HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-12-06, Page 1• Vol. XXXV e • .ese. Teel eeneennenne. ZURICH, THURSDAY MOliNIRG, DECEMBER 6, (934, Capital Theatre Goderich — Phone 47 Now .Playing—Shirley Trape in Now •and Forever, with Gary Cooper •asuli Carole Landow& Mon., Tuese and Wedl. MARGARET SULLIVAN! 'Out of the pages of insUy famous story step the characters known to millions. "Little Man, What. Now?" With DOUGLASS NONTGOMERY Thursday, Friday and Saturday The Sensational', dare -devil CLYDE BEA_TTY -.Anita Page, Ray Halton and Andy Devine, give us a thrilling action tale featuring tamed and untamed Eons "The BIG CAGIF:* Coming—A double bill "This Man Is Mine" and "Murder an the. Mack - 'Wardle' Matinees—Wed. and at. at 3 p. m. Do Yoti Need Glasses? • Stop and Think how freeportant it. is that you wear correct glasses --cor- rectly prescribed_ for your vision. • Correctler styled to your face. Your health may largely, depend on keen - See C. E. =ERGO, R. �. At HESS JEWELEIRY STORE ZURICH. - ONT. StilreltSti=i1=2221=71i=2213iiIRZILIZIAISSISMIEBEIXOSCI=110012tOd ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutha4ccrx Church WRECK—ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a: Chang- ing World.,"" Friday, 8h—Luther Leagae. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. Tn.—German. Seevice- 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m—English service.. Everybody Welcome to ail Seers.. E. TUERKHEI Pastor,. Chester L. Smith, Publialleyer g1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advaninee 01.50 LiAIili,EAKS, ;2 MAY BX (MAMMA, ffl•re eeks till Christmas. Do your Shoping no • It is said thattoday there are 3,000,000 boys and girls in the Unit- ed States without facilities for eclu-: 'eat on. +—ea It Is idle to talk about moulding the man of the future if we do not know what the man of the present is like. The life of a. num is a dairy in which he means to write one thing and writes another. e—se The reduction in beer consumption in Germany since pre -War days has been quite marked. The consumption Ins fallen from. 68,800,000 hectolit- res to 33,300,000, or less than half -what it was in 1913-1914. America has some hot spots in sum- mer, but other countries also boast of high temperatures. Illooltan, India a few months ago reported 121 de- grees Fahr. in the shade, and at Marble Bar, Australia, the mercury sometimes reaches 125 in the shade. 90 degrees seems quite cool beside these figures. 4—te • Safety First Wooden treads have been placed on Shoe Repairing I wish to advise the Public that am in a position to do all kinds of shoe repairing, and solicit your pat, ronage. Give us a trial for good workmanship. GARFIELD BROWN Zurich — Ont. ...lai591.1.21.r.............amarassanameaamamwemsarana......econorcuemiatimari -7e •-eld-nee.!neee nen teen_ , seas— , 4,6-e'nee - nee. ',nee --nee ..WIMIZSMINIMMI1112. Reeve A. Melick is attending Co - MeV Council at Goderich this week. stage in the development of• a Piall SundayMriJoseph Hagan of Hensall, was visitor at the home. of Mrs. by the Dom. authorities to provide a new source of supply of food and S. Jasobe. with the present wild life rapidly dwindling in the Far North. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gascho and clothing for the Canadian Eskimo; • Miss J. E. MacDonald motored to London on Saturday. Miss Gertrude Weber entertained her girl friends to dinner on Mon- day evening, and a good time was spent by all. 4-4 Early Mailing Stressed Once more from the post office de- -Mr! and Mrs. William F. Braun pertinent comes the plea, "Do your wuiy 01 homeofChristmas mailing early." Every year Mr. Williarn the general public has perfectly go- Lamont of town. od intentions regarding this matter ...Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hertzel and but it just seems to be a habit to. daughter Betty of Hadley, Mich., are leave the mailing unutil the last min- visitor s at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ute. The postoffices. issued a list of Herb Disjardine. the latest mailing dates.- These are: • Thomas and Dec. 10, UnitedStates, to allow for Mr. Lloyd Eidt of St. ThoMies L. Kestle of Ingersoll were Sun - will be a safety measure during the the stone steps at the postoffice,winch istores examination; Dec. 15, Brit- . day vieitors with the formers uncle, icy weather. It is said, on good au- ;. 7, Alberta and ish Columbia Dec 1 Saskatchewan. Dec 18 • Manitoba Mn and Mrs. R. F. Stade. Mr. Eidt ' ' ' f •mmen teller of the Bank of thority, that this improvement has — - and Maritime Provinces; December no connection with the new beer 20, Ontario and Quebec and Dec. 21, Montreal, and he also called on his local delivery. .old.•friends here. A surprize party was held at the Have Place to Smoke home of Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Heist of near Crediton on Saturday even- Co-eds at the University of West- ing- The occasion being in honor of ern Ontario, London, have been the birthday of their daughter, Mrs. Perhaps one of the very best in- Oen G. Hess, of Zurich. Friend - granted a smoking' room, after se -J-• vestments the United States has is request for it Made to the offieials of -ereclie , the institution. Henceforth, they will owed the United States $4,277,000,- laws.—Seaforth Nenes'. +-4s The War Debt . (Milverton Sun) eral weeks of agitation, and a formal -eel. Psrieresent from Zurich and God the war debt of Great Britain. At the close of the war the la er nation r ti Car teS, s New Low Prices OVER 1,000 CARDS TO CHOOSE FROM MAKE YOUR SELECTION EARLY ass, The Jeweller BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea D L &Wt.‘44, HE STANDARD ANTT-I::'71C ' SCRANTON Genuine Semet Solvay Coke MILT ERS CREEK and Rosedale Alberta Pocahontas Briquets A new Domestic Fuel for every per -- pose. Intense Heat, very little enieft.. or Ash. W. R. DAVIDSON CASH paid for Eggs on a Grad'eol. Basis, HENSetrelf. Phone 74 Zurich Phone 10 A 94)44,4, '4 a 4,e *444 (0444,4.>+•4 i:dpii..Edr•Cs.‘it.‘,id,444 444 4 RIP' 9 s tt0.11 000. Since that date she has paid . ' be permitted to smoke in Room 3,i th basement floor of the art col- umns give Mr. Harold Stade a big The daily papers in the sport col- ,t her creditor $2,017,000,000 and at lege, a room which was formerly set praise for his splendid work on the OVERCOATS Guelph hockey team. Harold left 0 the present time owes her just about aside for the women students, but in READY MADE TAILORMADE Zurich a few months ego for Geelph. $100 000 000 more than at the be- . . they. not e emitted to use got1 s tam, and we are debt liquidating how long will it be ginning. At that rate of progress in ' students howeyer, that the tobacco. Warning has come to the Permis- in the hockey team. pleased to learn that he is doing well where he• a m i before John Bull e,scapes from Uncle* sion which itis been granted them.• may be withdrawn at any time, if the I We regret to learn of the painful 'Canada's Reindeer Herd Sam's clutches. • privilege is abused. accident which befell Mr. Jim John- . • ston of Blake last Friday, when he • ! Twenty Years At It! apple tree, in some way the tree One of the most rernarka.ble ven- and his father were cutting down an tures in the history of Canada's far g • north appears likely to be crowned If our readers will paron WC, swerved very rapidly ditching Jim with complete success before the new would like to say a few words abont and forcing him under part lei' the •e '• . se year is ushered he. It is now report- ourself. Incising beck twenty yeare tree. His father, Mr. Ross Johnston d, hythe Deptof the Interior, 'Ot- ago your publisher finds himself the ;fot,,,br tae and as soon as poseible re- f t d • - * tawa, that the herd of reindeer pur- first week in December 1914 taking, • . . . ! n chased in Alaska in 1929 will be de- partnerehip as publisher of the immediatly rushed to Goderich hos- Hue livered th their new grazing grounds ald and Printer with Mr. A. F. Hess, pital Where it was diecovered that * . o near Kittigaznit, to the east of theMi the present Conveyancer and mic a vertibra in his pine was damaged. Mackenzie Delta, by the end or De-• iped Cleik, eddsh peetnerelsie con- cerriber. The Start of the long treale tinued for 5 years till the end of 1.91a along 1,600 miles of the northern-! When we aseumed full control of the most rim of the continent wee made Herald. Mr. Hess at this time hay - late in 1929 after the purcliare of i ing received the aepointmeet C't the herd in Maitre. The trip which end Treasurer of Hay Township. has occupied more than five years ' Back in 1.914 were the days vhen was under the direction of the manIthe dark clouds of war wean hover - .from 'whom the Done Gov. bought the ing over Europe and nearly all the hardy northern deer. It is the first world leseeme involved in it, end ''' the Len,P Ise:oh:ably owino; to an eeteet.on, s • rayer unison. The lt will be some time before Mr. ,Tohn- ten will be able to be around to do his work. Womens' Institute Tho Zurich Branch of the Womerie institute niet in the council chamber on Monday evening with a good at- tendance, the meeting was open:ei by singing the Institute Ode, folowed ml• n would have joined the march on to .....woommramsosowevonotrareame tili MHO HI HMO I 11111MIREI Dlflffffifl!llhi 111(1 eel rOr Genuine Oran.. -e Pekoe Tea, :per lb 55c Currants (vacuum cleaned) 2 lbs.. 25c Broken SoidaA,; '3 Rm. ___— . —.25 c Ginger Snaps., -------------------------------------------- 9c Chocolate co\ekies, per lb. . 75c American Mend C.ciffee. per lb. 30c Grapefruit, each 5;c Pain Tree Toilet Som„ 8 bars ------------------------19c Rex. Coccoa per lb. . 4c ALL KINDS OF FRUITS, NUTS ANT> PEELS FOR CHRISTMAS CAKES. ATzz Threae., Plis.s„ Laces, Etc.' Ems (`!' d•I'Q ? • • eseelia, 45 cirt Thane 165 e•enes • Europe. The Herald at that time had three tie e printed in Zerich, as 4 at present we prins four. The pee., s Were about two inches shorter then as at present, and we witili to take thisemedium to greatly thank our readers and advertieing customers for the 'generous support accorded these twQlity years •%vhich made it possible to continue on. The a 1 el. - • tisers at that time who still give us Brace Mops) was on bees. Demon- advertieing patronage at preseet are teetion by Pearl Nile. All numbers R. N.. etoegles, F. C. halbleisch- -c'esee well given and much appreciat- - s'endrse., F. Ih..e.e. W. TT. Iloffmen, 4 ed. Lunch was then served and tir. A. Prang; H. Yungblut (then Yung- Gascho, (then Ruby & Gascho); L. meeting came to a close.. hint & Deichert; Hess, jewellers; .• eneeident, i\ -In:, liess then tool. ep the business, it was decided to make up a lateket groceries for it needy ideally and all members are asked in bring a donation to the home of Mrs Cowan no later than Friday, noon, Dec. 7th, after business :Min. Tuerk- Acee heim took the chair and the follow- ing program was called upon. A solo b Norma M • 4 4 UNDERWEAR Fleeced and Wool Separate or Combinations atom-aza. re SWEATERS V Neck. Pull Over Coat Style „, .. 7 ,c, .,? k O es 9f tO renlng ; , e, e * EMBA,LMERS 'MD 0 ei wesaormra.toustral. rforr einee;en,e vo• 0 11 S UITTThIGS Anything You ask for All Prices NEW FELT HATS Priced $1.75 up NEW RANGE of FANCY HOSIERY tel3) re6,ael lean GAUL' FUNERAL DIRECTORS keit ▪ ..8.4.7064,,,44,41,0„4.4.0 t ousseau, current events, Mrs. O'Dwyer, duet Ruth Johnston and Bernice Heist. Topic given by and we are happy to say that all thee mentioned are reputable bus- iness men, going strong thane twenty years. When we look back, a many changes have taken place in practically every other line besides our print .-hop. At that time we did all the typoeetting by hand for a year and a half when we introduced a Rogers typeeetter, this proved a big labor saver, then about seven. .,7'a11;t ego we purchased the pvesent, more modern Intertype machine on which we can at present tat four aineeeet faces of type. Wo niso did ail oer newspapor folding by hand at that thew, now we have a ca IT of 11 1 1,11 P WM) inetchinn !tete-nee:wen. • e. elene rend nennories of the peg "ea,. t1.1; cerieneey the ITT:lel rucuty linger ill vai• mind, .,•H e1. t.) the home whe, 'we are • wondering - whet changes, dieeer wile served to the immediate and success the next twenty years relatives at five o'clock. Mr. and willbring us. Here's hoping for the Mr. Hansen will reside in Steele. • eteey .best to all! j ford. HYMENIAL A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the Ev. Lutheran par- nmage on • Saturday December bite esem Rev. E. Tuerkheim united in holy wcddlock Nelda Elizabeth •tveghter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter ol Zurich and Lorne llarold sort of Fred and the late Mrs. Han- sen of Stratford. The bride was at- teeded by May Schwalm, sister of the :Mile while the groom was attended 1,3' his. brother Edwin. The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of brown cr,,pc with accessorlos to match, Th., bridesmaid wore a frock of midnight ILIMUILL.riTZSZTIMZIMTITIMM.MiallM"L=170,7=x7.TaZIFX1,4. ra, To call on us for -what you will require for Winter Wear. We carry a wide range in Clothing, Wool ?Jul Flannelette Blankets, Heavy Shirts for Men and Boys. Also Sweater Coats, Pants, Overalls, Socks, Shoes, and Rubbers, Rubbe.r Boots, Hahers :Fold Harness Repairs.. STOCK FOODS. OYSTER SHELL, ETC., F.";'_"', FR...ISH GROCERIES ALWAYS ,ON HAND' • .° ” GM E R OH A N T E3 LiAltkf PHONE II - 01