HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-12-13, Page 4131_, AK t Mr. Walter - McBride is wearing a • =sale, ilts.„ a girl. and Mrs. Menno Wagier and ;daughter Violet of Petersburg, were • -Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 4,1ake Swartzentruber. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. aingerich and 'Saari -By and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Steckle and Peter and Miss Mary Gingerich were Sunday , visitors with 11111r. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich. 1111r. and Mrs. Amos Gaseno and • family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Oesch and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sara Gingerich. Mr, and Mrs: Christ Bechler and gamily of Iowa, are visiting with his „sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Erb.. Butchering is the order of the day in this vicinity. Glad to report that Mr. Jim.JOhn- -Ston who is hi the Goderich Hospital is getting along as well ...is can be le7k-petted,. HILLSGREEN Mrs. G. -Oesk,reicher is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery Mr. and Mrs. George Stire left lalt week for London, where they will spend several weeks with their dau- ghters. The Lutheran Christmas entert.ain- ment will be held on Christmas eve. December 24th. Deafh of Mrs. William J. Abel Mrs. Wm, J. Abel age 03 died sud- denly at 12.30 a.m. Sunday in her home 607 West Fourth street, where she had lived for 19 years. Appar- ently in good health Mrs. Abel suf- fered a stroke of apoplexy at 10.45 p.m. Saturday and died less than two hours later. Rosary service was held inth residence . •at .8 p.m. Funeral Service was held Wedn'esday at 8.30 a.m. in the residence and at 9 a.m. in St, Marys church of Royal Oak, Burial, was held at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Mrs. Abel was formerly Katherine Mclsaac, was born ,Janu- ary "20th 1871 at Dashwood, Ont. and was married to Willem J. Abel at Detrot •in 1897. Surviving are her husband, four sons, William J. Jr., age 32, Roy 28, an employee of the Royal Oak City water .department and Alvin age 24 all at home. Three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Vernon of Dear- born, Mrs. R. Armstrong of London, and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer of Dash- wood; hree brothers, Peter Mclsaac of Dashwood, Daniel Mcisaac of Crediton and Angus Mclsaac of De- troit and two grandchildren, Grace Ellen age 5 and Billy Abel age 3 of St. Clair Shores. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson spent -.he week -end with friends in Mitch - Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson were visited during the week with friends groin Stratford. Miss Dolly Hagan has been nurs- ing Mrs. Norman Cook of Hensall. Miss Edna Cochrane spent the we- ek -end with her cousins at Clinton. The service in the Hillsgreen chu- Tell on Sunday afternoon was with- drawn owing to the funeral service •of the late Mr. Jas. Johnston of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Datars and daughter Marjorie of Dunville, sp- ent a few deys in this vicinity. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Miss Hazel Smillie (the teacher) and the pupils of S. S. No. 5, Stan- ley, assisted by the you -ng people of the section are preparing a Christ- mas concert and entertainment to be pat on in the schoolhouse on the evening of Friday, December 21st, Admission. 15c. HENSALL Roy Palmer of Windsor visited his parents here, . Chas Cooper has purchased from the Ross estate the brick cottage and two acres of land situated on No. 4 Highway, two miles south of town, Arthur Dick of London spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. • Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood of Ex- , eter visited with Mrs. John Dinsdale. I Reeve Jones was in Goderich last week attending County Council. Mrs.. A. G. Smillie recently return - Rev. and Mrs. C. Eicher and son ed from Toronto with her son, ,Dr. Elmer Eicher: and wife of hieago, •Iv.an„.Gz Sraillie,• and is -for the pres- visited with Mrs. Eielier's sister, Mrs. .ent keeping house for. himi,p• . his Nelson Keys and friends in Stanley. office apartments here. The:rooriis Mr. Eichler also gave an interesting have late& .been dec"-Orated, hall at. raissionary address at the Goshen the rear and doctor's office mg church. last Tuesday evening. stairs. A hole was blown out in the,boiler at Geiger & Son's flax mill on. Tues- day morning of last week, but no Mr. Elgin McKinley attended a poultry convention at Hamilton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hayter and one was seriously hurt. The mill is family of Detroit visited with the shut down, till a new boiler is in- former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter over the week -end. DASHWOOD The Evangelical Christmas enter- aeainment will be held on Christmas might, Dec. 25th. On Sunday evening December 23rd a program will be „given by the choir and the C. E. and. Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac and Mr. ,and Mrs. 0. Restemeyer visited in London on Sunday. stalled. While going north on No. 4 high- way last Friday afternoon, Archie Rowcliffe's car .collided with 'another car at Brucefield. Rowcliffe's car tur- ned completely -over arid he teCeiv- ed serious injuries. It was fearedat first that his back was broken but an x-ray showed that Was not the case. He is improving nicely. The Chamber of Commerce hi - tend having a community Christmas ! tree on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 22 and aT1 the children of Hensall and surrounding district are especially +++++++++++++++++++' -i.-*. * Cut Your Fuel Bill In,HALFT Buy Stern' Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON WE CARRY A HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU HONE 69 Ile MIRICINESIONIIIIMISI WAIT. ( T rti „nu.- u ZURICH • 4•• ++++++++ +++ +++gel -1-e+ +++++ ++++ +++++ ++++ 4.44. ++ ++ 4 4. • 0.4-4.+41.+++++++++++++++++++ 4,4++++++++q,+++++++++++.1.4..+4 ABBEY -HARRIS NEWS Massey -Harris Tractor and walking plows won 60 Drizes at International Match; nearest competitor won only 38 There's a Reason! ff. Now that the harvest is over we would appreciate set- tlement on Repair Accounts by Nov. lst. The pleasure of giving was puts, and, the convenience yours 1 •, • 5: We must now settle with .head office and need your: help. "PLEASE!'' -„;„ -.7. Super Lastic Distributors: 25,000 mile tires for' 545 I 30,000 mile tires for ...... .. ...... . ........7.05 If you like to save money let us re -tire your ear. • We have a few used Tires cheap. .;• Nokli TL Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 Atntioneering? — U. BET! ??4 "1 -Th *ZURIt1-1 I-JERALD • 'TVnigido*Illeceinlbor Itth, 1032V" • •.•! 1T';- • is n yo s cdd as Rd_ arage 11.100 „slatefili ,• ". • •••;.•.'• 7.; r insta t st rtin Even though your garage be as cold as an igloo, Blue Sunoco will snap your car into instant action: Dependable quick -starting is the result of slcillftd manufacturing and cannot he obtamThed by adding those chemicals which help only in reducing knocks. * * * Today, no anon= fnel, not even extra -priced gasoline, starts cold motors quicker than Blue Sunoco, and it sells at regular gas price. e71 invited to be present. Santa Claus will be present and have a package of candy for every boy and girl.; A spl- endid time is looked forward .to. Re- member the date. Rector and Bride Honored On the afternoon of Monday, Dac. 3rd, the Anglican clergy of Huron Deanery with wives, met at St. Tho- mas Church, Seaforth, to extend their good. wishes to Rev. M. B. Parker, rector of Hensel], and his bride, The bride was presented with an electric toaster after which very dainty re- freshments were served. . ••‘ 11,), t • •• • > 47-2.77' • . • • .2. • • )11{.NR; "Ooderich• and expensrs 2.67; C. Cook salary 67.50; J. A. Paterson; salary and by-laws. 100.00; F. G. Bonthron salary 45.00; Geo. Hudson • 256.00; ' J. A. Foster fire dept. 25.00. Motion that Poll Tax By-law No. 10, 1934 be given first and second reading and filially passed. Motion that we now adjourn to meet again Dec. 15 at 8 p.m. i• J. A. Paterson, Clerk COUNTY NEWS ing the banquet he Was honored when he was presented with a large certificate, attesting with a large cer- tificate, attesting o his 37 years' service with the railway. December Flowers Miss Wilma Hay, Seaforth, brou- ght into the Expositor office on Dec- ember lst, a bouquet of pansia.% which she had picked that day in the garden at the home of her raother, Mrs. W. S. Hay. Miss Harriet Mur- ray, also picket a bouquet of dak,ies on the same day. All of which. Drawing at Mt •. Carmet most unusual for ecemb Hensall Council Minutes v Burton Macdonald, of Brussels I A. drawing for prizes was liolidl at . sliped on the slippery platform of the Mt 'Carmel Hall Wed, .evening last. The regular meeting afthel*illagf?' N.R. Station there and broke a with the following restilts,.*Afglutu,„ Council was held on the . evening ,of December 8th, at 8 p.m. with coun- cillors Sangster and Petty being ab- sent. Minutes of previous meeting were read anduadopted. G. Hess and C. Moore appeared -ea ldelegateion from the Chamber of. Commerce re, the Christmas tree and asking for a donation to same. :e Motion, that we grant $15 to be us- ed for the Christmas tree fund. • . F. G. Bonthron, tax collector, re- ported re taxes of $4750.00 being paid to date. The Clerk reported to the Tax sale at Goderich and the;pur: chase of the C. Wolff .nrevrty $9 (3.80 for.' the municipatIV.wi Jones repotted re the p;rav,•alling of the streets.N. Communications .reatt,a`s follOwst TiPrvey McLaren, War . Memorial° Children's Hospital, H. J. A.. MeB19-- , en, same filed. ' Bills and Accomits read as follows Chamber of Commerce grant 154 Villand labor strs 1.80; Hensalal Hydro, hydro 6.88; 0. Alexander, gravel strets 10.15; W. J. • Harvey, drawing gravel strets 50.75; P. Don- nelly, legal advice 2.004 A. W. E. Hemphill, suplies 7.85; F. W. Hess, printing 41.75; Moore 1.3ro;. repairs' hone in his leg above, ,the ankle. 1won by Rev. S. B. Doyle of Welland. . Roy E. Dick, who ha's been "eleCted Ont., 100 lbs. flour, Barbara White; Exeter; colored blanket, Margaret Reeve of Watford, is a native of McDonald, Toronto; Bed Spread,. S. Huroncounty. He was born in 'Hayi Morrission, Dashwood. The drawing tCrynship and later lived hi'llertiall. .. ,i WaS made .by Wrn.-8iieitzer; Reeve F. C. Elford of Ottawa, Dominion ' of Stephen Township. Poultry Husbandman, Holmes:villa Huron Judging Teama old •boy, is at present at St. Peters- burg, Florida, having been ordered 1 The Huron live stock judging team. south for his health. I came fourteenth in a class of forty contestants at the Toronto Winter Ernest Gordon Howes has been ap- Fair. The cam was composed of pointed caretaker of the Clinton Stewart McEwen, Stanley; Frank postomce, succeeding R. Walton, Archibald, Tackersmith, and" Jack Who retires on pension 'after 20 yrs. Moylan, iviocatip [ Beryl. . Howes is a war vetern. ., .. • A . • , . Bra Band for, Exeter • ,,,,„ Mill Nowl;coing ' 'A ' brasS, band' has been "organiketf Wm..Reid of Varna,..thas now :a . p t, Eieet ., . .:,-,, er; Wit& Theddore. ,l/ifiiIper, fully equipped mill.for. grinding and ; • former 65nducter Of the Dashwood' rolling, and is prepared to render band; as iettdei,„. txett.x. ittena.6 r_v_ service to the public. , c. , . • " ••1 • " ,1"ing)an Old ,bey'SY,ireuniott nett 'Yeit-ip Many Happy Reitirti. . and considers a band is necessat toy Huron Expositor: Town Clerk a successful eelebration. John A. Wilson observed his 75th birthday last Tuesday at his home here. He was born in Waterloo Co- unty November 27, 1859, but has Fovest Editor Loses Wife Mary Madeline Melochie, wife of H. Pettypiece, editor, .of the For- l'ettiTpiece, VOrest Attempted Robbery Early Sunday morning last the' doorse of the storeroom of the Ex- eter Rural Hydro at the rear or Dr.. J. Ward's were forced open and night constable W. Wareing coming upon the scene noticed the door swinging and intxesfigated. found that the Tact had been forced, a bolt drawn. through the door, a nut having been stripped off the bolt on the inside. The discovery was made about 2.30'. &clack and Robt. Crawford, an em- playee, was notified. A check-up of the tools revealed that nothing was.. mess% • Autos Meet A ' lma° accident occurred onine , Main St., Exeter' when itz•Chev. sed -'- an driven by,J, 41. Doer , of Auburn;. was rim into by a car driven' by S.- lil.tton of Exeter, who was in the act Of turaingc, around. at Harvey milt: and 'was looking to see if a car was cawing from the rear and failed to, notice a ear coming from the north.. 'Bs car struck the Auburn car near - the left front fender darnaging it considerably. Fortunately no one. was hurt. In the ear with Daer were. tv,To ladim. The ocetipants of the car. were en their way;to London and were taken to the city and later dri- nAolleir 4i Auburn by Mr.. tton D. scitioot, REPPRT The following is the monthly re- port for November of S. 5. No. 4, $lanle3r-, ;,. • ' Fifth—Stuart Viratson 47%, Jean Donor 46. Jr. IV—Gordon WEstlake 81, Bil- ly Armstrong 80, meivin Greer 75,. Ethel Watson 67. Sr. HT—Ilene Greer 71, Madge spent the most of his life in sea- est Free Press, died Nov. 25th attire Houston71, Wilfred Ila a. forth. family residence, Forest, after a lin- jr. III—Andrew Rau 55. Honored by C. N. It.. gering illness, aged 91 years. Be- II—Dewar Talbot 82, Anthony Wm. Brine Seaforth, was in Tor- sides her husband she leaves to roure Ti 59. hall .50 ; Dr. G. Col.4 et salary, exp., onto last weetk attending the 'tun rt one daughter, Miss Eleanor Petty- Pr. ---,Lorraine Talbot, Joan Greer,„. 90.75; County Treas„ tax sale pur- banquet of the Canadian Nationa' piece at home , and two sons, Rev, lean Rau. chase 06,80; J. A. Paterson expenses Railway Veterans Assteiatton.. Our-- F. G. L. Pettypiece, of attatfoyd.andb orap.o, kto.t50?, teseuer. t