Zurich Herald, 1934-11-08, Page 7F1NACF\L. .. .. ... London Predicts Higher Silver Prices .A report from London, England, states' than China's decisive action to check exports of silver has thrown the lr'ar Eastern exchange position into a state of confusion, it comes, of course, as the climax to a series of unsuccessful representations to the United States Government to modify its silver buying policy and may well have far reaching results. What those results may be cannot yet be gauged with any degree of accuracy, but some immedir rte effects can be stated, `Ube sterling value of the Shanghai dollar has dropped since last Monday by more than 14 per cent, while the official rate at which sterling is now quoted is equivalent, with equalization charges for export duty, to approximately 22 per cent. This of course, is quite prohibitive, and the Chinese Government has achieved its objective, stopping silver exports in one bounce. The check imposed upon China's export trade by the rise of silver ane consequent appreciation of the Shanghai dollar was an impoi' ant aspect of the situation in the least ignored by silver enthusiasts in the United States, although the Washington administration must have had ample warning of what might happen long before it finally decided upon its own silver policy. China in effect is now off the silver standard and is one of tate coun- tries with a managed currency. China is fighting resolutely to avoid a cur- rency crisis and maybe she has taken the correct action, but for the time being something like chaos exists, and how the situation will finally develop cannot be now estimreed. It has been suggested that China might be driven to adopt the gold standard, but such a step appears extremely unlikely now, It seems to be established, however, that the argument that prosperity would be restored to the Last by a rise in silver is fallacious. As there is now no direct tie between silver, and Shanghai excnange silver is moving independertly. Within one month it has advanced 3d, or about '14 per cent. In that period speculation has become world-wide and has been based on the belief now confirmed that China would be forced to place an embargo on silver exports, thus removing one of the largest sources of supply. The wide fluctuations now occurring clearly indicate extensive specu- lative position, which is more likely to be maintained or even increased rather than checked by China's action and the evident determination of the United States to continue its purchases. Still higher prices are regarded as likely, although the heavy bull position will from time to time cause Isbarp reactions. Brazilian Traction Gross earnings of Brazilian Tract- ion Light and Power Co,, Ltd, for the month of September are reported at $2,677,724 as compared with $2,450,- 869 and net earnings were $1,435,170 against $1,388,923 in the previous month. Aggregate gross earnings for the first nine months of the current year amount to $22,510,047 as com- pared with $21,362,167 in 1933. WHAT TO DO ABOUT "Acid Indigestion" A WAY THAT RELIEVES THE CAUSE IN A FEW MINUTES Many people who think they have "weak stomachs" or "indigestion," doctors say, suffer in reality from nothing more serious than aczd stom- ach. And this common ailment can usually be relieved now, in minutes. All you do is take familiar Philips' Milk of Magnesia after meals. This acts to almost immediately neutralize the stomach acidity that brings on your trouble. You feel like a new person! Try this just once. Take either the familiar liquid "PHILLIPS' ", or the new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. But watch out that,you get the Genuine PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia. Made in Canada. ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tab- lets are how on sale at all drug stores everywhere. Each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of Genuine Philips' Milk of Magnesia. PHILLIPS' r tad at_ Men who go to conventions leave Frith the very best of intentions of at- ending at least one session IfflGESTWN? Then Try '`I at NO EXPENSE If you suffer from loss of appetite, indigestion, sour stomach or a .miserable feeling after meals there's nothing like Kruschen for relief, The little daily dose of Kruschen first stimulates the flow of gastric juices to aid digestion, and then ensures a complete, regular and unfail- ing elimination of all waste matter every' day, If you suffer, you'll welcome the opportunity to try Kruschen Salts now positively free of charge Ask your drug- gist • for the Kruschen Giant Package. This is the Regular bottle, together with a separate FREE TRIAL bottle. Use the Trial bottle first. Then if you are not entirely convinced that Kruschen will do everything claimed for it, return the Regular package unopened to your druggist and he will redeem it at full value. But act quickly or your Free Trial Bottle will be gone. Your druggist has gnly a limited supply. Moderation Best Honey is delightful, but too much. breeds cholera and disease. Fragrant flowers are sweet to smell, and, mode- rately used, refresh the brain, but ex- cess causes headache. Light is pleas- ant leasant to the eyes, but too much staring into sunbeams dazzles or blinds them. Moderate joys and delights are ever best, least hurtful, most contentfui, and comfortable to our spirits, where- as intemperance, immoderateness and texcess mar all pleasure and delight, though themselves never so pleasant and 'delightful.—Spencer. B.E.A.R. Latest reports from the Bear Ex- ploration & Radium Company, oper- ating in the Great Bear Lake dis- trict, state that the raise being dri- ven to the surface is up 27 feet with about 60 feet to go. The raise is go- ing up in rock adjacent to the vein and when completed a headframe will. be erected and the opening used as a shaft. Sinking to the 300 -foot level will then be resumed. On the tunnel and first levels several hun- dred feet of drifting has been done on the vein which shows high values over good widths. The company has supplies on hand for the next season, all paid for and has sufficient cash in the treasury to take care of the development cam- it paign planned for the next year. Ontario Gold Production Up Production from Ontario Gold Mines in the first nine months shows a gain of approximately 41 per cent as compared with the same period in 1933. Figured in terms of Canadian funds, output for the period amounted to $52,298,353 as against $37,047,850 last year. The Kirkland Lake camp still leads the way in. point of value with total for the nine months of $25,771,430 as compared with Porcupine's $24,440,- 889, North western Ontario figures went over the two million dollar mark an increase of around 80 per cent over the 1933 figures and from now on it would seen likely that a steady increase in production may be antic- ipated from this section, Wright Hargreaves Mines In its report for the fiscal year eding August 81st, Wright Hargreaves Mines Ltd, shows net surplus for the year of $3,836,r31 which le equal to nearly severity cents per share. To- tal production for the year amounted to $6,797,579 and 330,741 tons of ore were milled with an average value of $13,68 and recovery of $13.07 per ton. After providing for dividends for the year, including the one paid on October let, surplus carried forward amounted to $3,420,375, Western Canada Flour Report Net earnings of Western Canada Flour Mills Ltd., and its subsiduaries The Winter Protection of Cod Liver oil { . PLJSAGRETER RESERVE OF VITALITY Winter is a dangerous period for many of us. The cold and wet are constant menaces to health, requiring all our energy to combat. Scott's Emulsion gives you greater Winter protection because itis an EmulsiAed Cod Liver Oil in a solution of body building hypophosphites of lime and soda—PLUS values you get in Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. 4A COTT'S ULSIDN THE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUE For Sale by Your Draggint New Zealand Seeks Market BIG BUTTER SURPLUS DROP IN SALES FOUND PERIL TQ NATION'S FINANCING Wellington, N,Z.—Ualess early and effective measures are taken to res- cue 'New Zealand's dairy industry from its pre rent state, there will be a general breakdown in flnanciai re- lations between mortgagors and mort- gagees malting it impossible tor Neve Zealand to meet .overseas debt inter- est charges, It was declared in the report of the Royal Commission which made an exhaustive enquiry into the dairy industry, Conditions confronting the dairy industry have assumed the propor- tions of a national crisis, the report declared. It mentioned that the Brit. ish market was being flooded by the subsidized dairy produce from coun- tries of the northern hemisphere, and Australia was also increasing her dairy output: Among other things the commis- sion suggested that alternative mar. kets be found outside Britain for New Zealand's produce, It urged early approach to the government of the United Kingdom in order to arrive at a preliminary understanding and provide the basis for future negoti- ations, The government should also make available at low rates of in- terest to farmers and dairy produc- ers sufficient funds to enalble the modernization of farm and factory equipment and appliance:, the report urged. Fisherman: — "I tell you it was that long! I never saw such a fish!" Friend—"I believe you," The "Queen Mary" The "Queen Mary" has been successfully launched. But activ- ity still surrounds her, Seven Turbo -generator sets, developing 10,000 kilowatts and forming the greatest power station afloat, will be put in position. Three gigantic funnels, measuring 30 feet in diameter and 100 feet in circumference, fifteen months later will be placed. Simultaneous with this, work is under way on the deck coverings, the ventilating system, erection of cabins and public rooms, laying of /teak decks, building of companionways and ladders, erection of desk machinery, etc. So it would seem that the Iaunching, while or great interest to the public, is only one of the many details when a great ship is in the making. for the year ending August 31st am- ounted to $275,302 as compared with $236,,165 in the previous fiscal period. Increased deductions for depreciat- ion and bad debts, however reduced the earnings per preferred share to $4.06 as against $4.78 last year. Working capital showed a small in- crease at $965,468 while inventories were up at $1,966,602 an increase of some $342,000, Accounts receivable were reduced to $627,029 as compared with $669,220. Bank loans and ac- counts payable both showed increases at $779,000 and $931,872 respectively. Noranda Rumors Spiked Rumors which were said to origin- ate in New York regarding Canadian copper mines, were promptly given official denial, insofar as Noranda was concerned, Mr, J, Y. Murdoch, the President stated that the company has its copper sold In advance and that it is far ahead in its. sales, At the mine monthly production is running at the rate of about 6,000,000 pounds of copper and gold output is around 19,000 ounces or better per month. It is estimated that gold pro duchion is worth approximately $700,- 000 per month at the present price of gold. It seems likely •that another divi- dend declaratlou can be expected where the directors meet early in November, To date this year $1.00 a Share has been paid while last year total disbursnlents far the year were $1.50 per share, With profits said to be running well over $2.50 per Share during the ourxent year it would seem likely that at least as much as last year may be entleipated before the year closes. TH E GREAT TONT A;t 'S'OOTHE$ N: tNRICHES 01LG 1 BUILDS :P V,l`G ;31, ell. good' Drug $: Sept Starer Sa e?Agentse Haloid C' Rrtehte„' Co Ltil Tea:A-A "r 25 For Scalp and Hair Health To have beautiful hair you must have a healthy scalp. Caulk MER s1tA IPOO treat' the scalp as 'well ae tbo hair. Itis entirely dif- latent to other shampoos. It combines the same ggo�rinicidal properties that have made MSIR Cream and, MER Soap so successful for the treatment of the akin. Ask for a loc trial pack- age of MPR SHAMPOO at drug and dept. etotes--mnough for three shampoos and tub the soft perfumed lather well into the scalp, I Issue No. 44—'34 Have You Heard? Pet Peeves The expression "O.K." Has come here to stay, 'Tis English the way she is spoke; But I long for a chance To kick in the pants Those sweet young things who cut it to "Oke." A young man who had received his diploma had been looking around suc- cessively for a position for employ- ment, and for a job. Entering an of- fice, he asked to see the manager, and while waiting he said to the of- fice boy: "Do you suppose there is any open- ing here for a college graduate?" "Well, dere will be," was the reply, "If de boss don't raise me salary to t'ree dollars a week by termorrer night," A kindly but somewhat patronizing landlady inquired of the young bride as to how she would spend a certain holiday. "Our plans so far," replied the bride a little distantly, "are tentative' "Oh how delightful!" exclaimed the landlady. "I'm sure you'll enjoy camping out more than anything else you could do," The fact that fish cannot close their eyes is the only thing that keeps them from winking at some of the anglers, Boy Friend—I bet if I kissed you, you would yell for help. Girl—Not unless you needed it. 04— EASY TO RANDLE 1N THE CONVENIENT POCKET SIZE Wire. Star—"Oh, ars you the young man from the Literary Agency wb* proposes to write my autobiography? Young`Man—Yes please. And I've cathed to obtain a fevr facts, Film Star—"Good Lord! 1 don't want any facts in it. Teacher—'Tell me what water is?" Bright Scholar-- "Water is the stuff that turns black when you put your hands in it, If we remember correctly, the next war will be brutal," we are re- minded by British Army experts, Well the last one was considerably more than mildly annoying. Admiring Friend --"I'll bet that dog of yours is a game one. He looks like he would tackle anything. Owner—"Well he certainly made six dogs run faster than they ever did before, Admiring Friend:—How did he ma- nage that?" Owner—He ran, and the others ran after him. Classified Advertising PATENTS N OFFER TO ,EVERY INVENTOR, R, List of wanted inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, World 1?aient Attorneys. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. SILVER. BLOCS FOR PUPS S ILVER BLOCK for pups, pure bred, prolific strain. High production, sired by large polygamous dogs, Rauch formerly registered. Prices reasonable Write or phone R. F. Clarke, R.R. 2, Truro, N.S. CANADIAN STAMPS 1011 Dsel;R3\Tu00. Cuns St.. London, Ontario, 1ULL leavening power is assured with Royal Yeast Cakes. Indi- vidually wrapped in air -tight waxed paper, they reach you in perfect condition. And they stay fresh for months. No wonder Royal Yeast Cakes have been the standard for over 50 years. Today --they are pre- ferred in 7 out of every 8 Canadian homes where dry yeast is used. FREE —The "Royal Yeast Bake Book" to use when you bake at home. 23 tested recipes—loaf breads, rolls, buns, coffee cakes! Address Standard 'Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave, and Liberty St, Toronto, Ont. Ask, too, for leaflet, "The Royal Road to Better Health." Buy Made•in-Canada Goods m m• e 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . o ART CONTEST TEN PRIZES are being offered to amateur artists in a sketching competition. Here is a splendid opportunity for anyone with a mere preliminary art experience to receive a prize and individual art training. Send a three cent stamped envelope for full information• Ideas k -; ;ted Thirty -Nine Lee Avenue, Toronto, Ontario