HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-11-29, Page 5•",rhemit ;November: , •t'ii, 14,04, ,D DLEY E. HOLMES RARRISTER, ' SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. ISIVICEentamilton Street, Just o$ the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. ids Attention to Councel and Court Work. Zr. Holmes may be consulted at Ueda:kir by Phone, and Phone • charges reversed. Dr. H. H. C OM' E N L. D. S. D. D S. z DENTAL SURGEON DMZ BLOOS—ZURICH lid Thursday, Friday, . Saturday Mei At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASTfWQOD:. Avery Moneay, Tuesday and Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer .For Huron and !Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO a dices GON- • t any Auction Sale, >te size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and ii not satisfied y ': Make no charges for Services B sn- it ARTHUR WEBEa'i_Dsshwoo/.r ;lime 18-67. iiriehs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins, Yunglt &` Sou ✓ TOMB Wants, For Sole, LOStg Found, Notice, Etc.Ade at tau cormat FOR, • SALE A limited number of:.small pigs 5 weeks odd, for quick emir.. Aonly to FOR SALE A Buggy, also a cutter, both in good condition. Apply to • Aarort G'ngerich,' Bronson line. For Sale A good used 650lbs. capacity Tie Laval Cream Separator for hand"or power. (A real bargain). L. Prang & Son, Zurich. FOR SALE Frame House 16x22; Galv. cistern nearly new, hanging lamp complete, Aladdin table lamp, Ford radiator cover like new for winter use. • Milne Rader. 14th con. FOR SALE About 60 bushels of good mixed feed grain for sale. Apply. L. A. Prang, Zurich. FOR SALE Massey -Harris No. 2 cutting box, nearly new. Apply to Joseph Druar LOST In Zurich a sum of money. Finder kindly apply to Herald Office. A re- ward is offered. S E B`V`I re 'E Why We have the Better iClas9 of Customer s. Ir, CLASS GOODS, U. JOATRIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR • LURS OIL, .,GOODYEAR TIRES lAND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION! ▪ Hohning and Mechanical Work. iko>r to Micrometer : Settings, No Bases work. Watch the cars that 1110P at WE1N'S, They are all RIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. a $a1 0 121 DASHWOOD -- ONTARIO Western Fanners' Mutual Weather Insurance Co! OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COldPANY DOING BUSINESS OF TRIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at Risk n Dec. . 31st, 1932, $17,880,729. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. *&t —$4.60 per $1,000 ,for 8 years E. F.KIopp--Zurich Antal,, Also Dealer is,hiihlnRo,`1Ebd a>4dall kinds of Fire Insurance L'1 VE p O U LT R WANTED Tail every Day tali: M o'clock p.m. • - not: feed Fowl, same morning whenbrought in. :hest Cash Prkes CREAM : AND EOE Q' Br en PRIVATE GREETINGS CHRISTMAS CARDS Large size, hand tinted, deckle edge with envelopes; sprinted with name and address, 14 styles; one dozen, all one kind or all different, $1.00 postpaid.—The Wallis Print, Digby, Nova Scotia. Meeting • OF iron County Council The next meeting .of the Huron `County Conned will be held in the County Council Chambers, Court Nouse, Goderich at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Tuesday, December 4th, 1934: All accounts, notices of deputati- ons or applications and other im- portant business requiring attention at this meeting of • the Council should be in the hands of the Clerk not iaterc;tban. ,the. Monday. :, pteviQus ,,to the meeting of the Council. • Dated at iaderich,, this)8th gay o f Noveinher� 1934. v.r J. M. Roberts, County Clerk, FOR SALE A Combined Player' Piano and Piano delivered to your door for $200.00: 'Cott $750.00; conililete with 30 rolls .and bench. .The finest piano in this country. F. W. Hess, Hensall, Ont. . WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take create and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest )1iiaiket prices. We will grade;.ypu eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. Fi>4, house south of ,Dominion Hotel. 44n T. `li'. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich.. ' nn) ., ,. ..5 n... • Treasurer's Sale of Land For Taxes • TOWNSHIP OF HAY IT* Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by ;the Reeve of the Township of Hay 'bearing +late the /3th day of 'Sept- ember, /934, sale of lands in a34ear's {of to res in the Townahi bf sHdy wi11 'be held at My cane, Zurich; Ontario at the hoar: Of ten °Mock in' the f'trrenooir ear Saturday, January 5th /'93$, unless. the takes and costs ire sooner Vett .c; r, Notice is hereby given that the list of land's for sale for arrears of taxes is being published in T.he Ont- ario, Gazette on October 6th; Nov. 3, ;and Dec. 1st, /934, and that copies of the said list may be -had at 'iny ollice. .Treasurer's Otlice, this 9th day of October, 1934. t26 ' Planer /0/,. • Res, 94, Zarin' :. THE HERALD'S ,JOB ...PARTMENP lo ever ready to serve the pub - fie with Commercial and fuse:: : ?trinting. Get our, prkes be- i" a liotavalg your ox.Arz AP, .,044 t. v -- LOCAL NEWS Miss Anna Hess was a Sunday visitor with friends at Dashwood: Orders taken for Feeding Molases.. at L. Schilbe & Son, Zurich. Mr. Sol Bechler and daughters, Eva and Gertie, of the Bronson, mot- ored to London, on Monday. Born—At Zurich, on November, 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Mittle- holtz, a son. Mr. Carl Burn, who is on the road as commercial salesman, with head- quarters at Toronto, spent the week- end with his father at the: Evangel- ical parsonage. Mrs• (Dr.) H. HH; Cowan has •been Sin Tdronto where she was .stay- ing vlrith the Doctor's father, Mr, Gowan who . enderweni; an operation. at. a hospital in that city. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith` and sons Gordon and Stanley of St. Joseph, and Mrs. R. Swartzentruber of the Bronson line, were visitors at Kitch- ener and New Hamburg one day last week. Mrs. Alex. Foster and little daugh- ter Elaine, have returned home after spending a pleasant week at Kitch- ener, and while there also took in the Siemon-Koehler nuptials. • Mr. Thomas Meyers of town is spe nding a few holidays at Toronto where he is visiting with his sister, Mr. Newall Geiger, who is attend- ing London. Normal, spent the week- end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger and i iss Pearl Pfile motored to Stratford on Wednesday. Miss Alice Decker has Ieft for Seaforth. where she has secured a position in the Scott Memorial Hos- pital. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brandon of Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gott- • sehalk of Seaforth, were Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. W.1 • Horner. Going On Holidays Commissioner Odette, who has had the management of the Ontario Liq- uor Board since the election of the Hebburn, Government, is 'said to bp going on a holiday to Europe. Ar- nold W. Smith is to have charge of t'•+ work during fr. Odette°s •ab- rsence. • .Many Are Dismissed One hundred and ' sixty-six • em- ployees of the Dept. of Lands and • •4•: have been dismissed by the new government at Toronto. They claim that a saving of $300,000 is thus being made. • \.fsenic Found in Stomach Enough arsenic to lcikil ten men is Said to have been found in the sto- mach of the late Donald 14. Wilson; the young publisher of the Port Hope Guido Svhose ,death • is being probed by police. Bank l.terest Again Cut Beginning November lst, interest Mr. and Mrs. McKinley. Tom is al- paid on savings deposits were reduc- so taking in the Royal Winter Fair ,• ed to two per cent. by all chartered and as this are his first real holidays ' banks m Canada, etc., « an: a Min in a number of years, we know w he will enjoy himself immensely. ister E. N. Rhodes announced re- cently. A similar reduction is also made effective by all other banks on We are enjoying some real nice December 1st, and the minister in - and mild weather at present, really tirnated that a number of the irnp- it does not seem like the last of No- ortant loan and trust companies in vember•, more like April, but the Ontario will reduce by one-half of colander says otherwise. Indian one per cent the rate of interest Summer truly must be in the air, which they at present pay on savings and how we do welcome it. A year ago this time we were practically snowed in at times, with cold waeth- er galore. We are looking for a real nice and mild winter; let's see if At the deferred sale of county Iands we get if„ on which taxes are in arrears, 14 of Beginning Thursday morning of 2 ;1p,.o 2e1005 Thee sal iP was conduct- ed of, real - this week, the general store of J. W. ed in the court house, Goderich, last Merner of town, is running a Ten Wednesday afternoon by County. Tre Day Sale of their entire stock- This asurer A. H. Erskine. About 25 bid - will. be very welcome to the buying dors were present and the fourteen public who are in need of staples properties were disposed of in short at this time of the year. The prices! order, At the previous sale en Nov - have been reduced so that the many ember 7th, 23 parcels of land were bargains offered should move out sold for $2570.45. A total of '�360�' very rapidly. We would advise the arrears in taxes as paid in dune, public to shop as early - as possible, October and the first part of Novem- and get your supplies while: the as- ,ber by property -owners who did not sortments are still complete Tell wish to lose their holdings. you neighbors about and come real ofted yourself. Remember,•aor ten deposits, such reduction to be effect- ive from Jan. 2nd, 1935.. More Properties Sold i A. F. HESS, Tr'easur'er. days only. Resident of Bayfield for ti f` ; . Ninety Years Owing to some rade agmeilt in • Mrs. Ranson Field, who celebrated telephone call we made a rather ser- her " 90th birthday on Nov. lath was oius mistake Iast week ands here is born at Bayfield and has lived there the corrections: Mr. and Mrs. Sam all her life. Her parents were among Utter and daughters Dorothy and the earliest settlers. Christopher John Velma of Hamilton ('err; Sleek end ston and Cathern Irwin, came from visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ireland to Canada in 1839; they we - Roy Merner, 14th ion- Miss re married some years later and set - Thursday Lawson of Hamilton, was a tied at Bayfield within the corporati- Thursday visitor at the home of Mr on, ,half mile south on the Saublo and; M);s; Ray Merner. It would in Bile, « clearing the land themselves. deed be a big help to us when people rune.; JJohnston, one of their el- eajl; us ,up.;if they would tell us im even children, was .married to Henry mediately who is speaking. Usually. Bogard,. who had- come out,from the some" of` our machinery is old Country on the same ship as her iJustis shop and this makes is b • a young. boy. Nino usti .running it bard to speaking; please. paren , beim "guess"' whose children were born to this couple, 6 of whom are living. Mr. Howard died in 1897 and in 1900 Mrs. Howard was united in marriage with Ranson Fields, who passed away in 1529. HYMENIAL A pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, November 17th, at two o'clock at the Presbyterian manse, Hensall, when Rev. W. A. Young united in marriage Beatrice Lavada, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland, of Tuckersmith, and formerly of Hay Township, to Mr.. Louis Elgin Taylor, son of Mr. and 1VIrs. William Taylor, of Varna. The bride was becomingly gowned in midnight bluee chiffon velvet with smart blue suede slippers to match. The 'young couple were unattended. Following the; ceremony Mr. and Mrs Taylor left on the 3.39. train ;for De- troit, Mich., the bride travelling in rust and brown tunic with brown ce- dar bark 'suede coat; with accessor- Gies . to match. Upon their return they will make their future: home , near Varna. Etue—Wild A pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Peter's church, Drysdale, on Monday, November 12th, when Rev Father L. Marchand united in mar- riage Mary Lillian, daughter of the late Valentine and Mrs Wild and Anthony N. Etue, son of, Mr. and Mrs Alei:. Etue, of the Blue Water High- way, Stanley Township. •'' The bride looked charming in,'a 'floor -length gown of sapphire .blue chiffon velvet; beaded bei silver with matching hat and,rshdcs, and carried a bouquet of white' chi ysantlierhunts.', ;,l•Ipi sister!. Miss Veronica Wild, was bridesmaid; with She wore a brown crepe dress valgus hat and matching accessories. Her bouquet was of bronze chrysan- themums. The groom ;Was attended by Mr. Lloyd Bedard. The wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's mother, after which the hap- py couple left on a honeymoon trip by motor. On their return they will ,aside on the groom's farm on the Blue Water Highway;, •.. • Children's Aid Society Rev. Dr. Barnett, Goderich, was the'! unanimous choice for the position of president of the Huron Children's Aid and Humane Societies at a meet- ing held recently. H. T. Edwards, superintendent of the Shelter, gave a report explaining the meaning of the new constitution as offered by the Welfare Board of the Province. He stated that in 1932 this board asked that all societies be incorpor- ated in order that the societies might have a more uniform method of con- ducting the affairs. The secy-Treas., A. M. Robertson, read the annual re- port. It Iwas moved that a grant of $10 be sent to Mrs. Lynn of Detroit, who, has two children, whom she, ad- opted sonic years ago from the local Shelter. This grant is to take the form of a Christmas gift, for these children. Another gift of $5 is to be made to $nary Dewar, a young in - hate who in the opinion of Mr. Ed- wards and Mrs. Oliver, the matron, is a "perfect wonder" as a helper with, the work at the home. ' Mrsl H. T. •Zi;owsortie;• c ,Athens, Ont., writes "My baby boy was troubled with constipation. !.gave him Baby's Own Tablets as direct- ed Before 1 had given hall the box the constipation was righted." By relieving constipation, Baby's Own Tablets prevent more serious ailments developing. Much easier to take than nauseating laxatives and perfectly safe for all little folk from the wee babe to children of school age. 250 Imekage. Dr.Williams 1b:G O STOCK FOODS lie • Your Winter's Fuel Cold Days are here again, and provision must be made with suitable Fuel to keep the home warm and cosy. We can supply practically all the calledfor grades of Coal and Coke with prices very moderate... Let us fill your Bine;, ,, 'rxsl 7.+Pr: • Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, and Laying Mashes. None Better on . the Markets To -Day! 1 1 1 LIp lenient Repairs McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. L. Sehulbe & Son a 4010**eeowae.m*ererae+woe,ea?;eerirecoetcmcta0•e+w•t0a••t►e • Vi MAW dilAINA WWI ',i I f 4' lZ Watt WWI Via4 WY Zurich ]Jrug Store School Su.r .Ales We have a full Line of all the rE uirer .eats of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. awes•**1000000.0•e•ooai••e••• See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. 1101•014240410410000.00.0414111410001 FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. 1 We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. r, A,3. acK n on Zurich 49MWMM P MM2 MRWFAIM ANIMMFAA • ♦BAAAAAAIAAAo•.ca.ra ,. u44.m•0041.40041@d•49 464,4*13t.4100.OA10 - • • 1 0 0 •e • • • • •Z • • 1 s 1 • • • • • •• • • ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape. for one Year: Kitchener... Daily Record . $5.i0 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 47.00 Toronto Weekly`Star' .$6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate X2.5 Farm and Dairy $2.7 5 Framers' Sun ►... $2.50 Family Herald and 'Weekly Star $2,25 Family Herald for 3 years $5 00 Canadian Countryman . $2.25 Weekly Witness 3..13. Farmers' Magazine X2.50 Huron Expositor, Sea>orth '. $2.7 5 A.i a groat many more that we cannot enumerate here. Wo hat* the Arancy for *very. reputable Magazine 'its one M e>x en Can 4a 1 Ge►su da sad the United stiles, andy on the 'milt Af these. Renamo: all your Papers and Magazines at our Toronto Daily Star Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich t•a+or 1 4 d 4 4 4 1 1 4 • 1 d 4 .4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4