HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-12-13, Page 1•
-Vol. XXXV Nei22
Chester L. Smith, Pel lish
$1.25 a year, 13.S. $1.50 in Advance:
111.60 IN A$REARS, sa mar Ba of, alfsoaf,.
Only 2 more weeks till Christmas. Do your Shopping now!
Making Weather Prophets
Through the mt-o :zatavn of the
U. S. Weather Bureau: station at De-
' troit, American and pian Boy
Scouts of Border districts are tak-
ing course in weather abrervation..As
a trial test the scouts must predict
the following day's weather-
••••••—s -
The Judge Had. Use of Chair
Goderich—Four years ago there
was much hullabrae when a Supreme
• Court judge indignantl* complained.
that there was >•xot an easy chair and
footstool in his retiring risen. The
furniture was rushed in. by the sher-
iff but it developed that it had nev-
er :been paid for—jib borrowed.
The county council. authositiles the
payment of $9.O0_
Police Cour, at Exeter
Magistrate C W_ Haw31aa, or
.London, on Saturdaylast beld his
.first court in Exeter since hs mint
anent as magistrate of the district,
Three young mens, two from Exeter
and one from Heasal ewe, befaore
him charged with disorderly eoaduct.
They all pleaded guilty ter the charge
and. each was fined $13.90- The mag-
' istrate in addressing the boys, :sfa ted
-that he would allow no raw snt f
lowing any .of the dances in Exeter.
Do You Need Glasses?
Stop and think hour imponitant`;it ails
• that you wear correct glues—cor-
rectly presceibedl for your vrision.
• Correctly styled to your face. 'Your
health may largely depend on keen
See C. E ZURBJU , iii �-
The treasury'shorts a nice balance
down la.e after a four day De g t so took place
At HESS ` EWEL R cember = �ssppn. Warden Elliott wi h� whidii+: resulted• as follows:: I Star
;� on,naxit dins year instead of the ye- ed'tlie best of luck • t•':.Reeve James
Quilt,..Won by. Mrs. Paul Masse; • II,'
ZI i _ .ars of deficits:' The board adopted a Ballantyne, . M.L.A. (Osbdrne) ), by 'Hooked: 'Katy: by Mrs.' Jos. Foster;
Accidents And. Compensation
There were 5,226 accidents report-
ed to The -Workmen's •Compensation
Board during the month of October
as compared with 4,695 during Sep-
tember, and 3,558 during October a
year ago. This brings the total .num-
ber of accidents reported to date to
45,553, as eoxnpared with 30,887
for the same period last year: The
fatal cases reported during October
numbered 33, as against 18 in Sept-
ember. The total benefits awarded
amounted to $422,820.58 of which
$345,396.05 was for compensation
and $77,424.53 for medical aid, whi-
ch brings the benefits awarded dur-
ing 1934 to date to $3,668,826.62, as
compared. with $2,993,645.05 for the
corresponding period. of 1933.
Baby Wants Home
The humdrum routine of county
'council was broken at Goderich on
Wednesday last when Reeve David-
son of Wingham. rose from his seat
and virtually asked council to adopt
a tiny baby, girl, now in Wingham •
Shoe Repairing
I wish to advise the Public. that I
am in a position to do all kinds of
shoe repairing, and solicit your pat-
ronage. Give us a trial for good
Zurich — Ont.
Wurm—Catherine Wurm, In cher-
ished memory of our beloved mother,
who passed away eight years ago,
December 11, 1926.
Peacefully lie thy silent slumber,.
Peaceful n thy grave so low
Thou no more will join our number
Thou no more our sorrow know.
Yet again we hope to meet thee
When the day of life is fled
And in -Heaven we join to greet thee
Where no farewell tears are said.
Her • Loving Children
hospital' The wee tot, the Reeve ex -
• Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haberer and
Mrs. Ivan Yungblut motoreu to Lon-
don one day recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfile of Hen -
salt . were guests at the home of Mrs.
B• Pfile last Friday.
Mr. Wallace Ross of Brucefield,
was- a Tuesday visitor at the home of
Mr.and Mrs. C. L. Smith.
'Miss Bernice Thiel of near Hen-
sah--is spending a few*weeks' holi-
days with friends in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Bechler and
family from Manson Iowa, are visit-
ing friends and relatives on the
Bronson line.
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon,
Mrs. A. C.
London. on
planned is two years old and weighs then• •
but sixpounds. When the babywas have a 20-footpavement built -from l son Archie, and
Kalbfleisch, motored to
brought to the hospital. twelve `weeks Clinton to ••Blyth, instead • of a .10 -ft Thurso.,
ago she weighed just four pounds. pavement started. A. T. Cooper,
She has large blue eyes, is well for -.Clinton; secretary of the Co. Moth- Mr, Milford Schilbe and daughter
med. and is normal in all respects er's Allowances Board appeared be- Dorene and Mrs..Herb Krueger and
except size, kicks up oher heels, etc. fore council to explain the activit: Miss Anna Daters were visitors in
but requires a great deal of attention nes of that body. There are T5 bene- lsitciiener for a few days last week
It is for this reason that Reeve Day- ' #iciaries, involving 209 children in
idson would like • to find a home for 1 Huron. The number was decreasing, I
Mrs. (Mev.) week'sE. Burn, who spent a
the wee baby and he was authorized 15 having been removed in 1934. In -`.Pleasant few visiting her 'to do.'so, the_ cost to be shared equ-' specter Govenlock and Keeper Jac -le
h in New York City, has return-
:aTly.�by the. county and the town of • obs of the' County Home were sum- ed home and had a splendid time.
Wingham. The baby's parents 'are ' mond before council to explain an � -The Directors and Officials of the
:3inancia1ly unable to take care of the item of $4,600 revenue from the sale Hay Township Farmer's Mutual Fire
�cluld. • of hogs, this was reduced when the Insix• i'rice Company, held their last
+-3n: : inspector said that , over Iislf'• should ,,leg r .meeting for the year •in _the
} ,,.• - be allowed for' -feed,' the` reeves are •Dominion Hotel, Zurich, on Satur-
Duron County Council "'`from Missouri" and want to know
y� when considerable business was
:Huron, ?jaunty Council cdriveni?d .how such a sum in this day and gen-.transacted.
in the';Council Chambers Goderich eration can be made out of hogs.
' With the presentation of a goldhead-, The card party held in the town
commencing Tuesday noon with the ed cane to Warden Geo. Elliott, the hall, last Thursday evening, was in
Warden, 11'fr. 'George Fl1iott in the singing of the National Anthem and every way a big success as a large
chaix. 'This was a rather. busy me- Auld Lang Syne, the curtain was gathering was present, At the same'
erring as it was the close of the year. • + time the drawin 1
EvangeklicaT Lutheran thzureh-
"A Changeless Christ: far sye =anxg-
ing Wont..'"
Friday, 8h—Luther League.
.Saturday—Choir Practice -
10 a. m.—German Service_
11.15 a.m.—Sinnday SeIag.
7.30 p.m: English service..
Everybody •Welcoaue
E. TUERKHEiIW.. Parnas_
,repecial eommnttee anves - .
igating the 'county constables' situ- lature hn South Huron last Je was ,,defeated forlunuegto
°,tion, recd nmendnni - the 'appointrn-,
ment of John Ferguson, chief -,
`ief conwhich Mr. Ballantyne replied vert
carr ably. During the session a Protect
e le 1yth, as a county cons'tab-
[3e to-enToree the Ligaor Control Act.
Mr. Ferguson will remove to Goder-
ich and will be 'active assistant to
Prov. Constable McCoy, replacing
Constable Thos. Gundry, a veteran
in the service..A salary of '$21)0 is
attached to the post but it carries a
4 bout $1,000 fees. Mr. Gundry is - a
.>tnan-7l)>years ' if age. Warden 7Filliott
and Reeve tieyer refused to accept
from Council . remuneration for sir-
eiilating 'the petition to` pave No. 4
highway, which they did at their
own expense—Reeve Reeve Jas. Ballantyne
i32f :,. 'fold -council how ire Iraq in-
tervened with Premier Hepburn to I
III, 10 -1Il ,s...Fiour by Mrs. Kuno
Rartman. '
A verypleasantevent took place
was entered against any change in on Friday: evening December 7th, at
the present system of administration the homeet Mrs:. Sol Jocobe when
the Old Age Pensions Act, the new 'a miscellaneous. shower was held in
regulations calls for the abolition of honor of -her eldest daughter, Miss
country council committees. Grants of
$50 each were made to Kirkton and
Clifford fall fairs, both of which are
located on the county border. This is
half the usual amount, The council
memoralis:es the provincial govern-
ment to not change the old age pen-
sion qualification, 70 years: And
also to not do any paving in the Co-
enity during the coming year.
The regular monthly -meeting of
the Council of the Township of Hay
was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, -on
Monday, D.c. 8rd, 1934, with all the
members present
After disposing of the communicat-
ions the following resolutions were
' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 10 UI1 II1l1f111fNiM!i)t^'. fi I ; '1:!M 1li!rn 11111111 IIIIII(I JIIU N11III 11111NIIIli111II01111U' I IIll SEIlluI11i llllillillllllllllfll
Grocers i tir :s.
Natures Best T :