HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-11-08, Page 1f Vol. XXXV n ZURICH THURSDAY IVioltligiNG, , 10VEMBER 8, 1934. Let"the Ads. in the -Herald. guidt! you in your Fall oupt Chester L. Smith, Brleasktal ff1.25 a year, U.S. ;1.51,1hsMon= $1.50 INARREARS,$2 KAY B0AM uying Capital Theatre Goderich Phone 47 Now Playing -Tim McCoy, in "Speed Wings". Mon., Tues, Wed. Claudette Colbert, and Warren Williams head a magnificent cast in Cecil B. DeMille's greatest. spectaele CLEOPATRA • Superb Sittings! Cast. of thousands! Thursday, Friday and. Saturday WALLACE BEERY Jackie Cooper and Georte Raft *Appear in the picture everyone is praising. The. lovable Beery in his greatest role. The Bowery • Coming -Wheeler and Woolsey in "Cockeyed Cavaliers" - Matinees -Wed. and Sat.. at 3 p. m. A further five per cent. reduction in the wages paid by the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Tele- graph Companies to their 2,300 em- ployees has been agreed upon, it was announced recently. by the Depart- ment of Labor. This is in addition to the 10 per cent. reduction already in effect. • Auto -napping is a new racket, it seems. A man at Brooklyn had his car stolen and held for a ransome of $155- The owner, however, is not worrying. •They can starve it of gasoline and oil, run it too hard and scratch the varnish as much as they like. It is insured againsst theft and the insurance company and the nap - pets are the only ones worrying This seems to be a bit of a racket whieh won't work out well for the rackateers.-Ex. .1.7 • Throwing rice at a bridal couple is the old. traditional custom which was a way of expressing honor to the newly weds, and which met with lit- tle objection. Recently a sincere well wisher in New Jersey, expressed hais sentiments too elaborately by flinging a five pound bag at tne new- ly weds, which• unfortunately struck the bridegroom on the head knock- ing him unconscious. .Fust -whether this enthusiastic well wisher was as sincere as it would appear, is jug a question, or did he try to even up • an old score? Well, science had in - no You Need .GfasseiT vented the more frequent used con- ' fetti, and if this enthusiast did not 'know about using this lighter mater- ial, it should be a good place to sent some confetti literature advertising 'this product. •'THE BIG FAIR IS OVER Shoe Repairing • I wish to •advise the Public that I am in a position to do all kinds of shoe repairing, and solicit your pat. ronage. Give us a trial for good workmanship. GARFIELD BROWN Zurich - Ont. IN MEMORIAM Wuurm-Anna M. WI:Lim. A trib- ute of love to the sacred memory of our dear sister who left us nine years ago, November 10, 1925. • . Only a memory of bygone ='e, And a sigh for a face unseen But a constant feeling that God alone Knows just what should have been We thank God for the faith that teaches When the struggles of • life are through That we shall meet our dear one Where our lives begin anew. Loving Sisters and Brothers; • • ••....... to the Parks Board, is anxious to make the grounds a centre oe cult- ual and wholesome recreational. in- terests. On the other hand there are amusement interests which are seek- ing to turn the whole place inte beer gardens and cheap variety shove. • +--+ - • Mr. William Dumart of Kitchener is visiting friends here this week. Rev. Father Conde of London had charge of the Sunday services in St . Boniface church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Deters Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Theo Haberer were week -end visitors with friends at Kit- chener. Mr. Clayton Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Hoffman of Galt, and Miss Merle Preece of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick and daughter of the Blue Water Highway South, were week -end visitors with friends at Kitchene.r. The other day while returning in from Hensall, Mr. Eearl Yungblut Itwo fine deer which seemed little Saw near the little swamp in the fi-eld dis- turbed. Mr. and Mrs. George Gerard and two sons and Mrs. Nathan Parent of Detroit, were visitors at the homes of . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner or town, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Krueger of the 14th Concession, Next Sunday, November Irth will HAY • COUNCIL •be observed as Armistice Day, and it is optional whether or not you wish to have a holiday in commemoration ting of of this big day on Monday or not. of RayThe 'government has not prociaimed Zurialonday a holiday. Undoubtedly most 4 with 'of the churches will have appropriate The regular monthly mee Council of the Township Stop and Think how Anipor.tant it is' Those who, attended the big Cen- was held in the Town Hall, or- da November 5th 193 that you wear correctgrasses--c of Progi!ess this year can pat onon 3, themselves on. the back for going as all the members present. After dis- services for the occasion on Sunday. rectly prescribed for your vision. .turY Correctly styled to your • face- Your thiS actually was the' last Year it will ; posing .of the communications the • health may largely depend on. keen '•be run, •as Chicago closed its Century following resolutions were passed: .. • Halowe'en was celebrated last Wed nesday night in town, and of course vision. of Progress exhibition in typically , ghat Mi. •F. Donnelly, arrie en .. the young people had their usual See C. E. ZURBRIGG, 1Z. O. 'Chicago style by whecking as much Goderich, be appointed as solicitor • At 'HESS JEWELIKRY STORE ' as possible of what remained and for the Township •of Hay and that leg and considereble looe artic s- I "making a night of it." Some of the .By-law No. 12-1934 confirming ap- rs we know no serious damage Was eg were shifted around, but as far ZURICH-- ONT. :smaller Thilildings were torn down pointment be read . three tunes and a n.e.reenereeneneerneeneeneenereenene. done. Tuesday evening the Continu- and everybody seems to have taken :finally passed. I home sonie souvenir, thrifty hortic-1 That Mr. William S. Johas.ton, 1 ation, School held the usixai Hallowe'- enparty, but this wvery private ulturists, for example, walking off Zurich, be appointed Tax Collector andlamong the scholars only. as with rare plants worth hundreds of .for the Township of Hay. Duties to . dollars 'in some cases. However, the conimence at once and rate of re -j Mr. Garfield Brown, who has been 'fair was a success,. a great success, muneration to be arranged at the .. for the past year in the old Brown and perhaps no other city in the next meeting of the Councir. ' homestead farm, Goshen south, has I world could have achieved a two- That accounts covering payments , moved to town, taking up living qu- year exhibition and made the second on Township Roads, Telephone and ' ertera. in the building adjoining the Dominion House. Or in the rooms above the former implement shed. Mr. Brown is in a position to do first class shoerepairing, an solic- its the patronage of the public. He ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - OT. "A Changeless Christ for is assuag- ing Worici." • Friday, 8h -Luther League. • :Saturday -Choir Practice • SUNDAY SERVICES:. 10 a. m. -German Service. • 11.15 a.m.-Sunday SdeneiL 7.30 p.m. -English service. Everybody Welcome tel all Services.; E. TUERICHEIWI., Pester. year as Outstanding au it turned out General accounts be passed as pet to be. Thirty-five million 'entered the vouchers::: gates in times when most pockets I Township Roads -P. Schad, rd 13, are supposed to be empty and in ad- 6.75 ; E. Hendrick rd 14 6.75; W. dition to getting in they speht some- Haist tile 1 17 34.80, thing to get out, ori the average 50c exchange or cheque .10 ; 3 elm n es eh, is - also contemplating of putting in F. C. Kalbfleisch, luinher a. stock of shoes . :e0e Sale in the uear to get in and a dollar t eget out id 8 7.87; The city is now facing an important' 2.90; J. M. Richardson rd 5 6.30; R. future. civil 'decision in regard to the future Adams rd 10 2.45; J. Sararas rd 15 use cif 'the .eibition Trak. The Re- .65.35; C. Aldworth rdsss. 3-13-14 creation Commission, which hes autle .4.03; J. M. Ziler rd 10 65.26; B. El- mit- only 'to make recommendations der crushing and trucking 48.62; A. ' re4 13.50; . IV.T. jarrott 1111111111 111111111E1 1111111 111E1110 &ARO 121111EIRINIMIIIMELIEMBIER I = • NE eery 1111111E111 tore Prunes, per lb:, _ Lushus jello,3 boxes .• Ginger Snaps, per ....... ,, .. . ...... . - Cascade Salmon, 2 cans . Floor Wax, (Old Windsor) per tan Sugar Crisp Cornflakes, 3 'boxes Cookies (Fig Bar) 19c; plain .. _ . Choice Sardines. (Gold Medal) :per tin 11111111" Caustic Soda in Bulk and Cans Fresh Fruits and Groceries „Always on Itmd. ElEsn Threads, Pins, LuLaces, Etc.. ella° 'ach Lurich Ikal EGGS "!'"ANTIED. Phone 1:65 411,j1i11111gigiraifilireaTITIA:77- "741WMTgr, k HYMENIAL schnell-Pvck Reichert part salaray 30.00; Jas. Collins cedar On Saturday evenirg last, at Bay - posts 20.50; W. Farrell ra 18 2.80; field, at 8 o'clock, Rev. W. Cr. Bug - A, Clerk, repairs crusher 2.60; Dom. ler at the Rectory, joined in the holy Rd. Mich Co. repairs 5,78; Wm. bonds of matrimony, Miss Charlotte Fisher rd 11 168.90; S. McArthur Peck, daughter of Mrs. Henry Peck rd 1, 7.70; T. Steinbach rd 8 4.30; and the late Mr. Henry Peer., to Mr. G. J. Thiel cartage steel 5.25; F. E. Edward Jacob Schnell of Zririch. Denomme ed 10 2.70; R. C. Bell rd They were unattended ana will 1.0.- 3, 4.55; U. A. Pfile rd 14 70.23; G. side in the cottage formerly occu- pied by the ,late Mr. and Mrs,. Lana- celot Surerus rd 9 4.90; T. Welsh gravel 8.04; S. Ropp rd 2 4.05; London Str. Clarke, of Bayfield. TheHer- Steel Co. steel 53.00. General-Zur ald joins their many friends iu ex- ich Hydro lights office 3.39; Ont ario tending congratulations. •tiospital indigent 39.00; Municipal McKinley-Scotchmer • Woehl, juror forms 1.22; A. Melick selecting jurors 2.00; A. F. Hess do ' - A quiet but pretty wedding was 5.00; T. E. Drummond act. indigent solemnized at London, on Thursday, 14,86; 3. Galster, Zurich Dr. South November lst, at high noon when 9.60; E. Tiernan & Son act. idigt. Margaret Mary, only daughter of Mrs 1.67; J. Hartleib ditto 3.65; N. Turn Jean McKinley and the late Robert bull ditto 2.00; Perth Fire In. Co- McKinley of the Goshen Line, Stan -- ns. 20.00; Waterloo Fire Inc. ley Township, became the bride of hall 20.00; Ont. Gazette, adv. tax air. John Aixerd Scotchmen son of sale 10.60; W. H. Eclighoffer sel. jur- Mr. and Mrs. John Scotchmer also ors 2 00, C. Fritz sent iyii,.nt AS ri; I 0f...tanley Rev George McKinley, S. McArthur ditto $2.25; F. E. Du-, cousin of the bride, officiating. The chane S.A. Officer 1.90; J. W. Mer- , bride.looked charming ie a mid -night nor acet indigent $1.75; A. Reichert blue chiffon velvet cut on long lines Deters Award Drn, 2.00; Twp. Clerk with accessories pink and white re tait notices /MOO . Telephone ere chrysanthemums, The bride was at - counts -7;11110i Hydro lights Office tended by Miss Margaret Robinson? 3.74; Bell Tel() Co., tolls to Sept, who wore a gown of hunters green 20 z DOI Co, eirereerles crepe and carried yellow cnrysen1 Notional Revenue tax 21.69; Econ. themums. Gordon Scotchmer sup Fir Inc. Co. ins. office 24.00; Zurich ported the groom. Immediately after Contml ewitribing 5.d0 Nortli:,rn the eorcinony, Mr. and 1Virs, Scotch-, Mc. Co. 9.66; H. G. Hoes mere left an a trip to Ningara Palle i labor etc. 116,60. and Detroit, the bride travuiling in; The Couneil adjourned to meet tee navy bine crepe dress, navy coat with gain en Monday, Decamber 3rd, accessories to match. On their re-. 3):34 at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon, „ turn they will reside on the groom's , floss, Clerk, farm on the Mut Water Ilighwaw, I , V For Gra U- atioa' Buy THEM A FINE WRIST WATCH. See the Elco Line of Watches Moderately Priced Gents with Bracelets $10.00 Ladies, with Bracelets ..... $12.75 Initials Engraved FREE Hess, The Jr 4 4 4 • oo. • 4' 11% 4' 0 • • • • 4 4' • 04 4'• 4• 4 • • • • • • • • • BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea: THE 6TANDARD ANITHRACITIL Genuine Semet Solvay Cdb MILLERS CREEK and Rosedale Alberta Pocahontas Briquets A new Domestic Fuel for every pur- pose. Intense Heat, very little ereektee or Ash. W. R. DAVIDSON CASH paid for Eggs on a Graded. Basis. Phone 74 Zurich Phone 10 HENSALL eeeneceeeeneeereeeeteeteeteeeeeeero 4,,FIVe•. 'Go .ear, 01. .41,4 (roc% waarus=noca=manacca,..anncasaa •fp gip 417 NEW RANGE ofisfr (9. FANCY HOSIERY .ra=3.--orsausamaranam,,sucern=yeatat=r=3A...3 074. e.r4 (4, 44,^4.4000,ethe)12,4,4-444,44f744444444 Men's .11.1••••.1.1111300•M OVERCOATS READY MADE and TAILOR MADE r f ,4^ all UNDERWEAR Fleeced and Wool Separate or Combinations SWEATERS V Neck, Pull Over Coat Style IMISMAIMORIMMIXR1.11.01.11.PIRMIOry[211.1411.043.0==5102.. 15T S IJITTINGS Anything You ask for All Prices NEW FELT •HATS Priced $i.75 up 4,3a011[L-^,-,471,11•111KM1.1,1...==1.,17.3715=111[1.11EMISIOVVICZ.WirAINF•VCIt 4 id IL a a f. z.za w Oriz:1111 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 55 • teiP .,•07attol, • To call on us for what you will require for Winter Wear. We carry a wide range in Clothing, Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Heavy Shirts for Men and Boys. Also Sweater Coats, Pts, Overalls, Sod. Shoes, and Rubbers, Rubber Boots, 1-kalters anti Harness Repairs. STOCK FOODS, OYSTER SHELL, ETC., ETC FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND N /0' GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE I/ 97 BLAKE: TONONZWAVIEMSTSEVIZVAiv panatiresemmataareatarommegnegm