HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-11-22, Page 8**OE. EIGHT -- THE STORE WITH THE STOCK AT LOWEST Silk crepes all colors yd. Wool crepes, all colors yd. Cotton Tweeds yd... Tadousac flannels at yd, Ladies' Silk Wool hose at 7 er €oo PRICES 79c $1. 30c 35c 39c Ladies all wool hose at pr. .......... . . ......... . . . 50c Ibex Blankets, large pair Mens Work Sweaters each at 1.35 and Mens all wool heavy sweaters at Mens Combination, Pen. prf. garment Mens Comb. Pen No. 71, garment Mens part wool Pen., garment $2.45 1.50 2.85 2.50 1.75 1.50 Our Stock is very complete in all lines of Ladies Underwear, Hosiery, Blankets, Sweaters. Also everything in Men's wear, Work Shirts, Underwear Sox, Mutts, Gloves. See us about your cold weather Needs. GROCERY SPECIALS Brunswick Sardines 5c. Many Flowers soap 6 at 25 Ginger Snaps, 2 ibs 19 Blk shoe polish at 10c Fresh Sodas, 2 lbs 25c. Lemons, dozen 25c. Cooked spaghetti, 2 tins 25c. Super suds 2for 19c Green tea at 37c Gran. sugar, 100-1b. $5.45 PRODUCE WANTED & SON PHONE 59 !I YOUR SURPLUS FUNDS CAN BE SAFELY AND CONVENIENTLY INVESTED In. & brie ::,-bentures % Per Annum Payable Half Yearly CANADA TRUST MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES Now Earn 4Y2% Per Annum Payable Half Yearly Any sum over $100.00 may be invested from 1 to Years. A rew F. ess, ® Zurich NIY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? liNerSIWIDA119.3.1,101.1Ef.117,1rAfeMMIRRetas7112a0.91.K.IFIsusy... tr. >b@YET91a041991F v3;V,,;iu�j.c.Jwe.:3f7Ss�i'!:"vw:%�'.?.'r ...:.'.'�•+..at�4."`..,i:rttyr']16;�> �i'f%'riS[''�,�:tni..w'•C?�r?' U HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE (CO * id and CODE LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITI-i US NOW FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Frost Tight Goodyear WHITE Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing • Supplies and Posts:' Balloon and Cord Tires and ,Tubes ii in all sizes y eF ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, 1 it Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall ` Mattresses ' ' Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and 'tinsmith - URt H R ►I.� .� ,., nr,._ - .. ..noway, Nomibek i • a • • • a AA a ro 0 1: Furniture, ing our Specialty.. Full line .f heavy and ware always-- - - stock n i A D ,.: ZURICH -_ QUALITY -- PRICE shelf Hard ONT. SERVICE Aylmer choice Tomatoes, - '3 tins ' 25c Clarks Pork and Beans, 26 oz. eadi ....................9c Cowans Cocoa, large tin Matches, 3 boxes at 25c Libby's Corned beef, 2 tins 25c Bee Hive corn syrup, 5 lb. pails 39c Royal York ,coffee, 1 lb. Tin 39c New rich mince meat, 2 lbs. 25c It's Christmas Baking Time Cleaned Australian Sultanas, 2 lbs. 23c New cleaned currants, 2 lbs. 29c Lemon and Orange Peel, per lb. 21c Cetron peel, pr lb. 29c Glace Cherries, ' -lb. 13c Candied glace pineapple, rings, U -lb. 15c Seeded raisins, fancy 15 -oz pkg. each 15c Fancy bleeched Sultanas, per lb. 19c Lexia raisins with seeds, 2 lbs. - 25c Superior baking powder, 1:1b. tine 25c Shelled Almlonds,per lb. - 39c Shelled walnuts, per lb 39c -.,.,.....................25c J. W. 1flE:NER Highest Prices for Eggs. - Phone 140 NEMS OF .LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. T. L. Williams spent a few days with relatives at Kincardine Inspector Beacom of Goderich made. an official call to Zurich public school one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eilber of Crediton were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. Mr. and Mrs. Church of Michigan, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mousseau. Messrs. Milton and Merino Oesch and Mr. Milton Deitz motored to London on Monday: Friends of Mr. Sol Martin of the Babylon line regret that he is not enjoying his usual good health and is confined to the house. Mr. and Mrs. Len Haist and Howard Klopp of Detroit, were etc -end visitors at the home of and Mrs. Oscar Klopp. Mr. we - Mr. Miss Ruth Lawson of Hamilton, was a Thursdayvisitor at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sararas of the Blue Water Highway. Mr. David. Geromette and family, who have resided for some years on the Brisson farm, south of St. Jos- eph, have recently moved their ef- fects to a farm they rented near Mount Carmel. Mr. Henry Steinbach the Local road commissioner of town done some very nice work on the village streets this v;eek by filling in the holes and then giving it a heavy scraping to round the road to get rid of the water more readily., Mr. Edwin Swartzentruber of the Bronson Line is suffering a very sore hand while working about a charger he got the first finger of the right hand caught in some gears with the result that the finger had to be am- putated at the first joint. �r • 4Dsaistats+ as Doac+DIAaossomp P!IIu LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 32 30 24 14 Rutter lb. creamery 25 Butter ib. dairy 23 ;wheat, bush .. .. Barley, bush Buckwheat, bussh. ............. 50 Shorts, ton 26.00 Bran, ton 25.00 Flour, cwt. 2.25 3.00 Live Hogs, cwt. 6.50 Potatoes per bag..... ...... 35c Old hens _.... 8-7-3 .. 97 50 SCI ickens •Ib.... . ..13-11-9-7 QUEEN WEARS NEW HAT For the first time in many years QueenMary of England appeared in public'• with another type of hat than her own particular brand of ungar Wished toque. She arrived at the deiemonies opening new headquart- ,erafor the Royal Institute . of British.1 Art wearing a hat with a jaunty feather. spray sticking up from the left side. -It must be nice to be in Royalty, when this lady of highness; even, . just makes a little change in her hat, it is spread all over the world by newspapers and even radia an- nouncers. In Police Court Thursday's session of Magistrate court at Goderich was held at 2 p.m. instead of in the morning as usual. Magistrate Makins being unable to be present in the morning. Most of the cases were on remand from pre- vious sessions. Frank Watt was a new corner. He belongs in Goderich Town ship and appeared on a c.iarge of vagrancy. He was remanded until November 22nd after pleading guil- ty.. Jackson Jerry, charged with op - .‘rating a motor vehicle without a license, was found guilty but senten- ce was suspended. On a second char- ge of +xe.•ckless'driving however, he was fined 10.00 and costs of 2.20. Phis was in connection with •the ac - PLENTY OF DEER IN HURON Goderich-Deer are reported scarce in Northern Ontario, but such is not the case in Huron County, where 17 have been reported within a few days A herd of 14 were seen in Saratoga swamp, north of here. One has been killed by an auto and one was run down by dogs and had to be destroy- ed." The venison is being distributed among charitable institutions. Near Gorrie on Saturday a farmer came a- cross a deer in an exhausted condit- ion,it having been chased for miles by dogs, he slashed its throat and re- 136x+ted to police. At Zurich a deer ws struck by a car and suffered a broken leg. It was shot; The carcass was dressed and brought to Goderich for disposal to the hospital and Chil- dren's shelter. Near Holmesville on the highway on Sunday a deer scoot- ed across the road in the path. of an automobile driven by Max Cormier. On the Blue Water highway in the Pinery a motorist had to apply his brakes to avoid hitting a large buck. ACCIDENTS ON ROADS ARE INCREASING • Toronto, Nov. 9 -The. Ontario Government today served notice thr- ough Ron. T. B. McQuesten, Minis - "tear of. Highways •, 'th'at it ;mould strike out against the rising ot" traffic a'c cidents with increased fines and ion- aident in which he Willa Legg: ger terms foxy irafiie law violaters.' trashed into a C,N,R .' :.... Mrs, puling th& first nine months of 1934 Helen Gibbons, appeared ori retrland I tripe. accidents increased by 9.'� per after having been found guilty of ;tent. over the same period of the pre- having stolen awrits watch and a: ceding year, sand the Minister in an - pair of shoes, was fined on both' nouncing "stricter measures" in deal counts, 4;14.40 on one and $14.60 on 1 ing with traffic offenders would be the other,total $29.Willard Legg, adopted. Besides, increasing fines and thargerl with reckless driving, after jail detention, motoring offenders laving crashed into a wagon on the would be penalised :Further by hav 'Ir. on Pond some cloys .v'o, paid x'12 un; their permits suspended for long - di told in court. The (iv.e of 1'osaa es periods than Inreviously, the min ndifr did not come up although it lister announced. Mr+ McQueston clie. e eccteel. t'V' i'.• will I.n 1)'/fr.(1 nn t not think the increase in accident,, session. This is one resulting from a. this year watt a result of loosening ofl crash between a car driven by the 18' the Province's liquor law's but rattier year-old von of. the Reeve of Morrie wag due to the larger number of cars Township and Sheriff Middleton;. S o,t:the highways: Fnd E .. .,. aTHIS SEASON CALLS t FOR GOOD NEW � , 1 FENCES • ; ON THE FARM. LET US SUPPLY 2 YOU WITH - THE BEST OF WOVEN :14:AiSO HAVE BARB WIRE.WIRE, i . ROOFING, SEE US ABOUT NEW 4. OOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE. 4. TROUGHING + CIALS! _ SPESPEECIAIS. . Gasoline al for Stoves, at per gaIIon ...........:..2&c Special Stove Oil, at per gallon 1 We also have some very Attractive Prices in + See Our New Beds, Sp v: Mattresses, V 4. Good t Feld Suites on Mand; + Dressers from 4.50 u ▪ Kitchen Chairs, Etc. up; Dining Tables; 2 All Big Bargains for quick Sale. + BE SURE AND SEE THEM! i ahs on & •- l eisch I Jlard *v are & .Furniture. Phan �+d USED FURNITURE Two +Good Used Chest f- alll111III11111111111111111111HMINIIHIL'!@11ILgI11IIIIH11flHIMMIIIIt11M'IfI11111IIlIIIII(Ulf{IltkrlhYllllfilllfl(f%8kllfllHINIPRII1MiBfllNf(hittiilflii 1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIp111111IIIIIIIIlUI11H1itVl I THESE PRICES subject to cha ge'without Notice Painting Wagon ........ .................. X7.00 and. 10.00 Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy To ...........`". 6.00 and 10.00 p .............. 16.00 and 18.00 Rerirnining Buggy Wheels Set ...... Bugg Shaft 12000 Cross Bar ............... .................................3.00 5 ....................:... 1.00 Buggy Reath ......... Buggy Spokes each .......:. " 12 c. HESS, the Repair ran IIIIIIi11111111111111111111!!lHll Ifr;i[ (gl fd ri ;I MIIIH111HHIH11111111111111111M ° ".gli(Yp " ;M 1.04 H1111iHH➢H11HII1111111111111HIIfHHHM14111H11111Hp1)i� #+++++++++14++++++++++++444,++++++++++++a+++ +++++iF+++f14++EKY+++ +++FBF•1++444,3+++++++ ++F+ +.Fd..&+ + Z IC4'. ;r', a '� - ''�R" nee .'�.':� +•we"? 41. + • t Don't be discouraged and throw agaw � your Car if it is not functioning as you think it should. Just run it ve in our Garage and have our Mechanics go over it and �e You will he surprised of the results. •Gasoline and Kerosine always kept onhand in Tar , and small quantities. Let us fill g' s Containers. your barrels or t. t Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Ove Err clAS on all Makes of Cars with Charges VeryOverhaul a Reasona.lbe. 0.1 f + 11 !ol1seau Zurioli.•0 44 P.44:441.1* 440 .*thI.++Ir°+ f-+E++t++k+I++ .V.r.,4u44+044+ 44 ff,4,4,++ ++11 ..1 .444.+4 TUNF; UP YOUR CA 4.4,4+k4.+&+,k++lkn01.1 &+dk+th4+ik1,+++±? db•e S<a..1,o,.iN+c•t.d. 5+4i" °+ .1.40efr.ael)4,411,'!1 rAkER+ +4 Do You now da- 2 That I am 'the Master Salesman! "= 2 ., :I am the herald of Success for all 'men, : ;111lerchants.. �, ` 1 ; ; :l t. ° Manufacturers, Etc I go forth to :tell the World the. . message of service Xf and Sound IVlerchandisingl And the World listens when I speak For those who have used me as -their Servant r have s gathered untold millions into their nr' coffers.. command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World vtrhithersoever I got 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden. Harvest! ,> I ate Masater Salesman at Your Service, and niy 44 Name is: .r., ADVERTISE!• ' 44«it*yF! * +'ill^;x"0$"61 i€c0.0***N*:t' 0+6+eib.:444.4ir 440 Aott: