HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-11-01, Page 1Vol. XXXV 11.7 ZURICH., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1934, ..rte. -.moo Chester L. Smith, J< 11..g5 a year, U.S. 41.50 fro Adv4.10t 51.50 INARRHARS, es MAY B$ 4a,e,.m m• et the 1. in the Capital Theatre Goderich -w Phone 47 Now Playing—Eddie Cantor fn a ro/- ricking riot of fun, music and beauty "ROMAN. SGANDALS". Mon., Tues.,, Wed.. RICHARD CROMWELL» and HENRTE."TTA CI OSSMAN co-starred in an appteai ng c:rannatiz- a ,tion of a popular and well read story Among the using - Paramount News and; other short subjects:.. Thursday, Friday and. Saturday TTM McGOY ;Two fisted exponent of the red blood- ed type of action tate, Ire. a thriller of the aim Speed ` # is Coming—"Cleopatra''" with. Claudette Colbert Matinees—Wed. and Sat. at 3 p. in. Do You Need Glasses? Stop and Think hove important it is that you wear correct glasses cor- rectly prescribed for your vision. Correctly styled to your face. Your' health may largely depend. on keen vision. See C. E. ZURBRIGG•„ R. 0. At HESS JEWELERY STORE ZURICH - KBIT: ,e. flays ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutlimifun Church ZURICH -- "A. Changeless Christ for Chang- ing Warta' Friday, 8h—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERV!f S 10 a. m.—Gerinaa S> rami e. 1:1.15 a.m.—Sunday SthooL - 7.30 p.m.—English se Everybody Welcrnnxa an Services. E. TUERKHEiSR.1 r,, roster. A .Christian helps the cause of God not so much by, what he says as by what he That Italian pilot who traavelled, in his plane, at the rate of 435 miles .an hour must be a - "whizz." The production of motor cars in Canada during the first nine months of the present year was 108,681 un- its as compared with 56,689 in 1933 and 53,550 in 1932. This is an in- crease of 92 per cent over 1933 and 103 per cent. over 1932•_ 4t--+ First-aid stations alons the Provin- cial Highways are advocated by the president of the Ontario Motor Le- ague declaring that last year 1,500 lives were lost in car accidents and 26,000 people were injured. Perhaps in a few years, if present tendencies continue, each section of highway will have its own hospital—and its own cemetery.—Goderich Signal. God's Way? Two sad deaths occurred •in the community the past week in the pas- sing of Mrs. Wm. F. Jennison of the Blue Water Highway, wno leaves a sorrowing husband and six small children, and then the passing of Mrs. Daniel Steckle of Stanley, who also leaves a ssorrowing husband and one infant son. In both of these places where the mother is so much needed in the home, and where no one can just exactly take the place of mother; and we often wonder just why such things as these happen and why these young mothers have to answer the heavenly. roll call and leave this earth to a better place, but these are all the mysteries of life which is so uncertain, and which we cannot understand. The entire corn- runty is deeply,' grieved and much in sympathy with the :mourning. Cut Through Funeral • A charge of, reckless driving has been laid against a tobaco company of Toronto, whose traveller is alleg- ed to have cut through the funeral cortege of the late Harry Watson, at Goderich, just as it was entering Maitland cemetery. Incensed mourn- ers were responsible for the Iaying of the charge,they alleging the tob- acco truck, coming to Goderich, cut right across the path of the hearse. • To Ask for Wine Sale in Beverage Rooms The Ontario Hotel Keeper's Asso- ciation is considering the question of obtaining the right to sell wines in beverage rooms. Geo. O'Neil, Toron- to, hon. president of the association, Informed a representative gathering of Essex, Kent, Larebton and Elgin County ,hotel proprietors the other day. There wore many, he said, who wanted a glass of wine only acrd it was the feeling of hotel operators these persons should not be forced to go to the dining room and order food in addition to wine. ' IIIIIllIliflQIIIIillllllllllll iNllf11111 t rli' KILLI.11411111.111111MIHIAMIIMEt 11111111 111111 1111111111II111I Prunes., per lb., NE 7®c Lushus. Della, 3 boxes. __.�..._...._,... b._.._.._.. .. 5c Ginger Snaps,, per ..... ..... ......:.y_...._...,_ 10c Cascade Saknon,, 2 cans ...__ _ ._, ._ :.. -.25c Floor Wax„ (O d' "indscir) per can ,....» ._ ..,..:...35c Sugar Crisps Cornflakes, 3 laowes ..�.. 3c Cookies (Fig Bar) 119c, plain ..__..,.. Choice Sardines„ (Cold Medal) per tin Caustic Soda in'u idle and "Cans Fresh Fruits wad Groceries Alw .ys Tan L Aka `bray,, Pians, Laces, Etc. Me EGGS vilANTEM E1110 t*: s : Mehr 1Phmte 1'65 er ypu your Fall Buying A DELICIOUS HOT.. TURKEY SUPPER • Will be served at the .. Evangelical Church Sheds ,. DASHWOOD On Thursday, November 1st. Under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Following the Supper a Play entitled "An Economical Boomerang" Will be given by local talent Special Music by the C. E. Band All Fowl will be Government In- spected Time: 5 to 8 p.m. .Adm. • 50e, 30e CARD OF THANKS Jennison—W. F. Jennison and family wish to express our thanks to our many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy Shawn to us in our recent sad bereavement. BORN Tieman—At Dashwood, on Thurs- day October 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Mervyn Tiernan, a daugl,L.e, (Nancy Anne.) ier ti H' • Turnbull, at Blue W gh ay, Hay Township, on October.24th, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and to Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Turnbull family of Forest were Sunday visit - e son. ors at the home of Mr. William La- Cooper—At Hay Township, on. Oct- mont. While the ground was cover - ober 12th, to Mr. and Mrs.', Herb- ed with snow here on Sunday,. Mr. ert Cooper. a son. a Braun advises us that there was no Willard—At Hey Township, on Oct- sign of any snow in Forest. ober 24th, to Mr. and Mrs.,: Mmil Willard, a daughter. - Don't forget the blg Turkey Sup- per at Dashwood Evangelical church, �—& tonight, Thursday eve. This is con- sidered to be something special, Liberal lra/ieeting "Turkey" well, i fwe cari t afr-ord to Liberals of the new Huron -Perth have it at our own table, we'll try federal constituency held a joint or- and go to this • one. ganization and nominating conven- tion at Hensall Town Hall, last Wed- nesday afternoon and unanimously named William H. Golding, Seaforth present M. P. for South Huron to be their candidate in the federal elec- when it learned of the sudden pass - tion. There was no opposition to Mr, .ing of Mrs. William F. Jennison, of Golding. William Fraser, M. P. for the Blue Water Highway, about a Noithumberland, chairman on pub- mile and a half south of St. Jo•eph, Reeve A. Melick, made a business trip to Detroit last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfile and Mr. Debert Geiger of near Hensel', were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile. The Misses Helen and Marjorie Wilhelm of Milverton, are spending the week with their aunt, Mrs. C.L. Smith. - Mrs. Jacob Plattz and family of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs, A. J. MacKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis, of Holmesville were Sunday visitors at the home of her pay ents, Mr. and Mrs Sylvanus Witmer, Babylon lime. Messrs J. K. Ehlers and Sol. Zim- merman of town accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haugh of near Dash wood on Sunday on a motor trip to London, where they visited with Mr. Andrew Musser who is confined at the Victoria Hospital. OBITUARY Late Mrs. Wm. F. Jennison The community was cast into a sad gloom last Thursday morning licity and organization, was the chief speaker. Others who ,spoke were Mr. Golding and Mr. F. G. Sanderson, M. P., for South Perth, Ontario Liberal whip. Nel'on Parulanrent, Ontario Liberal organizer, was a visitor to the greeting. Election of officers 'was bald before the nomination of a P:andidate. The officers are: President Charles Zwicker, Crediton; 1st vice- president. Ross Taylor, Fullerton Tp 2nd r•icvpr,e.:, Owen. Ci r°. H nsall 3rd vice plea„ Mrs. Leslie Williams, Zurich; Secretary, J. i. McEwen, frucefield; Treasurer, Chas. Fritz, Zurich. Chairman and vice-chairman for the sub -division, v; ere also nam- ed. In Police Court In Police Court last week at God- erich, Geo. Hutchins, driver of the car that knocked down Robert Har- mer on the Square, breaking his leg was fined $10 and costs for driving without a permit. No blame was at- tached to Hutchins as to the cause of the accident. Don. Campbell, farm- hand Hoar Stratford, who pleaded guilty to the theft of auto tires and. an emery wheel, took the 80 day al- ternative to paying court cases. The Magistrate denied hint the pleasure of driving a car for the next two years. Norman Townsend, of Gorrie and Howard Mitchell, of Brussels„ who had pleaded guilty to offences very similar escaped the jail term by raying costs. They were given sus- pended sentence and may not drive an auto•for two years. The trio had ., the trio .een on remand since p week. J. J. Huggard ,of Seaforth, charged with leaving the scene of an tccide'nt, has settled with the. comp- lainants, it was understooa.. Al; Win - ghoul court, the same day, Wm. Haf- 'ermohl Howick Tp„ was s:• at up for trial by Mag. Makin:; on three serio- Is charges involving a four year old 'iirl. He pleaded not guilty and elae- '°ed triol by jury and judge.. Three witnesses for the eVO n \ewer°. Dr, T:acyl, r, , ,,,, ro i :,tiiriony Miss Emma Raabe rle and Mrs, Delia Ilaftennehl. Accused was returned to the county jail and will be given his trial ant the session in December. CIt' -teas ni.%l: l't'l}t`e, ,.01.311.5'1. Mrs. Jennison, who was In Ler 37th year, was giving birth to a child when hemorrhage took place and while both Zurich physicians were in attendance, nothing could be done, and she passed away in about anhour or so. Mrs. Jennison is highly spok- en off by her neighbors and friends and much sympathy is extended to the bereft family and husband. Sur- viving are her husband and six small children, Norman, Pearl, Ethel, Ruby, I Lee and Robert, .rls o her parents, :ivir. and Mrs. Aaron Ireland of Grand Bend, a sister, Mrs. Fergus Turnbull of Blue Water Highway, three bro- thers, Simeon Ireland of Blue Wetter hi g-nvaHeiman of Hamilton and Wesley of Grand Bend. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon at the residence at 2 o'clock and at the Gos- pel Hall at. Grand Bend with Rev. Mr, 'Wilkie officiating. Interment was made in Grand Bend cemetery. The - •funeral, which was a very sad one, was exceptionally largely attended. Late Mrs. Daniel Steckle Another sad and unexpected death occurred on Thursday last of Mrs. Daniel Steckle of the Pronson line, Stanley Township, who was in her :32nd year. Deceased who was in confinement was rushed to the Sea - forth Hospital for attention and there an operation was found neces- sary with the fatal result that she passed away, while the infant, a son is living. Lydia Gingerich was the l eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs . Christian Gingerich, of Stanley ' Township and was a graduate muse, and former assistant superintendent of the .Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. -. She was married two year:: ago to Mr. Daniel Steckle, who sur- vives together with the Arrant son; also surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Gingeric ;Five sist- ers, Mrs. Harold Johnston of Zurich, Mrs. Allan Steckle, Stanley and Miss Ida, Alma and Margaret Gingerich at home. Also two brothers, •Mr. Simon Gingerich of Zurich and I ph- i inta ant home. til.: °u.l, .:11 e. e ric ?u on Saturday afternoon to the Men- j nonite church, Zurich, with ReV. Mr.; Burkholder of Kitchener, presiding. • The bereft have the sympathy of a large ch'cl i of friends, Fr Cry, BuyJ THEM A FINE WRIST WATCH. See the Elco Line of Watches Moderately Priced Gents with Bracelets ... , . $10.00 Ladies, with Bracelets $12.7.5 Initials Engraved FREE • $ The Phone 74 BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea D &W elete H@ STANDARD ANTHRACITE R SCRANTON Genuine Semet Solvay Coke MILLERS CREEK and Rosedale Albertan Pocahontas Briquets; A new Domestic FueI for every p - pose. Intense Heat, very Iittlet =cave) or Ash. W. R. DAVIDSON CASH Maid for Eggs on a rsra+%icer slier Basis. Zurich Phone 10 O 4 e! F • a 9 4, t ee“f, -e t, e 045-4e6•41-5. 41 ' De5.O M FB d eKee tr E• b • 4 de• vaN�. • OVERCOATS • o READY MADE R and • TAILOR MADE 0 • UNDERWEAR • e Fleeced and Wool eSeparate or Combinations 0 a SWEATERS • V Neck. Pull Over Coat Style e a e • h 4, e a e 4 zfYV ly m �'� tka • SUITTINGS Anything You ask for All Prices NEW raced $1.75 up NiEW RANGE of FANCY HOSIERY EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS •Sr tai +..rod `n s 2 : Cr' r•+.v`4: 0,04. b`•C'4P4i4.Eare14,4A 4+,'U•5 A; 4, 1,3, ,3, ' 4.. t1. tk ere gee gun CiT s�r • 64 aro- ca� tTx oic a"^ 4; • To call on us for what you v. require for Winter Near. We carry a wide range in Clothing, Wool an> Flannelette Blankets, Heavy Shirts for Men. art Boys. Aso Sweater Coats, Pants, Overalls, Socks:. Shoes, and Rubbers,, Rubber Boots, Halters and. Harness Repairs. STOCK FOODS, OYSTER SHELL, ETC., ETC FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS N HAND D 1tar fie} r.. a , :� G. . 'T�rC"_S,7J� GENAFRAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 - 97 onatarammvarzsmer