HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-12-13, Page 8t)r 1A(Th EIGHT THE -STORE WITH THE STOCK Where the Spirit of hristrnas Prevails THE JOYOUS CHRISTMAS SEA SON Is again here and it will be only a -few more Days before we celebrate this Festival Event. CHRISTMAS DAY We invite you to our Store to look over Our Line of Christmas Goods... We have a finer showing of Suitable Giftsthmi ever. FOR MEN AND BOYS: Fine.. Sweaters, Shirts, Gloves, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Garters, Etc. FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS: Fine Lingerie, Kid Gloves, Scarfs, Sweaters, also fancy towel Runners, Blankets, Pillow Cases, Etc. TOYS! TOYS! A complete new lot of toys and Dolls for the Little Folks at low prices. Everything in new raisins, currants, figs, dates, Peels, cherries, for the Christmas Cake... Also a large supply of Candies, Nuts, Oranges at lowest Prices. A FEW SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Pork and beans 5c tin. Castile soap 5 brs 12c Sugar crisp cookies 2 for 25c. Fig bars, lb 14c Chrismas mixed Candy, 2 lbs. for 25c Peanuts, fresh roasted, per lb. 1 Oc c PRODUCE WANTED O&SON PHONE 59 9061.71Mr• SI.Veret -...414.41,4111414417,451.1441.1 war YOUR SURPLUS FUNDS CAN BE SAFELY AND CONVENIENTLY INVESTED In .Huron 4: Erie eiventures 4:4% Per Annum Payable Half Yearly ' ° "CANADA TRUST MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES Now Earn 4% Per Annum Payable Half Yearly:-. Any *um over $100.00 may be invested from 1 to Years. drew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 5........sorrniamenzemicifficaniammaripallarteratil011110101:1101 11:4413141.14.11E.C.R..444.47•5.4=42,="4.444, ZURICH HERALD • .4.411414.741141104.11.1=44111.44141441.14.44414,4114,41 ThutotW Tiith,b)g4 3: f.,14-014+4.4.4.+4+44..irt4.-9 + 444 +.1.++1-44,t• 1"4"+"4:44"Cb z, + f + Ifg 1 , + 1 Nfr ti 44 4e : 41 4. i. 4, 1 H rdware an so ritTnEtura t• .2. F, STOI . 1 • • THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW ... . t FENCES ON THE FARM. LET ' US 'SUPPLY 1 YOU ,WITH ITHE BEST' OF', WOVEN WIRE, ., ALSO , HAVE , BARR 'WIRE?. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE- Ei TROUGHLNG gat .1. is- + SPECIALS I SPECIALS! it + *0 ; Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 28c ia Special Stove Oil, at per gallon I3c 40, • • t We also - have some very Attractive Prices in 't 4. t Furnitur(!. See Our New Beds, Springs and it Mattresses. t • I + USED FURNITURE 4. t 4. Two Codd Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; .1 + • Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; t ..D Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. I. BE SURE AND SEE THEM! t 44 4r 4r. I Johnston & Kalbfleisch 41, Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++41 • • CHRISTMAS Only Nine More Days to do it is 4, erner,s, Come early, don't, waiter until theiast day. We • have Gifts for Every cly,, Landy and Nuts at very Spezia Prices. _ 1Shoppingi. and the Place • r A Few Special -Prices on Groceries: Raisins, large with seeds, 2ibs for 22c Raisins, seedless, 2 lbs. for 22c Currants, 2 lbs. for 25c Mixed peel, orange, lemon, citeron, 2 Ibs. 23c Dates, 3 lbs. I 9e . Corn Syrup, No. 5 pail 39c Jelly Powder, 6 for 25c J. W.ME Highest Prices for Eggs. NER Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL infREST , Mr. Ed. Schnell'of Bayfield visited with his mother for a fekv'daYs. Miss )3eatrice Gascho who has been .for some time in Icitchtnealas returned home for the:rwintencpt PT? Mr. and Mrs. john Laporte ;• of ithe Blue Water Highway left Saturday i last for a few months' viwith sit their children., in Windsor, Detroit; and. Chicago. • Mr. Herbert Hey late of London, but recently of Cromarty, called Zurich on Friday. He intends leav- ing foi Hamilton; Where he will like- ly spend the ,Winter."' • a,Daa61:ati.Iariaoa;P4weltgtos,Filmalev,clita6aaavettaagazasaaa HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE a a a an LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax 4 . Frost Tight Goodyear WHITE 4, Furniture, Lock Wire Yepein,g and Gates E..11ci Fencing upp les and Posts Balloon and 'cdrcl Tires arid 'Vibes in all sizes' : • , -,411.11 ROSE:, GASQLENE? EN4RC.Q..0114 Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmth- ing our Specialty. Full line ...)f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. • ' • fa, • l'IrrIn prxic Cx+ ) a 4:1) eri4 "67' ',.,..),FACCOCt7.44-Ze4.7,4;,‘.1=810,774...,etadV8t*****(tili,4241406e042441084)64246i ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE -- SERVICE riP 111 3 el 0 0 ,4 A nice •little blanket of snow :fell during the past week, not enougluto let the sleighs run, but enough to cover the ground nicely. We: also had, a taste of some real nippy wea- ther, a few nights at and below. the zero mark. At London .we.a.re tqld was •the coldest:place,•in,,Canada on Sunday .morning,' when Arregestered eight. below. Phew!. . . • Mr: William ..Tarrottbf..114113,8?)? entertained the members of the Hay Council to a supper on .1'xidaqmice,n-, ing, and needless to say theirlitiff!a real good time. Mr. Jarrott, who happens to be moyor of his town gave the boys the "key to the city" and let them do as they please, but it was a very cold night and the big excitement was pretty well cooled off till they arrived at their respect- ive homes. New Liberal Whip Harold J. Kirby, member for Tor- onto -Eglinton, is the new Whip of the Ontario Liberal party. He was elected at the Queen's Park caucus, by 10 votes over Dr. George A. Mc- Quibban, North Welington, the house leader at the 1.988 mem), 50 Years An Organist In recognition of the long and continous services as organist of the &Life United Church, the phoir:,met at the home of G. Wilson and pres- ented •Mrs. Wilson with a beautiful walnut table and console mirron Mrs Wilson has acted in the capacity of organist in the one church for 50 years having been appointed at the age of ten years, and upon her re- cent resignation the opportunity was taken to acknowledge her service to the choir and church. During those years there have been well over 100 persons who have been attached to the choir. • nr)i To Organize For Fire • The Police Trdstees of Zurich in- tervewed the cou•ncii. lart, f.,in of Hay at ti -e meeting 'held ori Monday last on the matter ofek, 4ng a Are area surrounding this vil- lage. At the present time no proper trrangements are in force providing 'or the use of the fire -fighting equip- nent owned by the village and the iervices of the firemen at a fire in .;he rural section. It is proposed to ee if a petition can be secured from iv, farmers living in a four -mile cir- ,le and if this is possible the council ,vill pass the necessary by-law. Ev- 17 farmer in the area would be tis- -d a small sum to pay for main - ;labile liability insurance be secured to protect the firemen in case of an 'accident, 1, ,..,1LiOtAL MARKETS • ;.. • -(Corrected every Wednesday) Eke ' • 28 25 20 14 Butter:11o...creaniery " • 25 Butter ib dairy_ 23 Wheat,- IMISh' " • 97 Barlieyp busk 50 Btckwheit, buSsh. 50 Shorts, ton 26.00 . . .. .. . .... ....25.00 Floutyt cwt. . ..... 2.25 3.00 Live Hogs, , cwt. 6.50 Potatoes per bag 35c Old hens .... : . 8-7-3' Chickens,113.- 12 11 10„8 Duc(krdiessed ..... •, '. .. • • • Cheerfulhzess• is full of significance it suggest good•health, a clear con- scienceoand a soul at peace with all human nature. irliUlgYnqtAkIVIER NEWSN $eed, • iti.' qop 1:,•Gthinligrelar POlkito' glowers Whose: With'di.'seasei eonii�draieties7 would: find, it' decidedly advantageous to securej certified),Seed;' It is nbt-gie chief pur- pose of the Department of Agricult- ure to .encourage potato growers to use certified seed with a view to having their crops inspected for cer- tification purposes, because every potato grower has not thenecessary patience and time,or suitable locati- on and equipment, for growing' cer- tified seed. The object of the depart- ment ;rather is to have growers use the best seed obtainable for their commercial crop, and help to keep down•to a minimum destructive plant diseases, with their resultant serio- us effect on yields. The use of cer- tified potato seed on many farms would double the yields new being obtained, • Pig Feeding Methods Although thereare several meth- ods ofpreparing meal mixtures for feeding pigs, the following tales are recommended as safe practices in produting-hogs of the desired type: (1) Gdind all graain. Fine grinding is recanmended especially for young pigs. (2)- .Soak meal rnixturre be- tween feeds; do- not use too much water ;but feed as a fairly thick slop (3) Hand feeding is the best method for securing hogs of a desirable type (4) If necessary, a self -feeder may be used after pigs have reached the grong stage of development (5) ,feev,,p0se„troughs and other feeding eqtiiPment 'clean. Moldy or decay- inx,,,matteOvillganse feeding•troubles &fed (6) Supply clean drinking water of Animal Disease ,13.orsesi,mules and asses ofall ages and 'Classes are .liable to contract any of the serious contagious diseases of tihe pi4 known as mange, scabies or itch. Mange is scheduled puder the Animals .Contaa,gous Diseases Act. which requires that every owner, bre- eder, dealer of veterinary surgeon suspecting the existence of .this dis- ease shall immediately notify the nearest: veterinary inspector. Treat- ment is carried out under quarantine the ,following mixtures being used officially for hand treatment -under the supervision of an inspector: SO phur 2 pounds, oil of tar 8 ouricesj raw linseed oil 1 gallon. illallatilimMillifiallENIIIIMINillillIIMINIMINIIIIININIIIIIIMIIM111111111M11111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111116W11111: . . , E----- . THESE PRICES subject to change witho4 Notice _,. Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00.,- Painting Buggy ' 6:00 -and 10.00 --2- .N: ' 1Et:6:ivering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 --,!-- -.:---- . Rerirnming Buggy Wheels Set -2- Buggy Shaft 12;.0000 .00 1 1--- , 1. ..... ......... , . ., . . ...: . .. 1.25 2 .... -. 25c ' - 1 RE S, the Repair Nlan.. S . IFININE0111111111111111111IMMINEEMENIMIIMIME111811111111111111111111111111MBIZMIN1111111111111141EMIIINIMI Cross Bar Buggy Reach ' Buggy. Spbkes each 4 4 4. 4. Hasestiii +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* ** 1 • .1, 1. I r THE WINTER SEASON I Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Autorno- t, bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good t Anti -Freeze?... Run in your car and let us do this very Important thing Right Naw! t Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large a and small quantities, La us fill your barrels or ContahLers. • Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Over t Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very 44. Reasonalbe. • a• aa IL Mousseau Zurich - 4. 4. ot+++.44%+,1•40PrEe*.7,43..k01.4,044,41.+0.1P•th + + + + + + + + + + a ..,'Th1.:ain7t 1t1;e741TPaldM. ao8fteSru'Sccaleeeir"ss forlall ,/z n!‘ I* Nt? ";31;p'4“"::81,. 0 o ; ,,, ,,..1/ 4; Mittu.61aureikttc..- 4* l‘gti? fok.rtktoi tell the'World thig'''inesag: 4 ser41ce * and Sound MerchandisingI ' a And the World listens when I speak! . i • (.. • .E. . „ + .,. For those who have used me as their Servant I have gathered untold millions into their coffers. i - I command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles.r,-. .t. and lead the Weorkl whithersoever I go! p 4- 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! 4-- 4. • 1 am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my '1.7 , Name is: * +. al I. * ,..kaaaat‘taaa4aaaaaaikaaaai....0004...a ,Z.,;,41,047,,o+ipiet,4.440++,11.4,43-g qz;.,•,:,:.,4,,„T.tkwiri, HE „ fz." 4444.'.D.D.4.4.4,++44,44.4•40444 t 4. 4. 4. Ai" 4. 4. ALI) Do You Know? I IC a, ADVERTISE!