HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1935-01-03, Page 8PAG F LlIC HT .IN A PERSONAL AND FRIENDLY FWAY, AT THIS CI IRO 11+'IA5'I'I,` y-'; 'WEWISH YOU. ,:OYY. IN THE PRESENT AND LTH,._ HAPPINESS .AND N- TENTIVIENT, THROUGH ALL THE DAYS OF THE New Year J. Gascbo and San, NOTICE FEATHERS WANTED We will pay for good quality Goose Feathers 40 cents a pound, and. Duck Feathers 30 cents. a pound... These prices good only to Jan. lst PRODUCE WANTED st Best Wishes or ns nias And a of itiESS aril( You! Zurich Andrew F. Hess, MY MOTTO—SERVICE AbIll SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WLL? MINSIMIS , Our .- Many . ustoers and Friends, a :;Prosperous New ` Year .,.......• • Highest Prices, for Eggs.. t Phone 140 4 4 4 4 4' +: '1'l:iar ,(113-3?, :i:Y'K)z hry 4.44*' Q^'w""0""^ 'cSj;4i` i44. 4 D'EN'S 0F:,LOEAL INTEREST' f ` LOCAL..MARKETs,.�, Correc 'Avery Wednesday) Last Thursday evening •the c,Y,4ung ,f ted ery • people of thr�-slironseu Line School ggs + ...... , F .r23-18-16=1.4' section ve a to u. i t in the town $leis lb: creamery 25 ' �Bl ti rib. datr� 23 [Bail', add;a*eceived a fairly good pan,,; abs , ;,. c Fm + r ....;,; 9Q• lroiiage •[. ,';c ,... .. • t.-;ni:,t ,' ,. `:10 II .1 Barley, •biish.... ,... 1-3•• b0 If the storm the day after, Christ- t Buckwheat, Mash.. 50 inns hail`been a day earlier; :w would f Shorts, .ton, ...., ,„. ,..,,.• ..- • -.e - 26.00 have -had 4 -Wo very. ,rough holidays', Bim,, toll 25..00 ;kith` Nov,Year's • dag..blowang;t itself Flo*"., ,,.‘ .. 2.25 3:00 but t ,, nds t'hvbe- Live . fH , c. .. 6.5025e en soasmethii9g•ididtao remembewouldr.: folaae tong � Pn • des: per bwtag torte: • -ti-1 - .: . , I 1,ns- ib live 12-b itisWm: F Braun and falaily of , ens, ,dressed lb Forest, .who :spent the: Christmas boli' l?u dressed . .. ... j - . 12c days with her :father, • Mr; Wm, La ..Gee a dresed lb. • • .. . 11 Mont, • reintned' to`'+Forest..on, Friday `Turkeys,.Ib dressed ... Y,.. 1� XI taking the train •homeowing to;, the; ' `(r TM - bad condiion of the roads.. Mr. ( + - ' Brown taking the 'train home the' and -other handicaps, recently im-, f day %after Christmas, when the storm posed, prevent the normal movement , J , � IS ` mote roduc't' io f� :a ! :. roc n: 'h , � Se Cdtaii` p. e w� i�a$dlt$"F.,(((��., #E Y? � 1 k I flit• e I'}° Ci r)V"l, «.<, .... ' .;�. �.t1 � '� -r � �� f,d � E$peCt EL�t1 f aaaaaaavmara®esa�a00a�044® i HARDWARE 1." 1\1 IN 01, SEEDS and .FURNITURE s,! ( \ft111111 ilajl Like the ,war and the kin epi.de ' Qua w2c--, Definite wtitnation, i that is as far as the village of Tavistoelt the impendingf�appeal•to the conn is, conic iibd,,: `the depression as `:nod by the prime Minster,t�m series off taus a'matter of village Ica record;.:eo nation -wide ''radio' \addresses really cause: In that village of 1200 lief; means ;the opening of the election ple there is not one person on relief; campaign enlivens political interest Ile village treasurer closes his books in the capitaL Without any decision for the year with a balance ger. being made as to when the election le 640 on the credit side of the ledger. Unpaid taxes are only $2,800 and will ,be,- a -common construction . is placed on this sudden and aggressive this amount includes the ,unpaid activity. It is than the election may carryover from last year. More than be quite early, miieh sooner than the 0 w.as. paid into . the village treasurer 'by Dec. 15th. puii7ic has been expecting. The prime Minister Tins. never made any state New Pension Act Ment on 'the :subject but, speaking The municipal clerks of the county for themselves, some of his calleag--. of Huron met at the court house on les: have been forecasting an election Tuesday morning, Dec. llth at the early in. October or perhaps Septem- request of Mr. Green, inspector of her. the Provincial Old Age Pension Com. Improvement of Sheep mission, who explained to them the 11.t this. season of the year when n-ew procedure in connection with farmers :are marketing their lambs the handling of pensions as from aria making` preparations to cull out January lst next. All applications are their ewe flock and place a pure bred. to be made out solely by the clerks ram at the head of the flock, many of the municipalities, said Mr. Green •wi11 be interested to know that rani Affidavits will then be taken by the grading is now nearing completion. judge or police mag: , or, ' if neither A. list of officially- graded rams of is avalable, by the ,lark. Applicati- the' various breedS'4 v's[^'available for ons are to be forwarded to .the co- 'eac'h county at the office of the Agr- unty clerk when properly completed, icultural Representative. Through the and he will maintain records in con- assistance of the Federal Departm.- nection with all applications .'Decis- ;e t' of;Agriculture purchasers of gra ions on • all applicationsrest ° entirely' d 4 pure bred 'rams ' are entitled to with the Commission, which will Ob- following premiums if they cont- + NEW YEAR } Greetings! We ' are Happy to, take ;this Oppoy of Expressing our.: Appreciation.. at the Patronage that has been accorded • us dur- ing the past Year and Wish one and nail for A 11►ERRY CHRISTMAS And a Happ3r and Prosperous 4 - 4 .g. "Johnston & l�albfleisch � { Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 } f+++fit*,++++4+4t+4�Tr++++++4•r�+444++•ter+++++a•++• 44++****oa . ,. IIUMMO1 �di1 II itER f'di IIIIlf�IIIB IIIIIIf�liti ll� 11,1111,P401' . E THESE PRICES subject atr, a nye • `*0ain pWago ay �j_ , sy $7.00'ana 10.00 Painting :Buggy:..... �....s. 6.00...and 1'0:00"-: Recovering Buggy T _....:. 16.00 and 18:00 • Reriminiitgr Buggy s 'Set , : 12o00 Buggy Shaft r` r ° . : f S ' y '100 r0 aY' .. 1,00 Buggy► Reach x -.... ] .? fuggy. Spokes each ; 25c IEBSS,the Repair Mai. 1 111 iatiti!R11111111111ta w �e. TO OUR MANY.: CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season s Greetings AND cMAy3 ]C I NE '• ' 4!. • •• [ ' BRING US `ALL .1 ROSPERI' g KY" Y Y • 7+', A;I . I) IA I asrgl''A' CON- BUSINESS RELATIONS ALL ACCOUNTS ARE NOW READY. THOSE NOT CAL LED FOR BY JANUARY 15th. WILL BE MAILED OUT. STADE and : WEIDO ADE &'WEID ZURICH ON T'. QUALITY - PRICE SERVICE Cam`:l4 E x. • �• L c7—' qq J_ i., cT� j,:t 41 t .'... <.._ S. iso ..� "'WOO; 1!$44444 '•t'44**'*M++i.'Ut! 444.4.4 d.* *44.** �,'I;t'*+>E"*•tram**** 1 wi twin the necessary information from ply with the rules ..and regulations various 'sources. The municipality to Rana Bonus Policy. ---- will be notified when a pension Is to be granted and will have twenty days° to appeal, if it so desires ,there w$ re seventeen municipali clerks in at-' tendance.•' ,+ +, Surplus of Potatoes A conference of representatives" of the Nation 1 Research Council-, the Dominion- Parttnents'' of Ac'gricul- .XXLams $2.00. ', "'Yearling, $3.00. . ,* `ICLamb $3.00. rF Yearling, $5.00. Straw forWinter Feed ., While straw tad nit. generally b4 sii1ered as a nutritious feed for liye- k; .yet in times of fodder scarcity jittiis• very valivable. Horses ` and dry .. c ws •'may -T :be ' wintered ant;reiy on tore and Trade and Commerce;, tlir 0 415 if supplemented by one-half to Ontario, New Brunswick Novo, Sco- t ,a—quarters' of a pound of linseed tia and Prince Edward Island J)epart `4j 1'meal a, dayy or other similar pro- ments of Agriculture? the Canadian tin feed. A ration of half straw and Horticultural Council and the prin- • half legume hay will carry such cipal potato growers of the Maritime! stock through the winter in excel- ?rovinces w'as held in Ottawa on De -11 nt condition; Little straw should be cember 16th to discuss ways and: u ed fp' r bedding this year when + it neans for using the surplus of over, a needed for feed: Good oats straw 7,000,000 `bushels a' potatoes on : 0 ins a ,considerable amount of rand this year. The 1934 potato crop . t&tal 'nutrients, though practically no n Canada is placed `at 78,735,000rotein. This is why straw alone `)ushels, an. increase of 7,494,000 bu- kes a poor showing as an exclus- .leis over the , production iit 1933, ive feed for live stock, but when sup- e principal export markets for plemented with a little high prot:*in ;anadian potatoes are the United feed, its carbohydrate contents can States ;and Cuba; but high tariff be used to excellent advantage. . . . • Is Now Here. Have you looked after - your Autonno- * bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to t lighter Oil, and had your Radiator' filled with a goad * Anti -Freeze?.. Run in your car and let us do - this very Important thing Right Now! • . THE WINTER SEASON + . Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in targe and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. MakesExpert t of Cars with and on Repair Work, Very • Jabs en 4. 4. Reasoaal - • -11. Mousseau Zurich 4. 144• ►44***4.44+44*44+44+4+4.444IP*4444444'4444** '1 {. + .04.4iN****dF••••+•$$4*•.! a44.44.a.+T$++4+,0' 9..1 IIBRALD OIPIO....1 �,, • Do' You Know? • That I am the Master Salesman .�, • I am the herald of Success for all men, Mcrchanta,, +. ,. (' ‘; Manufactu, era Etc.' a► it ti... ',, t e " essa g e cif • acr c .I aa.'f'ori�„ to 'fiel• �`,te aa`>��l#I„ �. `�; g M �, acid, 'Sound Mcrchaodisiag! the World listens h I + 4. 4 speak! And is ens when. i For those who have used' me as their Servant I have gathered untold millions anti heir coffers. I command the legeons of fashion; mould the styles lead the World w.hithers�oever I ! +� and '� I :sow fields felt you to reap a Golden Harvest! "+ I am k asater Salesman at Your Service, and my Name is:: AD ER.TI.SEt 4 *si rrtt'r*40*******-******************