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Zurich Herald, 1934-10-11, Page 5
„TIr Thursday; October lrtfr, 293'41 BUSINESS °3. DLEY E. OL ES 1S:i1 R Rta STE'R, SOLICITOR, NOT - Y PU LIC, ETC. 41012Wtv J —Hamilton Street, Jar o the Square, GODERIC r , Ontario. ISpenial ial Attention to Councel and Court Work. fir. Holmes may be consulted Qat WsodeJricla by Phone, said Phone A few new walking Blows in stock. charges reversed. Will sell to clear et a Bib Reduction for cash. L. Prang & Son. Zurich. �. +,« ZURICH HERALD KV Taro tea; to, F e r Rale, Lit Fo n+edj, If l(nice!, Etc. Adie EN time cum FOR QUICK SALE Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. B. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLO CIS—ZU RIC H ,yery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHVtiOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Licensed ibetionavi ,For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- lLyet any Auction Sale, regardless las size or article to sell. I solicit Tour business, and if not satisfied • ”, rake no charges for Services P an - red. .ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood rine 13-57. 'Zurichs1 Popu1 ar MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur - ted Meats, Bolognas, Sausa.ges, r1 ,Etc., always., on hand, Kept i fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins. 1.H, Yungblut & Son.. ( GENUINE IGNITION aAlalb� TUBES, Parte, Hohning and IUiechanical Work Mone to Micrometer Settings, No aroma work. Watch the cars that ?fro? a't WE1N'S, They are all HIGH CLIEN,1E1.F SERVIC 'Why We have the Better ;;Class of Custonaers SIGH CLASS GOODS, 0. S. L. BATTERIES. MOBILE OIL, MAR- . 1j To Wit: 'YELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR 'DIRE' • By virtue of a warrant issued by LOST On Fair Night, between ,Zurich and Fair Grounds 3 blue . checked blankets with holder named Jack Gratton. Finder kindly notify Mr. Garnet Deters, Hensail, p.o, LOST A lady's white gold wrest watch, some time in July. Finder please return to Zurich Post Office and re- ceive reward. NOTICE We are ready to do your Disc plowing at $2.00 per acre. C. Schrag, Zurich. FOR SALE A Combined Player Piano and Piano delivered to your door for $200.00. Cost $750.00, complete with 30 rolls and bench. The finest piano in this country. F. W. loess, iiensall, Ont. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are new in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your egg as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial.. First house south of Dominion Hotel • T. H. Meyers. Phone 116, Zurich. Treasurer's Sale of Land For Taxes TOWNSHIP OF HAY CLASS DASHWOOD -- :r*n ehee- ONTIO Western Farmers' f utual Weather insurance Cu OF \OODSTOCK ;TEE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- Ill3AL COI.PANY DOING_ BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. :Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932, $17,880,729, Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. :Bates—$4.50` per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. Klopp—Zurich jeni, Also Dealer in Lidhinint{ Hods and all kinds of Fire hnsurenee LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED `Taken every Day tilt S ea'eieclk: p.m. .Do not feed Fowl same rat raing when brought in Highest Cask .Prices —CASH FOR__ CREAM ANL EGGS W. 09 Phone 201, Res. 94, Z'ueich THE HE AL'' ''S jOB DEPARTMENT +aver ready to serve the pub with Commercial and fir rPrh ting. Get max prices bn- lihaNt leaving your ezder Rse- -4 r" ., ,nK c: „ •» .c_ the Reeve of the Township of Hay bearing date the 13th day of Sept- ember, 1934, sale of lands in arrears of taxes hi the Township of Hay will be held at my office, Zurich, Ontario at the hour of ten o'clock in the foreneeo on Saturday, January 5th, 1935, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being published in The• Ont- ario Gazette on October 6th; Nov. 3, and Dec. let, 1934, and that copies of the said list may be read at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 9th day of October, 1934 A. F. HESS, Treasurer. A record in Sunday School attend- ance has been made in Listowel that has probably not been equalled in the Province. Recently, the Banner says, Miss Myrtle McLaughlin was'. honored .by the United Sunday School and presented with a fountain pen for having attended Sunday School' every Sunday for `Shirty --three years. She has .already received all diplo- mas and seals that can be secured and has occasionally received gifts from the school. In Police Court Wes Grrunmett, Tuckersmith who was found guilty of molesting ten- year -old Shirley Wurm of Egmond- ville was charged by magistrate Mak- : ins, who imposed three year's suspen- ded sentence, to keep out of Sea - forth during that time. The magis- trate said that young girls are not safe where you are and it is useless to tell you to stop drinking. Alex. Powell, Goderich charged by Cons- table F. G. Truscott with an infract- ion of the Excise Act, furnished his own bail of $500 on a week's ad- joruument.of a gallon of al cohol was confiscated by police. Robt Orr, Bayfield released from hospital where he was taken after a motor accident with Norman Anderson, al- so of Bayfield was fined $10 and cos - 4,.n• $7 on a charge of reckless driving. Jack Cluff of Bayfield, pleaded gull- iy to a charge of drunk driving, was sentenced to seven days in fail and was released at the same time, sen- tence emtence was to date from the time of, him arrest. Bait of $1000 was renew- ed for a week for Clarence R. Mein- gessner, Formosa youth charged with appropriating funds of the Stewart Glove and Leather Works, Wingham for hie own use. The adjournment eat, enteted be _, : eu of the a accused'ti counsel.. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar IClopp were holiday visitors at Detroit. Rev, and Mrs. Lloyd ICaibileisrh of Elmira visited their relatives in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hendrick of the Blue Water Highway spent Sun day at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont, Mr. W. Lamont and daughter Jane attended the Forest Fair on Wednesday. Mr. Harry Welland of Detroit, vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. McAdams, Bronson line on Friday. Mr. and Mrs; Orville Steinbach and family of London, visited their parents here over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ducharine of petroit, spent a few days with the latter's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Peter Corriveau of the Town Line. Mr. and Mrs. Howell anti Mr. Kegan and Miss Myrtle Weber, all of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Weber for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf, of Kitchener and Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich spent the holiday at the home of Mrs. Thomas Johnson. Mr. Alymer Etue who has been at St. Joseph's Hospital for a few days after an operation for appendicitis, has returned home and is feeling qnite well. The ideal fine weather the past week is very welcome to one and all, especially the farmers are taking ad- vantage of the same by getting in their later crops such as beans, buck- wheat and potatoes. H E N S A L L 41404•411 14464941440640404106444, ma640404►w►w44as Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Iludson of Se Forest were visitors with. friends hit town. ; 0 1VIr, and Mrs. Allan and family of Seaforth are moving into what is • known as the Stewart cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKinnon; are moving into the house recently; Ow is the tiwe to order your Iiser- occupied by E. K. Button. Mr. and! �' Mrs. Hutton have gone to reside in' � Guelph. j f T FE Dar 10004r0'��10004 S John Parke of the 2nd concession of flay, has purchased the property of the late JJohn Berry., Mr. and Mrs. George Holman of Goderich visited over the week -end with iters. Hannah Taylor. They also visited with Mrs, J. H. Petty of the 2nd con. Hay. Mrs. Alda Simmons returned from Chicago where she had spent a week going that far with her sister, Mrs. Challas, who was returning to her home in Santo Barba after spending the summer here. Alice Kyle of town recent.y under- went an operation for removal of her tonsils. Mrs. Maude Hedden returned from a three weeks' pleasant visit with if her sinter, Mr. and Mrs. Kerr of Monetville; in the Sudbury district_ The many friend:; of Dr. Imman- uel Medd, who was ::ta.''o•ied here for some years as a Methodist minister, will regret to learn of his death in London, where he had just moved with his wife and daughter to make Ins new home. Nathan ! :k, who has been mak- 6 s llo�'i for some time past w; •'. `10 his son, l;ert, near Varna, has re- turned to the vilage in his home here J. W. Ortt:•ein has innted what has been known as the l'ari...er grocery store to Mr. Battersby of London, who has taken possession, having Anniversary services will be obser- .purchased the present stock, Mr. Bat ved in the Grand Bend United church teraby wife and two will sons, who have on Sunday October '21st. Morning lived in London will reside in 'Hens - service at 11.15, evening at 7.30. all. Rev. Lighlighter of Toronto will be Millers and grain buyers are doing the speaker at both services. 1 ax► •• i izei or sowing fall wheat. Be : I sure and see us before 7�laein your orde�� a I in hi Mr. and Mrs. T. McAdams of the Bronson visited her sister, Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Pask at Clawson, Mich. They also took in the wedding at Detroit of Mr. Brown and Miss Ed- ith Welland. Don't forget the Varna Fowl Sup- per this Thursday evening when the United church are giving a Nig pub- lic fol supper win a -.-c...-s- a ttact- lve admission fee. After the supper a well arranged program will be giv- - Don't forget the delicious riot tui - en, and a big time is instore for all key supper to be served in the Evan who attend. g,elical church hed ; on Thursday, The big World's Series balebell November 1st under the auspices of games carne to a close on Tuesday, the Ladies' Aid. Following the „ r...iof when the St. Louis team won the a program will be given consisting of a play entitled "An Economical Bo - seventh and deciding game, and re- „ omerang and musical numbers by ceived a bad defeat 11-0. .Eeach Ills C. E. Band. team the St. Louis Cardinals and the Anniversary services will be held Detroit Tigers had won three games .in the church on Sun - and Tuesday's game ueciaecr .ale . day () uoEvangelical Rev. 1.1;. Burn o!,' :oiid's chaniliionship. This is the Zurich will occupy the pulpit for the ;first tine Detroit competed id 25 ;morning service and Rev. A. E. ars. I Pietch of Crediton will be the spea- DIED IN THE WEST ' ker at the evening service. Special anthems will be rendered by the choir Word. has been received dere of The congregation has been very for - more than a rushing business and the long line of loads waiting their turn to unload, bears evidence of this. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coleman of near Sefaorth spent a few weeks in town with relatives. Mrs. W. H. Thompson, nee Miss Sarah Carlile, now of Winnipeg, has been visiting her :sisters her "and re- latives in the vicinity, coming from the West by auto with one of her brothers. • DASHWOOD the passing of a person known to dome in Zurich at the Winnipeg Gen- eral Hospital on Thursday, „c:enenL er. 27th, 1934, Mr. Maitland 'I'inlii beloved husband of Mina Doan, for merally • of Zurich, Ontario. Th funeral services were held in Win nipcg on Saturday Septemeer 29th Interment in Winnipeg cemetery. Rev. K. Gretzenger, of Fenwick and well known to many in Zurich will preach the evening sermon in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening and then on Monday evening he will give his Lantern Slide.. Lec- ture on "Russia" at 8 o'clock and to which the public are invited. Pastor Gretzenger was born in Russia; made a special study of .the country of his birth. He has procured many pictures, who were taken in Russia since Bolshevism has been zrrced up- on the people of Russia. The pictures bring to us the Russian dramma of terrorism just as it is; come and see for yourself. Silver collection will be taken. • Itunate in securing "The Mississippi Four" a coloured male quartette - from. Erie Pa., who will supply the 1, music for both services. On Monday - evening Oct. 22nd these artists will 0, give a concert in the church shed. - 1 These men have sung in many of the . leading churches in United States and Canada and come highly recommen- ded, so be sure to attend the Sunday services and the concern as weir. Mr.' and Mrs. Ira Tiernan of Ham- ilton spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Flynn of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hiller of Sarnia and Mr. mil Mrs. Reavert of Toron- to spent the week -end with their par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. Hendrick. Mr. and Mrs. P. Humble of Sarnia were Sunday visitors with her moth- er, Mrs. Finkbeiner and Gathern. Mr. Chester Geiser is .spending a week with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Schatz of Tor- onto were week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs. Vernon Schatz. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer and family of Mitchell visited relatives here on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Holland and daughters Edith and Nan and son Jack and Miss Ruth Tiernan all of Windsor spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris and family of Sarnia were Sunday visit- ors with relatives. Mr. J. Cairns of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Kleinstiver. Mrs. Betty Taylor spent the week- end in Flint, Mich. Mr. Wni. Maier has returned home after spending a few weeks in De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schroeder and Mr. and Mrs. Clermont of Win- dsor were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schroeder. Miss Thelma Fisher of Strathroy spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henmphill of Wroxet- er were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hoperoft. Mr. Samuel Elsie of Detroit spent the week -end with relatives. Mrs, L. Morenz is visiting in I it- chenor. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Becker and fam- ily attended the funeral of Mrs. Be- cker's sister near Brussels. ' Mr. Arthur Gates left recently for the West. CHARTERED BANKS WILL ASS- IST NEW INVESTORS IN REFUNDING LOAN For the particular convenience of new investors who wish to subscribe in modest amounts for the bonds of the 1934 Refunding Loan, the char- tered banks have agreed with the Dominion Government to loan up to 75 % of the par value of bonds pur- chased by new investors. For exam- ple, a $100 bond may be purchased with a deposit of $25; a $500 bond with a deposit of $125, and a $1000 bond with a deposit of $250. In each case the balance of payment may be spread over periods up to six mon- ths, and the banks will carry the bonds at 4% interest. Auto Accidents A sad accident happened on the Blue Water Highway near St. Jos- eph when Mr. .Alex. Durand was in the act of crossing to a neighbor's house from the home of Mrs. Rachel Denomme where he hes been residing for Berne time. Hee was struck by a car driven by Mr. Gibbons of Wing - ham; Mr. Durand at first did not ;:vent to be hurt very badly, but the ':'bird day he depoloped pneumonia ::nd the cast= has become very ser- ious. McCormick Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicheii Feeds Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter C 4D w r � ee a sere enismaeAesscr rner reeeseneee �a ailt'��a ,d 2�v+; rr4$�s0B00a�4 �, 24e Iliapleuient Repairs 1 WiliVAYWAMit WeNelk-AWA YAAM " `ti 's' urich Drug S Suppfles We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. wing49,mm..ofmaemoi,a m8'soo foes See Our Supply of Toilet) Preparations �tw -me Perfumes, Toilet Waters, . Perfurnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Prushes, FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Math Discs. lDr, A, ,MacKinnon, Zurich E tonksikAmmitww NWAT MMS. SPP PMV, RAW rj,. b 1' r • t• to 4 a 0 0 • t a • qO • 0 • • • Q 4' • • • • • • • • • 4' • • 4** 444.09444 tT0•••••••••• ©•t—t-3 6044,4BO*©o•c-6 p.01,44 4, 4. -e -t. gm, 444.4, 4, • 4 • 4, •• • O 4' e ZLRJCH HERALD'S Olubbthg List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6,00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy $2.75 Fanners' Sun$2,50 r Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years $3 00 Weekly CanadianWitness ryi lull t•o�aao.. 23.1 3 5 Farmers' Magazine ..................... $2.50 $2.75 Huron Expositor, Seaforth Aad a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can save you money on the most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich vs•r ..4 • • • •• as 1k 4 4 4