HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-12-20, Page 4MA'. TORR HILLS( BEEN . Mr, and lltr"s. W. 'fltut:eble of Con- tr4lia visited with the l,it ter"s molter Mr. and Mrs.. W, Dae idson visited friends near Listowel; Miss Agnes Love ie visiting in Centralla,, Mr. Regis .Rubin who has spent several weeks near Mt. Carmel, re- turned to his parents home. The W. M, S. is being held this week. The School Concert in 3. S.' No. 7 Stanley is being held on Wednesday evening of this week. • a S. No. Hay is on Friday afternoon. ?BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brennerrnan spent Monday with their daughter, Mrs. Antos Gascho. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sreeuan cal- led on Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey,. Sunday afternoon. Mrs. E. E. Clarke and son William spent Saturday evening with friends sit Goderich. Mr. Dave Swartzentruber spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oesch. Mr. Clarence Gascho spent Sundae= .afternoon with his friend, Allen Swartzentruber. Mrs. Dick Brown of Zurich, spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Sant Hey" DRYSDALE The Misses Leona and ?Monica Dewy, twin sisters, of Grand Bend, visited with their friend, Miss Eos- ealla Corriveau for a fewdays re- cently- Sorry to report that Miss B. Mous- seau is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Marcile Corriveau of fbe 14th concession, spent Sunday •iaiith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corriveau. Mr. and Mrs. John Charett of St. Joseph were Sunday visitors with the Misses Gelinas. Mrs. Willard Corriveau who has been seriously ill for a long time,,eve are pleased to say is now able to be :¢fiat as before and is feeling fine. a- gain. Miss Lena Bedard is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Chas. "Rau. DASHWOOD A special program will be given in the Evangelical church on Sunday ev- ening Dee. 23rd. A Cantata entitled rini tie all ye faithful" Of 'song and i story willbe given by the choir and i special music will be rendered by the , C. E. Band of 35 members under the • 'leadership of Rev. W. S. Henrich. Be :sure to attend this service. The annual Christmas Festival will • be held on Tuesday evening Decem- ber 25th. A miscellaneous program consisting of recitations, solos, duets ;I { etc., will be given by the children and the Junior Choir.. At the close of r 1t�ae program a beautiful pantommine i xiri l be given by a number of girls under the direction of Mrs. R. H. ` Taylor. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Luther- an L. A. of Dashwood was held in the schoolroom of the church. Rev. Luft took the devotional part for the evening. Four Ladies, Mrs. Ed.Kraft Mrs. R. Mueller, Mrs. Thei Mueller and Mrs. Messner favored with a hymn. The president, Mrs. H. Wein took the chair for the business part including reports from the commit- tees. Visiting Corn. appointed for the month, Mrs. F. Willert, Mrs. L. Roeder. The pastor Rev. Luft pre- sided over the nomination and elec- tion of officers and committees for 1935. The following officers and committees for 1935 were elected: Hon. Pres., Mrs. K. Roeder; Pres., Mrs. H. Wein; Vice-pres. Mrs. Math lda Kraft; Secy., .Mrs. A. Kuntz; Treas., Mrs. L. Restemeyer; Social Coin., Mrs. J. Schroeder convenor: Mrs. P. Fassold Mrs. F. Sehiundt, Entertainment Com., Mrs. L. Roeder Conv; Mrs. Rd. Daft, Mrs. Ed. Wal - per; Organist, Mrs. T. Luft; asstant Mrs. A.• Kuntz; Correspondent Mrs, J. Schroeder; Work Com., Mrs. Wm leinstiver, Mrs. F. Guenttner; Lib- rarians, .Mrs. T. Luft, Mrs. H. Neus- chwanger; Auditors, Mrs. R. Muell- er, Mrs. Theo Mueller; Parsonage come Mrs. F. Procter, Mrs. H. Res- t Miss Eunice Aestroicher who under went an operation for appendicitis, returned to her home last week and is improving nicely. Mr. T. Rowntree of Woodbridge, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs; T. Hoperoft, Mr. T. Hoperoft is spending a fe days in Toronto. Quite a number of reliatives atten- ded the funeral of the late John E. Hoffman in London on Saturday. Death .of Mr. John E. Hoffman Word was received here on Wed- nesday last of the death of John E. Hoffman of London, Mr, Holtman had been in poor health for the past eight years and on Wednesday even- ing he quietly passed away in his • fi 1 year. The deceased was born in this community and twenty years .a- go he moved to Tavistock and from there to London. He was a member of the Hyatt Ave., United Church, and an honorary member of the bon and of elders and at one time Super- intendent of the Sunday School. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow, two daughters, Lily at home and (Dora) Mrs. Russel Eckstein of Lon- don and one brother Henry of Dash- wood and one half sister in Detroit. Funeral services were held from the C. L. Evans Funeral home on Satur- day afternoon with Rev. M. C. Parr officiating. Mr. Harry Hoffman, nep- hew of the deceased sang a solo en- titled "Crossing the Bar". The pall- bearers were six nephews: Emery Fahner, Everett Fahner, Earl Guen- ther, Erwin Guenther, Harry Hoff- man and Everett S. Betchen. 'The floral tributes were numerous' and beautiful showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held. In- terment took place in Mt. Pleasant cemetery. emeyer; Linen Coin., Mrs. Mathilda Kraft, Mrs. H. Wein. Cut Your Fuel Bill ` HALF! Buys Storni Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE' YOU WAIT. . -ccr t ca mo PHONE 69 fa, NM „e ZURICH a. x .., ••..}.c.;.+.....;.4..,s-7_a. ++.;,+.'..0 , : >,..;.tia+.r ;.+ +.}.+.;-ti,.,..{.. ;• .s..,,;,:,..i.tit4... S4+++++++++++++++++++++++4 "F, "+^r; + ^.F+++++x •i"+4.+++4 +ri•, 4 MASSEYHARRIS NEWS To Our Many Customers and Friends we wish to Greatly Thank therm for the consideration they have accorded us, and we take this opportunity to Extend to One and All our most Hearty EISO .Greethribi 'usher Lastic Distributors 25,000 mile tires for "' 30,000 mile tires for ifou like to save e money let us re-tireyour car. ': We have a few used Tires cheap. by 4 Tel. Shop 149 0. KL `P & SONS 5`q1 Auctfoneering. --- (1, ev,t,.,itd r.r.r.044 ,ab 'i•-5'+.4444,. 4—b* r r $ w •i 1 f •i ti i', . 'tor 5.45 7.05 Res. 67 BET! N ZUR!CH•. L HE!ALD miler .2oth, 1:934 Ns !iistant sta Even though your garage Ivo. as cold a'sn igloo,. Blue Sunoco will snap your car into instant .action: - Dependable quick -starting is the result of skillful nnanufactming-and cannot he obtained By addhag those eheniicalis which :llaelp only in reducing knocks.. * * *• Today, no motor fuel, not even extra -priced gasoline, sfatirt's• cohl motors quicker than Blue Sunoco, and it sells ail regular gas price. .For Sale By: L. PRANG. and Son, ZURICH. H E N S A L L Elizabeth Murray of Exeter has been visitng with her sister, Hannah Murrey. - 1VIrs. Farmer of Stratford visited for a few days with her father, Win. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and children visited friends in Toronto roe a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Andrei son of Clin- ton visited with 11lr. and Mrs. J. W. 13onthron. Jessie Hodgert of Exeter is visit- ing Mr, and Mrs. HH. 0. Dayman. Mrs. John Parks and daughter Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Parks were visitors in London.. Miss Ethel Murdoch left last we - eek for Toronto where she will visit. Rev. M. D. Parker has received word that he has been removed to a new charge at Morpeth and last Sun- day at St. Paul's Anglican church was his last Sunday, and his eoiigre- ;•ation and many friends regret to learn of his departure. The Euchre and ]lance party held at the Hensall town hall was -a, great success, the proceeds of which will be , 'toed in the formation of the Hens tll town band. Any person wishing to play instruments are hilted to regis- ter their names, ville, moving' there from Hensall, wh- ere he resided until some. 12: years ago, when they moved to the • farm they have since resided. Some 40 yrs ago: Mr. Johnston was married to •Adeline Lindenfield, daughter of the late Jacob Lindeei,ioki and Airs. Lin- denfield of Heneall. He had been in poor health for sone time. Besides his widow, he leaves to mourn twelve - children, th. sons and six daughters. The funeral was held at his late home Sunday afternoon last, interment: in .1 -lensed Union Cemetery. 'ttev. Mr. Chandler of Kippen had charge of the funeral. ICOUNTY NEWS I John Winters, 9th con., of Howick ?'fell from the 'haymow to the barn. floor and fractured his shoulder. His arch will be useless for several mon- alts. ! Nelson Trewartlia, Mayor of Clin- ton, has announced his intention to I retire from office at the end of the present year. A short agricultural course, under the direction of the district repres- entative, is to be conducted at Clin- toti, from Jan, 7th to February 1st. _There will be boys and girls' classes. An' old fashioned•i aising bee took placeon'the fa ai of John Scotch - mer on the Blue Water Highway for the purpose o:E erecting a wood shed. Estate To Be Sold The 100 -acre estate` of the late Arthur W. Curzon, Huron Road, just out of Goderieh, roger ea as one of the show placee of the district, will be put up for sale, it was aiinnuiicecl recently by his nephew. Curzon, who died last February, was a cousin of the late ?Marquess of Curzon. • Wins a. Pup Dr. G. F. Rouletoe, I.Ixetor, was the holder of the lucky ,ticket w?etch won r,, .+, .» r ,w,•ii a.t tb T•;nd on: Dog Shove" in London on Wodncs•- day' last: The ticket ryas• drawn b2% Wenig.. .. The -vilagers learned with regret that Mrs. Suzie Sniit, daughter and • son are making preparations for lea- , • ving shortly for Delhi, where they 4 will make future home the son slaw - y. ing secured a'good position there. Mrs. Norman Cook who recently e underwent an operation in Clinton • Hospital is home again and her many friends will he pleased to learn she is much benefitted by her operation. i Miss Dolly Hagan R.N. was inat- 4tendance.4 . 1 4 •Late James Johnston a The death occurred o:i ncee d at his . 1 Y Y. y. 4.* .'' home in Hay Tp.. near town oa' Johnston h his 79th year. I•ia wa,. bort-in England, Coining ` to Roger Ed. NADIGER,. .DASx.7 L':r+ OOD. Engagement Mrs. H. Workman, of Hensall; er- pounce the engagement of her Bang- hter, Hannah, Olive, to Herbert J. Britton, of Dublin, marriage to take plat the latter part of the month. To Hold Entertainment On Christmas evening, Dec. 25th, the Crediton Evangelical church will have their Christmas entertainment. A miscellaneous program will be giv- en following by a Christmas Cantata. f`Good Will To Men". The church will be suitably decorated for the occasion. The music and surround- ing atmosphere will enhance the joy of the season of Christmas. Santa Claus Fund An appeal is again being made this year through the Exeter branch of the Canadian Legion for a Santa Claus Fund to take care of the needy children at Christmas. The Legion are planning a community Xmas Tree and an entertainment for the children in the Town Hall Dec. 22nd. Many presents will be contributed. Employee Suffers Injury While working at the Seaforth town stables, Thos. Storey slipped at the same time as the horse and sleigh moved forward with the re- sult that the runner ran over his leg` Hewas removed to Scott Mem. Hos- pital where it was found the leg was.' badly bruised., Mr. J.' lKt ight is sub- stutiting: $50 Up In Smoke Due to the kindly intentions of his sister, a young farmer up north is the loser of $50 in bills. Ile had the - bills and some coih parked under the paper with which the dresser draw- era in his bedroomwere lined, and was keeping it there to . pay some ac- counts in town. The sister, who was returning shortly ,to .the • Pacific Go- ast,' thought she'd. clean up, the dies bofote site le:Ft, and hi reran vnue the ole] ps:ller lining she picked tzp tea bills, tooe-and money- and; all u4• itt tisinies- Unearthed Turtle Eggs Mile Carl Detwiler of the Elmira: Utilities staff was doing some work near the reservoir he turned up with: his spade a score of turtle's eggs as. large as a marble. They were white incolor and one of them seemed to be the double yoke kind, On break- ing one of the eggs" a small perfectly formed turtle was found therein. Lindenfield—Wells The wedding was solemnized at the Anglican church rectory, Neter, when the Rev. Mr. Hunt, united in marriage Verdun P., daughter of 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. Wells, Exeter, to • ! Lloyd Bolton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. .Lindenlield, Exeter. They were attended by Lulu Lindenfield, sister 1 of the groom and Ernest Wells, bro- ther of the bride. After a short trip, they will reside in Exeter. Men Get Ducking While attending the farm stock sale of Mrs. S. Knight in Howick Tp., 4 men standing on a cistern received the surprise of their lives when the platform gave way causing an icy bath, in four feet of water for the unfortunate men. When they were fished out Reeve W. Murdock of Pal- merston was one of the four. Seaforth Resident Passes Herbert Johnstone, a well known resident of Seaforth, passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital on Dec. 3rd,. at the age of 55 years. He was bona in town where he :spent the greater part of his life. Leaving Collegiate, he clerked in Brussels, Listowel ancl'. Stratford, returning 15 years ago. Parker—Lee A quiet wedding took place. at the United Church manse, Centralia, on Dee. 1 when Exelyn Lee, daughter or Mr. anti`; Mrs. Thos. Lee of McGilli- reneelees itnifel to Richard G. Park- er of Highway. bl•o. 7; The service. was performed by Itoc. Ste Wtiart.They:; • • i<vall reside • Centralia. • s„r •