HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-12-13, Page 5"rho Ilei eiriber vat,. • ZaR%c' .ERALb BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL YriDLE'Y E. filo LIARS: B,ARRrS.TER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, 'ETC: OFFICE= Hamilton Street, dust off' the Square, GODE'1UCIi, Ontario.. Special. Attention to CounceI and Court Work. !Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Or. R, ft. COWEN L :i S D., D. S DENTAL SURGEONu. At DEITZ BLOCK -"—ZURICH Every Thursday', Friday., Saturday At. HARTLEIB'S BLOCK. DASHWOO'I3 Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINAR•IA.N A- R. Campbell,: Graduate of. Ontario Veterinary College, University • of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals ri treated principles, by the most modern p iX night .Charges reasonable. Day ,calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. InvernessStreet, Tlennels. Office on' Main (opposite Town FNSA7T,• Phone 116_ BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular. MEAT VIABKE . Let Us supply you with the Choice of Fresh aria Cur-; ed Meats, Bologfaa, Sausages: n '1'kQ new fQi winter use. always on hand. Kept �,'' A Big Ral,liit oag. 'Ect., Milne Rader. 14th con. fresh in Electric Refrigeration On Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. FOR SALE 46 Rock Pullets for quick sale. Apply to Theo Steinbach, Zurich. WANTED . Experienced Girl to do general house work. Apply -to Mrs. N. E. Coo ,. Hexa1, Bo 234. STRAYED "Froizl my Pasture farm, Lot 16, Concession 4, Hay -Township, a Her, ford red steer with white face weigh- ing about 1000 pounds. Finder kind- ly notify the owner; George Armstrong, R. • R. Exeter. NOTICE 'The annual Christmas Concert of S.S. Na.• 4, Hay, will be held on Bronson Iine, Friday evening, Dec. 21st, . in the school house, after a one hour program given by the pup- ils the young people of the section will present a play "Beacon Dubbs" the program will begin at 8 p.m. Everybody is invited. Admission 10c and 20e. For Sale A -food used 650 Ibs. capacity De Laval e'icram. Separator for hand or power. (A: real bargain). Le:Prang & Son, Zurich. FOR SALE Frame House 16A2; Galy. cistern nearly new, hanging lamp complete, Aladdin. table Tamp, Ford radiator LOCAL NEWS Miss Anna Hess is spending a few days at London. Mr, 11. K. Eilber, of Crediton, was a Saturday business visitor in town.. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Cook of De- troit are visiting relatives and fri- ends in the vicinity. - Miss Olive Witmer of the Babylon line spent a week -end, with her" end, Miss Shurley Koehler near Hien- Sall. Our mailing list has been correct- ed up to Dec. llth. and if you have renewed your label before that date you holm kindly look up and se if y been gived credit. If not, kindly let us know and we will adjust the. matter. We are in receipt, :of a.communle ation from Mrs. Harry 'Raider,- of Steamboat Springs;'CoL;" stating -that Mr. and Mrs. Rehder are Ieaving on the S. S. Bremen for Geridany on the 16th and intend being away for the winter. months. Their Zurich friends wish thein bon voyage' Just think of it, only. ten more shopping days till Christmas-. The local merchants are offering a nice array of goods for the occasion. an' their places of business are decorat- ed appropriately. Be sure and visit these stores during the • next ten days. The Zurich Athletic Club will hold its annual meeting in the Council Chambers, Zurich on Thursday even- ing, December 13th, when the Mat- ter of a hockey team for this winter will be -taken up. All interested ones are requested to be present, The executive of the Club will :me- et on 7.30 p.m. On Wednesday evening, December 5th, St. Peter's Luther League cele- brated the Twenty-first anniversary of its founding. The service was, well attended and all who were present found it highly inspiring and instru- ctive. After the service the League and about fifteen guests, sat down to a banquet served by the nii4thers o several Leaguers. This Friday even ing you are invited to the bush -leis Cash•?rices fox 1—bgiieSt Stens PRIVATlr'• GREETIN• S and' CHRISTMAS CARDS Yunghlut & Son Mondayvasa big rabbit da, arge size, hand tinted, deckle edge with envelopes; ' printed with name A AGE• and- address. 14 styles • one dozen all one kind or all different, $1.00 postpaid.—The Wallis Print, Digby, S E R . V It ,: NovaScotia ' Why We have then Bettek Class of ,Customers MIGiri CLASS GOODS, b. S. L. :BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- ' !E LUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES .AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Tarts, Nohning anti Mechanical Work to -Micrometer "+ ettings, S., Nt FOR SALE A Combined Player Piano and Piano• delivered to your door for $200.00. Cost $750.00, complete with 30 rolls and bench. The finest piano in this country. F. W. Hess, Hensall, ` Ont. Done ' itch tie cars t a „w at t WEIN'S They are'all Il1Gi�i STOP CLASS CLIENTELE. y II DasitwoOD tt ONTARIO INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOODS'IOCK. 'HE LARGEST RESERVE I3AL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS -OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO :Amount of Insurance at Risk. on Dec. 81st, .1932,. ,$12,880,.729 'T:r. Total 'Cash iii I3ankrand. 'Bonds ) 2211978E 991.. LA - hates—$4.50 per: $1.,040:.fon 3:Ye• ars E. F. Klopp+ a *lent,, luso Be ale r in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance PRODUCE Live Poultry 'Taken every Day tr'eleck1l. m.. gJb not feed FOw1 same morning when . brought in HIGHEST CASH PRICES -•FO -� CREAM: AND EGGS. �. ���I�;,,qr� Wm. . O'Brien, len, (tiitum. 10:1,, LtieS.. 19r„ Zuti(tt PRODUCE WANTED We are in a position to take Cream and Eggs at my home at Zurich, for which we will: pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay according to grading. Give us a Trial!, First house south of Dominion Hotel THOS. H. MEYERS, Phone 116, Zurich, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - 'duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will ,make •no` charges for Services. Ren- .tlered;.. " • ' ARTHUR WEBER Dashwood phone 13;57. , Treasurer's Sale of Land For Taxes TOWNSHIP OF HAY To Witt By virtues of a warrant issued by the Reeve of t1ts, , Township of Hay bearing date the 13th day of Sept- ember, 1934; sale of lands in arrears e , taxea • in the Township of Haywill beJ Held at my office, Zurich, :Ontario a,* ;•tbe..Ytpux. of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Saturday, , January 3-1+Ifi, unles,S•,thee axes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is .hereby given that the ,list of Wands for sale for arrears of taxes is being published in The Ont- .ario Gazette on October 6th; Nov. 3, and Dec. 1st, 1934, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office - Treasurer's Office, this 9th day of f! October, 1934. t26 Illi SS, Treasurer. for the Zurich Hanteran the dY was held at the town hall on Sot: r • being ideal for the_'. occasion,with day evening. to clear up business in •--.t 1r...,eh ,MOW iiia (tad(tadq y ii h. connection :with tale=f^•ir held in Sep The locals became'• mobolized shortly tember. The statement presented by after dinner and journeyer:, zoWardr the secretary-treas., showed the fin - Crediton, till a few miles this side of ances of the Society to be in better that place where pastures looked shape than for many years. This ye - nice - and green for 'their occasxoz. 1V -i -�-n toys tell us that to�waads:- Who-it:National Debt Means the last they were popping the -b- - er so fast that they could not.fie* (Brandon . Sun ) track of how many they: shot but i's. • A United States journalist, writing ns near as can be found outithe cold t on' government spendings, warns the was 180. David Fuss ' and Leerny people that each dollar of new debt O'Brein were high men each. having incurred by the government is a shot eleven. Some weeks ago tlfe mortgage on the earning of every local sportsmen thought that the jacks citizen. Tomorrow it will be fore - were scarce this winter owing to the 'closed in the form , of confiscatory dry summer at breeding time. But increases in the levies on, incomes seemingly these big fellows are very and in additional imposts on all com- hardy and robust. However, tale' merce. Your home, your means of boys sure had a big day's sport r iving, constitute the collateral your is ;g•overnment offers. Public debt mort- Officers. Elected rn-*Ages ' your security and that of your '= ' descendants. The Ladies Aid and W. M. S. of the Evangelical church held their, an-, nual business meeting and election of officers on Thursday afternoon, December 6th Owing to the absence PAGE Pry Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bissett of •►Nr►Atir•r•••r•i•l►••es eeese�i eeeesi troalraoi 1�IP+Mlii1 Gout -ic.i were visitors h town last eesien Tuesday. • t• Mr, Neal Witmer of the Babylon ine, has taken a position with Mr, )scar Koehler near HonsalL air Mr.,,and Mrs. George. Metcalf of laondoa}, were recent visitors with 0 relatives in this vicinity. Miss Ethel Hess is visiting her lister, Mrs. (Rev.) L. Kalbfleisch, of 0 :Elmira. Porn—At North Boundry Stephen, t Township on December Oth, to Mr.! d and Mrs. Stephen Peachey, a son. o We are showing a nicely assorted ,apply of Christmas cards. Be sure and look them. over, --,Zurich Drug Store, t e. Hay council will meet on Saturday of this week which will be the last tt .,hedi3led meeting for the year, The AS •iolxiination for Councillors and reeve n v ll :J^e the' last day' of •fhe year, Mon- I day December 31st. While passing the hotel in Zurich t®r on Tuesday last, a horse driven by Colin Hudson fell onthe road and before it could be released, it kicked 6 itself clear, breaking the shafts and sj in other ways damaging the buggy. Mr. Hudson was not hurt. Ex. t+ Commission: A is 1' came -_;d The issuers commission on sales of • 1 motor licenses is to be reduced from 20 to 15 cents on each set of mark- ers, and fro•n 10 to 5 cents on each operator's 'rmit. it is stated reliab- ly. Information is that the new r: - enses will be available about Decem-, ber 15th. Big Turkey Raisers ! t r Western Canada has some rather well-known turkey raisers, but Ala- bama tells a tale which we cannot' duplicate so far ds we know on this side of the boundary line. One good lady in Alabama sold five thousand i dressed turkeys last year, and she only started in the business in 1924. She is said to be one of the largest preeders of turkeys on this continent But possibly some good Canadian will beat her record this year. Goderich Fair Has Good Year Delayed for some weeks by the ill -1 /less of th'e ;ecy areas., J. H. Robert-„ son, a meeting of ' the directors . of the Goderich Agricultural Society -wn y, Your Winter's Fuel Cold Days are here again, and provision must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the home warm and cosy. We can supply practically :all' the calledfor grades of Coal and Coke with prices very moderate... Let us fill your Bin! STOCK FO ODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy ':this Winter by using Our Var,rc4ii • Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, and.: Laying laches. None Better on the Markets To -pay! inipieniont ii,epa rs- McCormich-Deering. no ar a 660 49 0411 Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. L. Schil {e a•aenergt,4* rnars►rsis0S0014ex 00 _Medford. Editox.. Passes Major William Bryant, former owner and publisher of the now de - of the President, Mrs. E. Burn, the funct Farmer's Thedford Tribune Vive-Pres., Mrs. A. Weber; presided and led the devotional exercises. Rev. Burn gave a short talk taking his scripture lesgnn 1 Thess: 5. The two, remaining chapters of the Mission and former joint owner of the Stan- ard printing Co. in Forest, died sud- denly on Dec. 2nd at his residence in Thedford. He was in his 73rd year He had been ailing for several: years. Study Book were reviewed by Miss For a considerable period he was P. Wurtz. The business for the clerk of the sixth division court. Sur - month was then taken up. It was de- viving are his widow, formerly Miss tided to send boxes of cheer to the Mary Lockrey, of Thedford, one son sick and shutins for Christmas. Don- Rev. W. Cullen Bryant of Louisville ations are to be brought to the home KY., and one daughter, Mrs. .T. Mas - of Mrs. W. Hoffman before the 21st on Kennedy of Detroit. of December. Rev. E. Burn then took the chair and presided over the annual business and election of offi- cers. The treasurer of the L. A. gave a gratifying report of the year's work with a neat balance on hand. A splendid report was also given by the Treasurer of the W. M. S. The convenors of the different• committe- e's then reported:: Working Com.,. several quilts made and kivext„ to the needy during the year. Two large boxes of clothing, bedding, and shoes were made up and sent to the relief in Western Canada. The Flower Com 306 sick visits made, 45 boquets given, 119 treats given, 50 cards sent, 21 boxes were sent to sick and shut his last Christmas. There were two new members added during the year. The parsonage Com. reported having the parsonage painted dtr- ing the year. The annual election of officers resulted as follows: Hon: Pres., Miss L. Faust; Pres. Mrs. E. Burn, 1st, Vice. Pres,, Mrs. A. Weber Sec • 2nd vice, Mrs. J. Hey; Rec.',Mrs Leroy O'Brein; Asst: Sec.; Mrs. I3 Sec., Mrs. L. W. Cowan; Cortes S , Hoffman; Trees for L. A., Mrs. W. Reith; Asst. Treas., Mrs, J. Gascho,• Treas. for W. M.. S., Mrs. O. Surerus Organist, Mrs. R. Geiger; Asst. orgi anist, Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, Librar- ians, Mrs. T. McAdams, Mrs. A. Mo- usseau; Auditors, .Mars. S. Zimmer- -elan, Mrs. T. L. Williams. Secy of Literature. Mrs..T "'. 'termer: Tith- ing See., Mrs. 3'. W. Merner; Prayer Teague Sec., Mrs. W. Siebert; Tem- ;lieraatce Secy., Mrs. J. Hey.. Search For Wounded Deer Provincial Constable P. E. McCoy game warden of Goderich, spent Mon day and Tuesday of last week on an errand of mercy, this time it was the caring of two deer, who had bcome the victim of gunssearching the Wawanosh of West for a. deer that was reported wounded.The search for the wounded animal was fruitless, but another was found dead near • Varna by the officer, and had been dead too long to be of any use. There is a stiff penalty for hunting deer in Huron and one which is like- ly to be enforced if t'he guilty are caught. " slow Relieved Low. children easily catch cold. Mire. Russel Ward, of Hilton 'Eeaeb, Ont., wisely says: "If I notice that there is any sign 01 a cold Xive Baby's Own Tablets and find they are a great help." Thousands of mothers do the same not only for colds but for fretful- ness, "•' indigestion, constipation, teethingtroubles, colic, upset stomacand so on. Baby's Own Tablets are safe and sure in reliev- ing childhood's common ailments. Prico 2,50. Dr Will.iamsr t3G BABY'S `OWN IABLETS SIVIVMMWIVIWAIAAM WAA Waik WfiVart Zurich Drug Store- Christmas PresetF1 We have many Articles in Our Store which will make very suitable Christ gas Fits WE HAVE A FIDE ' ASSORTMENT OF GIFT STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS, CAMERAS AND PERFUMES. ee Our Toilet Sets and Mani- cure Sets WE ALSO HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VARI- ETY OF CHRISTMAS CARDS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, &trio 4,ormikmmkpivvo4a#Immkw"„,,,#„„AtmitL. • a • e• d • • a • • 44 • • 0 •e • a s tr a 0 • .o • • e • • • • • 0 004444440.4,44* 4.40,40,0044444,4: $'40i/.*0A411,061.4 ....oa.0.0a0 0040,00,00**S006m.RaP4 ZURICH HERALD'S Ciubbthg List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Recoi cl $5. 10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly$6,00 .Staxi�-.�..�.�.•.: London Free Press $6,00 London Advertiser $6.00. London, Farmer's Advocate .. $2.25' Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers' Sun $2.50. Family Herald ant Weekly Star . $2 25 Faluny Herald fort ' 'PAW ,, :: ' $3,00, Canadian CountrYma&; ►` ':t2.25 Weekly Witness :. . , ' 3.155' .��.: . , ...,.. Farmers' Magazine .....................y,.. :... $2.501 Huron Expositor,,$teafocth ..... $2.73 And a groat many mere that we cannot enumerate here-. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .irr Canaka and the United States, and can save you im.eney en the mast of them. Renew an. your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE - Zurich as re afa • • oto dt9 e 0 4- e' 4 • • 4' 4' 4, 4 4' 4 4' 4' 4 4 4 4 4 •4.044.0...044.44.+404,41.416110.