriage ceremony a ding breakfast breakfast was served at the home of' Doctor and Mrs. R. C . porte of Tesswiile, In the af- ternoon the bride and groom with Oather J)eniS L. isson and otlu,r members of the wod-ling party le rt by plane for Detroit, Mich., where a reception was given in their honor E e,t the home Of Air. and Mrs. Gordon Rau. Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Kedoe • 4 • • • • • .* • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Phone 74 Zurich BLT* COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea. . Genuine Semet Solvay Coke MILLERS CREEK and Rosedale Alberta Pocahontas Briquets A new Domestic Fuel for every ear— pose. Intense Heat, very little sriar or Ash. • . . W. R. DAVIDSON - CASH paid for Eggs on a Graaf...4J Basis. Phone 10 litEMATIN ,•••••••••••••••••••••••Eamme•••••••••••••••••••*; • 4. (p• • • 4 4, SPECIAL ON ALL )7- WINTER OVERCOATS UNDERWEAR SWEATERS, ETC. MEN'S ALL LEATHER COATS *5.50 11. gofeman EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL • DIRECTORS • •••••••••• • ••••••••41.• ••• 40* -0.0* 4. *•• •• • ••••-feeer-•••-•04, • • gri,Mtitr 7,i4 ^.04, rte, 4,„ , Season's G-reetin To Our Oustomers and Friends And we invite you to visit our Store AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE IN THE UNE OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS. WE KE SOMETHING TO PLEASE THE CHILDREN AS WELL AS THE OLDER. PEOPLE. ALSO CHRISTMAS, CANDY, NUTS, PEELS RATS.M FIGS, DATES, ORANGES, AND Lawn% ETC., Erc. ., GENEPAL MERCHANT ,..F' HON E 11 .. 97 6 L A ,., imilioxiiiiimpiiiiiiropyg 'nf'41:(?-•41'019ifill'IN,4.0311141111048 Ill .aviv . ..rwito 1 LI ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,-,,-,-,,.,,, --,,,41 make their home in Ching° in .1...22,12.6441,,,.:111:hiiiladhAlill.- • '' ' . obadii4 ' -' " ' ' trowassmongassommagoosziageotv'Asimminsawaraessatoo"wzoil —.... . • • --•