HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-10-18, Page 5'7t'hurrtafea ' b1et,if01z1e 7.8fh, 1034. BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY E.EfoLmEs IDARIUSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. :IIIF'FICE-- [nmllton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Conncel and Court Work, . Holmes may be consulted at 'lfaederich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. 111 Tagil +.Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads ma inwayma FOR QUICK SALE A few new walking plows in stock. Will sell to clear at a Bib Reduction for cash. _ . _ . L, Prang & Son. Zurich. Dr. H. II. COWEN L. D. S. D. 1)• S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—Zffl1CH ,fiery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOC$, DASIIWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Licensed' Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 1 ,SRM IN POSITION TO CON- *aet any Auction Sale, regardless to size or article to sell. I solicit ly our business, and if not satisfied r:' weak* no charges for- Services Ban - :Dared. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood t:,ne 18-67. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages,' Etc., always.. on hand... Kept :fresh in Electric Refrigeration ,eration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins & Son SEIRVICE ;thy We have the Better ;;Class of Customers . IUGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L BATTERIES, MG O BILE OIL, MAR. VELURE OIL, DYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohning and: Plechanical Work Ben, to Micrometer Settings, No }Meas work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGkI CLASS CLIENTELE. DASHW OOD --• ONTARIO ' rstern Farmers' Mutual ''Feather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- VAL Co]S:PANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance ,t8R7 �n Dec. 81st, 1932,.$78 ;Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. Metes ---$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. KIopp--Zurich Abut, Also Dealer in Lidhtnini Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVL f :pU LT R Y WANTED 'Taken every Day till 3 o'.clock p.m. Do not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. test. Cash Prices --CASH FORS -- CREAM AND : EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, rtes. 94, Zurich THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT loo ever ready to serve the pub - So /with Commercial and fine Waiting. Get our prices be- 'e leaving your: order: else- @+ LOST On Fair Night, between Zurich and Fair Grounds 3 blue checked blankets .with holder named Jack Gratton. Finder kindly notify Mr. Garnet Datars„ Hensali, p.o. LOST A lady's white gold wrist watch, some time in July. Finder please return -to Zurich Post Office and re- ceive reward.. NOTICE We are ready to do your Disc plowing at $2.00 per acre. C. Schrag, Zurich. LOCAL R liERAL[J Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Datars, Sr ► yyn re recent visitors to I.itchener. Mrs. Smith Of London, spent SUn- day with her sister, Mrs. LloYd O - Brein. Mr. Chris. Heyrock-whospentsome weeks with friends at Elkton, Mich., has returned to these parts. Mies Inez Yungblue who spent a few weeks with her friend, Miss Ratz of Waterloo, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brennernran and family of Detroit, were vr:sttorsin town on Monday. The Fowl Supper for the Evangel- ical church, Crediton, •has .beep set for the 30th of October instead of November lst as previously announ- ced. ' Mr. and Mrs. William IIen, of Pontiac, Mich., last week attended the field trials of the Canadian Be- agle Club held at Forest. They al- so visited with relatives in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter; Mr.• and Mrs. W. 0. Knechtel; Mrs.• Elsie Eid: if Kitchener were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert of town. Come and, meet all your old fri- ends at the Lutheran Fowl Slipper this Thursday evening. Born—At Blue Water Highway on October 10th to Mr. and Mrs. Noel Laporte, a son. FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs: Elzar Mousseau, bri- dal couple of Kippen have returned A Combined Player Piano and from their honeymoon and are nicely Piano delivered to your door for settled in their home in that village $200.00. Cost $750.00, complete and their many friends tendered Dlrs. Nelson Keys of Babylon, Iine with 30 rolls and. bench. The finest them a real reception on Friday last spent the past week with her son, piano in this country. which was ' '" present. BRONSON LIN Mr. and Mrs. Noah Erb or Welles- ley .spent the past week with friends and relatives on the Bronson line. Born—To Mr, and Mrs. Sol. Baech- ler,' in October the 14th, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Swartzentru- ber and family and Mrs. John Gerber spent the week -end at Poole and St- ratford, and returned, home Monday evening.Alet Mr, and Mrs. Noah Roth of Welles- ley, visited with friends and relati- RA omeg000moomotoosism0000moom000sew000lol000viovioomogisMea FTIL Now is the time to order your Fer- tilizer . for sowing faiI wheat. Be • vee on the Bronson line and Mr. and ; sure and See us before placing Mrs. Noah Erb returned home with then- your order • SCHOOL REPORT S. S. No. 8, Hay The following is the report for S. S. No. 8, Hay for the month of Se- ptember Sr. IV—Kenneth Weber 89, Eun- ice Oestreicher 85. Jr. IV—Orlen Swartzentruber 82; Carl Oestreicher 80; Elmore Eadc 75. Sr. III—(Martha Miller and Jack Weber. 82) Esther Price T2; Hilda Rader 59; Hilda Becker ea. Jr. III—Ernest Masse 78, Eileen miller 58; Louise Kinkbeiner X13. Sr, II—(Lorna P i?Io i osaleen Miller 86) Louise Masse 70, Jr. II—Dorothy Price 76, Lyle. Swartzentruber 66, Helen Miller 58. I—John Masse, Howard Finkbein- er, Merle, Miller. Primer—_'award Datars, Hubert Miller, Doro'hy Weber, Violet Racy Russel Smith, Eldon Datars, Cecelia Hartman, Lloyd Smith, Milton Price. Agnes Y. Roberton., Teacher. STANLEY TOWNSHIP F. W. Hess, Iiensall, Ont. WA NTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We, will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers. Phone 116. Zurich Treasurer's Sale of Land For Taxes TOWNSHIP OF HAY To Wit: By' virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Hay bearing date the 13t1•t day of Sept- ember, 1934, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Hay will Le held at my office, Zurich, Ontario at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon an Saturday, January 5th 1935, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid.. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of, taxes is being published in The Ont- ario. Gazette on October lith; Nov. 3, !and Dec. 1st, 1934, and that copies Of the said list may be tad at my offiee. Treasurer's Office, this 9th day of October, 1934. t26 A. F. HESS, Treasurer. A Publisher's Blessing 0 blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; But knowing his subscription due, Sends in the money to renew. And doubbz• blest, is that good friend Who waits not tilt at bill we send, But promptly sends us the amount, Wherewith to straighten his account. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES --$1.25 a sear, strictly in advance; $1.50 in Arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U. 3. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon- inued until all arrears are paid un- +ess at option of publiaher. The date ' of which every Subscription is paid is denated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES } Display advertising made known ; an application. Miscellaneous articles of not mor( than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One laser Hon 25c, 2 ins. 40c,, 8 hut. 60c. Farm or Real•Estate for sale $2.00 ror first month, $1.00 for each fol- rowing month. Professional Cards not exceeding .% inches, per year $5.00. Iia Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25c ror each additional verse; Card of :Thanks, 60c. Auction Sales—$2.08 per single insertion if not over four inches h .length. Address all communications to: 1U LTA) ONT JJ Thank You! We take this medium in greatly thanking Rev. Father L. Marchand, Parish Priest of the French Settle- ment for the fine article he contrib- uted to our columns on a trip to the World's, Fair, rind published in las' week's issue. We have received ;+c nany complimentary remarks about this article that we could not begin ':o en :ne;:ate them. So Vrc ctIn only again say Thank You! Father. Our :olumns are always open for any good sound articles or communicati- ons. Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stogdill, of Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wright of Kennilworth spent a few days last week with the ladies' mother, Mrs. Geo. Dowson. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Stephenson, Mrs. Russel Erratt and Mrs. Percy tit „Dant tae weatz-and with friends at Marlette, I,iich. Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan of Bruce- "eld accompanied by Mrs. McDonald of. Dundas, spent Seeelay with .ir and Mrs. J. A, Cantle. Mr. and • Mrs. J. A Dougras of (lett spent a fortnight with friends at Bay field, Blake and vicinity. Large Potato Mr. Jack Stanbury of Exeter was Mr. Christ Gascho of the Bronson a recent visitor with his friend, Fir Line brought to our office the other Keith Westlake of the Blue Water day a nice little "spud" that would Highway, make a fine meal for a hungry man, • or perhaps for many a family. The Large Potatoes—Mr. Haroid Pen - hale grew a rather large crop of tuber is well shaped and when we potatoes this year from one bag of put the tape line around it it meas -seed planted, he got 38 bags. There are Dooley variety and are nearly ured 181 inches one lust a ld,,all large. He also has two Green Mo - the other way,Y and the weight is ap untain potatoes which weigh 2 pou- proximately 23/4 pounds. Mr. Gas ndss and 6 ounces each. cho however advises t•t;,i. 'r',,.;• big fellows have no family relatives, as they grow just one on a stalk, we have heard of some bigger ones but this is the best we have seen this year, LECTURE WELL ATTENDED a The lantern slide lecture on '"See- ing Modern Russia in Pictures" giv- en in the Evangelical church on Mon - lay evening by Rev. K. Gretzenger, of Fenwick, was well attended as tearly 300 people turned out to hear and see how the religious conditions are going in that vast country. While the speaker did not go into the ec- onomic conditions, his purpose was to teff and show the people how the government takes an attitude to- wards Jehova, he God that we in christian nations worship. Mr. Gret- zenger who is a native or Russia, kept the large audience intensely in- terested for nearly two hours. He also gave his address in Crediton on Tuesday evening. INQUEST HELD An inquest into the death of the late Alexander Durand, just north of St. Joseph, was held in the town hall, Zurich this Wednesday forer: noon. Dr. Weeks, coroner, of Ex- eter occupied the chair while Crown Attorney D. E. Helmer of Godenich represented the Crown. It seems on the afternoon of October 5th a Mr, Gibbons of Wing -ham was in charge of a car driven on the way to De- troit, and as it came along the Blue Water Highway, a half mile north of St. Joseph, Mr. Durand, the dceased was getting the mail out of the boz on the east side of the road, and in crossing to the west side stepped dir- ectly in front of the Gibbons car, and fortunately the car was not trav- elling fast as it had practically stop- ped when it came in contact with Mr Durand, who was knocked down but', was able to get up and walk to Mrs. Rachel Denomme's house where he had made his hone. Dr. O'Dwyer was called and he could not discover any serious injuries, but the patient was in bed and other complications set in and he passed away five days later. After all the witnesses were examined, the jury which consisted of N. A. Cantin, captain; Adolph I3e- dard, Philbert Denonnne, Ed. Corri- veau, Theo. Laporte, Remmie Deno - mine and Fred Ducharnne. After the jury had retired for a few minutes they brought in a verdict of accid- ental cleath and laid no charge on the driver o.f the car. HILLSGREEN 11Ir. and Mrs. Grant Love of. Lan- sing, Michigan, visited Mr. Love's brother, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Maxwell, of Grafton, N. D., were renewing old friends in this vicinity during the week. Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable and aunt, Mrs. Anderson of Centralia visited with Mrs. Huxtable's mower, Mrs. Jas. Love and family. Mrs. Mina Love is visiting her son Ross and Mrs. Love. Mr. W. Jarrott and Annie visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Nickel in Hen - salt. The W. M. S. meeting for October is being held Wednesday in the church. (Intended for last week) Thanksgiving visitors in the vicin- ity were: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and son Douglas of Toronto with Mrs Dick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 5. Coch- rane; Rev. R. K. Love of Kintore with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Love. Mr. and Mrs. A. Black and son, Thomas of Detroit visited Mrs. Love and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner and Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Stephenson return- ed from a pleasant visit with relati- ves in Manitoba. A number from this vicinity at- tended anniversary services at the Kippen and Varna churches on Sun- day. And the fowl supper in Varna on Thursday evening. • Mr. Orville Smith is suffering from the effects of a fall he received whi- le drawing in mangels. Often in hot weather and occasion- ally at other times, little stomachs• turn ebur and acid. "When I notice any sign of sick stomach," says Mrs, J. Alphonous Brown, Bayside, "1 always give a Baby's. Own Tablet." They quickly set things right, aro veru easy to take and quite safe. Alt common ail- ments of childhood •iueluding teeth- ing are promptly relieved with Baby's Own Tablets. 25e a pack- age at drug stores. isn Dr. Williams' 1 ample hent .Rep airs McCormick -Deering. Also handle Cultivator and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicken Feeds Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter 1 points L. ShIbe : 0411000000O000000000000000000000 aca Son 1 1 0QDWt0000000000004,10044 wbt ' wviivi d m'I > vhf th l wwW,MIA Zurich Drug Store 1 I 0l lie We have a full Line of .all the rEguirernents of 1 1 ALL School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. See Our •- ripply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. aseeeaseeeseeeeeesso souses FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs 4 WtRAMWMPWr'1flAqui , MM PMMMMMiR k Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich a 4 A 0 1 0 9, 4. a• e S • 9 a 0 0 • 0 • 4 0 0 •0 0 .0.0iDA••S•4 080Q.•ando6o'100@4190-o.is dF.PASS-4, • • • 0 0 0 • s • ZUFtICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $ 5 ,10 Toronto Daily Globe $6,00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 • Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers' Sun $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years $3.00 Canadian Countryman ......e, $2.25 Weekly Witness i.15 Farmers' Magazine $2.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.75 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can save you money en the most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at out Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE - Zurich 1- 1 4