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Zurich Herald, 1934-12-27, Page 5
Ilial !iuy', . i0oom.-1)0' 2700.4 193k. BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL IDITDLET E. HOLMES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC_ I'FICE Uandlton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Counted and Court Work. Wit: Holmes may' be consulted at €oderich by Phone,. and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. I H. COW 04 L. D. S. P., D. S- DENTAL SURGEON At • DHTTZ BLOCK—ZURICI; Every Thursday, friday,Saturday' At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK DASHWOOD 7Evewry Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. ' t...1 HERALD . . Mr. and Maas. Gid. Koehler spent eolsosools00000mmeem000000teso ses000sooiowoot0000r000000me Tuesday in Hayfield. Pint Your Want, : For Sad Lost, round Etc. Ads.. in this Column. STRAYED. Unto yak premises, Parr Line, Hoy Township, a roan yearling heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. • Apply Garnet. Jaacobe; R. R. 1, Zurich VETERINARIAN A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. -Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All ?diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern •_ principles, Charges reasonable. DayAlsoni ht calls promptly - eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness fionmels- Office on Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. BUTCHERS FOR SALE 46 Rock Pullets for quick' sale., Apply to , Theo Steinbach, Zurich. STRAYED From my pasture farm, Lot 16, Concession 4, Hay Township, a Her- ford red steer with white face weigh- ing about 1000 pounds. Finder kind- ly notify the owner; George Armstrong, R. R. Exeter. PRODUCE- WANTED Mr: J. W. Ortwein of 1lensall, 'was on business in town on Saturday'. Mr: Newell Geiger, who isattend- ing London Normal school, is spend- ing his holidays at his home here. Miss Meda Surerus of the Toronto public school teaching staff is spend- ing her holidays at her home on the Bronson line. Mr. Hugh MacKinnon who is at- tending Queen's University, Kingston is spending the holidays with. his par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Macilinnon. Mrs. Charles.. Kalbfleisch of , De- troit, is spending a few days, with her sister, Mrs. R F. Stade, and mother, Mrs. J. Kalbfleiscli: Members of the family ofMr. and Mrs. Jacob Ortwein of Detroit, vis- ited under the parental xoorover the holiday. We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at rop,,liome at Zurich, for which we vvil'1 pay -highest highest market prices.;>'We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial! First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS- 11. MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex�u.rachs �©������ � I ANI IN POSITION OSITION TO CON - T T+. ! I duct any Auction Sale, regardless Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Beolognas, Sausages; lEct., always on hand. Kept Fresh in Electric Refrigeration .:Highest Cash Prices tor ''fool, Hides aid Skins is to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Rhone 13-57. ., Yu.ughLut & Sou GARAGE SERVICE `Why We have the Better Class of Customers SUCH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR - VELURE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION ;parts, Violating and IVIechanical rk k ?Oone to Micrometer Settings, Guess Work. Watch . the STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. 3. S. Wein DASHWOOD - ONTARIO INSURANCE rn . Farmers Mato pita#her Ihsuwance Co. OF WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL. A3'NCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND iN ON'.iA1UO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. .Stmt, 1 32, $17,11130,729. fetal Cash in Sant and Bonds tRates—$4-50 per : I,,QJOO for 3 Year; „ F. Kopp—ZUT1 Mr. Ray Ortwein, Leonard' Masse, Lee Oesch; Rena Erb,' Merle Lang- ford and Miss Sreenan of the 13ron- son, motored to Lucan on Saturday. Fotil Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Scotehiner of Balfield were Christmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John• Albrecht. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roffman of Galt, spent the holiday „ with their parents in town. Born In, Stanley Township, on December 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Christ Bechler, a daughter. Sorry to report . that Mr. Casper Waiper of town is. quite ill at pres- ent. Mr. Walter Burn of Cornwall, is • spending the. holidays with his•,par- ents at the Evangelical parsonage. Mr. Jerry Zwicker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker, of Crediton left last week for Florida, where he will spend a few weeks. Mr., Ferd. Haberer, is busily eng- aged this week by flooding the rink. So far the weather has been szew17 but hardly frosty enough for making good skating ice. Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman and son Johnie, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs Edwin Hartman and family of the Bronson, Stanley; Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Ducharme and family and Max - "v -v of the Blue Water High- way were Tuesday visitors with Mr. and .Mrs. •Duna Hartman, Goshen line, South. On Mondry afternoon the nominat- ion for reeve and councillors will be held in the hall here from 1 to 2 o'clock,. After the nomination a meeting of the ratepayers will be held and the 1934 members of the coun- cil will give an account of the work during the past year. New candidates Mr. -and Mrs. Harold Kuntz of Windsor, are spending ,holidays e.t the home of her mother, Mrs, A. A. Rose of town. Mr. and Mrs, J..E.. Hamilton and daughter Miss Doris of London, we- re holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Galster. Miss Doris greatly contributed to the program in the Evangelical program on Sunday ev- ening with a solo, and also a violin selection. The Santa Claus that made its ap- pearance at J. Gascho & ' Son, store on Saturday afternoon was a big at- . traction, especially the luddtes, an will also be given an opportunity to we noticed many that were 'past the teen age period, Who were surround- speak. A special invitation is extend- ing Santa who had many treats for ed. to the ladies to attend the public the kiddies, and who tried to not miss meeting.—Clerk., any of the smaller tots. It made things rather interesting. Mr. Harry G. Hess again had :a most beautiful Christmas 'tree all lit up beside his electrical shop, and it was a big attraction aneez one co- uld not help but get the Christmas spirit by looking at it. Another big 'r Treasurer's Sale of Land For Taxes TOWNSHIP OF HAY o Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Hay ',caring date the 13th day of Sept- 'ntber, 1934, sale of lands in arrears it' taxes in the Township of Hay will r° held atmy-office,-•Zurich, Ontario .t the hour of ten o'clock in the .orenoon on Saturday, January 5th U)35, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the ist of lands for sale for arrears of `.axes is being published in The Ont - trio Gazette on October 6th; Nov. 3, Ind Dec: 1st; 1934, and that copies ,f the said list may be had at my office.' - Treasurer's Office; this 9th day of )ctober,, 119644'.. t26 A. F. _HESS, Treasurer. *lest, Also Dealer is LiA61s+i>!# poif a:s ell biadi of Fire toseremee PRODUCE Live Poultry WAITTEL During the past week considerable -snow has fallen but the roads were kept open nicely for the auto tiil to - clay, Wednesday, when a real old time blizzard is sweeping this part of Ontario. and it looks as if the roads will be temporarly blocked to ,o traffic for a few days, or as long as the storm lasts. The weather 1 1 1 added attraction heshyear a big am -1 is also turning considerably colder. front of his shop plifier attached to a radio inside, ani those who have no r: Bios could read- ily hear all over town the nice Chris- tmas carols that came over the air. We are told that it could be heard quite plainly a mile out of town. The Evangeliica.I 'Sabbath School held their annual: entertainment in the church on Sunday evening, with about the usual attendance. This was the occasion when the little had practically all of the platform and they gave, a good account of themselves with the many humorous ways • in which their numt .i S were rendered. The silver collection at the door netted the treasury a nice little sum of money. - , Christmas Day, Tuesday was prob- ably one of the finest days for this occasion that we can rememi,er of. There was little .wind, no snow or rain 'with the weather at around • the freezing point, 'although the sky was' overcast, yet it was an ideal day for this time of year. This greatly help- ed to bring the significencee of the occasion a little closer to us. And before we will again publish we will be celberating New Year's Day, and another year will have passed in ob- livion. Truly how the years nre fl fly- ing along. Probably by another year some of the people who are to- day, will be passed on to the great eternity, Providence only knows. .�7^s There is an especial duty at mid- dle age to sow the right seed thoughts that will make The latter period of 'ife as beautiful and as attractive as it can be .made, 'Talmo :tt every Day. till 3 o'clock lain. i3o not feed Fowl same morning -when . Brought in HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR— CREAM AND EGGS Wm O'Br an :',It"Intate 101,, Motor Licence Issuer • 1 • It is in all Sincerety that we extend to one and all the most Hearty SEASON'S GREETINGS Wishing for You and Yours' an overflowing abundance of the ple- asures, the joy, and the happiness which is Associated with this Sea- son, and may the coming Year bring to You the PRICELESS GIFTS OF HEALTH PROSPERITY and CONTENTMENT L. Schilbc & Son eaten se. 4nOtsse entaroem000eo> ane000.0..Ooi.*SS.rl.eeaIe ritaimmaaweiwwitamiamitiewhiwwwg I Zurich Drug Store The Department of Highways has decided to open an office at Exeter for the issuing of motor licenses and permits. Under the U. F. 0. Govern- ment there was an office in Exeter, but the late Government closed i:, much to the inconvenience of the motorists of the district. There are over 2550 people in Stephen, over 2800 people in Hay, over 1600 in Exeter and over 1800 in Usborne with no motor license office nearer than London to the south and Clin- ton to the north.. George McBain Grant, has received notice of his ap- pointment and it is expected that the license plates will be available this week. Climber Gives Up Task Goderich—For the second time within a fortnight, a pole climber 'las failed to scale the 90 -foot flag Hole in Court House Square, the ob- ject being- to put a halyard through the pulley a .'t the top. Last week Jno Weiss got within 12 feet of the top. only to glee up when he lost his nerve. 'hers Friday Wm. Bush of Auburn equalled Weiss' record on his third' atempt, but was forced to ome down in pain when the heavy wire loop on his right instep tighten - yd under his weight. On his first two attempts f'.birh wore rwming shoes and for the third lie donned a heavy shoe en his might foot. With one wire looped aroused the pole and another of the same stretch around his right 'instep, Thish shinnied up to nearly 79 feet, six inches .at a time, pulling ?the supporting wire loop . with him .Ind resting momentarily- "That pole is not sig: incites Through at the top" ,Bush yelled down to the crowd, he was up TO feet and •sw,aycd to and fro in the bassi eavind. . A Publisher's Blessing O blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us But knowing his subscription due, Sends in the money to renew. And doubly blest is that good friend Who waits not till a bill we send, Vitt promptly" sends us the amount, • therewith. to straighten his account. Resp 9,'ui letsi • . SCHOOL CONCERT A Good Concert at School Section No. Ten, Hay Township . 0n the night of the 20th, to a school house packed to the doors the rate- payers of that vicinity and other listened to one of the best entertain- ments of the season put on by the pupils under the direction of their teacher Miss Settie Love who had themtrained to a high order of per= formance. Singing, drills, dialogues, recitations with violin and guitar sel- ections made a very enjoyable pro- gramme until Santa Claus arrived to distribute presents to the children after which a nice lunch was served by the ladies. The proceeds were in the vicinity of twenty dollars. EXETER RiNK' SUFFERS 1 Temperance Meeting An organization meeting of Tenip- erance supporters was held in Car- negie library hall, Seaforth on Mon- day evening last, called by the Hur- on County Temperance Federation. Mr. John Finlayson was appointed president and treasurer and J. C. Laing secretary. A committee, con- sisting of three men and two ladies in each ward in town, was also nam- ed. .At the request of the gathering a letter was sent on Wednesday to the Provincial government, protest- ing the granting of beer license until a decision had been reached as to whether Huron County was still un- der the Temperance . Act or not.— Seaforth ot— Seaforth News. The quiet of Sunday afternoon in Exeter was disturbed when a large portion of the Dome Bink collapsed The front wall remains standing but from it fully Half of the building has fallen.' Sonic years ago, the roof gave way and reinforcement was made of wooden plates bolted togeth er. During the spring, however, the building showed signs of giving way again, and danger signs were placed on the outside. It had been -announ- ced by the manageanent that the rink would not be operated this season. —Weeks of preparation on the part of members of the Exeter branch of the Canadian Legion in which they had the co-operation of the merch- ants and other citizens of the village came to frutition When 100 Children and 150 others attended a concert and Christmas tree presentation of toys in the town hall. Voxes of candy and fruit were distributed and care taken that no child in 'Exeter was neglect&L 1 1 1 At this Grand Yuletide Season We cannot express our Gratitude in any more Tangible way than by Wishing our Many Friends and Customers a most MERRY CHRISTMAS anda PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Full of Happiness Dro A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich lotpammiwwwwwwwwwww/kwAg4 New County Registrar Miss Lillian McPherson has been appointed registrar of deeds for Hur- on county, replacing Mr. A. H. Neeb, who has held the position since June 1932. Miss McPherson has been de- puty registrar under Mr. Neeb and also was for years deputy under the late Registrat Coates, and is not only experienced but thorough capable. The announcement of the appoint- ment by Hon. A. W. Roebuck, Attor- ney General of Ontario, states that Miss McPherson received a salary of $1,500 a year as deputy registrar, and that her salary as registrar will be $2,00. There will be no addition to the office staff. It is estimated that the -change means a saving to the county of Huron of $2,500 a year.—Goderich Signal. inNow Young children easily catch cold. So Mrs. Russel Ward, of Hilton Beach, Ont., wisely says; If 1 notice thatld I ggthere is any sign of a ts s d finds give yaare a gs reat help." Thousands of mothers do the same not only for colds but for fretful- ness, indigestion, constipation, teething troubles, colic, upset stomach and so on. Baby's Own Tablets are safe and sure in reliev- ing childhood's common ailments- Price 25e, DF.)Nilliam s, 13G BABY'S OWN -TABLETS 4.0.414e40+41410e e a c .. 666.64664+6 ♦6666666666664 e • 4 1 • • • 4 tee eweaea* tee eaaa.o.ese• ZURI[H. HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper for one Year: Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star , $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star 6.00 London Free Press 4 $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00• London Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy $2.7 5 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years $Z 25 Canadian Countryman $,3,15 Weekly Witness 2 5 Farmers' 1"lanazin. $27.5 2.75 OSeaforth, Huron Expositor Stratford . 5 Stratford Beacon Herald 6 10 0 Border Cities' Star, Windsor $6.1 Kitchener Daily Record $5 10 ,A:wu1 a rest many mere that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every, reputable Maga:lie ,iso ;Canada ..4 die United States, and can sane west sl mney d os the meat of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE - Zurich w w s •• • • • • • • i rip ti COO ``$ -{04 1'A.44** A *4d44MfP.